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Level or AA? What to do.....Follow

#1 Aug 19 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for advice here and maybe a pep talk. I'm currently 63 with about 18 AA's. I have CS2, CA1, ND1 and CF1. My dilema is I'm not sure if I should continue aa's or level. I'm a casual player which means I play on average 8 hours during the week and sometimes squeeze in some play time during the weekends. Currently I get invites to pov or ldons and some DoN missions.

The thing is many of my guild mates are getting groups to NC, BoT and WoS. Those who have started getting into those groups have sky-rocketed to the upper 60's. The way I see it I have 2 options. The first is finish up CA2 then get to level 65 and continue the rest of my aa's or just stay at 63 and continue getting aa's til I'm blue in the face. I know both pathes have their advantages and disadvantages.

If I stay at 63 getting aa's to finish CS3,CA3,ND3,LR,ID it'll take me forever doing it at pov but I'll be a much better tank. The flip side to this would be to just finish CA2 then get my butt to 65 and park it there getting all my def aa's and some others. I'm kind of leaning toward the second route since I'll be at a level where I may get groups to places where the aa exp is better.

I'd like to hear your thoughts, suggestions and maybe some words of encouragement.

63 Paladin

#2 Aug 19 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I am a shammy not a tank, but I stopped at 65 for AA's, though I had a some before that. But I mostly stopped until I can get runes for spells. It is easier to get AA's at 65. You are right about bot being better experience, but you should be able to get a group there.
#3 Aug 19 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
For a casual player I think it's important to stay with your guildees. There's no reason you can't go into BoT now. BoT is nice xp - better AA xp. Though with a killer group you'll get better XP in PoV inner/outer camp just because the mobs are a bit lower and faster kills. For WoS, unless you've got awesome gear you will have trouble tanking there without all of your defensive AAs. But many groups still look for paladins to fill the extra slots in their grp. If the main tank goes down, you can at least keep the mob off the casters for a bit.

If it helps, I got CA1, CS1, ND1, and PE at level 62 then pushed on to 65. There I paused and got the rest of my defensive AAs and now I'm leveling again. I'd recommend the same path to other pallies out there.

Just remember until you get all of your defensive AAs you won't be as strong of a tank as some groups might expect. That can be balanced if you have great gear. If you find you can't tank a certain zone or camp - just let groups know that before you join them. With a great healer it won't make much of a difference, but if all the group has is a drood who didn't get any of his AAs either, you might have a hard time.

Edited: I didn't get LR until level 65. Was thinking of CF - but that's not needed for defense.

Edited, Fri Aug 19 16:47:34 2005 by Netos
#4 Aug 19 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I got CA1, CS1, ND1, LR1, and PE at level 62 then pushed on to 65.
How did you get CA1 and LR1. LR requires lvl 3 CA.

Realize that the higher zones will require a better tank. I would recomend getting CA3 - LR5 - ND3 CS and ID are mitigation and you'll get more out of the avoidance ones, especially LR5.

If you're tanking very well now I would probably lvl. If you're barely getting by I would aa. Once you hit 65 I highly recomend getting a lot of aa's. You'll have lots of choices of good xp zones and get a chance to gear up along the way.
#5 Aug 19 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
Level to 65. Max your Defensive AA's. Switch back to leveling.

70 Druid

#6 Aug 19 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
I am in the same boat as you are, except that I play a lot more hour, i just don't actually spend my time doing the "Grind" of killing mobs for exp, I do a LOT of tradeskills and quests.

Anyway, I had the same dillemma when I was 55, all of my friends maxxed out their level and were strictly working on AA's while I was still seemingly stuck in 55. So I took all my AA Exp down to zero and focused on Leveling. MADE myself grind, until I hat 60. I had decided that I would not work on aa's until I hit 60.

That was about a week ago. Once I hit 60 if I was doing a planes (or any expansions that came out after Planes) group I would put exp at 50/50 (50% AA - 50% reg). If I was doing old school zones I was at 20% AA 80% reg. And Ldon I did the opposite 80% AA and 20% exp. This has worked out well for me, in a week I have several new AAs and 3 new levels. Also maxxed out Jewelry, fletching and baking.

