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Depths of Darkhollow ImpressionsFollow

#52 Sep 26 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
187 posts
My impressions on this expanion are very bad at this point.

Unless u raid the loot will not be an upgrade unless u are one of those people who don't ever upgrade your gear since 5 expansions ago(yes i know ppl on my server who never upgrade gear ever).

Monster missions are no challenge at all and is almost as bad as pling. For the time spent doing them the xp is no longer worth it due to nerfs. Not only that many of them like the fall of isillian are very buggy and do not update when they should and u end up wasting your time doing them.

Normal missions are very bad RvR and will most likely be done only to get spells/disciplines and never be done again due to bugs and 100hp gear dropping off mobs that hit for 3k and have special abilities.

Like with every expansion there is a novelty of sorts to go along with it. And everyone will get their new spells and the ubers will do the raid events. But after that what is the point of it? Eventually the people who can do the spell missions and raids will get them done and the expansion will be as dead as ldon.

#53 Sep 26 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
First and foremost, the experience earned in this latest expansion is the best iv'e seen when you consider that you don't lose experience if you die during the mission, and successfully complete them. You can head over to a Plane and earn excellent experience, but can you guarantee survival? You don't have to worry much about rebuffing that KEI and Virtue, etc. if you die now.

This expansion gives all plyaers a chance to earn excellent experience and play as a race/class not normally allowed to EQ players. It free's up the boredom and complexity often involved in other zones. Hey, unless you're ultimatelly evil, how many times have you just ripped up West Freeport in the past? Now you can ; )

Enjoy peeps !!!

Krastus Deverun 62 Cleric, Drinal
Strommare Deverun 57 Magician, Drinal
Pitch Black 54 SK, Drinal
#54 Sep 26 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Am I the only person who is disappointed that the game has now become EverMission or GraphicsQuest?

Quite simply, this game is not the same game I paid for 6 years ago. Whatever happened to the concepts of factioning, exploring, and the general idea that this was an entire WORLD to examine and learn?

Now it's just "pick a dungeon and go get an AA". Each expansion has become nothing more than a gimmick to upgrade the same old AA skills. There has been absolutely no imagination or "questing" shown by this game since Sony took control. It's inherently obvious that the "world" of Norrath means nothing now.
#55 Sep 27 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Default
after playing the expansion in game now for a week or so I'd have to say I'm let down, the monster mission in BB where you raid Freeport is fun but one of the group members actually lost experience doing it, there was no information when we zoned in other then ?? in every part of what we were to do so we just ran around killing and looting. It wasn't until after we had done 3 I believe it was that there was actually information on what was required to win. Not that I'm complaining about the lack of information when you have a good group who really cares about that we were just having fun trying to figure out what came next.
As for the shrouds to play monsters I haven't tried those yet, even though I bought the game online it would appear that the shroud the news letter said I'd have actually is only available if you prepaid for the game before it came out.
#56 Sep 27 2005 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
My Impressions, so far are its a great Expansion. I have enjoyed the Missions to get Spells and Songs. The Items in the lower level zones are not bad and seem to be well thought out. Granted its not an Expansion for everyone to Hunt in, but the Spirit Shrouds can be used by anyone and are alot of fun. The quests are alot of fun to do and Provide a great many laughs when something funny happens to one of my regular groupmates. Yes there is some funny stuff happens in the Monster Missions. If you havent done one, Please take the time to give it a try. At level 70 it seems most of the hunts we do are serious, pay attention and Kill. Monster Missions break that down and make it alot of fun. Be a Cleric for once if ya like. Doesnt matter if your Class is. On a Monster mission you can be about anything.

