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UnTwink Suggestions, PleaseFollow

#1 Sep 27 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
This is for a **completely untwinked** druid, and when I say completely untwinked, I mean - I have not and will not use the PoK books (too much of a temptation to get temp or C1,) and I will not step foot into the bazaar.

I want to actually play EverQuest vs EverBuy. SoE is never going to make an old-school server, so the way to play is just by following a few simple self-imposed guidelines...Anyway...

That being said, this is a level 13 half elf druid.

I do not have a premium account on Alla's, so I am unable to search quests (although I really should just upgrade.)

Besides the Leafrunner Gear (full set of armor, one drop away from the Scimitar) and a Shiny Brass Shield (which took about 5 days to get the slaver to drop), can you guys reccomend some decent quests?

I am planning on doing the Bear Armor, and am just a few pieces short of the Screaming Mace, although I am going to have to camp the Warlord twice for the bracer, as I want the prayer cloth of Tunare.

Beyond that, though, I am kinda lost in terms of what would be a decent quest for a decent return on an item.

Can anyone reccomend some items?

Thanks, very much, in advance.
#2 Sep 27 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
Warden Symbol of Tunare

This quest is a pain, but the reward is really nice.
#3 Sep 27 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
Thanks, Frak. This is the same character I was using to talk to you the other night, btw. =)
#4 Sep 27 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good

It will now be my life's goal to hunt you down and continuously cast temp on you!

Edited, Tue Sep 27 12:50:13 2005 by Frakkor
#5 Sep 27 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
I had a full set of (old) newbie gear at level 1 (I did it on purpose). This was before the new tutorial(s).

I wore that until around level 13 (where you are now). If you want to be truly old school and not buy, you should start working tradeskills, smithing and tailoring so you can make your own gear.

Why smithing for a leather-wearing druid? Lots of tradeskill leather gear uses smithed components. I would seriously look into the DoN crafted stuff. It should not violate your old-school oath all that much. Ingredients for the level 20 gear is MQ cat pelts and warbone chips (for the augs). Plus you have to QUEST the materials to make the armor/augs. You should also work jewelcraft too (for augments). You do need DoN to do the quests.

Another nice trade for you would be brewing. It is easy to skill up and some of the Luclin gear (leather) uses Heady Paela to make. Also a good tailoring skillup is Wu's armor which requires Heady Kiola.

I would say a good next set of armor other than DoN crafted leather, would be Acrylia Studded, but you need Superb Rockhopper Hides to make it and be at least level 30ish to farm those.

#6 Sep 27 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
421 posts

Is a list of Quests that give items Druid can use. It is divided up by zone so you can chose which zones you want to travel to.

If nothign else you can get the name of the item and do a item look up here to gets Alla's take on the quest too.
#7 Sep 27 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
one way to look up quests without premium is to search by zone. search for quests on the zones you plan on exploring, and you can find quests that start, or involve those zones here on alla. is not as easy as searching for class specific, but is how i have got around it for years now ;-)
#8 Sep 27 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
Im not sure why you would want the screaming mace, its not a great weapon. Your druid quest weapon should be magic, IIRC, and may be a tad faster.

Good luck on your adventuring. I have played elne's chantress, or is it mine by now?, without temp the last 3 levels, though I did accept kitty crack for a little help. Chantress dinged 25 on sunday.
Oh it is twinked however. Got her Coth into a SoL raid zone for a very nice robe, and bought other stuff for her. It's not like she, or I, don't know the game.

Edited, Tue Sep 27 16:39:40 2005 by Jonwin
#9 Sep 27 2005 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
If I am not mistaken, you have to zone in to PoK to talk with the NPC to start you on the DoN cultural path.

As was mentioned above, without Allakhazam premium membership, just use the 'quests by zone' feature. It sounds too simple to be true but look for quests in only old world zones until you hit level 25ish. Then, start searching for quests in Kunark. Around level 35ish you can start hunting in Velious. In other words, hit each new expansion as you level. They were made with this exact intent.

Tradeskilling is your friend too. Tailor, Smith and Jewelcraft all of your gear.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#10 Sep 28 2005 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
I just find it is kind of an oxymoron, that one wants to play old school, but asks for spoiler infos quest wise Smiley: tongue

but apart from that, have fun Smiley: smile
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#11 Sep 28 2005 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
201 posts
The new newbie armor requires you to go to PoK. As someone who does NOT have DoN let me dispell any beliefs about needing it for that or the cultural quests. You only need DoN to do the grandmaster's quests because it takes place in DoN zones. Without DoN I've done quite a few newbie armor quests.

