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Guild requirements....Follow

#1 Aug 26 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I am a 66 monk and I am really sick of joining the "Family Guilds" that have 100 players from lvl 1 to 50. I want a guild that does more then talk to each other in guild chat. So I have started useing the new LF guild tool. Every guild I have found that looks half way decent requires you have EP flags or better. Now how the SDF# are players supposed to get to EP without a decent guild? My current flags are simply POJ and BOT. I never see any pick up raids for MB or any other flagging for that matter. It is just so blasted annoying how strict and nasty players are getting with requirements for there guild. So I guess any somewhat newer player that enters the game is just SOL? I guess they want you to join a guild that does flagging then leave them and go to theres??

Anyways I just had to get that rant out of the way. I am really sick of feeling like a reject. My monk compared to most my level is severely underequiped. I got mainly bazaar bought gear and 13 aa points. My charactor is fairly new, but I am not some newbie that doesn't know anything about the game. And as anybody knows you can not expect to get flags, epic 1.5's/2.0 or any decent no drop gear without a good guild. It just seems like a endless loop though cause you can't get a good guild without the good loot and flags and such?

Any suggestions?
#2 Aug 26 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Default
Unfortunately, this is a catch 22 that there is really no way around. I have played EQ since 1999 and when my guild of 4 years disbanded, I took a 1 year break. When I came back, most of them were no longer playing and it was like starting over as far as finding a guild is concerned.

The best advice I could give you is to try to meet and befriend other players that are members of one of these guilds and hang out with them as much as you can. Eventually one of them will undoubtedly ask you to recruit and/or invite you to their guild.

#3 Aug 26 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I understand your problem, but surely there are some mid level guilds doing that sort of level mobs about, ask a few of the members of top guilds if they have any feeder guilds that would be willing to take you.

That said alot of the gear dropping in the OoW zones are PoT quality and you just need to know the right people to get invited into those groups. (At lvl 70 and 100+ AA Smiley: lol)
#4 Aug 26 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
480 posts
First, for the guilds that you want to apply to, have you only read their websites or have you talked with people in the guild? My guild still has all the PoP flags listed as a requirement; however, they haven't hit a PoP target in over three months. The PoP flag requirement is waved, but we haven't taken off the website.

Second, are you applying to realistic guild considering your level, AA, and equipment. Guilds want a productive member, not someone that they have to gear. Look for guilds similar to your "production" level.
#5 Aug 26 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Our guild on Bertoxx is a family guild, but we DO raid the plains, and we have gotten quite a few people flagged up to the elemental planes, However, there is another option:

On Bertoxx there is an Open Raid channel that is used for mostly planar flagging for people such as yourself. It is called PUFlags. If there is not a channel like that maybe you should consider starting an open raid chat channel. I would suggest starting small, like PoJ trials, then the hedge maze or killing Giants in Storms to get drops for the BoT key, and word will get around. People that want flags that their guild has already done will also join your raids and you may get some experienced people that have alts that are not flagged on the raids also.
#6 Aug 26 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
First, check to see if your server has some sort of pickup raid channel. If it doesn't start one! Don't just wait on someone else to get a raid going. Ask around and I bet you'd be surprised how many people are interested in flagging.
#7 Aug 26 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
On the off chance your on antonius bayle and nead pick up pop raids for flags, join channel ulopen. Time raids every saturday which i sometimes join, since its fun to go back to time once in a while :)
#8 Aug 26 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
My guild is a family guild and they Raid almost every sunday with two sister guilds between the three they get 5-6 groupds all the time
#9 Aug 26 2005 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
As far as I know there is no open raid channel on Fennin Ro. I have talked to a few of the people in various guilds and they seem pretty firm on there EP flag requirements. I have tried the guilds that seem to accept me but all they want to do is raid Kael Arena, maybe TOV, and rarely a mini-boss in Luclin. ITs fun to do those every so often, but you can't expect to really gear up from doing stuff like that (nor get any flags).

