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Depths of Darkhollow ImpressionsFollow

#1 Sep 23 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
What are your impressions of the Depths of Darkhollow expansion?
It's the best one yet!:61 (4.6%)
It exceeded my expectations:345 (26.1%)
It met my expectations:276 (20.8%)
It did not meet my expectations:201 (15.2%)
This expansion is a real clunker:185 (14.0%)
I haven't experienced Depths of Darkhollow:199 (15.0%)
No opinion:57 (4.3%)

(Note: You must be a registered user to vote in a poll.)
#2 Sep 23 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
257 posts
I have a few comments for the expansion i wish to express.

1. I didn't pre-order this expansion because of the last few being geared mainly for high end lvls. I was sure this would be no exception.....Wrong. Once i read some feedback, I bought it and have loved it every since.

2. Since all my toons are 30-54, I often have trouble getting groups...not so much on the 54 side, but I can forget about the low end. What DoD has offered me is a chance to group with ANYONE of ANY LVL and get awesome exp....even after the nerf.

3. I have had some friends come back to EQ that are starting fresh again and the Shroud allows me to group with them without deleting a toon to play with them.

4. The Monster content is great. My personal favorite so far has to be Naggy....where you kill the invaders and protect Naggy. It really is quite humorous to read the comments from the "NPC Invaders".

SO I have to say, this expansion has been a nice suprise given the high lvl content of the last few i.e. OoW, GoD nad others.

Nice work, from a non-level 60 toon long time casual player.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 22:13:38 2005 by Olrec
#3 Sep 23 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
The monster missions are nice because you don't have to rely on certain classes etc, and as picky as players are anymore that is a very nice feature (IE I hate putting DON's together clerics and tanks are a pain!! Everybody thigns they should be the 6th member to a perfect group of all level 70's UGG!!!)

Anyways as far as shrouds go they are handy for grouping with lower players, however I think the lvl 60+ shrouds are really quite useless. The cleric shrouds heals are underpowered to be used in a grouping or raid situation, and the tanks/melee just don't have the dps to match your normal lvl 60 to 70 players.

As far as the new zones they are 100% crap. Much like Gates, OOW, etc as a melee class you gotta have a group to even walk through them cause of the way they are made. Seems to me, as with almost every expansion made now, the new zones are made for the people with 1000aa's time/oow/gates gear, etc. Mobs that quad hit for 1400dd, difficult to explore zones, yuck. The zoens are dull, mazey and boreing to look at. Yes Yes Im sure there is super uber loot to be seen. OF course I will probably never see it, but Im sure its to be seen none of the less.

I know there is plenty of high end players in the game, but that doesn't mean 90% of every expansion released should cater to them. Be nice to see another expansino where ALL classes can explore them. Ever since Gates almost every new zone is a tightly enclosed dungeon with mobs hitting for 400 to 1400 damage wandering everywhere. Makes it very hard to get any type of group going, and it makes it hard to replace members when a member of a gorup wants to leave. That is probably why so few of the new expansions have really added much to casual grouping.

Anyways thats my 2 cents. I don't regret buying it mainly for the monster missions. I have probably just about used this expansion more then DON, OOW, and Gates combined.

#4 Sep 23 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Default
I'm impressed so far seems to be a well designed expansion I was expecing it to be less creative than it was so it exceded my expectations.
#5 Sep 23 2005 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
i think its great, not best i think that planes, but even at low lvls moster missions can provide good xp
#6 Sep 23 2005 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
it didn't meet my expectations

but the expansions haven't been real good since luclin, after there game designers started leaving
#7 Sep 24 2005 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
I actually like the designs of the new zones, but then, I like wide open zones with big falls, I liked the deep. I think the shrouds and monster missions are both spectacular ideas, and as for raiding, I'm waiting to see what awaits in dreadspire to make my decision on that.
#8 Sep 24 2005 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
I believe this is the best expansion yet, it gives the opportunity to group with anyone, the monster missions remove the necessity for class requirements, and the new zones are fun. If you do the exploration missions that Slipgear gives you, you can see that the zones aren't as bad as some people are saying. Yes, the mobs hit hard, but with just a couple hundred aa's they don't hit so hard all the time.
#9 Sep 24 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
I havent had the time to really play the creatures yet. but I did like being a lvl 70 zerka and wizzy.
#10 Sep 24 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
I hate it! It is as buggy as hell, my endurance to suffering through the bugs is growing weak. Sad to say not sure how long I will continue to play if Sony doesn't get the game cleaned up. I been playing since early 2000, this is the worst expansion I have seen.
#11 Sep 24 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
I agree completely with what is being said here in the above post by Fronglo.

