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I usually don't rant, but...Follow

#1 Aug 07 2005 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,260 posts
I normally don't do this, but:

EQ has to be the worst-running game in the history of electronic gaming.

The crashes, the glitches, the dropping of connections. The dropping of my connection last night just as my group collected the last item for the LDoN. (No points for me, lots of effort wasted)

Screen freezing up and coming back with me dead... beating a mob down to like percent, and as it's slowly walking/running away it's walking against a wall and just dissapears into the wall, leaving you nothing to show for you diminished HP and Mana.

Oh, and I love how they tell you in the patch notes how "We fixed the ResetDevice error" blah blah blah, and now the reset device error happens TWICE as much as it did before.

I try to leave my trader up at night and during the day, and can wager my very immortal soul that the game will have crashed when I get home, and I'd be right.

Oh, and beaing stuck beyong the Great Divide zoneline in eastern wastes..tth wa a great one.. actually to the WEST of where you would actuall zone into the great divide. (outside the realm of normal play) and getting hit and beat down by an invisible mob.

And even in game issues like Invisibility being too unrealiable. (Yeah I understand you gotta make it interesting, but could you make it runs it's course maybe... 25 percent of the time at least? that's not unreasonable.. 1 out of 4 times you get your full 20 minutes?)

Also, Feign Death, while everyone sings it praises, to me is the most worthless spell in the game and I am deleting from my spellbook just out of spite. And yes I know how to "use" it. You just fall on the ground and the mob just beats you to death? WTF is that? It's supposed to clear aggro, it doesn't.. the mobs are not supposed to hit you, they do. And yeah I read that whole FAQ thing somebody wrote on how FD can fail and all about how to "use" it, and yadda yadda yadda and the fact is, for me, it just does.. not .. work... period. I have learned as a necro to get by without using it, and made it to almost 48, so maybe my Comatose I get at like 50 something will work and I'll scribe that one.

I still love the game and will continue to play, I just had to get it off my chest, there is so much BULLSH** going on with thie game right now it's making me pull my hair out.

I am losing a lot of money and have no more open slots on my trader becausemy trader is never up during peak hours because the game has crashed.

Dear SOE: Sending someone a message saying you fixed something, doesn't actually fix the problem. The other side to that coin is you need to actually try and FIX the problem.

(And no I am not runing anti-virus stuff, live updates, or all that other crap that makes EQ crash)

Sorry ya'll... I just had to get it off my chest...

#2 Aug 07 2005 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Jou, I had a lot of those old problems with my old PC. When I got my new PC only some of them went away. EQ still crashed sometimes. Lean hard on your cable/phone line provider. They have tools at their disposal to ping your modem and see if/where there is a problem. One of our problems when we had DSL was at a phone company pole connection. It affected at least 10 people but we were the only complainers (becasue of my EQ connections). If you only go online once or twice a day, who knows how stable the connection is.

Now we are going through the same thing with cable. They have replaced the entire line to the house from the pole, and it is still occasionaly shaky when it rains so there is still a problem. If we have to make them follow the entire length of the cable, we will do so (no darnit most of it is NOT underground here). has an even more sensitive connection than EQ, and it also has a network status button. Also if you do a play money tournament table, it keeps a history of you games and thus your connection through numerous hands. I actually used screen shots from there with the cable company (it is SO much easier for the average person to understand you play poker, than to know why you want a bazaar mule up all night in EQ, plus EQ once failed doesn't reestablish connection like PartyPoker). Out of 20 hands maybe 4 would have an "X" meaning the feed was interupted. Now EQ didn't go down that much, it works harder to keep connection but once it's lost it's stays down.

Anyway, can't say about the other stuff. Lag can be memory or your PC. The bad connection isn't. Many of the things I blamed on SOE were the cable/phone company's fault.

Good luck, hope I didn't drive you nutz with the long post.

Edited, Sun Aug 7 09:32:05 2005 by Kelti
#3 Aug 07 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
I rarely have any crashing problems anymore, if anything it has gotten better, I have not seen nearly as many posts on the official forums with crash problems as in months previous. Maybe it's not SOE, maybe it's your computer/connection. Just a thought.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#4 Aug 07 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I'd be pretty happy if I could use the latest graphics drivers with EQ without having the graphics in EQ ***** up as a result. My favorite was when they added that pop-up window saying "Everquest has detected there's updated drivers for you. Install now?" and the game isn't even compatible with the drivers they detected.

That said, my SK has feign death and it usually works like a charm. Maybe you need to work your abjuration skill or something?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 Aug 07 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
I can't say I've had your crashing system and ISP have been pretty solid throughout my playtime.

But the one I do feel your pain on is about the mobs running through a mountain or wall or something. What the hell is that about? We can't do that...I can't understand why it would be so hard to make it so the mobs can't do it either.

How about the 1st locked door in Befallen? Can't get through there without the key, or being able to pick the lock.....or there's the 3rd option....getting feared and running straight through the door? Please.
#6 Aug 07 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
As to the connection problems, as others have said, it's likely that the fault lies with your ISP. I was having a lot of problems staying connected with my cable modem for a couple of months. I finally got Comcast to come out and look at it, and low and behold, the cable had ALMOST been cut through in several places by the gardeners. They replaced the cable and buried it deeper and there hasn't been any problems since.

As to the game bugs like getting stuck in unplayable areas... it sucks, but there's a large underlying problem there that many don't think about. When it happened, did you do a /bug report? You may have, but I'm betting you didn't. You probably petitioned, because everyone's quick to try and get themselves out of a stuck situation, but most people forget to bug it too. The GMs and Devs probably don't talk all that much (even though they probably should). Putting in that bug report will allow the devs to know what's happening in game too so that they may hopefully (one day) fix it. I know most people don't utilize /bug often enough though.

