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The Number of GM EventsFollow

#52 Sep 04 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
I really really dont like events. I play on Maelin Starpyre and the last GM event we had was this total BS thing where a 'Ward of Ro' asked us to bring him 10 items from a long long list of foodstuffs for a banquet they were going to have. The problems were these.

1) The items were all dropable so basically it was just a run from lavastorm to the bazaar and back.

2) The only way to get the items other than the bazaar was to farm them from extremely obscure camps which wouldnt be a problem i kinda like a good scavenger hunt but...

3) WE ONLY HAD ONE HOUR TO DO ALL THIS. One hour is NOTHING in eq! In fact i spent most of the hour just trying to zone into the places where we had to be! By the time i had gotten two of the ten items 35-50 minutes had already gone by.

I think the reward for all the bs was just an Insence Burner of Ro like the kind you can buy in the bazaar but i never bothered to confirm it with anyone. These events just bring out the absolute worst in people.
#53 Sep 04 2005 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I remember a GM event in Dreadlands about 4 years ago. It was a dragon attack (Run by the GM) with some Mobs attacking in groups around the zone (Scripted) It lasted about 45 min. and was fun for the time it lasted. I was on Tallon Zek, and everyone even agreed to put a hold on PKing while the event was on. (Which tells you how rare they are.)

The GM summoned me under him during the initial search for him in the zone, and then forgot about me. I ran around just behind him giving instructions on where he was to my guild until he noticed me back there and squished me. I always figured he went into third person to see what was around him and noticed the little Halfling running around behind him.

That was the only GM run event I remember being at.
Flyhalfer Wingfoot
Melee Druid of Karana
#54 Sep 05 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
GMs don't do much unscripted stuff for lowbies much anymore. Years ago werewolves were set lose around Kelethin. I got smacked hard and was chased around some trees. Quite fun.

Lowbies scattered for miles around. Then the higher-ends had to beam down and spoil the chaos.
#55 Sep 05 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
15 posts
other then the 2 times a month pvp friday night event, witch may be fun has been lame lately level 1 mages with claivoence on and the same bag of the tinkers is kinda old. I enjoy interaction but it be nice to have a chance at some nice loot.
No way for most causal players to win pvp against raid players or defeat mass of mobs like the war scenerio. I would love to see trakanon released in some common zone like say butcherblock and just let em go to town :) Or maybe get a peek at mayhong like i've heard he can spawn,, I voted not enough because i have rarely seen any other then pvp. Would it hurt them to get some originality, they can summon players why not summon mobs ?
Oh well least i have done a few pvp.
#56 Sep 05 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
There are to many unimaginative events. The gnome races, the fishing contests, the burn contest last night...there are too many of these dumb events.

The war between the evil and good mercenaries was pretty cool. There should be more of those kinds of events that use game resources, NPCs that enable player interaction to help them get rewards.
Middling Druid
Co-Founder and Elder
Clan of the Wulf
#57 Sep 05 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Default
I haven't seen a GM on our server in 3-4 months and even then...
#58 Sep 05 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
Once a week would be cool. They hardly do crap anymore.
#59 Sep 05 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
I was involved in one about 3 or 4 years ago where our group was " hired" to escort 2 Erudin children home from Rathe Mountains. The reward for this was a few paultry plat. I think each of us got a little over 5 plat. We did have fun interacting with these characters during our journey but for the hour that it took to get them home we could have made lots more plat in Rathe.

I heard about 2 other GM guided events in LOIO but my characters were not near high enough to get mixed up in it. One was a goblin in the underwater temple ( where Veksar is now) and the other was a wandering angry dragon. These were in the same time frame I think...been a while.

Id like to see GM events. They have to potential to be fun but the rewards should be more notable. Why not have a GM play a mythical tpye npc...didnt they use to do this with Mayong Mistmore?
#60 Sep 05 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
They need to promote more GM events like the Butcherblock Hammer event way back in the early days of EQ, which involved the Dark Elves in Unrest, to the Cauldron, to BB, to GFay, and ending in Crushbone. There was actually quite a bit of lore also, ending in Kaldim with the King rewarding a deserving Dwarf Paladin the hammer. It was an event played entirely by GM's, not just some random spawned event to kill Mob A and loot Items A-C that seem to be occuring now.

Edited, Mon Sep 5 16:51:55 2005 by ayonley
#61 Sep 05 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
As someone who was on the inside for a brief time, there's several requirements for GM driven events: a GM has to schedule time for the event from X list of events, other GMs have to offer to help out if/when there's multiple NPCs (you think those NPCs just run by themselves?) and those events take gawd awful long to run from first shouting in PoK for the event to solution. Add to that the fact that the events are scheduled in PST which means the events I could help out with were usually the weekends. "C'Mon everyone! Pitch in with this event scheduled for 6pm PST" "I'd love to but I'm still at work. Care to pay for my time off?"