I did not mean any offense to the good family guilds out there. But I think people know the type I am talking about. I am talking about the kind where you log in and see 10 people on-line and every one of them is about 10 levels apart from each other.
#10 Aug 27 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
EP really isn;t that hard to get now days..............many people are using raiding channels..and getting it from that..........but if you are looking for a guild I suggest looking for a Vex Thal or Lower planes guild......any VT or LP guild should take you in you have the lvl reqs(any non qvic+ guild that requires lvl 70 isn't worth joining...............) shoot now days Time guiilds are looking for 67+ apps......Finding a guild isn't hard........apping to them might be but IT NEVER HURTS TO TRY!!!!!!!!!!unless you are a complete ***..........that's a good way to get black listed =/(so don't be an ***)
#11 Aug 27 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
You could start your own guild.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#12 Aug 27 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
too many guilds now :p

It doesn't hurt to apply to a guild. My guild had lvl 65 and 100+aa's to join, with a 30 day probation period where you are a trial, allowed to raid with the guild, and earn dkp at half the rate of the full members. Trials are allowed to bid on loot if none of the full members want or need it. During my probation period, I went from level 63 with 50 something aa's to 65 with 95 aa's, which was close enough as far as they are concerned. I'm still not flagged for EP or KT, where my guild raids quite a bit, but there is the 85/15 rule, so I can get into the zones, although that is a PIA. Open raids are held by several guilds for backflagging purposes, where we look for prospective recruits and generally fun players to refer to our recruiters. I've picked up several flags doing the open raids. It is a route you could probably take, also.

Best thing you could do is work on your aa's tho. Most guild are always looking for good monks to pull.
#13 Aug 27 2005 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
Raiding guilds is the best choice in my opinion, they do things together all the time and they are larger guilds of high levels so their is usually someone grouping or forming up a group. If you cant commit to a "hardcore" schedule you can go to a part time raiding guild. Thats the best solution to that problem I have found.
#14 Aug 28 2005 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
I would ask, same as someone else recomended, most higher end guilds could care less about killin Fenin Ro or some such and the lowest area/oldest content that you will probably ever be required to attend would be a time raid and its easy as hell for them to 85% you in and let you loot a key to that in p3. Even if they do require you to go Elemental, it probably won't be more then fire and it is probably the easiest of the "elemental planes" to get 85% in and a key for as Fenin easier then say Xegony. (fire is really only needed as a exp zone for like soloing and grouping, earth has a very small chance of that too the rest really arent worth the hassle unless you want to do all the flags.)

The ones that could suck are the ikky, uqua trials they may not want to fart around with those and not sure what workaround is as we are just now into those, havin failed ikky 4 2x and uqua once. If you havent done so DO TIPT... biggest stumbling block to gettin at this is that a lot of people who desire to get in raiding type guilds havent done the simplier pre stuff. Tipt is the only trial now needed for KT access which is where the ikkanz and uqua trials start. Tipt is a one group mission that starts in Barindu.

I havent seen any DoN raid that requires anyone but 1 person to have the tiers for it so that shouldn't be an issue (obviously you will want to get your tiers movin up too, for the perks but you wont have to be like on Tier 3 to go try and kill Volcana, you can be on Tier 0 and still go).

Anguish access will probably suck too but, but heh I only have like one signet in my bank towards that and am not in that big a hurry dont think we will be there for quite a while yet.

Only other place that a higher guild might want you to have access to is Vex Thal I would prolly start the shard hunt asap just in case, it doesnt take all that long and with a few potions you should be able to solo darn near all of em.

Really though if you look at the gear that drops in GoD, OoW, Time, DoN you really would be hard pressed to find a high end guild nowdays feelin the urge to go kill Corinav and get a couple GRWs.
#15 Aug 28 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
Raid guilds have a fantastic range from Lucin only to GoD and Omens only range......basically not you can find what ever you want...........if you want a lower PoP/Lucin(Seru/SSRA/VT) guild or a Vish/Meta guild you can go for it(obviously the high end guild would be harder to get into.) the options are always open.....especialy now when you have ppl leaving for RL and WoW.................

My point is this you can pretty much find a guild that you meet the reqs for................ya it wont be the best guild but what does that can still do fun targets(Hell a first time AHR or Quarm is every bit as fun as a Meta or Vish......if not more so..........Hell of all of the kills I've had I would have to say my favorite has been Quarm..........and maybe the uqua kill(just b/c that was such a ***** and I was glad I would never need it again =p)
#16 Aug 28 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
I never see any pick up raids for MB or any other flagging for that matter.

