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The Number of GM EventsFollow

#27 Sep 03 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
I see serverwide announcements for gm events about once every 2 weeks.The last one I participated in was 3 weeks ago on BB.The GMs took over East Wastes orc fort.2 raids formed 1 was a higher end guild and one was a pick up raid.We all cleared the skelis from around the fort then a named one popped in the fort.The higher end guild tried to take him but the plainly gm controlled named(He was swapping from a 2 hs to 2 one handers mid fight)kicked thier butts.They kept emoting zone wide that no one would win if we didn't all work together,but the guild refused to cooperate and kept trying him themselves so the gms finally just zone emoted that since we would not cooperate with each other there was no challenge and they just left.
#28 Sep 03 2005 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
actually have seen a couple of gm events lately on Fennin Ro .. but maybe thats due too the DOD release.. .. they are mostly fun ... although the last one I did was in my opinion a waste of time .... a collection of items for a barbeque ... it was darn near impossible to collect the items needed without forage, a high fishing skill, high enough level to solo some areas, platnium to but items in bazaar, or ports to be quick about it. /sigh
#29 Sep 03 2005 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, most the GM eventsI have seen/played in were when Verant owned EQ. Now I very rarely see anything but PVP in arena. I was showing a friend how to play EQ the other day when a GM showed up in BB and approached us and asked us to collect some "lights" for him. He wanted "4 white, 2 green, and 1 red lights." They translated to 5 fish scales, 2 snake skins, and 1 fire beetle eye. When they were turned in we got gnomish fireworks and a gem (1 diamond, 1 ruby, and 1 sapphire), there were three of us playing in the event.

It really was fun, but kind of cheesy. I remember the old events that were pretty darn funny. The troll that wouldn't let us cross the bride in SK without paying him was fun. I also remember another time we had a Santa troll at christmas time, but I don't remember what he did...
#30 Sep 03 2005 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
I voted on more events needed. However, there should be an asterisk next to that. They need to be planned and ran WELL. That war was a nice idea, but it brought out the worst, and was loot for uber toons, yet the war took place in newbie zones. I can only imagine a newb in Kelethim during that time.

Do a few more events, but make them cool.
#31 Sep 04 2005 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
I'd like to see more, but I have been in one this year and (I was new and didn't "get" what was happening) I am aware of another in the last 12 months. I took part in a "treasure hunt" in Steamfont, and the other was event was in Jaggedpine I think. I think it was a rescue of some kind. My point is, they do happen. I think it's just hard to be in-game all of the time so you can be there for every (any?) event. I think they prefer not to announce events more than a few minutes ahead of time to cut down on zone lag. Anyway, point is...they do happen.
#32 Sep 04 2005 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
The type of gm events I like are the ones everybody can enjoy (such as the fabled camps, skeliton spawns, halloween event etc. Im not a fan of the ones where only 1 person out of 100 gets anything loot wise. About any time I see a GM event within minutes every lvl 60+ charactor is in the zone in a big KSing FFA trying to get the loot.
#33 Sep 04 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
95 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
The Retaking of Grobb
Werewolves are scripted so don't count

This is actually a GM Quest.
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
The Retaking of Grobb
best of the best is just a PvP b*tchfest for braggind rights

is actually a GM event with real rewards, i have participated in one of these.

Edited, Sun Sep 4 09:04:52 2005 by Covou
#34 Sep 04 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
95 posts
bhagpuss wrote:
I didn't think GNs did events anymore - aren't events now handled by Guides?

Thus is my understanding.

Edited, Sun Sep 4 09:09:32 2005 by Covou
#35 Sep 04 2005 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
95 posts
OK. 3rd post in a row but you people need some perspective... sorry. The events and quests these days, as far as i know, are handled solely by SoE's VOLUNTEER Guide program. That means that if people arent volunteering, there is not enough guides to host the events, instead of posting and b*tching about not liking it why don't you try clicking here and doing somthing about it. All of you will sit there and whine about it but none of you would be willing to get off your preverbial behind and do something to make it better, except cry to no one who really cares. But yet you expect other people to surrender their time so you can get easy loot. One word fellas, and gals, Greedy.

Edited, Sun Sep 4 09:11:53 2005 by Covou
#36 Sep 04 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
I had reservations about posting, as I didn't think I'd have much to add about the threads. But I find myself in agreement with the last poster's comments for the most part. While true, I wish there were more unscrippted GM events instead of guides just handing out milk and cookies, I do think that I've given up a lot of ability to gripe about it if I'm not willing to volunteer my time for it.