Morgran of Tunare <Anthem>
#57 Sep 27 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
Hows this for an expansion.
(lets keep the fancy graphics)
-lose the crazy stats on gear. OMG a bronze helm (AC 8)!
-let have those zones back where you could explore, but if you didnt tread wisely ...SQUISH! or where you have to make a mad dashes to get to the other side(5 out 6 times you'll make it)!{and this time put mobs on the walls for those cheaters}
-those same zones where you could see a grp of level 5's taking on wolfs and a heart beat away a grp level 40's beating some giants.
- AA's what AA's - want a new skill go to your trainer and train..gain exp in that skill by sparing/chanting...and i am not talking about a 5 minute sesson gets you the ability...nope sorry you want it ....lets take a week or two... hour a day (max) allowed to earn it.
- Make things "precious" -You worked hard for that helm enjoy it...cause your gonna wear it for a long time!
-Cultured armour - Have it worth making again without the crazy stats and augs. When was the last time a Dwarf wore armour from his hometown smith with pride.
- No bazaar - lets get back to Faymart! or buy goods at East Common tunnel... Trade and Barter...NOT CAPITAILISM!
-Books vs Boats - sure the boats sucked back then..but whats the adventure if you dont see the land and walk it ever. Little Woodelf you want to see your Half-Elf cousin in Surefall....pack a bag and heft your sword...and start walking! I mean come on..Trolls and Ogers wonder Kelethin streets like its their backyard now! What happened to High elfs and wood elfs banning together and plundering Kaladim...over some fued!(PC created..A.k.a for fun)
-Expansions!- how about revamped zones every 10 months...folks move away...folks grow old and pass folks move kings.. new shops where old one were. New quests or old quests with different graphics (bronze sword with an emerald hilt next time bronze sword with gold hilt)
-stats- Get back to basics! Dont have magic boots...well you can't kick that willow-wisp then! Need a pair go to Faymart! or talk to your local smith on how to quest for a pair?
-leveling and factions- Grind babe grind! You want to be uber put in the time! But it is not all about killing for exp...designated levels you need to travel to a master of your class, in a far region and train with him an hour (max) a day for a week to gain the Right to your next lev...what you do the other 23 hours...well plenty of quests..changing or dissappearing every 10 or so months..the giants I hear have moved from there homes in the south to the new home in the east this month under a new king!
-colored armour- Well do the quest again...get a diff looking weapon this time...see your smith or tailor in home city.BArter and trade for the color you want! In other world work for a unique look and identity. Not dump a vial of dye on your armour.Hell have it so smiths can make custom orders on thier cultural armour.
-Chat channels- LOse it! do you know what is going on in china!
Let the stories reach you from word of mouth on your travels.
GM event in Commons...your in Kaladim...your it should be
-GM events- YES PLZ!

But Sony wont make that one
Next Expansion EQ "BUY CONTENT"
-everyone gets jet packs - instant travel to any zone
-look at a mob- get Helm (AC 3487 hp875 str 456 blah blah blah)
-mobs dont quad they HEXOGATE you for 99999hp
-you can be a STONE and roll down hills- the more times you do it the fast you can roll! Work yourself to AVALANCHE lev!


When it all started... It was how about You and a world to explore..that thrilled you and scaried the crap out of you! You made new friends on journeys to new places ,new fights everyday.You walked the land. You knew every nock and crannie in your home town and the surounding areas. Why? Cause you had to Quests and kill your way out and thru it to see what was beyond it! Where looting a steel bracer (only one AC higher then your old one)was as momentous as the day you were born! Hell even the boat rides where fun when they worked.... got drunk...and fishing over the side(for food you always were running short on) with a buddie for an hour...talking about the adventures to come in the land over the seas. Where being good or Uber was not crazy stat gear and how many bots you had with you...but the number of people that you meet and if your name stuck in thier head as you parted ways after an adventure!
#58 Sep 27 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default

Ok for the most part I am with the Weind. Except for the AA's which I want to keep Weind hit the nail on the head on almost all points. Things are NO LONGER PRECIOUS including the skills of a veteran player. The PvP server merger of Rallos,Vallon,Sullon & Tallon Zek was devistating to those 4 servers. I seen over 20 close friends that had grown with me in the game over the past 5 years just disappear. In addition I watched over 100 friends say good bye as they moved to other servers. Not to mention the 200 casual friends that were also lost when SOE crammed 4 servers into 1 server.