That was one of the reasons why I quit being a Guide. Don't ask me about the others...

#62 Sep 06 2005 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
#63 Sep 06 2005 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
i have never seen GM event. anyone hohas is lieing cuz they dont exist where i come from. i even play on two servers and have NEVER seen or heard of one happening!!!!! now the servers have merged i play on three so... even on prexus there are no GM events u idiots
stfu all
no GM events. BS.nevah. lies.
#64 Sep 06 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
I am not even aware that these are done anymore. They used to be common, I think, but not anymore.

The last one I know of, I was actually in by pure luck, about 20mths ago. I was in EW around the zone in for the Sleeper's Tomb hunting drops for the Prayer Shawl. Being a lvl 52 Ranger I was not too concerned about getting wacked.

Out of nowhere comes this 30' high purple dragon (no Barney jokes, please. I heard them all that day) who proceeds to hit me for 250-350. I later learned he was about lvl 60. I snared him, which took. I rooted, which failed. I put all 3 DoTs on him and backed up. Send out a zone message to see if anyone knew of a rare spawn as I never heard of him (still can't remember the name).

As I healed up, I noticed messages being sent out by him were inconsistent. His behaviour was odd too. I asked if anyone knew of a GM event going on in server wide chat (my mistake).... In 1-2mins, 10 peeps were around me like a swarm of vermin stacking up to declare looting rights.

We killed him in about 2mins. He hit really slow, but hard. He had tons of HPs, probably around 50K-100K. He had a habit of porting peeps about 200yds away too. He also has 5 really nice drops and about 250pp on him. I got Silver Chitin Hand Wraps (as all the other guys were lvl 65 and did not want them) and a Wrapped Entropy Serpent Spine as my selection for being the first one there. I loved the weap. It proc'ed like freakin crazy, at least 3-5 times during longer fights. It was THE agro machine. I'm sad that I don't have it any longer.

I had a blast and I'm sorry that the events are so rare (basically nonexistant). Bring them back. Bring back the Halloween Event too, it was the best of all.
#65 Sep 06 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
615 posts
Maybe this thread is making a difference!

Just last night on Povar there was a GM event. I didn't attend but the server-wide invitation was pretty funny.

The event was a pvp event in the Arena for level 1 mages with default gear/spells only. They awarded the suffix "The Burning Champion" to the person who won.
#66 Sep 06 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
I've seen many GM events. Many of them are fun stuff like the Cyclops Fight in West Commonlands, and the Day the Aviaks got their revenge. Problem is and I can understand why the devs don't do them more often, is the crowd of people who show up expecting 'uber lewtz' and then **** and moan when they get cookies and milk.

My only complaint is think up something new besides a level 1 halfling jump.

#67 Sep 06 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
I wish they would vary them more strickly fishing for certain levels or dueling for certian levels is getting very boring
#68 Sep 06 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
JBugman wrote:
As someone who was on the inside for a brief time, there's several requirements for GM driven events: a GM has to schedule time for the event from X list of events, other GMs have to offer to help out if/when there's multiple NPCs (you think those NPCs just run by themselves?) and those events take gawd awful long to run from first shouting in PoK for the event to solution. Add to that the fact that the events are scheduled in PST which means the events I could help out with were usually the weekends. "C'Mon everyone! Pitch in with this event scheduled for 6pm PST" "I'd love to but I'm still at work. Care to pay for my time off?"
Yeah, I was accepted into the Guide program long enough to get the book (then Luclin was released and the game was unplayable for me for a month so I dropped out). The amount of red tape people had to go through to run an event was obscene.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#69 Sep 06 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing for almost 3 years now and have not seen a good gm event in a long time. Friends of mine told me of a really cool one with bone dragons and such for hollowen a few years back. There is plenty of opportunity to have 3 or 4 day long events that break up the exp grinds and rune camps. If they are going to do them make em fun and available to be completed by most players. Give level based rewards that make people want to participate.
#70 Sep 06 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
I've seen a very few GM events in about 4 years of playing, bu t rather than the actual rarity of said events, i'm more concerned with the who is actually allowed to play them. Nowadays (at least on Maelin/Vazaelle), the only "events" are the PVP tourneys. The notice says anyone 55+ or 60+ ... but it's a guarantee who's going to be winning it. Point being, the events are constructed so that only an Anguish geared 70 character has a snowball's chance in hell of winning, and generally it's going to be for a title or prize they really couldn't give a rat's *** about.
Just my two cents ... if you're going to have an event designed (i hope) to bring the server together and have an all-around good time, make sure EVERYONE can participate in some form. Hell, the best "event" i was ever at was a player-made newbie race from Freeport through Kithicor and all over the map completely drunk off summoned ale. It was a blast, and there was zero skill required, just luck dodging the undeads (TY old-school Knights of the Green Mist).
#71 Sep 07 2005 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
player created events r da biz. now i know there are such things as GM events, but i never seen one or heard of one on any of my servers. plus they'll probably be for high levs. uber peeps. the like. so...
we will make a community of peeps, ranging on all servers, high and low lev and we will make events! in game email me to prexus.linkdeath if yo think this is a good idea and give sugesstions on how we will do this. i think map-wide-drunken-races r brill.. how bout swimming across the sea drunk? LoL i never tried swimming drunk... well the only way forward is player created events..shure theres no reward.. maybe a few plat,an item, but the fun counts ppl. REBEL against SOE! POWER TO DA PEEPS!
how bout a lev1 warrior PvP with the noob gear? eh?
#72 Sep 07 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
14 posts
then again it must be harder to run them from india
#73 Sep 07 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
It seems there are alot of events, but they are all for lvl 65 plus or lvl 1 newbie toons. There aren't any for the inbetween people. My husband and myself have MANY characters that are about in the middle of the playing field lvl wise and there don't seem to be any events for players in that range. At present we are on Druzzil Ro. We transfered in from Maelin where there were almost no Gm events. There seem to be more on
Druzzil, but like I said...most are for upper lvl characters or newbie characters.
#74 Sep 07 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
Legends service offers, on average, three events per day. They are scheduled, so you know when the next one will be and if it's for your level. Anyone can browse the calendar here (

