SSRA. And as a forenote, this is from the perspective of a 65 cleric, this was before i had Ward proc, I had about 5000hp/1250AC/5k pool virted, zealoot, kei. And 75(?)ish aa's. My thoughts on some trouble spots:
ME: It really isn't -that- bad if you play your cards right. At least, some of the suffering can be averted. I camped the old fashioned way for a while. Got tired of it, and tried something simple. I just parked my level 42 ranger on the hill (invis of course) near one of the camps, near the middle of the zone. Log in every day, see if a named is up. It took time--it didnt take any trouble. Saved a lot of tedious camping.
Also, ME can be easily navigated with invis potions, heck even IVU. You just have to know what you're doing and be attentive. Con everything, and avoid accordingly. I think a lot of people wouldn't believe how easily you could bend the absolutes of this game; the two examples of absolute death running through me, and absolute pita camp being two good ones.
The Deep: 1 groupable. This one is really not hard at all, if you can kill the mobs, you're golden. Much harder solo of course, due to see invis and mob proximity, but you won't be going into vt alone--so bring the others who need shards.
FG: When i camped these it took a while to drop for us, but the mobs themselves were like any other mob. After kos, invis to the camp. True, even with good pulls you could get wandering adds, but you could note repop time, or just do whatever you do with adds. The fortunate thing is that the adds are not certain here.
I did seru for the seru/katta one. Before you're kos, its just another camp. Just walk away from Optios. After you're kos, just manage your space wisely. You'll get adds for sure, but again, that's to be expected in a group.
Etc: A lot of the others were just simple camp-jobs. Kill stuff, and keep at it. Some longer than others of course, but they were all doable.
Now, ssra... yes you could take precautions. But there were a lot of factors here and you couldnt necessarily knock them all out alone--even grouped, it could be annoying. Of course, with a group that could take the other shards, this one could be done too, just with a bit more difficulty here and there. Alone it's pandora's box waiting to happen. Only 1 real camp spot besides the hall entrance, and there are 2 you had to keep cleared there. Plus, the agro range ensured if you didnt have snare or a quick stun, you'd have more really fast. That made it hard to paci too--you have to paci a lot of them to get them solo, if you are doing the camp inside the cave where the two are, you could paci 4 or 5 and still get an add. Not to mention paci's cast time and short duration. And that's assuming you could IVU a few feet out to target the ones around walls. Not to mention they summon (a lot do anyway). And they aren't junky mobs either--for a cleric with my stats, a challenge, and for lower levels, a real fight. I'd hate to be level 55 and pull 6 of them.
Even after that, it still is a matter of the shard dropping.
In my experience, some of them were long, some were dangerous, but SSRA had the most potential to defeat your planning. Not to say some weren't bad--but I thought ssra was worse. I finally got it there, with a group of me and 3 ubers (rogue, pal, nec) hunting a pally epic drop. They pulled the entire cave and pally tanked with group heals. I guess if you can do that, the camp isnt so bad, but then, if you can do that you probably arent going to VT ;)
Think that covers about all i can think to say.
Edited, Sat Aug 27 18:28:04 2005 by Airport