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Someone Please Explain the Insanity in the BazaarFollow

#1 Aug 11 2005 at 3:31 AM Rating: Default
Smiley: goat At any given moment (especially in PoK) one hears "Looking for Kei, V, Conviction, Wunshi, Rez"etc...right on down to "OMG I need a curse removed someone PLEASE help me I'm dying!!!!" These services are by Clerics, Enchanters, Shaman,Druids,,,not by BOTS...but by persons that put out the time and the plat for their spells.
Some people do not have the resources or the group affiliations to kill the mobs that drop the spells (example Divine Intervention and Greater Remove Curse). They rely on the bazaar for some of their spells. Recently the going price for these 2 spells mentioned are: (low) 25000p to (High) 65000p. Or was it 650000 - either way - a really exorbant price to provide a service to others.
There are many casters that refuse payment or donations for their services. My wife is one of those Clerics that will not take more than a "Thank You" as that is what a pure Cleric is. What a Cleric is [/b]NOT is a money making machine that provides a service...those [/b]do that use their power as such, well, I'll just say I am personally against it and leave it there.
The point is - the majority want MGB's (a free buff)- and usually a joint effort with others - makes for a brief joyful moment for all. This too was gained at a cost to the caster.
And individual buffs are high in demand as well. But - to walk into the Bazaar and see the spells so high priced - is as my father-in-law use to say [/u]"Like getting screwed without any kissing or hugging". And if you ask the buyer "Why the high price?" they will either ignore you, or even tell you that they have recently sold it even higher - of course they're in it for the money.
But the plat they earn will not give their main toon a rez or cure their ills or prepare them for battle. As the prices continue to rise, I suspect the availablity of the casters will continue to diminish slowly.
#2 Aug 11 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
In the case of Luclin era spells, collect the parts and get someone to research them. In the case of PoP era spells, get into the zones and collect the parchments and runes. What would you do if these spells were all No Drop? At least you have the ability to pay cash for them if you're unwilling or unable to get them the traditional route.

Neither of the spells you mentioned is something people commonly look for in PoK. Spells like KEI have come down in price as they're more plentiful now and aren't solely gotten from limited Luclin raid mobs. And no, I don't sell Divine Intervention for 65k; the last time I sold spells, it was some copies of Everfount my mage made after finding a cache of Words of Transcendence.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#3 Aug 11 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
Thank you for your input. I have looked into collecting the pages and rune for the individual spells. Some pages are easy to find. The pages and runes that are (I assume) rare, are so highly priced - that once again I wonder...
So far my research skills only cover alc. Those that do have high research skills for the spells aren't really available at present. In fact a lot that I know that were have more or less just dropped from the game for now - as they are tired of the over-demanding of them, which takes away from their game time overall (a catch 22 all around). Maybe with the new extention some new life will be brought back, but the same demands will remain and probably worsen.
Has S.O.E. considered maybe producing npc bots (like vendors) that would cast the buffs? <sigh>
#4 Aug 11 2005 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
They did. You can buy potions that grant you the same effects as Virtue, KEI, Haste, etc. They're a bit pricey for a 30min effect but they allow you to buy buffs on the go without detracting from the usefulness of a real live priest or caster.

The research components are rare but the spells are supposed to be a treaure. At least you can get experience plowing through Old Sebilis 2nd Lvl, Fungus Grove, Akheva Ruins, etc for the Kunark & Luclin era research bits.

SOE is probably never going to just give away GRC, Malo, KEI, etc scrolls though they did capitulate a bit by allowing the research so casual one-group lvl 60 players weren't stuck trying to somehow kill Trakanon, Doomshade*, etc for the spells. But the spells are still desired, still have value, so it stands to reason that people will try to profit from them as they can. Again, at least they're droppable. I sympathise with you for wanting your spells, I just find it hard to demonize those who want to sell a high-demand item for whatever price they can get for it.

*Whether or not someone's lvl 70 end-game geared character can solo Doomshade is irrelevant to whether or not a casual lvl 60 player wants their lvl 60 spells at lvl 60
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 Aug 13 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
"It's the economy stupid."