DoN cultural will provide very nice armor if you take the time to aug each piece.
#12 Sep 28 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
actually, most races/classes that had the old kit/pattern type newb armor quests can still be done in the old way, with no need for the pok tasks.
as for good druid quests, if you want to make the lng trip out to qeynos (which it sounds like you will be doing to get the bear skin armor) i would go for the testament of vanear. the quest technically starts in erudin, but you can skip the 1st step and just start with moodoro in qeynos. heres the quest link:

good luck!
#13 Sep 28 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
one way to look up quests without premium is to search by zone.

That's actually what I have been doing, but the only druid items I came up so far was the Scarab Armor, which I cannot use (and I actually like my leafrunner gear a little bit more.)

The new newbie armor requires you to go to PoK.

I am sure the stats of it are decent, probably better than what I have, but, I don't even know the name of any of the pieces (unless you are talking about Brambleborn), and besides, if I have to go to the PoK, then it is just an item I will never attain. Besides that, though, DoN stuff, from what I understand, is going to take a long, long while before I can start to craft, although I have been working (albeit not much) on my tradeskilling.

I just find it is kind of an oxymoron, that one wants to play old school, but asks for spoiler infos quest wise.

Well, even in the days of old, those that had purchased the "strategy guides" were given tips. It's just been so long since I've done this that I have honestly forgotten the stuff I was looking for and questing for, way back when (I started playing before Luclin.) Since then, all of my gear has been completely overhauled, and with the exception of one or two items that were given to my mains, all of the other stuff has LONG since been sold off, or given away.

The Testament of Vaneer sounds very promising, as does the Warden Symbol. I will be looking into these, and probably doing both of them.

Thanks again, everyone, and if you have them, keep the suggestions coming in!
#14 Sep 28 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
if I am not mistaken, you have to zone in to PoK to talk with the NPC to start you on the DoN cultural path
Not for DoN cultural crafted armor.

Tradeskill taskers for DoN cultural are in your race's hometown(s).

Apparently you do not need DoN for them to give you the tasks?

(Does not work that way with the OoW taskgivers so forgive my mistake.)
#15 Sep 28 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
When I went to try it I thought for sure she wouldn't give me the Journeyman's tasks, but she did, even without DoN (and without OoW for that matter). I now have a lvl 17 iksar warrior proudly wearing cultural armor crafted by her big sk sister.
#16 Sep 28 2005 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
i just noticed you have a half elf druid. this is excellent! s/he can (provided s/he worships tunare)do the newb armor quest from both the kelethin druid guild and the surefall glade guild!you can mix/match as you like or do whichever is easier.

kelethin druid armor is called Leafrunner, and Surefall is called Pine Druid. i didn't post the links for each piece, because i'm lazy. if you can't look them up without premium, let us know, and ill post the links.
again, good luck!

edit: just noticed you have done the Leafrunner quests. lol. but you could also do Pine druid if the stats are better for you.

edit#2: you know what, this post is really lame. ignore me. it'll be better that way.
Edited, Wed Sep 28 22:09:59 2005 by Malificio

Edited, Wed Sep 28 22:07:11 2005 by Malificio

Edited, Wed Sep 28 22:13:55 2005 by Malificio
#17 Sep 28 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
515 posts

There were no newb armor quests in old school EQ.

#18 Sep 28 2005 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
#19 Sep 29 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
the way i did The Testament of Vaneer quest was to wait for a patch. camp right at the spawn point for the mob you need, then log on after patch. he will be standing there. works awesome.
#20 Sep 29 2005 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Kurns can rarely drop some leather armor that has stats, but I imagine the newbie quested armor is just as good (if not better).

#21 Sep 30 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
I want to actually play EverQuest vs EverBuy

Asking questions here or looking up info here with the premium membership is no different than playing "everbuy"(using your term) or using the bazaar.

I have not and will not use the PoK books (too much of a temptation to get temp or C1,) and I will not step foot into the bazaar.

Just go play the game as a newb.

Beyond that, though, I am kinda lost in terms of what would be a decent quest for a decent return on an item.

Hail npc's endlessly to get all the clues you need to all the quests you want and put it all together with your own brain, and several notebooks...I suggest college ruled sheets as they will take up less room in the long run.Smiley: oyvey

Beyond that, though, I am kinda lost in terms of what would be a decent quest for a decent return on an item.

There you go again...cheating, as in wanting everyone's help and information that you said you didn't want(bazaar and pok and everbuy)Smiley: rolleyes

so the way to play is just by following a few simple self-imposed guidelines...Anyway...

I guess even your rules are made to be broken? roflmaoSmiley: blush

Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#22 Sep 30 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
As always, I guess there has to be one in every crowd...

Asking questions here or looking up info here with the premium membership is no different than playing "everbuy"(using your term) or using the bazaar.