My husband and I haven't bought the latest expansion yet, and I don't know if we will. We haven't even made it to any of the zones from the last 3 expansions. We are casual players, not "uber" and don't have very many AA's (we do have a life outside of EQ)and so we find it hard to find really good groups with people who know what they are doing.

What we do find interesting about Darkhollows is that one can grp with anyone at any lvl, but we don't have the "couple 100 AA's" as said in a post below to cope with all the hard hits.

It would be so awesome to see another expansion come out like Luclin, the last good popular expansion much like Kunark with a wide range of zones for any type of player, solo, casual or uber.

Anyhoo, that's just my thinking...
#12 Sep 24 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
Each mission I have done has been buggy. Infact, the groups I have been in have learned how to beat the missions with the bugs in them, almost like the bugs are part of the missions.

I am now officially boycotting Monster Missions.

On a side note: anyone do the LFay Brownie one? Bloomin heck is that hard.

I don't see how it's possible to finish.
#13 Sep 24 2005 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
I really like the graphics of the zones. Being a Rogue, I have not experienced the difficulties that some face getting around. I have not had a great amount of time to get into the details of the lore and the missions. So far, I am impressed with the content part - we will see what time brings.

As for the shrouds, they are a very interesting concept. It should be a real boon for those uber players to play with their not-so-uber friends.
#14 Sep 24 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Haven't done any monster missions or used any shrouds, the first zone you enter from nektulos i find confusing, no map so no idea where the different passages will take you, and why do they all of a sudden put "scowl ready to attack" mobs amongst the indiff ones, at 55 they where blue to me, at 28 damn nasty shade of red :(
#15 Sep 24 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
I would say it sucks. Or at least the information given to start the monster missions is very lacking. To this day i havent found anyone who knows or is willing to tell me or any of my friends these pertinent pieces of information.
1. Where are the npc's to get missions from.
2. How come the zones for these missions are rated 60+
3. What do you have to do to get progression towards next image? Is it just hunting in image, grouping in image, or doing missions that we cant start because we dont know where to get them.
4. What is the difference between the gargoyle image, and the other images. Is on for missions and the others just for fun. Can you unlock any as you wish (if you find out how to progress in them), should you try to do them all for bonus items, skills???

I hate this exp for the fact that there was NO information given on how to use shrouds,gargoyle tooth. No pop up saying telling to to seek someone out like they did with ldon..At least that one told you go to home city, search for person a then go to a wayfarer camp and talk to so and so..

THis one is heres a tooth. theres a shroud guy.. Good luck on not knowing where to go, who to talk to or what is needed to advance.

Now part of the problem might be that people on quellious are just getting more and more unsociable and refuse to help if anyone asks, but seems that if they do figure it out they dont tell anyone so they can sell new items at really high prices and if they dont help anyone then its less likly others will go get these items on their own instead of buy them..

Guess its time to transfer to a server where people are nice and helpful to others who ask for basic info that sony couldnt give but should have.
#16 Sep 24 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
DoD hmmm. I hate to make anyone mad. Great expansion. Sony makes EQ even easier to keep those sales rollin'. But the features of DoD are cool don't get me wrong. For the casual player that is. So the new zones are bad to solo in? Solo'ng died with PoP, unless you are a plat farmer. Newer expansions were made 90% for high end raiders? Bet your *** they were. They are the peeps that keep this game alive. ( With most having at least 2 accounts) So you figure 30 bucks per person for at least the two accounts times 120+ people in a guild(give or take)? Damn, that's where the $$ is at. Simply put, if you aren't at least Time/GoD, you are in the dark. And the dedication it takes to be there, well, few can cut it. End-game raiders it's what it's all about. And we keep comin back because of the harder, fresher content. If anything DoD was meant to satisfy both worlds though. A change of pace and new features keep us from going to differnt MMORPG's. And the raid content keeps the serious gamers interested as well. *Spirit shrouds, be a monster, evolving!!! But really, give us the next hard, end-game raid mob that takes weeks of careful organization to topple. EQ is a lifestyle, even tho it's just a game, it wouldn't survive if it wasn't taken seriously. And it's always been a group/raid game since Kunark. so uh, yea, if you think it should be about you and solo'ng, make a nec, farm Veksar.. (wow i can feel the hate mail comin)
#17 Sep 24 2005 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
I am enjoying the monster missions and some of them are paying pretty good xp. The naggy one is fun but they nerfed the xp down to 4% reg xp at level 66. I doubt I'll go back to that one but some of the others are still worth doing. If they continue to nerf the xp in missions then this expansion will be worthless to me.