Now with that said SOE is in some insane arms race with WOW and keeps pumping out the Gear every 10 months. The designers use to care about the direction of the game and how the players were effected when little changes were made. SOE gear giveaway has ruined the game and the future of the game.

Prime example: Gear with level restrictions from older expantions becomes "crap" when new gear with better stats and lower level restrictions comes out in new expantions. Why bother with the restrictions if your going to just keep lowering them every 10 months? No one can keep up with expantions nor find guilds doing PoP / GoD progression. Most of the uber raid guilds are scrambling to keep up with the game and just now working Anguish. Game has become a marketing joke without any customer service. I am done putting any more money into EQ.

Hows this for an expansion.
(lets keep the fancy graphics)
-lose the crazy stats on gear. OMG a bronze helm (AC 8)!
-let have those zones back where you could explore, but if you didnt tread wisely ...SQUISH! or where you have to make a mad dashes to get to the other side(5 out 6 times you'll make it)!{and this time put mobs on the walls for those cheaters}
-those same zones where you could see a grp of level 5's taking on wolfs and a heart beat away a grp level 40's beating some giants.
- AA's what AA's - want a new skill go to your trainer and train..gain exp in that skill by sparing/chanting...and i am not talking about a 5 minute sesson gets you the ability...nope sorry you want it ....lets take a week or two... hour a day (max) allowed to earn it.
- Make things "precious" -You worked hard for that helm enjoy it...cause your gonna wear it for a long time!
-Cultured armour - Have it worth making again without the crazy stats and augs. When was the last time a Dwarf wore armour from his hometown smith with pride.

The Game really sucks now and I am currently in the process of leaving a game I use to love.
#59 Sep 27 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
#60 Sep 27 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
"the xp is no longer worth it due to nerfs"

I guess it depends on which missions your doing. I'm a casual player and I got 7aa's last night doing missions. I don't know about you but for me that's pretty good.

I'm pretty happy with this expansion. :)

#61 Sep 27 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
Heh...Greetings from EQ, circa 2002!

Al'Kabor has no expansions beyond PoP, so while we're not quite "back to the beginning", we're pretty close. The other thing that's really nice is that our population is too small to support plat farmers (ie: IGN-style) and since SOE does not allow transfers, we have never experienced the rampant plat inflation that struck y'all a couple years back. Experience is accelerated to a certain extent, since we have PoP, but no where near the rate with later expansions. Similarly, our top geared people are in Vex Thal gear. No one has Elemental stuff yet.
#62 Sep 28 2005 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
This is simply thebest expansion ever.... can group with anyone at any level for missions and can usualy win the missions and get an aa even with people who suck... not saying i am the Bomb but even people who suck can do good on these:)
#63 Sep 28 2005 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
Hawkslove wrote (And sorry for picking on you, bud, but you just spelled it out so clearly!)
First and foremost, the experience earned in this latest expansion is the best iv'e seen when you consider that you don't lose experience if you die during the mission, and successfully complete them. You can head over to a Plane and earn excellent experience, but can you guarantee survival? You don't have to worry much about rebuffing that KEI and Virtue, etc. if you die now.

This expansion gives all plyaers a chance to earn excellent experience and play as a race/class not normally allowed to EQ players. It free's up the boredom and complexity often involved in other zones. Hey, unless you're ultimatelly evil, how many times have you just ripped up West Freeport in the past? Now you can ; )

If by 'best experience' you mean fastest, sure. That's not the only definition though. Can you 'guarantee survival' in a regular (Planes) group? Well, why would you? These two points, to me, demonstrate to a 'T' why this expansion is even worse than GoD, which is a great pity, because in this one, SOE actually tried and came close to do something right. But to make an expansion where you get insane xp and loot with no risk at all and very little effort, is counter-productive. What will SOE do, when the 8-hours-a-day players have maxed out all gear and AAs about a week from now? At least the rest of us won't have to worry about lag, when we go explore the interesting zones. You remember: Those with a storyline, an impact on the 'real' Norrathian history and NPCs that actually matter. And with mobs that actually hurt you.

