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Someone Please Explain the Insanity in the BazaarFollow

#27 Sep 16 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
Lol, where did you find the cache of words of transcendence.. It drives me nuts trying to find them.
#28 Oct 03 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
I agree with you on this. Same as the cheek some chanters have to refuse to cast a kei for donation unless you join their 'group'. as a noobie I thought they could only cast it this way, now I know (as being told by a few chanters) that they do this becuase they want to make sure you not grabbing a free KEI for group members too.

These chanters are now on my ignore list, I will go KEI-less but this complete attitude of greed sickens me and I will not donate my 50PP to them.
#29 Oct 18 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
On my server 7th hammer (Really Miss Lanys)....
The bazaar is also out of control... Items I used to sell for 40pp are going for 200+ pp, After seeing this absurdity I did what anyone logical would do and say ***** you guyz!!! I'm not buying anything. (Did a few DoN's and have much better gear then what their selling)

I also know some GM Smiths who helped me with the other critical gear I needed. (Really though I've been playing for 4 years and you get to know the right people and most are cool about it.) The bazaar is a location where you can be impersonal. So, many nice people have been using it to make pp. The only spells I'd get from bazaar I've passed upon I mean come on not every lvl 66-68 spell is that great... Hell if the wrunshi buff weren't the last 68 spell I wouldn't ponder getting runes... But after seeing the absurd prices that these guys sell it for I'm not standing for it...

Onto the KEI thing... Did you know KEI is a grp buff? The single cast doesn't last anywhere near as long... They like you to join their grp so they can cast it on those who want it. Hell they can make decent money just doing jewel crafting. (Enchanting Bars of metal and such) KEI isn't exactly a mana free buff (it's like us shammys casting Fot7, or HoV for clerics) So this conspiracy of chanters saving mana by getting grps together for KEI is BS in my book. If your a Druid, Shaman, or Cleric you'd understand how casting a grp buff on a single person sux!

Edited, Tue Oct 18 15:56:47 2005 by dargot
#30 Nov 10 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Most prices in the bazaar are not insane. They are based on pure economics. Supply and demand. DI and RGC are rare spells, and ones that raiding clerics HAVE to have at the higher end.

As such, they are worth a lot. If you cannot afford to buy them, camp the spell, or the components. I cannot tell you how many days I spent in PoM, killing the halfling guards before Yaeth's pg. 73 right dropped. But I did it, because I wanted the spell.

Basically it comes down to this. If someone sets their price too high, the item will not sell. If the item sells, then the price was not too high. If an item sits long enough, most sellers will lower the price until it sells.

Look at the Benevolent Girdle, as an example. It is a really nice belt slot for paladins. However, it is WAY cheaper than some other belts with worse stats. Why? because it is a common drop, is only wearable by paladins, and to top that off, many paladins have haste belts in that slot, and don't want to give up the haste for the stats.

Similarly, muramite runes are a lot cheaper than minor muramite runes. Crazy? Nope. Just the result of more people grinding in WoS, where muramite runes are common, than in DH/Bloodfields, where the minor runes are more common. So, higher supply of muramites, with similar demand, results in lower prices.

Note, I play a cleric, and had to obtain all those spells, and I see no problem at all with the bazaar pricing. The counter argument could be made that it is greedy to want someone to give you the spells, for less than they are worth.

The economics side of EQ, is a part of the game many people enjoy. I know people who's mains have never hit level 30, yet they have 300 in a tradeskill, and make lots of PP in the bazaar, off the fruits of their labor. Why is their playstyle somehow less valid than yours?
#31 Nov 16 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
439 posts
Well I think the cause of the high prices is the ease with which people an obtain platinum on the net. There are many sites selling 200K for $70,00. That is , in my opinion, why the prices have risen do dramatically.

BTW , that Pdar is a bit of an ignorant fool is'nt she.
#32 Nov 22 2005 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
It's just a question of how badly you want an item or spell from the bazaar. The bazaar has a funny way of keeping itself in check. There are always traders selling items for much cheaper than other traders. Supply and demand keeps the bazaar in check. It's selfish to think that prices should go down just because you're a noob.

Don't expect people to take their time to buff you just because you didn't charge somebody. Thinking like that will make you broke. If it's worth your time to get the spell book out, mem the spells, cast them on me and my pet, and possibly have to med to get that mana back, then please feel free to take my money as I'm more than willing to pay you for your time. Again, supply and demand.

When I started I too thought prices were insane and the 1k or so that a friend spotted me to buy some starter gear was an unholy amount of plat to me then. Needless to say I stretched that money as far as it would go and I didn't buy all my gear in one night. I waited for price to go down on gear that looked ok. I made a list of what looked good vs. the cost. The point is: patience is a virtue. Yet again, supply and demand.

Please don't comment on a game forum about what type of real life business you do, nobody really cares. Don't insult people either. We all deserve the same amount of respect in real life or in game (unless you kill steal me, then we have an issue :p).

I agree with the "It's selfish to think people will sell you something for less than it's worth" idea. How easy for them was it to get that item? Maybe it took them days or weeks. Isn't their effort worth compensation? But then again, there's a sucker born every minute.
#33 Nov 28 2005 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
1,059 posts
I don't see why some in this thread fail to see that it is simple economics at work. If an item is in demand, it will sell for whatever the seller is asking for it. If it is not in demand, the seller will lower his price until it creates demand and it is sold. The spells in question are spells that casters use to generate profit. Whether you use them in that way or not, is irrelevant. The person who has the spell sees how much money the caster who will be buying it can make with it and charges appropriately for it. If someone can make millions of plat over their lifetime with that spell, then they should be willing to spend some money to buy the spell. Why should the seller give the spell away just because you don't intend to profit from it? If you don't buy it, someone else will.

