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Depths of Darkhollow ImpressionsFollow

#27 Sep 24 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
hmm they need to make another expansion like either kunark or luclin. Those are two of the zones that are good for players level 1-65 which they were origionally all there was. It would be even better if they made 2 or 3 zones for 65-70 as well. Some of the worthless expansions are GoD and ldon. Ldon died shortly after it came out, due to the fact that after 2 weeks of doing ldons u get one piece of armor, that to make decent you need to do another 2 weeks worth of ldon's for the augs for it. GoD is only for high level players and is more like oow expansion...which it is the prequal to. It starts out a level 46+ zone aka natambi and all other GoD zones besides for abysmal are for high end raiding players. Those players are still working on their breakdown in communication quests and still working on tacvi. DoD is making the game seem a bit like diablo 2. they are making it easier and easier to get level/gear. and for those who say there is no point in doing stuff if you only play an hour or less a day that is true. Everquest is a game based on devotion. There is simply the fact that to be good you have to put in a lot of time. That is why the high end guilds require 5+ hours a night of pure raiding as well as high aa requirements/gear. But also they require skill for playing your class as well as you cant be a an ******* through out eq. This eliminates the ebayers which is why i like the high end players. As for them thinking theyre better than us... they are. big deal, they introduce a ton of items into eq as well as bring knowladge to what some of us will never know. They are the ones who normally post the info on walkthroughs on stuff other non hardcore players wouldnt pay attention too. Say epic 1.5's for example. Most epic 1.5's dont require more than 2 or 3 raids. But they probally would if people didnt have the walk throughs on how to kill this mob01 like their hp/dps/average hit resists and so on.
#28 Sep 25 2005 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
375 posts
cracks me up the peeps that don't like it because it don't have pop ups to tell you what to do?


good thing ya didn't play (assuming) when you had to figure it all out yourself.

EQ is wayyyy more user friendly then it used to be. to say an expansion sux because it don't hand all the info to you as you log in is just silly.

he, no books, no PoK, no expanded bank, no shared bank, no tutorial...the list goes on and on.

i for one don't miss the damn boats.
#29 Sep 25 2005 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
I would have to agree. Sony is out for cash only. Gearing expansions (some of which should merely be FREE updates) towards high-enders to keep them paying is their only goal. While I have 3 accnts and far too many toons to list (many over 60 and upwards of 70) I still hate the way game has (de)evolved.
#30 Sep 25 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
Heres an open question to all those low/mid-level characters complaining about expansions being geared to high level characters.

Have you already explored all of the EXISTING content. If you have, you also should be lvl 70 and looking for new stuff.
#31 Sep 25 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
Just a couple hundred AAs. You make it sound as if its that easy. Try playing on a casual gamer level looking to enjoy EQ like it was 6 years ago.
#32 Sep 25 2005 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
I have both HIgh and low and Mid level toons. Due to SOOOO much content, thre is simply too much to explore. LDoNs kind cured that for low - mid players by giving them regular grouping options but that too soon dwindled. All too often is it a shame to be able to game 4 hours a nite(on a good day) only to be lfg for 3 of those. Game isnt what it used to be since Sony took over. Period
#33 Sep 25 2005 at 5:02 AM Rating: Default
375 posts
thats for sure!

it is better!

go ahead, dream of the "good ole days"

heh, they sucked.

#34 Sep 25 2005 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
187 posts
It sucks imo. Risk vs reward is horrible. Monster missions were good xp but the ones I like were nerfed beyond recognition. It's damned near impossible to find pickup groups to get your dod spells. Not to mention mobs hit for 2k in those mission.

Seems to me they did not have the casual player in mind when it came to spells.

#35 Sep 25 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Yes,I thought I wouldn't like the new expansion,because I believed it to be designed for those uper-uber guilds. I went ahead and purchased the new expansion and have been playing it almost exclusively. I enjoy the fact that you can play different classes with the shrouds(limited to 5 classes) but it gives you the opportunity to experience playing classes you normally do not play(though with limited abilities)and with the shrouds you can "find" the class u are looking for by changing shrouds. Still, Sony needs to fix issues from previous expansions before they create any more expansions.
#36 Sep 25 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,260 posts
Mpenguin wrote:

Guess its time to transfer to a server where people are nice and helpful to others who ask for basic info that sony couldnt give but should have.

Come on over to Povar. Lots of nice people and, for the most part, people are really helpfull. The people on my old server, Morden Rasp, were mostly all nice people, and then we merged with Povar and those turned out to by mostly nice people also, who welcomed us.

I played on Quelious with my work friends on my first go around, years ago, right after Kunark came out. When I restarted again though everyone I used to know on Q doesn't play anymore, so I picked MR as a server with alot of new people. I usually have had good luck finding groups all throughout my current run, all the way up to 54.

