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#1 Oct 03 2005 at 11:38 PM Rating: Default
Do you have that secret spot in that "one zone" where you score uber loot or major platinum? well heres you're chance to share it with other people!(but see you get other people's secrets also so its worth it => ) so cmon share it, here ill share mine

Go to the Rathe mountains at level 65+ when no-one is near the hill giants (near the GM paladin marked on you're map) and slaughter all the HGs you get 10-40Plat off each which is a TON of plat

another good way to make plat is to go to Omens of War zones with a group, like Wall of Slaughter or Dranik hollows and kill named you will get items that range from 20k-100k and even sometimes just non named drop nice items.

~go ahead Share you're secret~

Edited, Tue Oct 4 13:57:32 2005 by mattvvx
#2 Oct 04 2005 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Most people don't like giving up this information because when they do it becomes less profitable.

I think about everybody knows about the giants since my lvl 29 necro can't ever hunt them for EXP due to the lvl 70's hogging them all.

I don't know of any truely good way to make money. I have never had more then 70k at any 1 time. Only reason I had that much was because I won a bunch of randoms while at cubbies in WOS.
#3 Oct 04 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
If I had a special zone that was an endless wealth of plat (not saying I do, not saying I don't), why in the world would I share it with some random guy on a forum? Smiley: tongue
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#4 Oct 04 2005 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
403 posts
Not intended as a flame, but if you thinking hunting giants in Rathe Mountains is good plat at level 65 then you need to rethink the game.

There's places where 10k or more an hour is easy for nearly any level 65+ character, especially a ranger.
#5 Oct 04 2005 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Psst don't tell anyone this. The bazaar is where I make the most money. You have to be at least level 1 and have enough trader bags to fill your inventory and bank, then you fill them with stuff and sell it, repeat as needed.
#6 Oct 04 2005 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
/hits Kelti over the head with a shovel, then stitches his lips sealed.
Dude, don't TELL! By breaking the vow of silence, you invoke the wrath of the gnomes of Zurich, (/whispers: the Illuminati) *shudders*

Seriously, if you want money, go get a few stacks of spiderling silk to get you started, then spend half an hour each time you log off setting up your trader, checking prices etc. Depending on your server economy, this can take some time to get rolling, but if you do this every day, and leave your trader up all the time you're not playing your main, you will be amazed at how much plat you can make.
#7 Oct 04 2005 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Rathe Mountains is the only place that you can make platinum at high levels. I unequivocally believe that if your looking for phat l3wtz, you should try to spend as much time as possible there. Be sure to spread the word to anyone else you come across who is also looking to make teh crazy platz that this is the place to be, especially if they are spamming POK with:

"I M L3VL 70 N3CR0 H0W DO I G3T PP IN TIHS GAM3 T0 G3T A SOWRD?!?!?!1?"
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#8 Oct 04 2005 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
703 posts
Ok, I'll give out my secret spot, but you gotta swear to NOT tell anyone! Swear? Ok, hike on over to Qeynos. Just outside the gate is a bunch of rats and snakes. Bop em on de head and still their tails and eggs and stuff. Man, at lvl 65+ you'll be able to ALMOST clear the whole yard! Shhhh... don't tell anyone.

Smiley: tongue
#9 Oct 04 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
I hear the Priests of Discord drop 500 plat every time you kill one.

I havent done this myself however. I just prefer to loot the stuff off mobs I kill and sell it. I have my trader up in the bazaar now. Oh it does help if you sell things for more than you pay for them. No profit is too small was my motto starting out.
Oh and you can make a small fortune in plat by doing tradeskills...................................................................................

But only if you start out with a large fortune in plat.
#10 Oct 04 2005 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Do you have that secret spot in that "one zone" where you score uber loot or major platinum? well heres you're chance to share it with other
Translation: I am a lazy punk who sells plat, maybe some of the lame boardies will spill the beans on where to get some.
so cmon share it, here ill share mine

Translation: I don't really have a clue, but maybe if I toss out this old chesnut, people will think I know what I am talking about.
This is the classic grifter method of trying to get the mark to put up his stuff 'in good faith'.