So, start some. Take the initiative to run your own. There are plenty other people in your situation on your server, and they'll be more than happy to join in.

#17 Aug 28 2005 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
187 posts
You should join a mid level guild that raids vex thal and does the tier 1-3 PoP encounters.

My server has at least 2 good ones so I'm guessing u can find them on your server.
#18 Aug 28 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Thanks for the info everybody, I will look into alot of the idea's given. I have been working my AA's best I can, but I can't really solo so I always depend on a group. I am going to try and find a lower end guild maybe to start out in, I guess I will just have to take my time and stop joining the junk guilds that shout for members in POK.

I think the biggest thing that has hurt me is where i quit for so long to play eq2. I think it really left me behind alot of other players :/
#19 Aug 29 2005 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
You can catch up, just grind out a few hundread aa's in your new guild then go looking for higher content.
#20 Aug 29 2005 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
The Raid Guild Code
Them that falls behind, are left behind.
70 plus people are not going to keep going back to content they have done over and over already getting flag/keys just for latecomers or anyone who doesn't raid often enought to keep up.
#21 Aug 30 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
It shouldn't be that hard for you to get geared up. Search for those items that you want, and then form a group of folk to go hunt there, using LFG tool, guild and friends.

I think that any guild raiding at time or elemental level would welcome with open arms, a monk geared up with the best one group items possible.

#22 Aug 31 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
alot of the raiding guilds have baby guild to get you to thier lvl then they bring you into thier "mother guild" and some will even bend thier rules to get you in if your a decent player and talk to thier officers. Or if your sick of all that find a few buddies around lvl 60 plus do some research about raid mobs and form your own guild an hope your in the right place at the right time to make it fly =) or offer to be a back flaggging guild for a bigger guild and mabe they will send you memebers who r apping them there is a few ways around your problem ..but not many
#23 Aug 31 2005 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
Etuy wrote:
It shouldn't be that hard for you to get geared up. Search for those items that you want, and then form a group of folk to go hunt there, using LFG tool, guild and friends.

I think that any guild raiding at time or elemental level would welcome with open arms, a monk geared up with the best one group items possible.


Dunno bout other guilds but I guess its the same as mine..
We dont care to much about what gear you have when you apply.
Dont waste to much time gearing up in groups, spend your time grinding out lvl and AAs.
We look at lvl / AA and raidattandance. Gearing up someone is a very fast thing. We are still doing PoTime and most stuff up to p3 rots or go to bots. Also Qvic gear is easy to get if you can get piggied in by guild. That stuff is 200 hp/mana +

All you need to do is show dedication and apply to a decent guild. Get lvl 70 and about 100 AAs and most guilds pre-CoA will be happy to grab you.
#24 Aug 31 2005 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
My guild, Old World Travelers on Maelin Starpyre, is a guild that DOESN'T focus on progression but on grouping and hosting fun events. We're not against progression but we don't want it to be the focus of our activities. We do a lot of smaller raids like epic hits. We also try to hold fun events like tradeskill hunts, fishing trips, language exchanges, trivia challenges, etc. It's a nice relaxing environment for people who like grouping and the occassional raid. So far the response for this type of guild has been huge and we've had to restrict our recruitment by having the officer staff vote on prospective members. The best guild on Maelin! Smiley: smile
#25 Aug 31 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
318 posts
There are quite a few guild on Fennin Ro that are doing PoP progression. The guild I am in on Fennin is needs just RZ and SolRo to be in Elementals. We raid 3 times per week (Tuesday 9pm, Friday and Saturday 10pm all EST) and there have been numerous time where we have had to go elsewhere due to the targets we needed being down.

Perhaps you are aiming too high? Check out the Guild Lobby and from there the guild website and you'll find what you are looking for.

Also, talk to the people you group with to get an idea of the typr of guilds they are in and what there goals are.
#26 Aug 31 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
You can also do what I did. I have noticed a decent amount of guilds using Guildportal as a site to host their information. Go there and in the search field put your server and then look through the guilds.

I am a total newbie in EQ and I wanted to make sure that whatever guild i joined had a lot of players on during my timezone. So, while I was learning the game in the tutorial every time I ran through PoK I did a /who. I was looking at the guild tags, then i would do a /who "Guild name" Very simplistic, and yet it worked for me.

That is just another look at your issue.
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