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Other DoD missions?Follow

#1 Sep 28 2005 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Ok, so I've done the mainstream missions to death... fairy, orcs, naggy, shroom, ww, bb and hhk. I was wondering what other missions are available. I like the missions but I'm sure there have to some other missions around. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
66 Paladin

Forgot to add naggy...

Edited, Wed Sep 28 22:51:58 2005 by Dartanicus
#2 Sep 28 2005 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
LFay Brownie mission. It's the pits, though.

Good luck.
#3 Sep 29 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
I started a thread similar to this and I have seen a few others. I'm not sure why, but not many people are responding to any of these threads posting information.

Normally, when peeps sit on info they are trying to reap the benefits of their knowledge without competition from others, but in this case the info requested is for instanced zones, so there is no competition. From what I have seen, most everyone I know are running through the same 1-3 missions over and over to farm exp (either exp or AA exp). I can't remember how many missions ago I have seen anyone actually want the toy in the chest anymore, as everyone has been through the mission enough times to already have it (or are playing a toon that can't use it)...

I know there is a brownie mission, but I have no idea what drops for doing that mission. I know there is a mission just outside entrance to guk, but no idea what prize drops in that one either. Surely there are more than the 2 missions in Nek forest, 1 in BB, 1 in Lfay, 1 in lavastorm (become naggy!), 1 in Guk and the one that used to be in West Commons before they pulled it. The expansion says the missions are spread over the old world zones. No one has found any others they are willing to advertise??????
#4 Sep 29 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I haven't looked, but anything on Odus?

Kerra Isle missions would be nifty!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 Sep 29 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Deep in Upper Guk, near the main ent to LGuk (the corridor with the fire pot), there's an indifferent froggie called a Decrepit Froglok (iirc). Hail him , follow the script, and he asks for help yada yada.

Curious to find out what he was for, I talked to him. The result waas a message saying my party did not contain the required number of players for this task (I was alone).

No reason not to think this is another MM. The froggie even mentioned having things to show me, similar to the way the shroom mission guy talks.
#6 Sep 29 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Just found a mission!

Tribesman Juill in the Kejekan village in Stonebrunt has a mission. He's easy to spot, the only brown "Kerran" looking cat in a village of light yellow and white kitties.

He says if you wish to receive the blessing of his village you must perform a test. Saying "What test" opens the MM screen where you can choose between lvl 25 Kejekan rangers, mages, druids, shamans and two others. My guild was busy with other stuff at the moment so we haven't tried it yet.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Sep 30 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
Joph wrote:
Just found a mission!

Rate ups for joo!
#8 Oct 01 2005 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
330 posts
I started the mission in Stonebrunt but one of the two people I got to join me was KoS to the kitties. In this mission factions don't change upon shrouding and if you are KoS to start you will be KoS as a cat.

We were able to get the KoS player shrouded but he could not get out of the fort without the other two of us training away the cats and then he died to a wandering Kejekan so we gave up.

In other words if you are KoS to the kitties you may want to skip this one.

There was also an issue with the hotkeys for the mission not displaying the spell they were for. The hotkeys worked but they were blank.

Edited, Sat Oct 1 09:10:35 2005 by Cattywumpus
#9 Oct 01 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
There was also buggy issues with the Mage bolt spell casting "Locate corpse" instead Smiley: laugh

The mission itself was to kill 10 Mountain Spiritlings, collect 5 panda pelts, return to the village and kill a big-*** kobold. Reward was some AC:33 +90hp chain sleeves (plus other stats, naturally).
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#10 Oct 01 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
On the mission with Joph, we too lost our Necro who was KoS to the kitties. Nec was also having problems getting the abilities to work.

I had some issues with spells to start, but moved them around on the hotbar til they all seemed to be doing what they were supposed to. Playing a Druid I had the ability to track, but gave up on using it as I kept losing my group as it sent me in circles???

Lots of bugs to work out of this one it seems.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#11 Oct 01 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks, Jophiel. My friends and I did the stonebrunt mission after I read your post.

I have to agree this particular mission seems to be extra buggy. We also found the keys to be wrong for certain classes. I was a Druid and my root was some poison thing for instance.

Overall we really enjoyed this one, though. We looted the chain sleeves as well. Twice actually.

A few of us have been running around old world zones looking for more missions. I will update this thread when we find more.
#12 Oct 01 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
330 posts
I did the Stonebrunt mission 3 times today with some friends. Got the sleeves mentioned by Jophiel (33AC/95HP, Chain class) once and a 14 AC/110 HP All/All mask twice.

Three mission got me about a yellow of regular XP at 68 but 68 is very slow anyway so I can't really judge whether it was good or not.

We did it easiest with two rangers and a mage. The rangers alternated pulling back to the gate of the city so one could med while the other pulled. I tried a shaman the first time but had serious issues with resists even on white cons that I didn't have later with the ranger and the mage never mentioned any resist issues.

