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exploit? bug? as intended? 1.4 AA in 10 minFollow

#27 Sep 20 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
First of all, the AFK issue is moot because it is done commonly in GoD with mob mezzers.

So if an exploit is exploited in more than one place it's ok?

The term "Exploitation" here is nothing more than personal preference on how you perceive your game playing.

No, the term Exploitation refers to using a game mechanic in a way it was not intended to be used by the designers to your advantage. There are lots of exploits in the game, some are big, some are small. Quad kiting, using a high range item to increase the range of your ammo, corpse summoning for access across zones, getting crystals while not participating in a DoN, killing the war vendors to reset them, etc, etc.

Whether you feel bad or not about using them is irrelevent. The simple fact is SOE did not intend AFK people at work to get 1.4 AAs in 15 minutes. This is evidenced by them despawning the mission NPC. 170 AFK naked toons standing around in WK pulling in XP like they were actively playing, well geared in high end keyed zones does not fit with the developers game design plan.

If you are casually playing 4 or 5 hours a week you will never win this game without exploiting. It simply will not happen, you will always be behind people willing to put in 100 hours a week. This is by intention. It is the way the game is designed. The game has been constructed to reward people based on the time they put in.

The problem occurs when people feel they are entitled to "WIN" based on the 15 bucks they pay every month.
The question I have is why complain about it? You don't like it, don't do it.

That's like saying it's ok for the monopoly banker to pad his funds from the bank. Sure you can look the other way but it doesn't make for a very fun game. This is a great attitude to have when playing a console game, but when you are playing with other people they expect certain rules and standards to apply to everyone. Your level, AAs, and gear should reflect the amount of time you devote to the game. When you bypass that process you bastardize the system.

I gained two lvls from 68 to 70 in two nites doing maybe 15 missions. Do I feel like I "Exploited" these missions? No I don't. I felt that it was a good chance for me to be able to have a great time, getting great xps and lvling my character since I am unable to have the chance due to RL to be able to grind for hours on end to obtain a few AAs and maybe a lvl.

Gratz on getting 2 levels in a few hours. It affects me very little, but because you have other obligations and can't play allot doesn't make it right for you to do what would have taken an end game toon who may have put in 1000s of hours a full set of nice gear, a good group, and quite a bit longer to accomplish.

Edited, Tue Sep 20 15:25:17 2005 by xythex
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#28 Sep 20 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
be technical all ya want on weather it took 40 min or 45 min. that wasn't the point. the point was you COULD get a aa in 10 min, then wait 30 min and get another. the EXPLOIT or the part that was wrong, was being able to be afk and get the AA.

goto RSS you can gain aa just as fast, however, there is alot more risk vs reward.

was it the best exp, no. was the best afk exp ever lol.

it is actualy the first time that i took part in what i felt was wrong. but soooo many were doing it.

my posting it public on several boards had the effect i had hopped for, even more did it, and then i no longer had to worry that i was going to get in trouble :-). it also got it nerfed faster, now i don't know if "my" post got it nerfed faster, but it couldn't have hurt.

and now my eq experience can get back to normal ;-)

oh, i realy don't think these bugs are intentional. i don't think they go... "oh, lets put this in to make more people buy it!"

thats just silly. if that was the case, you would think more people would of learned over the past 6 years not to fall for it?

gl and good gaming ;-)
#29 Sep 20 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
615 posts
oh, i realy don't think these bugs are intentional. i don't think they go... "oh, lets put this in to make more people buy it!"
I believe they are intentional. Maybe not this specific case of the DoD mission, but I think teaser drops are briefly put in. When OoW came out, I got several augs in the first week or two. I saw their price in the bazaar but thought they were so common that I equipped them figuring I could go farm more. Little did I know how rare they would become.

And, when was the last time anyone saw Golden Bracer of Vanity drop in Dranik's Scar from the trash mobs that dropped it during the early weeks of OoW?

More recently, a guildie linked an Artifact won during a DoD mission. Artifacts are one-of-a-kind items, and I can't believe DoD missions are going to keep giving away artifacts.

Edited, Tue Sep 20 15:45:04 2005 by JoltinJoe
#30 Sep 20 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
the DoD task that we were getting the aa out of was droping artifact arms.
it scaled to whatever lvl of toon looted it.

#31 Sep 20 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
More recently, a guildie linked an Artifact won during a DoD mission. Artifacts are one-of-a-kind items, and I can't believe DoD missions are going to keep giving away artifacts.

The item changes when you zone out. It scales to the level of the person that is holding it.

The second time around we got the same ARTIFACT arms as the first pair no longer existed.
#32 Sep 20 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I don't care much because, and this is just my opinion, but the griffon mission is boring as hell. Really, can anyone say it'd be entertaining after the second time to gather ten ground spawns and kill two wimpy mobs you could solo? I had much more fun plundering Freeport or fighting a pitched battle against the orcs.