I think you should experiment with the different ways the expansions seem to increase YOUR experience. Maybe it will be different for you.
#7 Aug 19 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
I have a 62 Shammie who is getting about 20% more AA exp in the same group then the 67 Nec and 66 Mage in HoH. Check post
"AA Exp I am a bit puzzled???". I would max out your Defense AAs CS, CA, ND, then go back to leveling. In a full group with max AA in HoH Basements Level 61-63 Mobs I can get 1 AA every hour and a half and its always about empty unlike PoV.
#8 Aug 19 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
As with all AA related discussions, it depends highly on where you hunt. My bard can get an AA every 30 minutes or so (double that with veteran AA double experience of course) doing the Creator mission at level 68. It's about the same pace in WoS cubby, but much slower at WoS on the wall. My bard doesn't have to tank of course, so it's not AS important that he have all of the defensive AA's.

I'd suggest just going to 65 and raping PoV inner and outer or doing BoT at 64. The only problem with BoT is people are going to expect you to tank the Kriger's and named, and that may be tough, depending on your gear situation.
#9 Aug 19 2005 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
I would say just about every class should get to 65 asap(the extra resists by level, hit points etc are worth it), the only reason I would slow down is to get spells. After 65 get around 50-60AA in then go like 10ish AA a level 66-69.

I polled a few of the top tanks on the server like 5 out of top 20 and they all said to me, 1-65>AAxp AAxp>66-70. Meaning get all the defensive AA afore heading past 65 or you will look like a chump trying to tank in those zones. Also you will find that your reputation grows as being an "undercon" which you really are since you can hang tough and keep the mob off of the casters longer then a 70 with no AA (or with the wrong AA) by a lot. Its fun to hit hard and all but most tanks seem to forget that their job number one is to hold agro, they are not a DPS class, by staying alive you do your job better then by having 10 crits every round.

It sucks cause currently like no other class has such harsh AA requirements. (cept maybe bow rangers, but scratchin the noodle I cant think of another) Lol, ok class is a misnomer since its really SK,Pally,Warrior that this effects.
#10 Aug 22 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Thanks for the input. I was only able to play a bit on Sunday but have taken your advice and started to level again. I'm half-way to 64. Hopefully will be 65 in about 2 weeks depending on how much time I get online. Then I'll just park it to get all my def aa's.
63 Paladin
#11 Aug 22 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
In general, level > AA.

you can tank PoV, for example, at lvl 65 with zero AAs better than level 63 with 20 or whatever AAs.
#12 Aug 22 2005 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Assailant wrote:
In general, level > AA.

you can tank PoV, for example, at lvl 65 with zero AAs better than level 63 with 20 or whatever AAs.

Eh? That's an oversimplification though. In PoV *maybe* a level 65 with no AAs will tank better then a level 63 with 20 AAs. It's almost a wash actually. But that's largely because in PoV, the averge mob level is higher, and so level makes more of a difference. That's not always going to be the case everywhere you go though.

The point is that a level 63 with 20 AAs will do better then a level 63 *without* any AAs. Most often, and in most zones, you're going to be competing with people your own level. So if you take the time to get some AAs at level 63, then you'll be a better tank at level 64, and at level 65, and so forth. I do agree with the earlier statement that up to level 65, it's not as noticable. Post 65, a lack of AAs is *very* noticable. You try to tank in those level ranges with no AAs, and your group will know. Your healer will know. It *will* affect your ability to get into pickup groups if they expect you to tank. I know that I run into alot of the same people over and over in Oow and DoN zones/missions. They get to know who can tank and who's made out of tissue paper, and given the choice, they'll pick up the guy that can hack it over one that can't. And 9 times out of 10, that's going to be the guy who spent the time getting more AAs.

At some point, if you play a tank, unless you are lucky enough to have a group of people who'll carry you through your leveling and AA hunting, you *will* need to pick up a number of AAs in order to be an effective tank. At what point will you do that? A varient of the Peter Principle comes to mind here. If you don't get AAs *before* you require them, then you'll find yourself at a level (like 66 or 67) where you're suddenly very ineffective at tanking mobs for groups your same level. You'll find it harder to gain those AAs because you'll spend more time LFG, or you'll lose any AA/time benefit of higher level because you'll have to "slum" in lower end zones where you're still an effective tank.

While it's not required, your life as a tank will really go much more smoothly if you stop periodically to pick up AAs along the way. What you really really don't want to happen is to find yourself in that situation where you've outleveled your ability to perform your task (tanking) in a group. If you ignore AAs, and just grind up into the 66-70 range, you will most likely run into that problem.