Nothing was too hard but the elder pandas gave us a time with resists (very red cons). We could take three of the spiritlings at a time without a problem though so if we found them together we'd just bring the whole bunch.

One wipe from an add during an elder panda pull, an elder graniteback and a panda cub came too. We just zerged it until all were dead and went back to business.

The final battle was actually too easy in my opinion. We just burned the Kobold Warlord down. Didn't even need heals with only three in the party. Resists are bad but not impossible again but with the rangers DPS and the mage pet it was way easy.

I'd say the mission needs the hotkey bugs fixed plus it is slightly too long due to the drop rate of panda pelts. We had a running gag about Naked Pandas it was so bad (but that may just be our bad luck and not really a problem).

All in all a fun mission with some interesting loot for the non-raider. I won one of the masks and I'll be going back for the sleeves.
#13 Oct 01 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
We must have lucked out then -- Got five pelts off a total of six pandas. Now that I know about the mask, I really want to try this again; my rogue's mask is crap Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#14 Oct 03 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Just want to add the Overthere. At the Frontier Mtn zone line, by a tree, there is an NPC named Historian Azern. He gives the task. This one is different from other monster missions, as it actually starts out with you needing to go to Howling Stones and loot a book BEFORE you're a monster, so you'll need someone that can get into Howling Stones (key) and can get the book themselves, or else you'll need to get a group in there and get it. Now when my guildmate went in there and killed a mob, it dropped about 5 or more books, but I can't remember if a task for the quest required you to LOOT the book, or if it was just for turn in, meaning you could save the books for later missions (they're not lore). From there, you just give the NPC the book and say the key phrase to get into the instanced version of OT to play as Iksar against the Shissar.
#15 Oct 03 2005 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Would like to add that the reward (at least common) was caster arms. Which gives me hope, meaning there's a quest out there for leather arms and one for plate gauntlets hehe.
#16 Oct 03 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
meaning there's a quest out there for leather arms

Yes there is. The HHK one where you play as the Guards gives DRU/MNK/BST arms as the common prize.

#17 Oct 03 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
It is a mission, you have to chase 30 adventures out of the zone. I've only done it once, it was bugged, and no one got XP or loot.
#18 Oct 03 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
We too found the Stonebrunt mission this weekend. Best advice, be all rangers. Have one ranger track mobs and everyone else auto-follows. Just watch for adds as you are tracking and try to avoid them. Takes longer than the Butcherblock mission but we were successful every time with a group of 4. Got chain arms every time. I'm excited to hear about the facemask as 14 ac would be an upgrade for me.
#19 Oct 03 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
So the HHK Guard one is capable of being completed now, eh? When I did it, we couldn't find the last prisoner, and my group had looked everywhere.

On the Stoneburnt one, I recommend a Druid pull instead of a Ranger. Druids get Levi and are also not KoS to the tigers, which Rangers are. Was told that a Druid and 5 Mages works well, but haven't done it that way.

I still don't know what the rare drops for the either Highpass one is or the Overthere one, but just discovered the OT one last night and have only done it once.
#20 Oct 04 2005 at 3:47 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
Tried the HHK one this evening with 3 - got to Captain, found 4 prisoners..couldn't find the last one.

No prisoners on 3rd or 4th floor - pretty sure of that, as we got 2 of us up to 4th and we searched it everywhere (killed 2 goblins in the process). Nothing on 3rd floor (there's just the 2 rooms with gobbys in it). The ones on 2nd were in the kitchen (that I saw, 2 on each corner, then one in the far cubby), someone else released the 4th one (apparently one of the rooms in the SW corner of the 2nd floor), and we still can't find the 5th.

Ran to basement to make sure there were none down there too - there weren't.

3 hours of running, fighting, training - all of it came to naught. We quit in disgust.

#21 Oct 04 2005 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
This would happen.

After I post here and on EQLive boards - we find the last prisoner.

It looks like you need to kill a set # of mobs before the prisoners spawn. We just hadn't killed enough, is all.

Found the last prisoner, Goblin Overlord something or other spawned, we killed, my wife got the arms for her druid:

Armbands of the Keep
Slot: ARMS
AC: 19
STR: +9 STA: +9 WIS: +9 INT: +9 AGI: +9 HP: +95 MANA: +90 ENDUR: +90
WT: 0.7 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7

Now I'm not so disgruntled. :)
#22 Oct 04 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
I did the one in stonebrunt last night. I got both the mask and the arms so it was a good night for me.

What we found worked best is to have a group of mostly rangers. Setup camp at the entrance to the village and have 1 or 2 rangers pull back to the camp. I would try to bring 2 or 3 mobs at a time. Worked out great.

One thing I noticed, it seems that everyone has a pretty high level of safe fall so no need to worry about levi.

#23 Oct 06 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
330 posts
I did the OT mission this morning. You get the mission from Historian Azern in OT near the Frontier Mountatins ZI. Hail him then ask "What Book".