A rare spell should be more expensive than a more common one. An indispensible spell like virtue or kei will be more expensive than one that a caster need not obtain. I could make the same argument for melee gear. Melee characters rely on gear whereas a caster relies on spells. Should I kick and pout as a melee because the best and rarest gear is the most expensive? If the price of a spell is truly exorbitant (Exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness), then no one should buy it and the price will eventually be undercut by a price that one is willing to pay. Yet, if one or more is willing to pay a current price, then the price may not be exorbitant.

Furthermore, as a caster you need not make money off buffing or porting or rezzing, but if you need money then what's the problem? A cleric casting conviction and rezzing is going to make a lot more money than a warrior bandaging your wounds for 20 minutes. The point is, you could easily make the money for your spells buffing or soloing (if you're necro or druid or shaman, etc.), while a melee can't buff and can hardly solo.

Another, more novel aspect is that you too could take advantage of the bazaar. If you made lots of money off of buying low and selling high, perhaps ******** others without kissing and hugging would feel pretty good. Just a thought.
"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
#6 Aug 16 2005 at 2:52 AM Rating: Default
But its not the "economy" - it's personal preference of the sellers. Just as you pointed out - in other words - if everyone else is jumping off the cliff - why not join them?
As a personal preference - not charging for buffs is the same as a warrior not charging to defend and defeat in battle. The warriors, healers, casters, trackers - they all work together. The healer will heal no matter if the warrior has "the best" or "the worst" armor. But a healer's ability is ruled by the level of spells they possess - both pre-battle and during battle. If the spells are so far out of reach that the healer can't afford them or find them - it makes their job harder and the healer seemingly useless to most other players.
In comparison if a warrior were only equipped with a rubber band shooting bow because their next level sword is priced about 3000 times what is fair...wouldn't there be a lot fewer people wanting to play the part of a warrior?
There's no "whining" as you call it. There is pointing out once again the greed of the people for the almighty plat - misplaced. If, in real life as well, we were charged by a priest to say a prayer for us - it wouldn't be much more meaningful than a scammer taking our hard earned money to buy his next condo or limo in the name of his own god. NO - charging for buffs isn't meant to be a money-making business - (and it will remain so in my opinion and actions, no matter how empty the money pouch). Just isn't going to happen. period.
#7 Aug 16 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Default
Please name the store bought potions that equal to:
K.E.I., Virtue, Conviction, Haste, Temperance, Tranquility...
#8 Aug 16 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
KEI potion (just the mana regen part): Elixir of Clarity X

Haste: Elixir of Speed X

Edited, Tue Aug 16 11:44:06 2005 by Dothammer
#9 Aug 17 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
But its not the "economy" - it's personal preference of the sellers. Just as you pointed out - in other words - if everyone else is jumping off the cliff - why not join them?

That reasoning makes absolutely no sense. People could charge a ridiculously high price for an item or spell that is easily attainable, but, as economics would have it, no one would purchase said item or spell. Thus, those pricing out all customers will, in fact, never sell that item. In a free market, greed is irrelevant. Furthermore, setting an item or spell at a high price is hardly equivalent to everyone jumping off of a cliff. Your reasoning is specious to that regard.

As a personal preference - not charging for buffs is the same as a warrior not charging to defend and defeat in battle.

NO - charging for buffs isn't meant to be a money-making business - (and it will remain so in my opinion and actions, no matter how empty the money pouch). Just isn't going to happen. period.

Warriors don’t charge casters for protection because they are grouping together. It’s not entirely selfless unless the warrior was power leveling the caster. Casting buffs in pok can be entirely selfless if you want it to be. The same can be said for power leveling someone, but I’m sure you don’t spend the majority of your time doing that for people you don’t know. By your reasoning, you would consider yourself “greedy” because you probably wouldn’t power level someone who asks you to do so (or maybe you would PL anyone who asks because it’s the right thing to do). By buffing people in pok or wherever without charging them, you are, as a practical matter, power leveling them. Kei, conviction, hos, etc are not indispensable to any character. I remember when casters didn’t have to be constantly kei-ed and they were able to get by just fine. Perhaps people are just too spoiled nowadays.

