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Gay Everquest UsersFollow

#1 Jul 22 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Hey I'm really a noob to Everquest. My cousin has been playing for like 3 years now & just last night I played on under a new character under his account.

My question is, I know City Of Heroes has a gay server but does Everquest have a gay server or gay guilds? I would like to go on one of those just so I feel more comfortable but its not really a requirement for me to play, just would be nice.
#2 Jul 22 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
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29,360 posts
I believe there's a cross-server channel for GLBT chatting goodness, but I don't know the name or password.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#3 Jul 22 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
so roleplay a strait character?
#4 Jul 22 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
On the FV server there used to be a guild named "Firionas Faries"..

Dont know if they are still around or not...
#5 Jul 22 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
4,596 posts
someone started a gay guild and started a 15 page flamewar hear 6-12 months ago, but for the life of me I cannot remember their name or server

Edit: found one of em but their website doesnt seem to work anymore: Templum Amicitia

Edited, Fri Jul 22 19:29:10 2005 by xythex
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#6 Jul 22 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
Master Aadynn Litefoot wrote:
On the FV server there used to be a guild named "Firionas Faries"..

Dont know if they are still around or not...

They have become "Defenders of the Rainbow".

And there used to be "Nameless Love" on the Nameless.. not sure about that one.

Edited, Fri Jul 22 20:01:34 2005 by Felicite
#7 Jul 22 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
There was a gay server, but SOE merged it with the redneck server and everyone quit.
#8 Jul 22 2005 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
Why would it matter if you were gay in EQ?

Online ROLE playing game.....

You'd find yourself on my iggy list if I saw this or any other cr@p from RL.
#9 Jul 23 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
The gays want to be able to sleeze and squeeze with out someone getting offended and reporting them. I am offended by some of what goes on but more so by the adolesants that pretend to be gay or slutty or crude jocks. It is so obvious when its a kid. Oh am I missing some thing is there actually sex in this game. If not what difference does sexuality matter.

Edited, Sat Jul 23 13:59:16 2005 by Trablin
#10 Jul 23 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
133 posts
It matters... when most of the EverQuest community dislikes gays, it's got to be a lot more desirable to be in a gay/gay-friendly guild or server, where they don't have to worry about someone in their party finding out they are gay RL and giving them hell. If there weren't so much discrimination, then yeah it wouldn't be neccesary, but there is. If you were black and knew that 90% of the EQ population hated blacks, would you rather group with 5 of them or join a guild where you know people aren't going to hate you for no better reason?
#11 Jul 23 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
oops double post

Edited, Sat Jul 23 16:09:37 2005 by Trablin
#12 Jul 23 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
I guess I just don't understand why the fact that someone is Gay or not needs to become public knowledge in this world. I know that 75-80% of players are male RL but that easy 45-50 of toons are female. I still appreciate the *** on every female wood elf I see. I would never comment on that fact in game because I have no clue who is on the other end. 80 yr old ex sailor or 7 yr latch key with no parenting. so my sexuality will never show other than I think I am more polite to female toons I just cant help, But I try to be very nice to all. And I hope that everyone can have that same restraint. I have an Uncle and his Partner they are both late sixites no one whould ever guess they are gay. So I guess that with protection on this false world it should be easy enough to keep that fact out of the game.

Edited, Sat Jul 23 16:00:44 2005 by Trablin
#13 Jul 23 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
In game I hate Trools ,Ogres and Goblins, Outside the game I hate no one.
#14 Jul 23 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
when most of the EverQuest community dislikes gays,

How do you know this? Seriously how does this come up?

Pull the named and hey are you gay?

Why would anyone care what someone's sexual orientation is?

where they don't have to worry about someone in their party finding out they are gay RL and giving them hell.

Again how does this come up. Maybe in a guild where you become online friends or something but I cant see anyone asking so the only way they would find out what kind of sex you like would be if you volunteered this info. Maybe I am the exception but not once in all the years I've been playing has anyone asked nor have I asked if someone was gay or hetero. Again maybe I am weird or something.

If you were black and knew that 90% of the EQ population hated blacks, would you rather group with 5 of them or join a guild where you know people aren't going to hate you for no better reason?

The whole premise of this is ridiculous. I have many EQ friends and I have no idea whether they are black, white, gay lesbian whatever. Hell I dont even know if they are infact the same gender thier toons are for sure. Nor do I care. It just doesnt have any affect on my playing fun.

Seriously are people in thier search for groups asking "need a white, straight cleric to fill out this POV group pst if interested" ??

Edited, Sat Jul 23 16:11:23 2005 by DamthebiTch
#15 Jul 23 2005 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
"need a white, straight cleric to fill out this POV group pst if interested" ??

Like it's not hard enough to get a cleric now. Smiley: lol

not once in all the years I've been playing has anyone asked nor have I asked if someone was gay or hetero. Again maybe I am weird or something.

One time, female toon (no idea if RL person was male of female). I told them that I was a barbarian and pillaged whoever was handy.

/edit I really think the one of the coolest parts of the whole EQ thing is that you are playing with people with no idea of age or class or weight or race or sexual orientation or even sex. You can be dealt with exactly as you act in the game, no preconcieved ideas or stereotypes, and you can deal with others the same way.

Edited, Sat Jul 23 22:28:27 2005 by Kelti
#16 Jul 23 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
1,504 posts
Kelti wrote:

/edit I really think the one of the coolest parts of the whole EQ thing is that you are playing with people with no idea of age or class or weight or race or sexual orientation or even sex. You can be dealt with exactly as you act in the game, no preconcieved ideas or stereotypes, and you can deal with others the same way.