I like the new 'spansion. Though I cannot even venture a few feet into the first zone without meeting mobs that quad me down to 60 percent in one melee round. (54 with Virtue) The MMs and shrouds are cool. You are right though, no thanks to SOE in figuring it out. On our server a few people figured it out, and started /oocing in PoK how to start getting things done, and then more people got with the program, told their friends and guild, and word spread pretty quick how to use the new features.

#37 Sep 25 2005 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I started playing right after LoY came out, and have to say, this is the best expansion I have had the experience to be a part of when it was released. I love the aug that the Cartographer gives out in Corathus Creep for just walking around Corathus. You need invis for one part, but is a nice upgrade for those that couldn't do 100+ ldon adventures to upgrade thier adventure stone. I also think it is a nice change of pace when grinding aa on the monster missions rather then doing groups in bot or wos or anywhere that requires flags. The lack of worrying about the group wiping and having to find a rez is also a plus. Xp got nerfed a little but still get about 1.6 aa for every two missions in Nektulos. The were wolf mission in Undershore is really fun to. Wish they kept the monks in it. FD was a blast when getting pounded, but got it figured out again after doing it once or twice. Being able to group with low level guildies who are trying to find groups to xp with is also a plus. I always wanted to help, but my alts lvls always seemed to be too high or too low and now I don't have to worry about alts out growing them. Well, that is about all I have to add. Time to go exploring again.
#38 Sep 26 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
I don't have it and I'm not planning on buying it at this point. I started about 3 months before SOL and I liked being a level 15 trapsing across Antonica before being able to afford a port let alone some type of portal.

In Dod you don't have to play your character anymore you play some morph form and get xp for your char to do what? go play more forms.... to what end if you never need to play your main?

It would seem kinda fun but I'd would have rather seen more use of what is already in place. There are plenty of things to fix and lots of old zones that need attention.


#39 Sep 26 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
same here.. dont have, dont plan on getting...

*Monster Missions* seem to me to be about 1 notch up from the voice chat added with OoW, seemed kinda cool at first, but got really old really fast,

I agree, with this you could literally level a toon to top end without ever learning what its actual class is all about. I keep hearing "oh but what if you want the rogue abilities, or the monk abilities?" simple answer, roll up a Rogue or a Monk, and play it.

on every single expansion thats come along since LoY I have done the same thing... I donnot buy them until I see SOME redeeming quality that inspires me to lay out the dough for it.. Havent seen it yet here.

everything I have heard, read, seen, indicates to me that this expansion embodies exactly why I stopped playing EQ2 after 3 weeks. What it is, in a nutshell, is alot of crappy little bells and whistles, with very little real content, wrapped up in a pretty graphics package. Sorry, no sale.

Edited, Mon Sep 26 06:10:22 2005 by JustUsQuellious
#40 Sep 26 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts

You bring up a good point, about alot of the zone being on the literal bleeding edge, with the very well dressed dying to be the first loot the new uber trinket. It is hard to for a casual player to have access to those zones.

But over time, the tactics for those encounters are worked out and documented, and the casual player does get better gear, spells, AA, which make those previously hard to get into zones much easier to get to. There are many guilds which are always 2-3 expansions behind the 2-4 top end guilds on each server. In many times, those guilds do continue with their progression, and are very successful, without the stress of trying to be number one.

As far as trying to find players to group with who are level 50 or less. That is a royal pain unless you have a very tightly knit group, usually RL. Part of that is that many who want to try a new class with either PL their way thru those levels, or buy / trade a character. I wish people did not do that, becouse from time to time, I too like to play a lower level character (20-55), but like you, I can never find a group for those toons.

Edited, Apr 9th 2014 12:55pm by leadint
#41 Sep 26 2005 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
I agree completely with what is being said here in the above post by Fronglo.

My husband and I haven't bought the latest expansion yet, and I don't know if we will. We haven't even made it to any of the zones from the last 3 expansions. We are casual players, not "uber" and don't have very many AA's (we do have a life outside of EQ)and so we find it hard to find really good groups with people who know what they are doing.

What we do find interesting about Darkhollows is that one can grp with anyone at any lvl, but we don't have the "couple 100 AA's" as said in a post below to cope with all the hard hits.

It would be so awesome to see another expansion come out like Luclin, the last good popular expansion much like Kunark with a wide range of zones for any type of player, solo, casual or uber.

Anyhoo, that's just my thinking...

Buy DoD!.
Why ?
There are TONS of new missions you can do without ever stepping into the new zones and be owned by 1400 hp hitting mobs. Many of the monster missions begin in oldworld zones.

Monster missions are a gift to all casual players, and a revolution in online gaming , you can be sure every other Mmorpg is going to watch very closely. This is what you have all been craving for for so long. Being able to adventure , have fun and group with friend's , regardless of level (well in some aspect), gear and class.

Not buying DoD would be the biggest mistake.