The warriors, healers, casters, trackers - they all work together. The healer will heal no matter if the warrior has "the best" or "the worst" armor. But a healer's ability is ruled by the level of spells they possess - both pre-battle and during battle. If the spells are so far out of reach that the healer can't afford them or find them - it makes their job harder and the healer seemingly useless to most other players.

In comparison if a warrior were only equipped with a rubber band shooting bow because their next level sword is priced about 3000 times what is fair...wouldn't there be a lot fewer people wanting to play the part of a warrior?

First off, many groups choose a tank based on their ac/hp. Therefore, a tank has to worry about 20 or so slots to gear up as opposed to a few spells that make the caster. In terms of cost, a melee is shelling out way more than a caster. I can only imagine what “exorbitant” prices you are referring to as well. For example, a cleric is going to have to drop 10k or so on virtue and divine intervention as well as 10-20k per rune, but that’s it (I realize that clerics have a handful of runes to get to conviction). For top end gear in the bazaar for a tank, you’re talking about half a million plus depending on class. (note: I’m assuming this discussion is only considering the higher end). Secondly, no one will pay 650k for anything unless it no longer drops or (FV not included).

There's no "whining" as you call it. There is pointing out once again the greed of the people for the almighty plat - misplaced. If, in real life as well, we were charged by a priest to say a prayer for us - it wouldn't be much more meaningful than a scammer taking our hard earned money to buy his next condo or limo in the name of his own god.

This has got to be my favorite part of your argument. Apparently you’ve never been asked repeatedly to tithe at church. “10% of your gross income for eternal salvation” is the going rate I think. Oh, and people surely pay that and pastors have multiple condos and fancy cars and mega churches. I suppose such things aren’t present in your socialist paradise where everyone has mediocre gear and no money. If people made no money off of selling spells and gear then there would be no point in looting and selling such gear. Thus, you would never have that spell in the bazaar that you can’t afford because no one would be selling it. Ultimately, the bazaar would be rendered useless if everyone took your draconian view of a controlled market where pricing is based on what you can afford as a caster who could sell buffs, solo or group for the majority of your spells, gear, or money.

As an aside, as a high level character, which what I am guessing your because you’re whining about a spell being 650k, you could easily make a ridiculous amount of money grouping in wos, or you could sell don crystals, or whatever (of course you will sell it for the market price or far below…what ever that is).

Edited, Wed Aug 17 20:00:04 2005 by Addikeys
"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
#10 Aug 18 2005 at 6:54 AM Rating: Default
I'll start with the church...the 10% tithe, (as you pointed out). Surely you're one that does and I pity you for being duped into it. There are better ways to spend one's hard earned r/L money other than giving to a church that showers it's own in luxury. If you must know, I do not belong to a church as I do not believe in paying admission to a freak show of hypocrites that come to get forgiveness for what they are about to do the following week.
Nope - my level isn't that high, but my wife is getting up there and she is a cleric. I am a warrior and have no problem getting good armor without paying ridiculous prices as you claim them to be. In comparison - it still goes, the casters are being raped.
Your idea of power leveling is off kilter. I've watched my wife in her early morning rounds. She goes to different areas that lower levels frequent and offers a shot of free temp. If they need a heal - she does that anyway. This isn't a form of power leveling. If she were to stay with someone and help them for the next few hours of their play - then it would be plvl'n. Quite a difference. And yes - she has been known to do just that on occasion - without knowing the person prior. She is not stingy with her spells or ability to help. All that she asks as "payment" is a "Thank you" and hopes that it will inspire that person to also help others as they grow and learn. From what we both have seen - it has been quite effective. It's called humanity - and kindness - - something of which you seem to have forgotten or even lost over time. But that's ok - as most old-timers are like that now...
I would like to point out that we are aware of the cost of getting the items together for making the spells. But an important aspect was left out - as clerics have no research abilities. So then you have to buy the ingredients - which come pretty close to the cost of the spell in some cases - then try and find someone with a high research skill (and they'll want a nice price for their service too)... where's the winning combination here?
Once again. It is still pure greed - the prices in the bazaar. There are items in there - some are available a the library for silver. But in the bazaar they sell for anywhere from 20 to 2000 plat. Draconian beliefs to control prices? No - it's more like repairing an out of control situation.
And to does no good to call me stupid or whatever else comes to mind. I'm not stupid or ignorant by fair - because I can see what is going on - and have sense enough to speak up about it instead of tucking tail and running to avoid - or hiding my head in the sand. The situation won't change until enough people speak up about it and want to change it.
#11 Aug 18 2005 at 7:00 AM Rating: Default
Clarity of Elixir X isn't open to all characters that can have the K.E.I. buff. The "X" after the elixir means level 70 characters. So, what about everyone else? They have to wait til then to be self-sufficient? Seems a bit lop-sided doesn't it?
#12 Aug 18 2005 at 9:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Actually, X works at lvl 65, not 70.