"It free's up the boredom and complexity often involved in other zones." Well, if EQ is too complex, I suggest you go elsewhere. If you find the world of Norrath boring, it may not be the fault of the world alone...

"how many times have you just ripped up West Freeport in the past?" Well, none (and I assume you mean East Freeport). It's a civilised city (more or less). Some of my best friends come from Freeport. Why would I want to rip it up? Besides - you don't get to rip it up, you only get to PRETEND to rip it up. You don't believe me, then go on your normal toon and check the place out, it's still there. Fooled you, huh? Maybe the fact that you ripped it up over, and over , and OVER AND OVER should have clued you in to the fact that these 'missions' have no impact on the Norrath the rest of us can see - so why bother?

/rant off
#64 Sep 28 2005 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
i have to defend OoW some, i really, really do. this is the one expansion since ldn that is NOT completely end game based. yes, the zones themselves are high level, no denying that, however, it was with this expansion that the task system was introduced, of which i am a huge supporter. i will admit that the low level tasks (5-20 range) are kind of stupid, but with almost all of my characters in the 25-40ish range (save my main, 68 paladin, and a 52 wizard) the tasks are great. this is the level range when i get sick of doing ldns, or going to gunthak/dulak and want to go solo someplace. the tasks have opened my eyes to zones i'd never even seen, or would think of hunting in. OoW by far is my favorite expansion yet, i can understand some people not agreeing with me, but take that level 35 beast lord you haven't been playing lately, or the 40 enchanter who can't ever seem to find a group, and go do a task or 2, i doubt you'll disagree with me afterwards. (and yes, the task masters ARE found on find).
#65 Sep 28 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
I would like the zones alot more if I could find a group there ....hehehe...the monster missions are cool but everytime I go to Undershore or other zones I can never find a group :(

Maelin Starpyre
#66 Sep 28 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
I don't have this expansion and I have no plans of every buying it.

I see some amazing statements being made by people who have long forgot what it is like to play a mid-level toon and receive little or no help.

"Just a few 100AAa" was a good one. Yeah right. I'll just invest 5000hrs right now at level 55 and get that. I'll stop working, move the fridge next to my computer, get rid of my wife and kids, move back in with my 60yr old parents and change my computer chair to a toilet; that will help lots.

"7AA in a night" was another of my favorites. How? What planet? If I get 2 blue bars on an AA in a 2-3hr night, I've done well. Who gets 7AA in a night? What night is this, a 6mth Arctic night? Is this your lvl 70 end-game gear equipped and fully aug'ed toon with 1200AAs? Amazing how easy things are with him, isn't it.

You folks have been removed for so long from the regular EQ players that you have forgotten what life is like for us. If I can play for 3-4 nights week for 1-3hrs each night, then I have done EXTREMELY well. Of course my Wife Faction takes a severe hit when I dedicate this high level of time. There is no EQ while the kids are awake either. They need my time more than Sony does.

This is the hard fact....most players do not even need the last two expansions. There is about 4 life times of content in all the expansions before Dragons of Norath. If you have all those expansions, that is probably all you'll ever need. Those zones along with the content in this website, should be enough to remove you from society until retirement.

I think that this games needs behavioral changes from the players to make it the best game on the Web again. Adding new zones will not improve this game any longer, we need to focus on the players now and how they interact with each other. We need to figure out how to promote good behavior. We need a lot less arrogance, attitude and grand-standing. We need toons to help out with simple things like Rezzes, porting and most of all, casual grouping. I've never refused a group or even something simple like SOWing someone.

I'd love to find a good set of 8-12 peeps for regular dungeon crawls. I'd love to get my 1.0 Epic. I'd love to get 3 or 4 trade skills to 250 + trophies. I'd love to get 500AAs or more.

What I'd really love is to have peeps who WANT to join pickup groups on my server. This astounds me that with hundreds of folks logged on, it seems that 99% of time, no one wants to group up. I've never been able to understand this.

Maybe I'll just join a guild.

