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Do I look like a vending machine?Follow

#1 Aug 29 2005 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
This has been happening to me recently. Someone walks up and hands me a small amount of plat, no previous contact. I cancel. They offer money again. I cancel. Then they shout or ooc, take the money, I need buffs.

Odd, how I do not feel inclined to buff them. Why do you suppose that is? I guess I want the warm feeling of a tell, respectfully asking, yes that's it.

Had someone look me up in PoK, that I had buffed a few minutes before, demanding, not asking, re-buffs because he died.

It's going to get hard for some people to get buffs if they don't learn some politeness, and respect.

I actually like to buff people and do it a lot, and for free, but be rude, you lose.
#2 Aug 29 2005 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
Hard to disagree with this story... I would have done the same this and after he ooc'd "take the money I need buffs..." I would have said "/ooc quit trying to just hand me pp. If you stop acting like a 4 year old and just expecting me to spit out a buffs like a vending machine then maybe I will buff you. Ask nicely, donate if you want, but don't be a jerk! Please note: any rude response from you will get you put on my ignore list."

I probably wouldn't have put him on ignore just to watch him complain...
#3 Aug 29 2005 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Heh, I heard an /ooc in pok the other day. "casting KEI for donation - dark races only".........thought that was funny that this person should be picky about who they take money from, but I suppose this is how they 'role-play'. Smiley: lol

Rudeness is rampant in the PoK.......darest I bring up this ol' classic. Smiley: eek
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#4 Aug 29 2005 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
429 posts
Why should a "True Roleplayer" buff an opposing team? On the other hand they should not look for or buy buffs from an opposing team. In most cases its like a 1 way street they don't belive they should buff other races but when its time they need a buff they have no objection getting a buff from an opposing team.

Espeacally true on FV server
#5 Aug 29 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Seems people are a bit more educated at this time, but there are still some who need reminders...

While working Maiden's Eye entrance with a group, pulling Tribals, someone pops in and asks for SoW.

We are in the middle of a fight with one add. I was kinda busy trying to lock down the add, but I take time to respond quickly 'Not now'. Curt, for sure, but I didn't say 'Not now you idiot'.

He responds with 'ok after this mob then'.

I respond 'Not now'. (redid last thing I typed).

Well it takes us 5 minutes to kill the two mobs. I turn around and Mr. SoWme is gone. Hmm...guess he didn't need it all that bad...

Edited, Mon Aug 29 10:12:25 2005 by Dothammer
#6 Aug 29 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Elinda wrote:
Heh, I heard an /ooc in pok the other day. "casting KEI for donation - dark races only"
Hey, that guy buffed Inlee! I suppose Erudite SK's get in on technicality.

He also said that female dark elves were free but didn't accept my arguement that Inlee was female and dark skinned and two out of three ain't bad Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Aug 29 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
i finnaly got my cleric to 40's and did temp quest 2 weeks ago.
and spent all the plat i had on my cleric and lvl 44 warrior as the gear they had was great at lvl 20-35 but needed better by 40's
and now every time i run in pok i get asked for temp. i don't mind i play the game to help but temp cost me 400-500 man can't remmebr but with a max of 2500+ mana i can only temp 5 people and then have to sit in mana pool for 10-15 min which is ok when i need to do other things anyways but i always like a little donation,
i never ask, nor send /ooc for donation , i just /ooc that i'm by guild hall about to go in and sit in pool if any need temp come to ramp. a few will donate which is nice. some lower lvl's don't but thats ok. would be nice 10pp at least each temp cost at least 5 min mana down time out of pool, i miss the perote gem , was best so you either get the stone or 10 pp.

but what up sets me is when a few guys every day open trade and put in 50pp which i'm thinking wow nice guy then i press trade but they press cancle i don't notice as the window goes away and i cast buffs on them, they leave without saying ty. and then i notice no pp, happend 6 times in last 2 days and about 3 times last week. anyone esle noticing that? they seem to be mid lvl players.
To play well with others is to NOT GET THEM KILLED

5x eve online (Currently playing 2 accounts)
1x darkfall "worse game ever"
8x EQ 1 accounts char's lvl 30-52 7 years (3 accounts active)2nd fav
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beta's AC2,lotro,eq2,aoc, lineage 2, darkfall, crimecraft, fallen earth, aion, Jade Dynasty
#8 Aug 29 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
50pp which i'm thinking wow nice guy then i press trade but they press cancle i don't notice
That would be pretty crappy to do, you aren't even asking for donations.