#42 Sep 26 2005 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
661 posts
lol, You just can't make some people happy no matter what you do I guess.
Antonius Bayle
#43 Sep 26 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
I am extremely disappointed. SOE has spent much time on gimmicks and very little on the content I was looking for. My main issue is that DoD is more of an "alternative" experience rather than "additional" one. More and more people are nearing the endgame in EQ. I had hoped that this would offer more advanced equipment and weapons as a reward for grouping. It does not. As far as I've seen, it offers the same or even REDUCED group mission rewards as previously. One example is the charm aug available - for melee, at least, when maxxed out it offers one HALF the hps which the LDoN one did. haha, I mean, WHAT IS THAT??? Where is the encouragement to get out and grind with groups? Where is the encouragement to actually spend time on-line? All DoD means for me is some halfway decent additions AAs (which I will have behind me in about 3 weeks). No motivation for grouping, no additional levels, no increases in the strength of armor/weapons. The gimmicks (even if you like them, which I don't) will become laughable to any serious player soon - as the ridiculous jester and servant have done now. Wake up, SOE. Give us some reason to log in.
Toug Toosexy
#44 Sep 26 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
My expectations were pretty low to begin with, so it had no trouble exceeding them.
#45 Sep 26 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Well my Wizard is looking forward to that new spell I've been hearing about! By the time whe can use though, there will probably be better.

I've had fun so far with the monster missions, but I imagine doing them more than a couple times each will get boring.

Some of the guildies have been trying out the shrouds to round out groups. That may be helpful.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#46 Sep 26 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
Agree to a point on this.

However Sony has messed up EQ1 so bad that there is no way back. If they decrease the mob uberness at all one lvl 70 could easily clear an entire lvl 60+ zone with little problem no matter there class. Which would be sorta like when Wizzy's first got mana burn and ran to every zone in norath and with a small group of 2-4 killed every zone boss around, until it got nerfed it would be the exact same with any new zone that did not sustain at the least the lvl of the monsters coming that are in the game now. Sad to say but unless they increase every expansion the lvl of the monster then there will be nothing but high lvs soling stuff that lower lvls need to group or raid for.

Lok at the gear that drops now I, yard trash mobs dropping gear that Velious Boss mobs would drool over.

EQ1 is going downhill and sorry to say it but if you dont lvl then will be be sorely left out.
#47 Sep 26 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
339 posts
well I must say that the new expansion is better than I thought. My char was 59 and in less than a day he hit 61. that for me was a huge help. Sure I didn't get tons of loot or money but the time I saved getting to 61 was well worth it. At 61 I decided to go full AA since I had none. I got 80% of an AA each mission. So even just for the AA xp it's still worth it. I'll probably use DoD MM's till 62 so I can head to BoT. I really hate the fairy mission it's annoys me butit's so easy i just can't stop doing it. The freeport mission while bugged at the very beginning is by far the most fun 'ive ever had in eq. I've always wanted to raid freeport. all in all it's not too bad if you stay out of the cazy lvl 70 zones but for us little guy's there's a bit of content for once.
#48 Sep 26 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
this is my opinion DOD sux s since sony nerfed the exp and made it harder,,,, what good is it to play something harder and get less exp.....
#49 Sep 26 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
I have enjoyed the expansion so far. I haven't done much in the new zones yet other than monster missions. Finally, with the monster missions (for some anyway) there is a way to actually level a high end char without having to find a high end group or even a full group for that matter.

My one complaint is that Sony keeps shooting themselves in the foot. I was helping a guildy in a 1.5 epic and ran past the BB Wayfarer's Camp (deserted of course) and when we got to Lfay, we were the only one's there too. Sony really should look into a way of integrating all the expansions that offer various types of missions and upgrading the loot to make the dead ones more attractive.
#50 Sep 26 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
I have had some fun with the new Expansion, the MoB's in some of the zones hit way harder than you would expect for just wandering MoB's and they are very crowded, but it makes you really try to work to get some XP. I am decently equipped but not Time/Anquish at all, mostly DoN/OoW Gear. I agree with YseultSHM about the older Zones. I have been working an Alt Shammy and soloing in Velks Lab, I can walk in that zone anytime and go right to the Top Shelf and it is empty. I remember having to wait hours to try to get that area. If they would upgrade the loot stats on some of the Old World Named you would see those areas swarmed again and would be fun to get a group to go back to some.

I think what they started doing with DoN and the instanced Unrest, Hates Fury etc... was cool, Unrest is a fun zone and always was, why not revamp more like that.

BTW does anyone even go to Splitpaw or Mistemoore anymore? I never see calls for groups in those zones, since they upgraded them.

Well that's my thoughts, like it or not.
#51 Sep 26 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
I do like the aspect that you can group with lower level friends using the shrouds.

But I am disgusted by the amount of people using the MM to power level themselves, without using their toon at all. They are severly lacking in skills, etc, when they do attempt to use their actual character.

Fundamentally sound groups are becoming increasingly difficult to find.
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