Again though, the biggest determinant is fun. If you want to just gain levels, then just gain levels. If you want to stop and get some AAs, then do that. Ultimately, it's about what you enjoy doing. Honestly though, it's not like grinding AAs in MPG is much different then grinding them in NC/WoS. It's still killing mobs over and over for hours on end. What level you're at doesn't make that much difference. If you've got friends/guildmates that are all higher level, then by all means level up so you can play with them. But don't feel like you must rush to 70 as fast as possible just because that's the highest level in the game currently. You don't get a prize at the top level. The mobs are just tougher is all...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#13 Aug 23 2005 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
It's not a matter of who tanks better......

It all depeneds on /who IMHO...... very few players ask for life/AC/what is your skill lvl(if they do they will probably be looking at your guild tag and going from there.....)

Ya a lvl 65 pally could tank better than a lvl 70 pally if he worked on AAs and the lvl 70 pally didn't have any(or had very few) but that is not what people are looking for......they are looking for lvls........

So while a 400AA lvl 65 pally might tank better than a lvl 70 100AA pally that lvl 70 pally will have an easier time finding a group than the lvl 65 pally.........

#14 Aug 23 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
elorianBLAH wrote:
It's not a matter of who tanks better......

It all depeneds on /who IMHO...... very few players ask for life/AC/what is your skill lvl(if they do they will probably be looking at your guild tag and going from there.....)

Ya a lvl 65 pally could tank better than a lvl 70 pally if he worked on AAs and the lvl 70 pally didn't have any(or had very few) but that is not what people are looking for......they are looking for lvls........

So while a 400AA lvl 65 pally might tank better than a lvl 70 100AA pally that lvl 70 pally will have an easier time finding a group than the lvl 65 pally.........

They'll both be hunting in PoV though because after the level 70 with 100 AA's gets in a couple of groups in MPG and can't hang, he'll never be able to find a group there again. Due to that, the 65 will still be gaining AA faster then the 70 because he's in a closer relative level range to the mobs they're hunting. That's why Gbaji was saying it's very relative to WHERE and WHAT you hunt. For casters, it's not as big a problem. Wether or not your spells stick is based on your level versus the mobs level and the mobs resistances. For a tank, a lot of the weight falls on his abilities and gear.
#15 Aug 23 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
Thre are a few nice drops in WoS that are 65 required so I would second those recomending get 65 then do AA's
#16 Aug 23 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Getting to 60, then doing AA.

Then going to 62, then AA.

Then 65, then AA.

#17 Aug 23 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
They'll both be hunting in PoV though because after the level 70 with 100 AA's gets in a couple of groups in MPG and can't hang, he'll never be able to find a group there again. Due to that, the 65 will still be gaining AA faster then the 70 because he's in a closer relative level range to the mobs they're hunting. That's why Gbaji was saying it's very relative to WHERE and WHAT you hunt. For casters, it's not as big a problem. Wether or not your spells stick is based on your level versus the mobs level and the mobs resistances. For a tank, a lot of the weight falls on his abilities and gear.

He'd problably do just fine in MPG with a good healer but even so he could always go to WoS......My point is this people look for levels not AAs(which is not a good thing at all...personally I think say a caster lvl 65 with maxed AA crits AA spell haste and AA mana pres(hell ID from a fire imp would even be better) would be a hell of a lot better than a lvl 70 wiz with hardly any AAs(but casters are different we are spell dependent and it is unlikely that a lvl 70 with hardly any AAs to get a lvl 69 or 70 spell.......)

Anyway my point is this people look for levels not AAs when LFG I always figured get it out of the way ASAP then might not be the best tank but you'll get groups faster than a lvl 65 tank with 450AAs.....
#18 Aug 29 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
The point is that a level 63 with 20 AAs will do better then a level 63 *without* any AAs.

You need to factor into the equation what level that person would be if he put that XP that got him 20 AAs into regular XP. That would have got him to 64 definitely, perhaps 65.
#19 Aug 29 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
More than one person has said it already, but level to 65, do all your hp and defensive AA through PoP once you hit 65.

ND3 - 12
CA3 - 12
CS3 - 12
PE - 5
PP5 - 10
PD3 - 9
LR5 - 15
ID5 - 15

Total: 90 AA

Those at a minimum. Don't level to 66 without those at least. You'll only be hurting yourself. Then you can judge if you want some more AA before continuing on the path.