"OMG but the xp was l33t!!" -- Meh. Call me old fashioned but I'd rather have fun for moderate xp than be bored getting great xp. Same reason I don't PL, I guess; watching someone else fight for me or watching mobs die on my damage shield isn't really all that entertaining.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#33 Sep 20 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
Well said Lord. Agree
#34 Sep 20 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
This misison is boring.

BUT OMGZ0RS THE XP IS S0 1337!!!11!!~!!`
#35 Sep 20 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
375 posts

boring yes, but with 5 other people in the group, your "turn" only came up about every 3 hours. rest of the time you could be spending time with family, watching a movie.

or like me, sleeping! i got 11 when i was sleeping.

i actualy got a total of 42 AA in 24 hours or so. and i personaly only did the run maybe 10 times. rest of the time i was afk.

but yeah, god was it a boring run, sure makes you apreciate run5!!

would of killed for a sow pot ;-)
#36 Sep 20 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
257 posts
Just some FYI ....54 Ranger and the most exp I got was 2 blues of regular exp....or 30 percent of AA exp. Still very good compared to grinding out the exp.

Recap. 54 Ranger doing Monster Missions
Regular exp - 2 full blue bubbles
AA exp - 30 percent or one Yellow and a Half.
#37 Sep 20 2005 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
Getting aa's while afk or asleep feels like cheating to me.

I got a tell from a guildie to just accept the invite into our group and you can get some easy aa's. I turned them down. It just did not feel right. And in the end, I have to be able to look myself in the eye every morning. I am not sure I could do that if I cheated to get aa's.

Part of the fun in the game is the journey to get to where you are. It would take the fun out of the game for me to skip ahead like that.

#38 Sep 21 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
375 posts
lol i guess i cheted to get 42 aa :-(

but damn, i worked for the other 630 i have. i look at myself just fine in the morning ;-P

i might feel different if i only had 42 aa... but that 42 wasn't even a dent
#39 Sep 21 2005 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
Kyera if your intent in bringing this here was truly to get it brought down then all I can say is /salute....

To be honest I can find no other reason for anyone to have thought to have brought this here so big /salute....

Ya you got 42 on the dirty but you made it at least so that we with 70 600 AA werent surrounded by everyone being there with no experience on actually playing there character.

Sure you could get there by buying a character but short of this unintentional cheating you wouldnt have earned it or have even come close to understanding how to play yourself...

NM...if you spent all your AA in nothing more then like stat/resist buffs it would still be you playing like a level 55 instead of a level 60 100 AA but otherwise ya you cheated you got there without earning it or understanding how to use it...

Sad part to me is I must admit I am at least 30% jealous I didnt figure out how to cheat like yall did sooner getting to my point of the game at my casual playtimes has taken lots of time... I cant say that if I could be at same point know how to play my toon as well etc and have spent half the time I would be hateful of it... course from what I have read/heard then I would be playing WoW not EQ.

Anyway the other 60-70% of me is happy that this is gettin fixed so that much like the guy who dupes 100k plat my earned 100k plat isnt worth garbage.
#40 Sep 21 2005 at 7:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Keyera wrote:
boring yes, but with 5 other people in the group, your "turn" only came up about every 3 hours. rest of the time you could be spending time with family, watching a movie.

or like me, sleeping! i got 11 when i was sleeping.
Well, hell... I can't imagine why they'd have fixed it then. I mean, nothing says "risk vs. reward" like getting AA while you sleep and your buddies fly over groundspawns.

Darn you, SOE! Darn you to heck!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#41 Sep 21 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
Well its been fixed.. and looks like the other missions are to with the new patch:
September 21st, 2005

*** Missions ***

- Lockout timers for missions are now fixed. You will no longer get the 50+ day lockout timers. Those that have these long lockout timers need to log those characters into the game to have those timers reset automatically for them. There is no need to petition to get them reset, they will be reset automatically.
- Orvin in West Commonlands should port players with the Zanivar quest.
- The chance that you would loot the required items for the mission Desert Crawl was increased.
- Corgoth has remembered his obligations and has returned to the Norrath’s Keeper faction.
- Adjusted the experience reward for some of the monster missions to be more in line with the time it is taking to complete them.
- Kathi Norman is on vacation. She will return to help Griffins find their eggs as soon as she can. (ooc: The mission she gave was just too easy and is being retrofitted with more fun and challenge).
- Lowered the difficulty of Warlord Drellak in the second mission of the Walls of Xill mission line in Stoneroot Falls.
- Some mission givers in Stoneroot Falls will now see through invisibility. You may now communicate with them while having invisibility up.

- The EverQuest Team

Too bad.. so sad that you now might to actually work for your XP like everyone else.

Edited, Wed Sep 21 10:20:11 2005 by Archania
#42 Sep 21 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
You would get like 8 AA in like 2 hours. Which is about the same as a MPG group and not as good as a a few other higher zones.