As for lower levels using lower ranked potions, I don't see a problem with it. There was, after all, a time when lvl 46 characters relied on *gasp* Kunark/Velious era buffs instead of running to PoK and getting a lvl 62 buff.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13 Aug 20 2005 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Reality seems to escape you my friend. Although I agree with regarding giving to churches the fact remains that the majority of people on this planet do it. How do you think the big three religions have so much money? Perhaps they earn it somehow. Whatever the case, your analogy of:

If, in real life as well, we were charged by a priest to say a prayer for us - it wouldn't be much more meaningful than a scammer taking our hard earned money to buy his next condo or limo in the name of his own god.

doesn't seem to hit the mark.

It's called humanity - and kindness - - something of which you seem to have forgotten or even lost over time. But that's ok - as most old-timers are like that now...

Those with weak arguments usually fall into attack mode. I'm glad to see that you are no different. I'm also glad to see that you will powerleve anyone who asks because to do otherwise seems, in your view, to be un-"humanity." Whatever the case, you don't know me, nor do you know how I play EQ. I don't charge for buffs or rezzes. I answer /oocs questions whenever I can. And, I'm always glad to help out a fellow player...even on Zek. I don't need to charge for buffs because I have learned how to make money. I don't belong to a guild. I have never bought pp or a char. I have never been PLed. I've never gotten a raid drop. I have geared my chars by hard work and and I would estimate that I've earned around 1.5 million pp over my time playing (which is not that much by today's game standards). I've farmed gear, tradeskill items, vendor dived, and played the bazaar (which is by far the greatest aspect of EQ imho) to make all my money on my own. In EQ and in real life people usually don't give things away because they usually spend time on and work for those things.

I've also checked the prices on Bristlebane, which I believe is your server. Brother, I don't know what prices you're talking about. I didn't see anything even remotely in the price ranges you're talking about. But, if you think 30k is a high price for a spell then you need to check your head. With that type of thinking, your warrior must be sadly equipped. Further, your rune prices and research item prices seemed rather reasonable to me. They were lower than on my server. Apparently, you seem to want handouts (or the services of someone who bothered to master a skill) because these prices you speak of seem imaginary.

It's complete sophistry to base your argument on aberations on the prices of a couple items when you don't even understand simple economics. So, to aid in your epistemology I have provided some articles from a couple of economists regarding the very real nature of the EQ economy (although dated, I think they make my point):

And to does no good to call me stupid or whatever else comes to mind. I'm not stupid or ignorant by fair - because I can see what is going on - and have sense enough to speak up about it instead of tucking tail and running to avoid - or hiding my head in the sand. The situation won't change until enough people speak up about it and want to change it.

Why on earth would you think people were going to call you stupid? You must not have a strong argument if you feel like people are going to call you out. Yet, with so many real problems threatening to destroy the EQ economy (i.e. Scammers, Platinum sellers, or a Sony store selling pp and items), you sure picked a weak point of view ("Someone Please Explain the Insanity in the Bazaar": I think I did pretty well).

Edited, Sat Aug 20 05:41:35 2005 by Addikeys
"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
#14 Aug 20 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Default
"stupid" scroll up a few replies. maybe you best put your energy into somthing more useful than trying to analyze everything that is said. What a loser.
#15 Aug 20 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Sheesh Pdar, you started the stupid thread and then when someone acutally takes the time to answer your pointless and unfounded rant you call them a loser. You fill your posts with misinformation. Hell you didn't even have a clue about potions. Yet, you still take the time to post. Finally, you've run out of arguments and resort to name calling. Why did you post anything at all??? Go play WoW or beg from people in pok. You obviously don't understand how anything works and I'm sick of your pithy and infantile arguments.