Invisibility... meh. The way I see it, ANY invisibility that you don't have to pay for is a privilege. You can invis anywhere it's allowed as a necro, against live or undead mobs! Rangers and druids can only invis outside until higher level. Clerics, pallys, monks, warriors and berserkers can't invis at all without a potion. Rogues can self invis (in a way), but have to move at mach slow speed to maintain it. It sucks when it breaks early, but if you watch your icons and text, you can usually find a safe place to either reapply or FD and wait for roamers to leave the area to reapply.

FD... again, I see it as a BIG advantage. I loved FD on my necro. I did have a hard time with the first spell. It was much better with comatose. I don't think comatose "works" more often then regular FD, but its recast time is much shorter, making it more reliable in it's own right. One thing you have to remember is that spell based FD isn't equivalent to skill based FD (ala monks) and never was meant to be. It's meant to be used as a last ditch attempt to live in a situation where almost everyone else would die. If it works 1 out of 10 times, you're still doing better then most other classes.

It's cool to rant once in a while though and I don't see you doing it much around here, so all's good, get it off your chest. Smiley: wink
#7 Aug 07 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
EQ hasn't crashed in a long time. Most likely it is on your end and like other people have suggested you might want to check your connection.

As far as FD, it fails sometimes but you have to remember that it doesn't necessarily wipe aggro right away but if you wait 3 mins you'll see the message "Your enemys have forgotten about you", then you can get up safely.

As for invis, the necro gets Skin of the Shadow at 55. It's a fixed duration invis. My sk uses a prenerf Circlet of Shadow and my shaman uses Cloudy Potions just in case the invis wears off at a bad time. Everything can be worked around one way or another.

Have patience, this game requires a lot of it. :)

#8 Aug 07 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
My friend has alot of problems with the game crashing on him. He has a 67 monk with 300+AA's with EP gear, etc. Anyways one night for the heck of it he went to the orc fort in Eastern Wastes and was killing orcs for loot. While attacking a Orc centurian his game froze and when he came back he was dead. Now when he fights a orc centurian if he loses 4% of his hp it is rare, and the place he was at I doubt any adds showed up. Now how in the world a half dead orc centurian killed him is beyond us, but his corpse was no where near the orc fort when he got back in.

I however seldomly have any crashing problems. Also I can't understand why you have such a hard time with your FD. I have a 42 SK alt and his FD works fine. It is not meant to be anywhere near as good as the Monks FD, however it should still work at least sometimes. My main is a 66 monk and the actual skill has saved me from dieing too many times to count.

I can understand your annoyment. Is is ashame that just about all the in game glitches always seem to hurt the players. I can't think of any glitches that actually helps a player. They don't do crap for you if you die, lose a item, don't get a flag, etc due to a bug. But if you even think about actually useing a bug to help yourself they will be there to ban you forever.

Any yea invis can be very unreliable. It is really a pain when you got a whole group that needs invised from 1 point to another and constantly somebodies invis is dropping. They should consider adding a quested invis spell that lasts like 5 minutes straight for lvl 30ish casters. Make it kinda like the quested Ykesha spells. Just a thought.
#9 Aug 07 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
Invis dropping? Thats why every group needs a Mage with CotH. Our invis is permanent for a specified time, never drops though is not good on undead. We can go in and summon a whole group for the cost of one pearl per summon. Its also good for swapping out group members when the replacement has to travel through dangerous content. What? You didn't know Magicians could summon people, well yes we can! There are some zones we can't summon in but a lot we can. <Can you guess my class:-)>
Oh and I have DSL and an okay system and rarely crash, cant remember the last time it happened. It does sound like a lot of the issues are ISP or pc related..IMO.
#10 Aug 07 2005 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
615 posts
I've heard from several people phrases very similar to: "I can't run EQ on my computer because it crashes but WoW runs fine."

SOE should take note of stuff like that. Making a game flexible enough to work with a variety of setups is possible, but SOE has not yet acheived that with this game.

My current PC and setup runs EQ great. I have fast zone times and infrequent crashes. However, I also cannot use the "latest and greatest" video drives and have had to more than once do complete file checks or delete files and run the patcher.

Edited, Mon Aug 8 01:00:04 2005 by JoltinJoe
#11 Aug 08 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Joujouka, Are you aware that you must turn auto-attack off before casting FD? I had the same problem with my SK when I first started using it. Took about a dozen deaths and a lot of digging before I figured that out.
#12 Aug 08 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I've never turned off auto-attack before Feigning on my Shadowknight and it works peachy for me. It's not perfect but it works more often than not.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13 Aug 08 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
I've never turned off auto-attack before Feigning on my Shadowknight and it works peachy for me. It's not perfect but it works more often than not.

This is true for monks but not sure if the same applies to SK/Necro FD. Considering that its a spell, I would imagine that it would work without turning off attack because you're not attacking during spell casting anyway.
#14 Aug 08 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Make sure your Abjuration skill is maxxed. My shadowknight never turns off autoattack either. I have not noticed any more or less failures with FD.

I switch in and out with alts a lot. The higher number of times I do this, odds are I will crash to server login. At this point I need to quit completely and re-run patcher.

Other than the occasional LD in game (most likely due to Service Provider) I have not had a problem. I use cable modem which has worked well for me.

You are not using a wireless connection are you? I have found this to be VERY unreliable and opt to have my playing computer hard-wired into the router.
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