If you see my Ranger on Veeshan, look me up.
#67 Sep 28 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
They new zones are pretty cool, havent made it to the high end ones though. And many aa's per night is not unheard of. I made 4 aa's doing 4 Monster Mission in Naggy before they nerfed the xp in half. The BB pirate Monster Mission still gives great xp though. I was in BoT last night for 4 hours, died twice and made one aa point. The day before I did 2 BB pirate Monster mission, got 2 aa's and a new pair of boots. Took an hour and a half total. The xp vs reward is a little too much in my opinion, but then they just keep dumbing down the game to where it will soon be on par with EQ2. Learning the hard way is what true Everquest is all about, not just letting stuff be handed to you. I dont like the shrouds though. To weak for their levels, takes forever to get percentage up, and can never find equipment for them.

Edited, Wed Sep 28 13:00:56 2005 by Amonthule
#68 Sep 29 2005 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
I purchased it online and therefore never got any documentation. So, I've got a shroud that I don't know how to use or advance and my first DoD monster mission was the last night before the nerf, so I had to find my way there only to get what looked like most of the server population sitting in front of Cipher OverMind (or whatever his name is) waiting for their timers to run out for the next three AA XPs for ten minutes of play.

As far as I'm concerned, this is just another SoE attempt to keep the higher levels entertained by throwing them treats.

#69 Sep 29 2005 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
A few impressions:

1. This expansion seems more balanced then GOD and OOW were. There is actual content that a non-uber casual player can use. The monster missions makes it easy for low levels to find groups and get xp but their skills will suffer. No worse then power leveling them I guess though.

2. Another buggy release! SOE you must improve your quality and testing of EQ in general and especially new content. There is no excuse to release a product full of bugs that has supposedly been tested. Although I do congratulate SOE on a fairly quick fix on most of the serious bugs in this expansion.

3. I found the graphics of the new zones very beautiful. They have depth and do not seem so 2 dimensional as some of the older zones. The roque shourds and slipgear quest allow you to explore the majority of this expansion without having to kill your way through it. I have used that shroud to go back and explore some places I never got to before.

4. The quality of loot I have seen coming out of this expansion is not comparable to OOW, GOD or even some elemental gear. It is more inline with DON gear but without the extra aug slots to pimp it out. This would be fine if the mobs were lesser then mobs in those expansions but getting smacked for 1k and the mob dropping a 90hp item is not right. I have been in many new zones where people keep OOC'ing anyone want this item come an get it before it rots.

5. The shrouds needed more instruction on how to use. The first week I had to walk several people through how to use them. People say the higher level shrouds are underpowered. They were meant to be used to allow people to group with lower levels. If they were powerful at high levels it could hamper the ability to find a group since people would turn to friends and guildies to use a shroud to go with them. Part of the game is to meet new people and interact although I know at times we don't want too.
#70 Sep 29 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
JBugman, the documentation is in your EQ folder on your hard drive, as always.
#71 Sep 29 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
I'd have to say the expansion sucks.

Ton of new required aa's for my tank.

Some new aa's required for my wizard.

Can't even see where to spend any on my cleric or my shaman.

The shrouds are a dumb gimmick whose novelty wore off before I could even figure them out totally. The complete lack of documentation for them was laughable.

Nice to put OOW spell drops in the DoD zones, but they should have upped the 69/70 drop rate if they're trying to help fill out year old spell lists.

Mobs that hit in the hi 1800s with double MPG hps...and drop loot in the 85 hp/mana range are a joke. Once anyone sees the loot they don't go back.

Over all, for sure, it sucks..

Toucan Tanksem
of Vallon Zek, Sebilis, Venril Sathir, Antonius Bayle, and now Toukan of Povar
#72 Sep 30 2005 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
I see so many people crying about SOE not telling them what to do to get missions or to get monster alts.... whhhhaaaaa shut up ! Ive bought every EQ expansion seperately and only 1 box had half *** instructions in it ( Classic Everquest). EQ is a learn it yourself game , so quit crying here on the boards and get in the game and learn it yourself. Second the reason most content is geared towards raider is because most raiders have seen all content of EQ. Many of you that are in casual non raiding guilds or no guild at all have not seen 1/3 of the zones EQ has had to offer. In my opinion the top 3 expansions are #1 POP, #2 OOW, #3 DOD. OOW gives all those 65+ a chance to get awesome xp in Riftseekers or MPG without being flagged. Back just 1 year ago you had to have a fire flag to get real xp. So enjoy the great game, stop crying, or stop paying for a subscription! SOE is trying their best to make EVERYONE happy, which is completely unfeasable. PS - theres more to EQ then level level level- Go do some questing. This was by no means a post to insult anyone, just to tell how I feel about the subject.