Actually the payout on hill giants is not 10-40. It is more like 2pp to 35pp. Many times you get 2 or 3pp and a rune or FS weapon.
Very seldom is it 40+pp. About 3 drops in 5 are 20pp+ so people get all excited.
#11 Oct 04 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
Hey, I have two ways you can make a serious amount of plat in no time at all!

1. Go to your Guildmaster in PoK, Hail him, then press the A key. You should get something nice.


2. Invis up, and head for Walls of Slaughter. /ooc LFG as many times as you can until you get a group. Once you're in the group and you get fully buffed up, simply type /q to let your groupmates know you need a lot of plat.

#12 Oct 04 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
I'm having difficulty with the concept of "Kill things that drop money to make money" being a "secret".
#13 Oct 04 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
Dothammer this is a place to tell where to get plat i have around 100K and i dont care where u make plat i want other people to help eachother and BTW this isnt the complain about me forum =) so keep it freindly plz thankyou
#14 Oct 04 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Whatever. I doubt you got 100K plat farming Hill giants. A good session for me was 300pp. I can't honestly think of a more boring way to spend your game time. If you needed quick pp for spells back in the day, this was a good way. Take your group of level 30s for an hour or so and everyone can afford their next round spells. Level 70s camping the hill is pathetic.

The only way to get to 100Kpp [farming Hill giants] is to NOT SPEND ANY.

Sorry if it sounds unfriendly, but you would be surprised by the number of people who come here (with 5 posts to their name) trying to run scams and what-not.

If you can't figure out in-game how to boost your bank account enough to make yourself comfortable, find a new game. Personally I would go the bazaar route.

Edited, Tue Oct 4 11:58:36 2005 by Dothammer
#15 Oct 04 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
Went to Rath to farm Hill Giant with a lvl 40 zerker to help him get plat and level up. I learned something new from a lvl 70 there. The Giant Skellys, basalisk, lizardmen, and cyclopes are place holders. Keep them cleared and more HGs will pop.
#16 Oct 04 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I don't have any "uber" plat making secrets but I'll share what I do to make money.

I've gone to Rathe a few times to kill giants but it always seems so crowded. If there is a lower player there actually for XP, I won't hunt them. IMHO its rude to bring your high level char in to farm plat when someone is trying to level.

I do almost all of the tradeskills. I sell leather padding made with tailoring and also silks and pelts. They're all pretty consistent sellers. Also, you can farm Acrylia Caverns and sell the blocks and bricks of acrylia that drop if you aren't going to use them in smithing.

Baking can be a good way to make a little money also. I make Halas pies and sell them for 8-10pp each in the Bazaar. I also used to make Celestial Essence and sell it for around 10pp until the guy over at EQ Casters Realm mentioned it as a way to make money and now the market is flooded, lol.

Other than the methods above, I loot EVERYTHING. If I'm soloing its all mine but when in a group we share the loot and roll on nice stuff. I also put equipment I've outgrown on my trader to sell in the Bazaar.

These aren't methods that will get you tons of plat but I make enough to get by and buy the things I need. I hope this helps someone. Smiley: smile
#17 Oct 04 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
I learned something new from a lvl 70 there. The Giant Skellys, basalisk, lizardmen, and cyclopes are place holders. Keep them cleared and more HGs will pop.

Ya thats an old trick. While you're busy killing skellys and cyclops they are snagging all of the HGs they can handle.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#18 Oct 04 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
Accually he was killing the skellys and even snared a few HGs for me. Had all we could handel. I do see how that could work however.
#19 Oct 04 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
Dothammer, one thing... did i say i got 100K off of hill giants?no
#20 Oct 04 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
1,156 posts
Monkums wrote:
Also, you can farm Acrylia Caverns and sell the blocks and bricks of acrylia that drop if you aren't going to use them in smithing.

Ok, here is my real fallback "I am bored" way to make 5k every hour or two.. without entering the Bazaar.

Go to Acyrlia Caverns. Kill everything in the Outer Caverns (all green to me.. TLC on FV comes into play and I get to raid).