It is nice to help people out once in a while, but if you are consistently giving away or underselling your services, you should not complain when you don't have any money later. If you are of a level where you need these types of spells, then there should be plenty of ways you can raise the money to buy them or you should be able to get out there and quest for the things you need to get the spells without buying them. How do you think the spell scroll in the bazaar came into being in the first place? Someone invested the time to do the quests, kill the monsters, and build up their skills to bring it into existence. They didn't just make a wish and it magically appeared from thin air. They should be compensated for their efforts.
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
#34 Dec 01 2005 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
I don't see why some in this thread fail to see that it is simple economics at work. If an item is in demand, it will sell for whatever the seller is asking for it.

Some sanity is refreshing.

I, too, have to roll my eyes at the price complaints from people who were born and raised in a free market system. They go to Wal Mart to buy Cherry Coke but have no idea why it costs what it does.

Edited, Thu Dec 1 21:05:13 2005 by Reyla
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#35 Dec 02 2005 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
1,906 posts
Reyla wrote:

animekenji wrote:
I don't see why some in this thread fail to see that it is simple economics at work. If an item is in demand, it will sell for whatever the seller is asking for it.
Some sanity is refreshing.

I, too, have to roll my eyes at the price complaints from people who were born and raised in a free market system. They go to Wal Mart to buy Cherry Coke but have no idea why it costs what it does.
Yes and no.

This would be simple economics. If there were no exogenous factors interfering with the EQ economy. Like plat selling.

The higher the amount of money in the game/on the server, the higher the prices for different goods, especially for those sought after. Economy isn't as simple as it seems...

Trust me, I'm a business economist. Smiley: tongue

beacon wrote:
Well I think the cause of the high prices is the ease with which people an obtain platinum on the net. There are many sites selling 200K for $70,00. That is , in my opinion, why the prices have risen do dramatically.

Edited, Fri Dec 2 08:41:46 2005 by bbot
#36 Dec 02 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Onto the KEI thing... Did you know KEI is a grp buff? The single cast doesn't last anywhere near as long... They like you to join their grp so they can cast it on those who want it. Hell they can make decent money just doing jewel crafting. (Enchanting Bars of metal and such) KEI isn't exactly a mana free buff (it's like us shammys casting Fot7, or HoV for clerics) So this conspiracy of chanters saving mana by getting grps together for KEI is BS in my book. If your a Druid, Shaman, or Cleric you'd understand how casting a grp buff on a single person sux!
There is no single version of KEI.

As a personal preference - not charging for buffs is the same as a warrior not charging to defend and defeat in battle.
No it's not. When you go to pok and get buffs you in no way benefit the caster. That's why you're charged. Why should I buff you if you're not in my group?
#37 Dec 14 2005 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
OK. I now do feel that prices in the bazaar have gone up substantially. Seems like this happened after most of the server merges and if this is the case it would've been caused by a "richer" server merging with a "poorer" server. The prices have gone up but the scale of economics seems the same. Yes that rune you want costs hella more but you can sell your own goods for a jacked up price too.

On my server the number of traders has also gone down. I remember times when the number of traders was maxed and I couldn't setup shop. The number of players has remained the same or increased a little... pretty much. So if THIS is the case that means the "demand" has gone way up and the "supply" has decreased. It is simple econmonics. It really really is. No matter how many x-factors, like buying plat online, there are. Because the people who sell the plat have to acquire it somehow themselves... get it?

In short, the economics haven't really changed, just the scale of prices and an increase in demand (at least on my server it would seem). Trying my best Alan Greenspan thinking... My advice is take your time and prices will most likely lower a little. The prices will never get as low as they were but will get better.

On one note: I'm amazed at some of the junk being sold for an incredible increase lately. I mean who in their right mind would pay 1k for a Polished Steel Ulak? *rolls eyes*
#38 Dec 16 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
RGC is not especialy rare, it is limited by the spawn rate of the rhags in ssra, there is high compeition on my server to snag this guy. Is it over priced? dunno, i wasnt happy about paying 32k for it, but i did. many guilds will arrange for their members to have rgc if its needed, so you have options, pay what you feel is too much, camp the research parts, or join a guild that will give it to you. this spell is not NEEDED unless you raid, most curses that are seen outside of raids are currable by rc or one of the clr/pali spells.
atleast a cleric can choose to make alot of plat selling bufs to buy this spell, my pali just had to wait for a nice windfall.

BTW rhag 1 is not a hard mob to kill, I soloed him down to 70% with my pali before I went oom just for fun one day, if your not decently geared, grab another clr, a decent tank and some dps and go kill for it, doesnt take a high end raid guild, he can be duoed quite easily by higher end players
#39 Dec 16 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Want to see crazy prices, come to the zek server. Smiley: grin But like some have posted already, it is the nature of people to price waht the server will tolerate. If you can spend some time in the bazaar, my experience that you can find some lower prices.

P.s. fun to read rants like used to be on Eqvault Smiley: lol
#40 Dec 24 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
If server merges resulted in a more active population that would = a greater demand for sold goods. Tons of items that used to sell cheap in baz and set a benchmark (example: a shoulder item with +5 stamina)get tributed (if even looted) since the market for them has fallen off.

As people quit the game many of them give their gear and savings to EQ friends. Some sell the account or the plat. Paying 10k extra for the convienence is nothing to many (lots to me). If you bought the plat it means even less to burn it fast (can always buy more if that is your thing).

I have no issue donating for someone's time casting buffs in PoK. I ran mostly on self buffs to 45. My first temp was at level 18 when someone MGB casted it. There are many things in this game you don't need to have fun. Buffs, gear, spells are your own choice to want. Time, effort or plat gets them.
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