However, to play the devil's advocate on this: Don't we already pay for playing?
Sopona Poxcaller
Heretic Shadow Knight

Nootaikok Frostcaller
Shaman of Justice

Master Brewer Biertrinker Oktoberfest
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Moksha Bladecaller, Half-Elfin Rogue of Freeport
#37 Sep 04 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
169 posts
GM events consist of two parts:

1) the waiting around in confusion;

followed by

2) getting insta-killed no matter what level you are.

Been playing for 6+ years and this is my view on GM events.
So I voted Avoid! ZOne! /Quit

Edited, Sun Sep 4 10:06:44 2005 by Treesong
#38 Sep 04 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Default
The other day on Zek there was a Riddle master event in pok. Its the only event I ever see (Gm asks riddles, if you answer correct you get gems)

ACTUALLY I tell a lie, there was also a guide hosted drinks race through kelethin.

Edited, Sun Sep 4 10:54:53 2005 by LerazHolymight
#39 Sep 04 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I've been part of two Cazic-Thule (the mob) events. One CT was spawned in Lake of Ill Omen, back when that was "the" place to be for 20+ xp. Another was in PoFear, server GM had a going away party of sorts, and added Amulet of Necropotence to the loot table. Everything, except the AoN, was ninja looted by ppl leaving raid so we couldn't tell who did the looting... *lets that sink in a bit*... there was ninja looting at a GM event lolz.

I've heard of events involving Mayong Mistmoore spawning in MM, but that was years ago.
#40 Sep 04 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Covou wrote:
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
Werewolves are scripted so don't count

This is actually a GM Quest.
Hrm? The werewolves were just a scripted event that repeated itself every 36 minutes. There was no GM participation at all.

I've been in a handful of GM events ranging from the fairly inane (an unattackable skunk in Butcherblock insulting and spraying the PCs) to the stereotypical "Lvl 70 mob in a lvl 20 zone being zerged by high tier guilds".

Probably my favorite one was once when a lvl 18ish paladin appeared by the gates of Qeynos, claiming he was stricken blind and needed help reaching a healer in Rivervale. He said (naturally) that the magics involved in gating/porting would make the curse permanent. So a group of four of us, highest level of six, led him across Antonica. Unfortunately, the paladin was not only cursed with blindness but also mental retardation as he'd get stuck on a tree and continue walking into it instead of around it. I don't really know any blind people in real life but I'm willing to bet they don't spend significant portions of their day locked in the corners of their rooms, walking in place. Anywho, we managed to get him about halfway through Highpass when we got stomped by a returning gnoll train. This was back in the day when you had corpse runs from the start and now I had to run back to Highpass naked and alone. But the GM did give me a Gold Topaz Earring which was quite the prize for a lvl 6 character back in 2000 or so.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#41 Sep 04 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
i remember only 2 or even 3 mayb on the drinal server and that was it...

first one when i was around lvl 51 starting my epic... a gm said a gm event Hafling Dive *where you create a halfling and jump off some cliff into water and the winner is whoever jumped into the water the farthest*

second one was a fre for all arena tourney where i had to scrap up about 10k pp and more depending on lvl... i died and was a waste of PP shoulda kept it

and those are the only 2 off the bat i know of happening in the past 2 years and ive been playing from the kunark expansion and up.... *also soem others were the fable's the skeleton's taking over kelethin and other random towns, and the big-*** skeles in Butcherblock for the 5th anaversiary (gota steel soldier ring from that)*
#42 Sep 04 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Guessing none of you are from Xegony, right? If you are... shame on you. Viianixis would be the event king, his favorite is probably going to velious and turning people into dragons. I happen to perfer his style over the events we used to have... I know we have had a "raid" against the mobs in WoS, which then continued onto Plane of Fire. Anyone that went to fire got a title option of "Firewalker" I think. Something along those lines. Not many people died, he kept firing off aoe type CHs.

My all time favorite event was the drunken newbie run in Kelethin. You had to be fully drunk the entire time you did the run. The start point was at the orc lift and the end point was the archery shop on the other side of Kelethin, I believe its the trueshot shop or something.

And double shame to the one that said
GM's can't catch cheats n hackers

I know on Xegony they have done a wonderful job of cleaning up the trash. Anyone who was a major problem anyway.

I guess its when I read threads like these that I find out we have the rare breed of GMs... the good ones. =P
#43 Sep 04 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
As a long time subscriber and player of EQ I would like to be giving some kind of heads up when an event is goin to take place I usually "hear" about an event after the fact.
I will say tho that I have seen several "Best of the best" in SERVERWIDE:MESSAGE (NOT interested myself) and I remember a "8th Annual Fisherman's Tournament" event in SERVERWIDE (Was loggin when announced =( sigh...) and I loved the halloween and anniversary events.