Edited, Fri Sep 30 02:36:50 2005 by Sadwanderer
#73 Sep 30 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
I've liked this expansion so far. I haven't dont much in it yet, but the charm aug is neat. Just explore the new zones and get a nice aug for it that is 10 million times easier to upgrade than the LDoN one. I think the shrouds just rock. There are times I want to play my main but can't stand the thought of hitting that complete heal button yet again and the shrouds give me a taste of what it's like to play a high level melee or caster.

And to the poster who thinks 7 AA's in one night is ridiculous, it's not. AA exp is based on level 51 exp so at level 67 when you kill a mob and are all on AA exp, it gives you the amount of exp you would have gotten if you were 51 and killed the same mob if I'm remembering correctly. So at level 70, in places like MPG and RSS the AA exp is unbelievable. I usually walk out of there with a minimum of 8 full AA's after a few hours of work on a weekend day. Hit the double exp vet reward and just watch them fly. And no, we aren't removed from the regular EQ players, we are the regular EQ players. Just that simple.

Anyway, I think this expansion has a lot to offer for everyone, each individual just has to find out what that means for themselves.

edit: spelling

Edited, Fri Sep 30 10:10:08 2005 by Xaltinye
#74 Sep 30 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Well now that I have learned a few things about DoD my feelings that this would be another end-user expansion are so wrong.

Now everyone in my guild can group with everyone else regardless of lvl or class.

If you cant get a group anywhere else you can always get one in Monster missions.

Oops! I need a few more aa's for that next ability before the raid this saturday. Give me an hour or so in Nek forest doin mm's and poof, good to go.

I dont particularly like letting my skills suffer so much while leveling up my lowbie alts but I use mm's primarily for AA.

But now also with the Monster missions I have been playing my alts alot more as well. They are all camped at Nek mm entrance.

Nearly all have either the Slipp's from fairy's or the Neck from Orc's that can use them and they are quite the upgrade too !

I think that DoD has been the best expansion since velious in that it helps gameplay. It allow's anyone to group with anyone else regardless of level or class.

If I wanted to play a online game like EQ and not interact I would play F10'd.

Thank you SOE for DoD!

Since learning how to get into monster missions I have been playing EQ more than ever. My alt's have been givin a new lease on life and I have been meeting new peeps and having a blast. And have only done fairy's and orc's so far....

I'm only scratching the surface of DoD.

#75 Sep 30 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Well now that I have learned a few things about DoD my feelings that this would be another end-user expansion are so wrong.

Now everyone in my guild can group with everyone else regardless of lvl or class.

If you cant get a group anywhere else you can always get one in Monster missions.

Oops! I need a few more aa's for that next ability before the raid this saturday. Give me an hour or so in Nek forest doin mm's and poof, good to go.

I dont particularly like letting my skills suffer so much while leveling up my lowbie alts but I use mm's primarily for AA.

But now also with the Monster missions I have been playing my alts alot more as well. They are all camped at Nek mm entrance.

Nearly all have either the Slipp's from fairy's or the Neck from Orc's that can use them and they are quite the upgrade too !

I think that DoD has been the best expansion since velious in that it helps gameplay. It allow's anyone to group with anyone else regardless of level or class.

If I wanted to play a online game like EQ and not interact I would play F10'd.

Thank you SOE for DoD!

Since learning how to get into monster missions I have been playing EQ more than ever. My alt's have been givin a new lease on life and I have been meeting new peeps and having a blast. And have only done fairy's and orc's so far....

I'm only scratching the surface of DoD.

#76 Oct 01 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
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