If your gear sucks though at this point for where you are fighting, then at each level I'd get more defensive (from OoW). I'm not sure offhand when shield block is available but if your gear is not up to par, the additional avoidance provided by SB3 can be noteworthy. BUT, a word of warning, if you can live through the fights with a two hander than don't use a shield. You'll do your group a disservice by not providing the most dps you possibly can. Paladins are not known for their dps, but if they purposefully neglect it, you'll only make your group kill slower and in the long run everyone will get less XP.

One hint though I'd make as well. Don't split AA and and regular XP. Go one or the other. Either improve your level or improve your AA. You'll want to get to the next AA as soon as possible to get the benefit from that AA. If you are going 50/50 then you'll have 5 blues in 65 and be only halfway to your CS3 when you could have reached CS3 already. (The only exception to this is once you hit 70 I'd just leave 10% going to level so that you can slowly be way ahead of any deaths you'll be taking. I've been doing this and I'm about to ding 71, I found it handy since once I get to 70.95 I can turn off the regular XP 10% and not have to worry about it for a while.)

I always hear people say "It's horrible regular XP but good AAXP." There's no such distinction and that's a load of crap. If it was good XP than your regular XP bar is going to be moving slower than it you were on AA anyway. If it's bad XP the same exact thing is going to happen. AAXP just moves faster than regular XP once you are past 51 of course but your total experience has no bearing on whether you switch from one to the other. It's either good xp or it's bad xp. Don't switch to AAXP just because you want to see your bar move. Keep on keeping on with either your level or your AA based on your current plan, not on whether you are in a LDoN or a DoN for the next two hours.

Edited, Mon Aug 29 09:37:15 2005 by Zorbee
#20 Aug 29 2005 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
amastropolo wrote:
The point is that a level 63 with 20 AAs will do better then a level 63 *without* any AAs.

You need to factor into the equation what level that person would be if he put that XP that got him 20 AAs into regular XP. That would have got him to 64 definitely, perhaps 65.

No. You don't need to fact that in at all. You factor that in only in terms of how long it takes you to get to a particular level/AA point. But when someone looks at the LFG listing, they don't see how long you played your character. They only see your class and level. If they're looking at two level 63 tanks, both are equally desired for the group. But the one with 20AA points will be a better tank.

That's also the flaw with Elorian's post. It assumes that players have no memory. Maybe back in the heyday of EQ you could disappear into obscurity and level up rarely hunting with the same people. In today's game, I often find that it's the same 1-2 dozen people hunting any given zone on any given night. Always. The idea that they don't know if you have AAs only applies to the first time you get into a group with those people. They'll remember the next time and you wont get an invite unless you are the last tank available anywhere in the game.

That's the point I'm trying to make here folks. For most players, you are going to be compared to other characters of your same level and class. For tanks, the difference between someone with AAs and without is absolutely *huge*. It's immediately apparent to everyone in the group when tank1 leaves the group and tank2, who is the exact same level and class, is taking damage at twice the rate and dying every single time a named is pulled, taking half the group with him. The next time tank1 and tank2 are both lfg, who do you think will get the invite?

Sure. A level 70 with no AAs can tank in MPG if you've got a really good healer. But then so can a rogue or ranger or BL. But do you think that tank will get invited the next time they need one? Nope. Everything else being equal, a group will take the tank that will require the least healing. Why bother inviting that tank if he's not needed? That's an irrelevant argument then since you're essentially assuming a group that doesn't care how good the tank is. That's going to be a false assumption most of the time...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#21 Aug 30 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
208 posts
What I normally do is include in the LFG comments that I'm working on AA's. I normally get invites from the same people unless I'm just sitting in a zone and get a random invite. In any case the group is warned before hand. I do have some AA's so its not very apparent in PoV or in lower DoNs. When I go into NC or do the Creator's mission is when you can really tell that I desperately need AA's. That however hasn't been a problem since I normally do those with my guild or with friends.
63 Paladin
#22 Aug 31 2005 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
i would have to say LVL up and then AA, aa's come fast once your in the higher end zones.. Lvling is the big long grind once it is out of the way you feel so good knowing that its over hehe . i mean if there is aa's your guild needs you to have get those or the ones you CANT live with out but id stay with lvling as much as you can
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