If you don't want prices to be the way they are, then what do you suggest? Should all prices be forced down some how? Maybe some GM could monitor pricing to make sure they don't amount to greed? And idea that people will leave EQ because of pricing is ludicrous. There are so many other tangible reasons to stop playing the game. For you to attack the bazaar with such a weak argument is sad and I will vehemently defend one of the best aspects of EQ, in my opinion.

"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
#16 Aug 21 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
Maybe you will understand this way...had I wanted to hear your jabbering on and on - I would have wanted to do so via email. But - I don't find your answers to be of any help. Do you understand now?
#17 Aug 21 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
OMG you are so right. How silly of me to give a real answer (an answer that you don't like is still a real answer) and provide some real discussion when all you really wanted is "yeah I think the bazzzaaar is sutpid to. yor so smrt Pdar. Yoru arguments make so much best sence. They aren't not supported by lotsa awesome facts..."

Apparently you believe that everyone must agree with you, but everyone who bothered to post provided information that countered your point.

Go find another forum where you can be coddled and quit your whining.
"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
#18 Aug 22 2005 at 4:07 AM Rating: Default
Well, this shall be the ending of the short "thread". Before I close, please know that you haven't been conversing with Pdar or a "warrior" as you pointed out (FYI he is a Shaman). The account is in his name, and I am his wife.
As for any "good" information you feel you may have passed along - the most I see is your resume of what you feel is your character and how you have played in equality to a saint. Subtract the 2 dollar words and you have even less.
The question never asked you about your own character or nature - only that of the goings on in the bazaar.
Until you pay for my subscriptions and rights to enter any questions or replies, I suggust you, Addikeys, refrain from telling me when and how to talk, answer or play EQ.
End of messages.
#19 Aug 22 2005 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, guess some people do marry someone JUST like them....even down to the grammar and lack of paragraphs.

Ya it sucks to have to buy stuff in the bazaar at exhoribatant prices, I myself can't afford to buy my all spells or better gear. ( I am probably on a higher end then you, I have probably nothing worst then Vex-Thal level gear and am 70 with a bunch of AA so like cheapest I can find in bazaar that will upgrade me even marginally is like 50k and for it to be worth it to buy over biding my time on Time/Ikky raids really we are talking like 250k+)

But, I made a choice, I am aware each day of that choice and although I will admit I begrude it a little, I am concious that I have made a choice. Anything I loot that will upgrade a guildy I give to them. Be it murmite runes, cloaks, shields, spells whatever. I am sure I could go into the bazaar and with minimal effort make more in plat by just taking the average price and cutting it in half. I would probably sell out all the stuff I had like that in an hour maybe two. However, none of it would go to the people who imho would need it, use it, wear it. It would most likely be quickly bought up by people who play the bazaar for profit and inflate the prices of things. The way I figure it they have 2 accounts and can afford to leave one sitting 24/7 in bazaar to catch that person who has finally saved up or impulse buys something real expensive. They have the patience/ability to hold onto the item for days or weeks to get that inflated price, I dont.