I always check when trading to see if it was cancelled. The other remedy is be the second one to hit 'trade' (Wait for the green light!)
#9 Aug 29 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Perfect timing It is really all in how you ask last night I was going to play my Alt a lv 13 Warr. there are 20 people begging and ******** for the usual vic temp wooshi and c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c..... I ooc "lv 13 warrior on rock next to main bank I will take what ever buffs I can get and be happy to have them can't pay now but I will owe you one hehe" with in 5 min I had 96 min temp that was then upgrade to like 136 min temp I had SOW SOB Haste, a heal over time, Feet like cat, and some other shammy shield thingy whoot went out and solo everything in butcher block with about 6 class 3 heal potions. It is all in how you ask.

Edited, Mon Aug 29 11:35:18 2005 by Trablin
#10 Aug 29 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
Respect and niceness can get you amazingly far.

Rudeness makes me want to PvP/destroy/ignore.

#11 Aug 29 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
You're not a vending machine? You mean I can't stick plat up your nose, yank your arm and expect stuff to fall out of your ***?

Mages are the vending machines. Gnome mages are vending machines you can carry in your pocket.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#12 Aug 29 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
You're not a vending machine? You mean I can't stick plat up your nose, yank your arm and expect stuff to fall out of your ***?

Mages are the vending machines. Gnome mages are vending machines you can carry in your pocket.

Smiley: lol Smiley: laugh

Dammit I let premium expire, thank Allah it can be fixed, fast, fast I tell you.

Edited, Mon Aug 29 15:28:22 2005 by Kelti
#13 Aug 30 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Well, I am a new player to Everquest and have had a few people cast spells on me I didn't know what they did. So, I came here and did some research. Saw a really high level cleric casting Virtue at the Soulbinder in PoK. I didn't know what it was so I asked her. She told me it was a 46+ buff, so I told here I had some work to do, was level 17 at the time. She proceed to cast Temperance on me.

I have asked shamans how much for a 10 dose SoW potion once I found out about the potions, they told me to just look them up and send them a tell if they were not busy they would just cast it on me.

Politeness or in my case ignorance helped me learn how to ask for spells or buffs when people are in PoK.
#14 Aug 30 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Debalic wrote:
Gnome mages are vending machines you can carry in your pocket.

EQ's PEZ dispensers.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#15 Aug 31 2005 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
i was in WOS and a guy sends me a tell, " hey can i get oak" i say where r you ? he says "POK at the main bank", i tell him nope im in a group in wall of slaughter and am the main heler so i cant go . He then got mad and told mei was being a jerk. i just said in the future when you do the /who all druid make sure they r in your zone =P we need to exp 2 yah know and im sure its 50 x worse for enchanters and clerics .. i also get random tells for ports all the time even when im like 7 zones away from them they r like "so you can port back and get me " what if i dont want to just cause i can do i have to ? its nuts
#16 Aug 31 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Maddtrucker wrote:
i was in WOS and a guy sends me a tell, " hey can i get oak" i say where r you ? he says "POK at the main bank", i tell him nope im in a group in wall of slaughter and am the main heler so i cant go . He then got mad and told mei was being a jerk. i just said in the future when you do the /who all druid make sure they r in your zone =P we need to exp 2 yah know and im sure its 50 x worse for enchanters and clerics .. i also get random tells for ports all the time even when im like 7 zones away from them they r like "so you can port back and get me " what if i dont want to just cause i can do i have to ? its nuts

That used to happen to my cleric, too. People would get all pissy because I wouldn't leave a CoD Carprin cycle raid to go Temp some loser soloing in OT.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#17 Aug 31 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
/roleplay 4tw

If that still doesn't work, ignore or /ignore. There is no reasoning with irrational behavior, unless you are masochistic. Then there's always the stance of taking any and every donation. Who says you have to be a vending machine with product, when certainly, you never advertised you had any or were dispensing any.
#18 Sep 01 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
426 posts
That is exactly why my Druid is allways on Anonymous. I got fed up with getting tells from folks several zones away wanting me to drop everything and come port them to a zone that had a book - they just didn't want to land where the book was, they wanted to land where the Druid zone was.