Currently, Legends is facing a low population problem. If only half the people voting for more events were to try Legends for a month or two, that problem would be solved. More word of what is offered on Legends would get out. The population would go up dramatically as people, bored with the static content of EQ after 6 years seek out something new. If this happens, then Legends will get the attention it deserves from within SOE as well. Legendary item, spell and quest requests to development might be granted a higher priority.

The Legends team of GMs are hard working and doing all they can to keep this amazing service going. They are quest-writing, role-playing, item- and spell-inventing actors, dedicated to making the dynamic events of the Stormhammer server the best they can be. (For the person that mentioned GM Viianixis - he learned how to do it from these people.) (For the person that mentioned India - the entire Legends Team is in San Diego.) They listen to and adapt to player feedback to improve things the next time. The Legends GM Team understand game balance and the old "Vision" of what the game should be about to be fair and enjoyable for everyone. They work toward that goal every day. They care. They make it worth the price.

What is hurting the service these days is not the higher subscription price; it is that people not on Legends don't fully understand what it is they'll be getting for that subscription price. Word does not get out and SOE public relations has been woefully inadequate in regards to this fine service.

You may notice that the web page for Legends is outdated and promises features that are not (and sometimes never have been) available. That is the fault of the other departments within SOE that have forgotten about Legends. But the GM Team is there. They have not forgotten and they offer as much as they can, always looking to offer even more. Here's a bit of what you DO get on Legends...

*An average of three daily dynamic events (four scheduled time slots).
*Persistent and recurring NPCs you get to know.
*Recurring and new dynamic events that build an ongoing lore and history of the Legends world.
*Every character on Legends gets use of ALL veteran awards.
*Occasional Legendary items and granted titles (these are rare, but possible).
*Near constant GM presence in server-wide chat channels and wandering through zones (sometimes as themselves or as impromptu quest NPCs).
*A GM team dedicated to keeping the Legends service clear of exploitation, cheating and harrassment.
*Average of 20 minutes or less wait time on petitions being answered.
*Low population currently means almost no competition on camps.
*As population increases, GM-run camp reservation and rotation through high level content.
*Guild recruitment events
*Town Hall Meeting player feedback events
*Fabled NPCs have been seen on Legends as recently as yesterday. (GM's whim of when and where to spawn or set as randomly spawned)
*"The Agency" events usually 2X per week, working on raid-level flagging where the players organize and run the raid, while GM-actor characters look on and support the leadership.
*Rewards for all events ranging from multiple AAs for everyone, regular XP rewards, XP x2 potions, unique legendary items, items from zones comparable to the risk of the event, titles, personalized side quests, and yes, upgrades and twinkage.
*Those staying for a consecutive paid 6 months on Legends service may transfer that character to any other standard server upon leaving.

Throw down an extra $30 for one month (minimum stay on the server) and go find out. PvEnvironment is fine. PvP is a completely different flavor and fine too. But there is NOTHING like a good PvGM.
#75 Sep 07 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
What is hurting the service these days is not the higher subscription price; it is that people not on Legends don't fully understand what it is they'll be getting for that subscription price.
Unless I'm getting a steak dinner included for that price, it's the fifty bucks that's keeping me off Legends.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#76 Sep 07 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
GM events were great, unfortunately they are usually grab fests for drops, and/or lag fests but I have been to a few in my time in EQ and they were pretty fun. I liked the one on the beach with the troll armies in GoG, that was really fun.

Some one mentioned "GM quests", how about some quests period, for EXP I mean. Not to go too far off topic, but have you tried lvling a new toon lately. Groups are non-existant, atleast on Prexus.
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