So ya I can kind of see where both of you are coming from but like Joph said you have options, you can try and hunt them, or you can do like me and just save your money til you can afford them. (ya I save the coin and sell the gems, guildies can sue me if they begrude my 2-3k a night, when they are gettin my 10-100kish drops)
#20 Aug 23 2005 at 4:44 AM Rating: Default
Flishtaco...I guess it's become the norm to attack first, followed by stroking ones ego? I don't understand that!!
No one needs to be long-winded, have perfect composition or use $2 words to get their point across. And no one has any right what-so-ever to attack anyones marriage.
Our marriage has been long and happy. We have 4 children and 11 grandchildren. My husband served 22+ years in the Navy and is now retired and is still working full time. I have my own business at home which involves hand painting tents and trailers for petting zoos and also handling their advertising in the form of brochures, business cards, etc. Plus I have a small farm to tend to. I also sew a lot of the grandchildren's clothes from plain to formal. Bottom line is - EQ is not my entire life.
Not everyone has played EQ as long as others (we have played less than a year) - and no - we haven't yet reached the golden level of "70". Not everyone has the avenues that others have in the ability to hunt or recieve high lvl quested or looted items. So at times the bazaar is the only other option to look for items that are needed - such as spells. I am just short of lvl 62 (cleric) and spells are a necessity in my class. (I also have my own guild, so I try and help others in getting their spells.) Many more have begun to openly argue the pricing as well and some of the prices are actually dropping. doesn't really matter if someone views themselves as "holier then thou" and continually stroke their ego to the point of thinking others are unworthy of their mere presence. There are actually normal people out here - that aren't like that and can still remain kind to others depite the open arrogance displayed in return.
#21 Aug 23 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
It is a game. Have fun and try to enjoy every aspect of it. If you cannot enjoy a certain aspect of it...don't participate in that part. But who am I? I'm still a bright eyed newb who literally is in awe every time I turn a corner. But I am having fun.
#22 Aug 25 2005 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
I play a 66lvl chanty, and have a high research skill, normally if a guild memeber needs a spell, I can normally create one for them with very little cost(cost of items, my guild collects research items and put them in the guild bank. So most of the spells are free.) I do agree the pricing in the bazaar is way out of hand for very needed spells. For spell creation check with your guildies, they may help you create them.
#23 Aug 28 2005 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
Flishtaco...I guess it's become the norm to attack first, followed by stroking ones ego? I don't understand that!!

Actually I posted the remark at the front to say that I think you are full of **** and really the same poster trying to claim his little brother or whatever really was posting for them.

I did let up a bit in offchance that you werent full of crap and really not the same person trying to play the it was my "alterego" to gather sympathy.

But congradulations I stand corrected. You're the same person as the OP and deserved the attack and not the stroking.
#24 Aug 29 2005 at 8:10 AM Rating: Default
Definitely and absolutely true =) Thanks Smiley: smile
#25 Aug 31 2005 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
just for info elix potions come in different lvls IX and X are usually avalible in the bazaar and sell for less than 20 plat each
#26 Sep 08 2005 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
Loving the bashing going on, but it gets us nowhere. Hate breeds hate, and the more we fight, and call each other names the futher off topic we get.

As for the buffs, and what not I have not bought a single buff since an incident where I donated 50pp for a V on my pet. The cleric buffed me instead, and when I asked if he could buff my pet. He replied "Donate more"

Now i agree with a cleric is limited by their spellbook. But what is really needed to get the job done? I have been playing a bst for awhile now, and have only used buffs like Temp and V when a guildy is giving it out, or a MGB. I have used selfbuffs the rest of the time, and get along just fine.

But what about the over pricing of spells? As my main is a 59 mage I have recently felt the pinch of trying to get the spells I need. So what me and my guildies do is make regular trips to OS, SF one of my favorites, because you get a spell every 3 or 4 kills, and so on. Now because we all in my guild feel this over charging is not right, we put all the spells in the guild bank with public if usable. One problem we have found is the bank fills up to fast with spells, off to the bazaar. We sell the spells a fair price which sells in minutes, pad's are pockets, and the buyer and i both walk away with a smile. Leaving Mr.Isellwaytohighandsitoneverythingihaveforyears to sit on it longer.

I have noticed that it is mainly the older servers doing this. I will not mention any server names because I don't like finger pointing (even though in a way I already have). When my server (one of the newer servers) merged with one of the oldest servers out there, I seen some unreal changes, (60pp for a summoned crystal belt, reason it's only the most uber pet toy ever) but we did not stand for it. As a result prices are back to normal (somewhat), some items I still would like to own but pass up cause it's to expensive.

This is smart business for all you buyers out there so listen closely. If you want something cheaper don't buy it for the given price. If the seller can't sell it cause it is to over priced and no one will buy it, then what must he do? Lower his/her prices. Now I know what you all are thinking "yeah ok what ever" we did it to are server with a combined effort from nearly everyone out there. Not only did we refuse to buy the goods we told the sellers off on a regular basis complaining about their prices.

Fight the power, it all starts with one vision, one voice in the wind, and thousands standing together as a combined voice, a combined entity, that fufills the vision in the end.
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