This is typical 70s-think. Everything is viewed from the perspective of a high level player who has access to all parts of the game.

How many 10-level or even 50-level characters can go to MPG and get that exp., do ya suppose? This was a chance for lower level toons to get an early X-mas present from $OE.

Yep, MPG is better. Yep, Creator DoN gives better exp. overall.
But if ya dont happen to live in the stratosphere, this was a bonus.

And yes, it's was short-lived and deseved to be. It was P/Ling yourself with all the negative connotations attached thereto.
#43 Sep 21 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
3,128 posts
In todays patch they have now nerfed all monster missions so that they are all not worth playing. Thanks so much guys.

The Griffon has been removed completely until revamped, which is fine, but the werewolf has been revised to unplayable, near 1.5 hours to complete.

The exp per mission is now half what it was, so 2/3 of an AA for 45 mins work, and the double exp for Werewolf has been fixed. Even my rogue can do better than that soloing.
#44 Sep 21 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
Kind of a shame, I thought they were too good, but not outrageous really. With a really good group in PoFire I could grind out an AA every 10 minutes or so, so while werewolf sounded buggy in giving out doubled xp rewards, I thought griffin was just a bit too good, not crazy or anything.

Edited, Wed Sep 21 13:45:33 2005 by Calimyr
#45 Sep 21 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
4,596 posts
In todays patch they have now nerfed all monster missions so that they are all not worth playing. Thanks so much guys.

You make it sound like everyone was clamoring to have it ruined. I did not get that feeling at all, actually nothing could be farther from the truth, people wanted it balanced for risk=reward. If that didn't happen because of an overnerf than that is a shame but it certainly had nothing to do with the people of this board. Did you not think SOE was going to notice 170 AFK people standing in WC 24/7?
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#46 Sep 21 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Calimyr wrote:
Kind of a shame, I thought they were too good, but not outrageous really. With a really good group in PoFire I could grind out an AA every 10 minutes or so
You're not exactly the average player, either Smiley: wink2

To use an extreme example, do you think a lvl 60 warrior in Crafted armor and weilding two SSoYs will get an AA in 10min in PoF? Solo? Because he certainly could doing the griffon mission.

That's the part that makes it outrageous, not comparisons to what a lvl 70 high end player can do in PoFire with an exceptional group.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#47 Sep 21 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
The xp was nice while it lasted. I can't say I exploited it. I was more into solving the missions and playing them out. I will still do them again regardless of any xp 'nerf'. I was a bit annoyed (but not surprised) that people would abuse the missions to gain AAs. My windfall was 1 AA on my druid and 2+yellow bubbles of xp to ding my cleric to 56.

I have nothing against the AFK AAers, you play how you want to play. No skin off my (griffon) beak. I cannot believe people complaining about 'nerfs' though. Just count yourself lucky.
#48 Sep 21 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
i am honestly glad it was fixed.

like it was said above, it trivilised all the hard work alot of people have put into the game to get the power we have.

but i do admit, i did enjoy getting those aa.

i am past the point where i exp grind. so my aa come real slow now. i have more fun soloing, casting buffs for free in PoK, questing, helping others and doing trade skills and the like. that is how i spend my time when not raiding. that and doing DoN (and now DoD) with guild members. i don't sit in exp "camps" any longer. If my aa reflected the amount i play, i would be well over a 1000 aa.

if you saw the bashing i recieved on other forums for posting this...... so many mad that i called attention to it.

this has actualy been one of the more positive forums on the matter.

/salute ya all

gl and good gaming.

i love this line:

Kathi Norman is on vacation. She will return to help Griffins find their eggs as soon as she can. (ooc: The mission she gave was just too easy and is being retrofitted with more fun and challenge).
#49 Sep 21 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good

it trivilised all the hard work alot of people have put into the game to get the power we have.

It had NOTHING to do with the work you've put into your character ... it had to do with the work OTHERS put into THEIR characters.

The fact that anybody chooses to P/L a character (or run it while asleep, etc.) does not diminish what you do, unless you feel that you accomplishments are valuable only insofar as they outshine others'.


As for the nerfing... the missions will now be like the other tasks, quests, LDoNs... a wasted effort in programming, a feature that nobody uses.
#50 Sep 21 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
ummmm thats what i said ;-P

"it trivilised all the hard work alot of people have put into the game"

i did say "we" at the end of it, but i wasn't speaking excusivly of me.


and ya know what, it DID have to do with the work i put into mine. I gained over 640 AA without that is all for nothing? nope.

Edited, Wed Sep 21 17:54:00 2005 by Keyera
#51 Sep 21 2005 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
I still don't understand how the effort that somebody else puts into his char -or doesn't put in, more accurately- changes anybody's opinion of what you've done ... ?
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