Edited, Sat Jul 23 22:28:27 2005 by Kelti

You hit the nail right on the head!
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#17 Jul 23 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
It matters... when most of the EverQuest community dislikes gays, it's got to be a lot more desirable to be in a gay/gay-friendly guild or server, where they don't have to worry about someone in their party finding out they are gay RL and giving them hell. If there weren't so much discrimination, then yeah it wouldn't be neccesary, but there is. If you were black and knew that 90% of the EQ population hated blacks, would you rather group with 5 of them or join a guild where you know people aren't going to hate you for no better reason?

What the.....?????
#18 Jul 23 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
196 posts
SuiG wrote:
It matters... when most of the EverQuest community dislikes gays

Seriously, I think you've got a pretty bad misconception here.

To wager a guess, I bet less than 10% of players care what your sexual orientation is. The problem is that the 10% (arbitrary number) is extremely vocal, where the remaining 90% (or more) really doesn't care.

The people who would bash you for this ingame, are the same kinds of people who beg for plat or /shout WTS <whatever> in pok, when the bazaar is one zone away.

Personally, I could care less if you are gay or not. I could care less if you tell me or not. Broadcast it on live television for all I care. It just doesn't have any bearing on my life. I'm happy to live my life the way I choose, and I'm happy for you if you're living yours in the way that you choose. Honestly, I think most EQ players fall into this category.

To the leaders of these gay guilds, I believe that seperatism is only going to make the problem worse. Whatever you do, don't limit your guild to lesbian, gay, bi, whatever. If you truly want to engender societal acceptance, make sure that it's known that the guild is friendly to players with those preferences, but will accept anyone with an open mind. Promote tolerance, not isolation.

Just a few thoughts. I wouldn't have spoken up , but it's frustrating to me that a vocal minority has convinced you that the majority of EQ players are cruel, small-minded, or hurtful. Good luck to the original poster. I'm sure you'll find a guild in which you can feel comfortable.

/Edit There are these little things called subjects and verbs. They work best when in agreement.

Edited, Sun Jul 24 08:06:25 2005 by BellamDreamguard
Maurna <The Dark Arrow Legion>
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"I will not be stamped, filed, numbered, briefed, or debriefed. I am a man, not a number!"
#19 Jul 24 2005 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
It matters... when most of the EverQuest community dislikes gays,

LEt me tell you what you may be running into. Its not that people are having a negative reaction to the fact that you are gay they are having a negative reaction to you bringing it into the game and it is being misinterpreted. The vast majority of eq players hate having RL issues brought into the game even if they agree with what thye person is saying or doing. Also the EQ community is so small these days people guard their reputations very carefully and very few would run around making asses of themselves by being openly bigoted.

The only real excuse for having a gay friendly guild would be to have a place to openly discuss gay issues and the gay lifestyle in a comfortable setting. As many other posters have said this totally defeats the purpose of MMORPG. Also it is one of the things you can do that would affect my game world and is something a great many people would resent. We come to EQ specifically to avoid RL issues not have someone push them upon us.

Good luck bud I hope you find what you are looking for. My advice would be try looking at EQ through the eyes of a Dwarf, gnome, elf, troll, ogre or iksar not as a gay man. And if that fails you can always paint your highelves armor pink! LOL JK
#20 Jul 24 2005 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
I'm not gay. And anyway I agree that sexual orientation needn't come up in game, but someone shouldn't have to feel like they need to hide it... and if joining a guild where they can feel comfortable is what they want to do, why not? I doubt the guild will run around rubbing it in everyone's faces.

Edited, Sun Jul 24 05:36:18 2005 by SuiG
#21 Jul 24 2005 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
The vast majority of eq players hate having RL issues brought into the game

I only wish that were true.

It seems like someone is always asking "Where are you from IRL?" or worse talking about RL events such as sports etc.

One point on the guild thing however is that in the past I've been to RL meets of guildies. I could see how that might become uncomfortable for the OP.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#22 Jul 24 2005 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
and if joining a guild where they can feel comfortable is what they want to do, why not? I doubt the guild will run around rubbing it in everyone's faces

.. heard that from the pro christian guild, the pro marijuana legalization guild, the firiona vie (spelling) is sexist guild, other gay friendly guilds etc etc etc. In all those cases it routinely spilled out into the game. I respect peoples beliefs but nothing will **** you off quicker then having a INC message that says "BY BRELLS WE SHALL SMITE THIS (insert mob here) and having someone tell you that (insert RL god here) is the only one true god.

In the end this is a game and I would suggest you do what is neccesary to have fun for yourself. But if for somereason you feel you have to be in a gay friendly guild to be comfortably I would delete my /friends list and start over.
#23 Jul 24 2005 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
On Prexus there used to be a guild called the Flamboyant Swashbucklers. It was rumered that they were a gay guild.

#24 Jul 24 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
I only wish that were true.

It seems like someone is always asking "Where are you from RL?" or worse talking about RL events such as sports etc.

What is there some town called Gaynlesbianville where all gay people live or something?

When meeting someone for the first time if you dont know where they are from it isnt unusual to ask where they are from, what they do for a living, etc. (considered idle chit chat) However asking who they are shtupping when they go to bed at night is a bit over the line and I would think most people wouldnt cross it.

One point on the guild thing however is that in the past I've been to RL meets of guildies. I could see how that might become uncomfortable for the OP.

Umm so just dont go. I mean seriously if for any reason meeting up with a group of people that you met online and really dont know makes you uncomfortable, then dont do it.
#25 Jul 24 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
187 posts
Who really cares whether someone is gay? Unless you plan on telling everyone about it no one will know.

Obviously if go around telling everyone stuff like that you will be on many ignore lists not because you are gay but because most people dont want to know and find it annoying.
#26 Jul 25 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
you don't have to hide that you are gay, you also don't need to tell everyone, go to a chatroom to talk about those issues, EQ is a game.
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