I Destroy/Ignore everything but:

* Stackable Acrylia Runes (1-4p ish each, but they stack.. and drop like rain).
* Crude Filth Covered Weapons - Vendor for 142pp, 8gp, 5sp, 7cp.
* Drops from Nameds (maybe.. this takes a slot.. and needs to be Bazaared).
* I might keep the Blocks of Acyrlia only (they vendor for 31p4g2s9c - almost 315 a bag, so less than 3 weapons for 10 slots.. meh).

I could fill 5 bazaar mules with Acrylia Ore a night.. and even if I had 5 bazaar mules Acrylia doesn't sell that well anymore (at least on FV). And everything less than Blocks vendors for jack.

Once I am full, Levant to zone line, step out, Levant to the outpost in Grimming Forest. Sell and bank and return.

A driven person (ie: jobless) could make 100K in a day or two this way.

Of course you can do better farming things that sell.. but this is a certain and immediate return for your time. And kicks the Rathe Hill Giants in the balls, frankly.

Edited, Tue Oct 4 14:14:04 2005 by Felicite
#21 Oct 04 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Biggest money maker of mine is to box a DoN crystals group then sell them afterwards in baz to a buyer or via ooc. 28K cash per trip.
#22 Oct 04 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
As for all that acrylia going to waste, Felicite, you could include this into your regimen...

Small Brick Of Acrylia Ore

Smithing Components: small piece of acrylia(3), water flask
In: forge
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 31

Large Brick Of Acrylia Ore

Smithing Components: small brick of acrylia ore(3), water flask
In: forge
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 31

Block Of Acrylia Ore

Smithing Components: large brick of acrylia ore(3), water flask
In: forge
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 27

So you can take 3 of your pieces to make more small bricks, take 3 small bricks and combine into a large and you can take 3 of your large and combine them into a block, which you can vendor at your price.

As to the original poster, think like the "Smith Barney" (note, I'm not sure if these guys are regional or national, but I always saw their commercials on TV, they are an investment firm)

"We make money the old fashioned way... We EARN it."

#23 Oct 04 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
1,156 posts
Kanador wrote:
As for all that acrylia going to waste, Felicite, you could include this into your regimen...

I appreciate that.. Cachet is a 199 Tailor, all others 200-300 (really should get that Journeyman Artisan Title I suppose).

But.. the Ore (even the blocks) is not worth the time and space. No forge in AC, no forge in Grimming. Doesn't sell for enough to vendors.. and barely sells to PCs.

If there was a forge there, I would camp Cachet at it. And convert to all to stackable pieces (sell barely for the few Tailors getting to 188) or stackable sheets (I vendored the last stack I had after two weeks of not selling).

Trying for bags worth over 1k plat each.. a bag of small bricks.. is just a waste of time and energy compared to the stackable Acrylia Runes and Weapons.

Your mileage may vary.. if you want to follow me around looting Acyrlia Bricks and Blocks, I will call you when I am bored.

Edit: Hrm.. I suppose I could borrow the Guild Druid for ports to Grimling and bind at a forge, like PoK, where I leave Cachet.. hrm.. maybe.

Ok.. price check. Thanks. =)

Edit, edit: You know, I really should do this in Velks for Velium.

Edited, Tue Oct 4 16:24:30 2005 by Felicite
#24 Oct 04 2005 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
339 posts
I'v actually made 2-3k a week off of Hg's 2 or three hours a night. I've funded most of my characters till 55 or so. Now from there on i'm wondering how to make many k of pp. But i guess it's all in where you group. I've yet to see any loot from the planes below BoT and ofcourse DoN and LDoN stuff. I can live with out most of my spells if it means dumping 90k anyhow. But it would start out as simple as killing snakes for scales and selling them. Plus above 50ish most mobs drop 4-10 plat so there's a small amount of money there too. Don't forget to offer your clerics temp/virtue/conviction or shammy's Fo7 etc... i can make 300 plat in an hour just giving out HoS. So there are ways to make a few plat maybe not millions or even thousands but enough to get something.
#25 Oct 04 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
The only real "cash farming" I do is Lower Guk dead side. Plat, phosphorus powder, fine steel, minor gems, jewelry, etc. It's not much but it's easy and quick to fill up several bags.

Unless, of course, someone else is pulling the whole zone, which is frequently the case.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#26 Oct 04 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
I wish PoDs dropped that much plat(or any at all =p)

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