Guess that's rude of me - but as my daughter would say, "Oh Well"
#20 Sep 03 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
403 posts
It's all to easy to just sit there like you're afk while somebody has a trade window open. If you don't feel like being deceitful, then get up and go grab something to eat/drink. A short bio break also works. After a few minutes the nimwits will get a clue.

One of my favorites was when some guy wanted pet gear. I told him, sorry I'm on my way to the raid. He kept pestering me for the toys (even while I was several zones away). After awhile I told him to go to the bazaar and do a search for "summoned:". He said all the sellers in the bazaar were rip offs. I politely told him my mule was one of those "rip offs" just before he became an ignore list nominee.
#21 Sep 04 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
95 posts
It's worse when someone says in tell or say, Clair (or C) and then just sits there like a stunned mullet. And then send you ruse offensive tells because u didnt give them buffs =/ /ignore is such a wonderful thing but they need to raise the limit to 1000 names..... 100 is just so not enough.
#22 Sep 05 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
22 posts
Wow..So I just finished reading the ol' clasic as it has been tempting to respond after reading that many posts...but will respond here instead :)

I was just thinking of comming back to game and was playing reading to see whats new. Now this is the first time I ever noticed that Alla had a message board /snicker. Prolly cause I would just be fore item/quest lookups...never had much reason to look at the options above "zones".

Oddly enough these post really reminded me why I loved this game so much. Good bad, we all have stories to share:) and that's so great.

now slightly on topic.
I think we've all had to deal with these people. Most of the time I have no problem giving out buffs. Theres been a few times when I didn't feel like lvling/questing/etc and just sat around PoK giving free buffs. But dear god people can get annoying...The worst case I ever had was a lvl 55(was max or close to max lvl then) noob. For one I can not stand the idea of people who have never played buying a high lvl char. It's bad for everyone imo. But this guy was being so completely obnoxious it wasn't even funny...I spent about 30 min explaining him alot of the basics...and 3 hours later he was bugging me for buffs/ports/and info that someone learned by lvl 5 had known by playing the game. In the end I was so frustrated with this person veiw that I was his personal /help that I ended up grouping with him. Porting him to iceclad and /ignore. yes it was a prick thing to do...but damn he needed to learn. Normally I'm not this mean. But sometimes you just can't be nice./shrug.

/rant mode on

We are all here to play this game. We all pay to play this game. We owe each other nothing really. The only people who owe us anything is SOE as they're the ones that take our money. If someone doesn't want/can't/doesn't have time to do something for you, tough. Deal. They don't have to do anything to make your gaming experience better. It's not our job. Hell this is something we do when NOT at a job. Most of us do help because we enjoy it. It's nice to feel like you've made someones day better. But its still not the reason we play this game. Nobody picks up this game and says" wow I can't wait to buff everyone all day long" You think..."OMG dude this game lets you kill a DRAGON!!!"

So , no, we are not vending machines. We are not required to give you a buff because we have it. We have that spell to make us usefull in groups. These spells are not absolutely life or death needed. If they were SOE would have given all classes (insert buff here). We have these spells to make it worth while to GROUP together. I think alot of people forget that fact. I mean, would you want a shammy in your group that didn't have slow? A Warrior who didn't have taunt? And why do they ahve these abilities? For the same reason classes have buffs, to make them valued members of a group. And yes we can and do buff people not in a group because we want to. Don't come up to us assuming we want to buff you. If we wanted to we would either 1) drive by buff 2)respond to an ooc request or 3)Be advertising. Is that something that's too hard to realize?

/rant mode off
wow...haven't ranted like that in awhile...and I'm sorry if I sound like I'm talking down to people here. Most who will read this will have already known this info and I don't mean to insult their inteligence. The rant was mostly to the people who just don't get these concepts. That and I just need to vent. I feel much better now. /bow Thank you.
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