Overlord Kraknork is right in that you need someone who can hunt in Howling Stones to start this mission. The first step is to loot The Green Fog in HS. You cannot stockpile books for later use since the first stage of the mission is finding the book.

The books are common drops from Pyre Golems and do drop in the entry room of HS. I had 6 drop from the first kill and 2 more from the second (double pull). You only need one book so that part will not take long but might be boring for unkeyed members of the group and HS always has the exit problems. Try to use gate/port capable members for this part if you are not familiar with HS.

After you return the book to Azern you enter the instance and become level 50 Iksars. You can choose either a Warrior or a Necromancer. There are no healing classes available but you do have 200 skilll in Bind Wounds and Iksar regen so health isn't bad if you don't play like you're brain damaged.

The next step is to find a spot in the zone "near the center of the commotion" The spot is a ring of stones with a dead Shissar in it near the edge of the pit. It's not hard to find if you just run straight to the pit and spread out a little.

After that you need to kill 15 Shissar. There are Soldiers (warriors), Templars(clerics), and Warlocks(necromancers). The Templars are the hardest due to their complete healing but only get annoying if you get more than one on the pull. The Shissar can be found near the ZI for the mission and in the ruins around the zone. There are a few wanderers as well.

After the Shissar are dead you need to go to the Warsliks Woods ZI and then fight a boss. He has a lot of HP but doesn't hit hard and didn't cast that I could see. He wasn't hard with a full group.

The loot drops from that Shissar and for us was some 15AC 95HP silk sleeves. The XP was good and one of the 70s in the group said he got 1 1/2 AA. I'm betting it was the 1.4 AAs common to monster missions though. I got 2 blues of regular XP at 68.

The mission was fun and not too tough with a full group. I'd guess it could be done by strangers with 4 and by people who group together a lot by three but it would be tougher.

It appears to be one of the better executed monster mission and I didn't notice any bugs. Not saying there aren't any but they aren't as apparent as the Stonebrunt ones if they are there.

Edited, Thu Oct 6 11:51:16 2005 by Cattywumpus
#24 Oct 10 2005 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Alright, tried the Highpass monster mission to play as guards for the second time, and still am having major problems with it. The task list gives little direction as to what to do. I found 4 prisoners, killed tons of goblins, and after 2 hours, still no 5th prisoner.

I would like to finish this mission, I would like the leather arms, I would like to find out the rare item, but I can't spend hours there not getting anything accomplished. This is extremely frustrating.

Also, am looking for more monster missions beyond what is listed here.
#25 Oct 12 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
As stated, the mission giver is the only Brown Cat in the village. I had seen somewhere that the Rangers and the Mages were the most valuable to have in this mission. With that in mind we used 2 Rangers and 4 Mages and did the mission with only one death and that was, well, deserved. You zone into a an instanced version of Stonebrunt. Rangers dont forget to get the tracking ability up! When we did our hot buttons, not all of the abilities had the label on them but they still worked. The ranger dots work well. They can heal some too but wasnt needed a great deal.

You have to kill 10 mountain spritelings as the first task. While these were red to me, they weren't very tough. Often found in pairs, just pull them both with Drones of Doom (ranger dot) and melee to death. Since the rangers have aggro most of the time, Air pets on the mages work well. Earth pets didnt seem to do a bunch. Since mages seem to aggro everything in the zone, it may be best to have the ranger pull for a short distance so that your not in a major traffic pattern that would yeild many adds.

The second task is to collect 5 panda pelts. These dropped off any type of panda for us at about a 50% rate. Once again, tracking here is your friend. Once those are collected, run back to the Kitty City and turn the 5 pelts into mission giver cat. I gave them to him unstacked (Im an old tradeskiller..didnt want to take any chances.) and it worked fine. This lead to the final task.

Kill the Kobald XXX? Head dude... any way he is on the north part of the city near the tunnel entrance. He was red and was waaaay too easy for a red con.

Dropped an all / all face that was plus 9 on most stats and if I remeber (at work now... shhh) it was +7 on saves. Ac 10. I have also heard that some nice chain sleeves drop here too.

Would love to see write ups of the guk mission if anyone has done it.

Rate me pls!

#26 Oct 12 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
I have done the Guk Mission, and it is quite strange. You play an undead frog, (sk,necro,wizzy,cleric(?)). Your mission is to train townfolk out of the zone.

Just get aggro and run toward zone-out, (rinse and repeat). Or i guess you can kill the mobs to get credit. 30 mobs must be trained out of zone, then you must find the npc that gave you the mission, (decrepit froglok, i believe) to get xp. He was in the room where the frenzied is located.

Oh, the treasure chest popped upon finishing the 30th train. It spawned at the zoneout, (liveside). I think the loot was for chain-wearers.

Anyone done the monster mission in Corathus Creep? The one with the Sporali Rogue? What and where do you find the turn-in to get the mission? Rewards?
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