Minievil - When you eventually go outside and see a ball of fire in the sky, that's called the sun. Do not look directly at it. =)

Edited, Sat Sep 24 12:07:13 2005 by Grimleaper
#18 Sep 24 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
Considering how versitile this expansion can help make you become, I think it may become as necessary as PoP was when that was the only way to access PoK.
#19 Sep 24 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
I have really enjoyed the moster missions...when there arent any bugs..I have to say the intial start up was a pain in the ***..I was stuck in the void with most of my guild for several days and felt very frustrated. But have to say, I do love the shrouds so that I can hang with my younger guildies. That to me was worth the aggrivation
#20 Sep 24 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
13 posts

I have yet to really use the last 4 expansions (GoD), (LDoN), (OoW) or (DoD), some of it due to being too tough or time consuming, except for hard-core guilds to zones being too laggy.

So i didnt bother with this expansion and probably wont bother with it or any other future ones.
#21 Sep 24 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
As much as the monster missions are fun.. provide some decent gear, and the shrouds are useful for general grouping, especially with lower level toons, I'm not particularly happy with the xp zones provided.. The kind of loot that is dropping of mobs that are hitting for 1.2/1.4k a round is really quite frankly rubbish. Its nowhere *near* upgrade quality, and much of it isn't even upgrade quality to toons that are 10-15 levels below the lvl 60-70 toons that you need to *get* the loot. Bear in mind, I'm talking about general grouping loot, not raid loot. The fact that a friend of mine (70 warrior, very decently geared, 1.5'd) needs to take *two* healers with him just to group in the zone is quite frankly.. silly.

Just my 2cp
#22 Sep 24 2005 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
hmm havent completed any MM's- went LD or had to go in the middle. LOL i was in freeport 1 went LD then i appeared in everfrost? bug or what. but it made it easyer to egt to PoK (had a few dwarf guards killing me on the way to the pirate MM). I must say, tho, it was heck fun. I have never had a toon hit for 100-400 b4, and i was playing a rouge at the time! the hits from NPC's wernt that bad, and i think the exp would b good. i only know how to get to three MM's- if anyone oculd help me out that would be kewl
the spirit shouds suk. i spent AGEs on the bear and only got to 2%. i thought that u would level up as level 5 in a few kills, and then from 35 you would be 36 when u got bk in ur own skin. Also, the class choice is crap. I think a werewolf should be able to be necro and SK too! and i think they shold add classes to the monsters. all they r is rouge,wizzy,necro,warrior and zerker. thats dumb.
#23 Sep 24 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Default
Great expansion, probably one of the best ever. So much to do, Missions, Quests, great Exp, more spells, evolving weapons, it's real scary too. Finally an expansion that is not a mindless grind. This expansion, seperates the anti-social whiners who **** everyone off from the great players in the game who are friendly and know how to work as a team. Hat's off to SoE on the whole monster mission thing too, the other day our guild was doing a raid and we were a bit short on a class. 3 players turn into monsters and just like that they missing classes were there. Too much fun!

Thanks SoE, great job!
#24 Sep 24 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
I wish I could respond to this poll but I can't...

Why? Because I always buy the expansions at the store and the stores in my area STILL do not have it on their shelves.

Electronics Boutique, Gamestop, Best Buy, Circuit City, etc, etc, etc...... Nothing :-(
#25 Sep 24 2005 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
I feel like one of the above poster's in as much as not knowing a doggone thing about DoD other than the hyperbole press about it and I realize that for many that a big part of the fun of EQ is exploring and learning how things work and who to talk to and so forth i.e. powergamers.
However I dont have that kind of time to spend so have to wait for a post of what is what at a site like this to finally be able to take advantage of what any new expansion has to offer.
I have enjoyed having my Roboboar and I'm sure once some site offers the "How to's" of DoD I will be able to begin exploring the zones of DoD (C'mon EQtoolbox hehe).
Until then however even tho I have DoD, I will still be trying to find groups in OoW and waiting for details to be posted to give me a heads up of what is what.
I for one tho are very happy that there are the powergamers/guilds to keep encouraging SOE to produce even more expansions cause even if I havent been to 80% of EQ zones since Velious and have 3 toons over 60 I love the new features that come with the expansions i.e. shared bank slots etc.
It makes game play easier and less time consuming i.e. tedious.


#26 Sep 24 2005 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
Fantastic graphics.
Great lore.
Fun and challenging missions.
Awful exp and dreadful loot from all single group content. Killing a mob that hits for 3k for 90hp stuff is pathetic.

IMO the expansion will be empty apart from a few hardcore raiders inside 3 months.
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