But I would like to see more events that were GM run and hope that by my vote and this post to see more events devoloped.

But honestly I would like to see more events of any kind GM or otherwise. And I dont mean the scripted war type of events, those are much to grand in scale.
But events like the Anniversary event that required you to travel around killing and collecting, with the occasional Fabled item along the way. And even tho the reward was merely a wand of fireworks it was wonderfully thought out to fire out different effects depending on how long you had been a subscriber (more status of a more attainable reach for all).

And furthermore the few peeps whom have linked the reward from any events they attended made me think I wish I could have attended.

It is pretty cool, haveing a unique piece of gear or item that no one else has or can ever get again.

ESPECIALLY a title that is instantly recognised as an achievment, ya I'm talking about ya Cellan "The Insane" (very cool title hehe) or Dredds "The Keeper of the Ages".

Or like the title you can recieve for 100 wins in each Ldon theme (the Omega symbol). That REALLY makes you noticable hehe.

And the fun drops like the "Can o' whoop ***" (forget which GM event that was).

Once again its the unique things that can come from GM events that even further flesh out your character and give you that feeling of bieng different than the dime a dozen Pally or run of the mill Beastlord.

Now I am only talking about the unique rewards and fun of GM events as another aspect of EQ that could be devolped and not to compare them with quest rewards that is a reward of a different color.

Anyway my ramblings aside, I would very much like to have an opportunity to attend more GM events and the idea of playing against GM's and / or Guides is great. Not being into PVP but enjoying the occaisional healthy competition of playing against another player rather than EQAI is fun too.

Good hunting all.

Sofurious - The Rathe

#44 Sep 04 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
... it was darn near impossible to collect the items needed without forage, a high fishing skill, high enough level to solo some areas, platnium to but items in bazaar, or ports to be quick about it. /sigh

I was there, and anyone could of done well in that event really. There were like 50 different items and you only needed to get 10 of them. A cleric came in first and got a title "the rising sun". It was fun though, they rewarded up to 10th place with ceramic insence burners of ro, and at the end they all went to PoK to hand out food and drinks.

there was an event very similar to the BBQ a few months back but with a tinkering/gnome theme to it.

Or like the title you can recieve for 100 wins in each Ldon theme (the Omega symbol). That REALLY makes you noticable hehe.

this is news to me, since when does LDON give you a title, especially considering any none GM event titles are from the title window which wasn't around until omens. An omega symbol in someones name sounds fishy to me.
#45 Sep 04 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
if they offered it every night then it would defeat the purpose of them haveing the Legends ( premium) server running .. however i would like to see more events for all levels .. not just specific . could run them once a week for lvl groups .. would be fun ..
#46 Sep 04 2005 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
I think there should be more gm events, not just the events that they have been doing like make a lvl 1 char and head to arena but gm events like they used to have. Don't go the extreem and do that war event again but events similar to the war would be fun, mobs dont run as fast or hit as hard and loot isnt as good but make it drop more often.
#47 Sep 04 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a Noob so I don' get to do much towards raid, or stuff like that. I've seen one GM event, Which I couldn't even join. I think you need to add more low to mid lvl GM Events. Plz.... Would it kill you to do that.... Luleen
#48 Sep 04 2005 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
#49 Sep 04 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Covou wrote:
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
Werewolves are scripted so don't count

This is actually a GM Quest.
Hrm? The werewolves were just a scripted event that repeated itself every 36 minutes. There was no GM participation at all.

Do remember that guides and GM's can play NPCs, so just because no GM/GUide participation is noticeable at first, doesnt mean that the level 2 rat you just killed wasn't a GM/Guide.
#50 Sep 04 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Maybe you're remembering a different event. Or else giving the GMs way more credit than they deserve.

The werewolf "event" is a stock event they pull out now and then in the Western Commonlands. It's been the same stock event for years -- in fact, I remember in the PoP era people complaining that the werewolves didn't drop BST usable gear. The reason why being that SOE's been flipping the same "generic werewolf event" switch since Kunark and never reitemized the mobs with new stuff. A couple times they've combined it with events in other zones (undead and the giant snake in N. Ro, the spectre hordes in E. Karana, etc) but the werewolf event has no active GM participation. When it's running, the werewolves spawn at dusk and run around until dawn then they all despawn. It's the same code they use every day in Kithicor Forest only with werewolves instead of ghouls and zombies.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#51 Sep 04 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
GM? What's that?

Been playing 5 years, have seen green names maybe 3 times. Have never seen a GM event. Got given lame cookies and milk one of those times, lol.
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