Oh it isn't? Spending time researching an item, the mobs it drops off of, traveling to those locations, spending time waiting for the spawn to pop, killing it, hopefully gaining an item needed for the end quest to do a final turn in is the same as entering a zone and typing /bazaar?

Just go play the game as a newb.

Uhm, isn't that what I'm doing already?

Hail npc's endlessly to get all the clues you need to all the quests you want and put it all together with your own brain, and several notebooks...I suggest college ruled sheets as they will take up less room in the long run.

See, seeing that I've been playing since Luclin, I've actually done that already, and really do not feel like doing it again. The major problem with this is that a lot of the older quests never gave you any inkling of what class the resulting item was geared for upon completion of the quest, so people wound up wasting a lot of time into a massive timesink of a quest to get something they couldn't even use. As this is NOT my main, I would rather NOT do that.

There you go again...cheating, as in wanting everyone's help and information that you said you didn't want(bazaar and pok and everbuy)

IIRC, I NEVER said anything about "not wanting information." I think you took a long fall off of a Kelethin bridge. Let's see....(reads original post) Nope. Nothing there that says that.

I guess even your rules are made to be broken?

1)Don't use the PoK books (which I have not done.)

1a) If a quest requires visiting the PoK, that quest is not doable.

2) Click off every ungrouped buff (which I have done, cannot do anything about drive by heals.)

3) Don't step foot into the bazaar. (which I have not done)

What part is "broken???


Yeah, cause that statement was HYSTERICAL! (rolls eyes)

Anyway, for all that are helping to contribute their info and ideas, I appreciate it.

The thing that is seriously interesting to me is when I initially posted about this, I basically said that I was getting shot down for my intentions.

Funny to me that I still get shot down, not only in game, but on the boards as well.

Edited, Fri Sep 30 13:02:50 2005 by Thoryndar
#23 Sep 30 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
don't let anyone try to tell YOU how to play.

whatever you have fun doing, do it.

gl on your "quests" ;-)
#24 Sep 30 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
I have a non-twinked wizzie on Morden Rasp, wait, that's Povar Rasp now I think, and I will tell you, it's hard to play that way since it's been forever since I've done that. I haven't had to worry in years about how my little ones are going to pay for their spells or how they are going to get equipment.

I haven't gone as far as you have with the no buffs, no PoK, no bazaar (even though it will be a while before I can go in there anway, she's only level 5)but I intend to play her through the new tutorial and get armor via the quests that are now avaiable to see what it's really like at low levels starting this game at this time.

I specifically chose a server where I knew no one and a class I have never even created before so I really know nothing about it other than they blow things up good and die alot from aggro mismanagement. So I'll see how it goes. I don't get a lot of time for her because my main is in an EP raiding guild, I have more twinked alts than I can shake a stick at, and I'm hooked on WoW as well, but so far it's been interesting.

I wish you luck in your endeavor, Thoryndal. Should be a good time if you can stick to your rules.
#25 Sep 30 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
As always, I guess there has to be one in every crowd... 

One what pard?
You are the person who opened with an insult to the game and it's players.

I want to actually play EverQuest vs EverBuy.

Oh it isn't? Spending time researching an item, the mobs it drops off of, traveling to those locations, spending time waiting for the spawn to pop, killing it, hopefully gaining an item needed for the end quest to do a final turn in is the same as entering a zone and typing /bazaar?

Those of us who play "EverBuy" are the ones who have diligently kept track of the information and submitted it to Alla. There are peeps here who submit non-stop information so that you can backhandedly insult them...
I want to actually play EverQuest vs EverBuy

Uhm, isn't that what I'm doing already?

See, seeing that I've been playing since Luclin, I've actually done that already, and really do not feel like doing it again. The major problem with this is that a lot of the older quests never gave you any inkling of what class the resulting item was geared for upon completion of the quest, so people wound up wasting a lot of time into a massive timesink of a quest to get something they couldn't even use. As this is NOT my main, I would rather NOT do that.

Ok I get it, you do play "EverBuy" and just were looking to insult the game and it's population in general cause you were bored?
It is obvious that if as you say, you have been playing since Luclin and know much more about the game and it's mechanics than you let on in your original post, and were just trying to again insult the game and it's players and really have no need of any help or information because you...know it all...since Luclin.
See, seeing that I've been playing since Luclin,

I've actually done that already, and really do not feel like doing it again.

Yeah, cause that statement was HYSTERICAL! (rolls eyes)


and yes I read and paid very little attention to your other posts...because all they are is you looking for attention.

you wait a couple weeks and re-post the same stuff.

Go do it and more power to you.

Funny to me that I still get shot down, not only in game, but on the boards as well.

Maybe stop insulting the players who do enjoy the game, with your sour grapes, and stop reposting the same thing every few days for attention.
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#26 Sep 30 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts

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