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MM helping or hurting?Follow

#1 Nov 05 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
I know SOE created the monster missions to help with groups especially new and low level people. I also applaud them being proactive and thinking out side the box etc. Even more so for getting off their asses and actually doing something for once. However Even after all the nerfs It seems like the MM are making the problem worse.

After raids I notice my guild usually breaks up into mm groups almost immediately making it very difficult to find anything besides MM. Also since the xp in MM is huge and their is no chance of losing xp people seem to flock to them making even more of the games content rot. People laughing at going to WOS and MPG is kida rough (especially since I can tank RSS yet lol).

Is this the same experience you guys are having? I think we are past the point of "oh its just the shiny new thing and will die down very soon"
#2 Nov 05 2005 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
I am somewhat torn on the issue.

I would love to get a WoS group to get some of my rune drops or a farming group to get some gear to sell in the baz but the appeal of 90% of an AA in 15 minutes is hard to resist. As far as regular XP goes I get roughly 7% per MM which takes 15 to 20 minutes and I havn't had a grind group like that in a very long time.

I think another major factor is that the trinity completly goes out the window when it comes to MMs, which means friends can put together a group and blow through a few MMs regardless of level or class.

A friend put it to me like this: SOE has made it so everyone can become lvl 70 with 500 AA's with little to no effort. I think it's wrong but as I said before, It's hard to resist.
#3 Nov 05 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent

A friend put it to me like this: SOE has made it so everyone can become lvl 70 with 500 AA's with little to no effort. I think it's wrong but as I said before, It's hard to resist.

.. absolutely correct. The other problem I see is that you really learn your class from level 30 - 50. When you get 50% reg xp per MM in these levels it just makes it to easy for someone to blow through these levels and miss some important nuansces (spelling) if their class.

It is nice just grabbing a friend and grouping though I just wish they would nerf the xp.
#4 Nov 05 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
I have done some MMs and I do feel dirty to a degree for it. I was 70 with 500-600AA pre MM so any AA at that point yes even the new ones more enhanced my already hard earned knowledge on how to play. I did about 100MMs in there heyday( as far as I know not that previlant now maybe my friends and guildies have also started to pull back to learn how to play rather then MM dunno) I probably had about 50 more done for afk me.

The problem as I see it is I know at least 4-5 people that were 37-42 pre MMs and now are 65-70 with 50-150 AA if they are rerolls which we do see a lot of on FV as people want to try RP and no no drop, then they really didnt hurt me a damn and I would if I didnt know that they used MMs to get there prolly have never figured it out. Really I have been playing for so long thats what it has come down to how will it effect me. If I do go LFG or on a Raid with these people and I am counting on them to be CC, MT, MA, or even just a good lemming will they be able to? Thats where it scares me.

I personally have an alt account with a paladin that I am afraid to get his feet wet and try and group. My highest ever melee was a monk around 55. My highest tank was a warrior think he got to 50, I farted around a few times with my exs SK too think she was around 55. Anyway the pally is level 61 almost 62 and has around 60 AA. No as a matter of fact most of that wasnt gotten from MM but he did get from about 40-55th level off of them the rest he either soloed in Lguk or sat on a rock watching my necro kite.

I remember reading on one of the boards ( I think it was here with thread pulled from Steel Warriors) about a level 70 warrior with like 10AA who had gone from like 35 to 70 and 10AA was trying to decide what gear to get and had around 2k to spend. Not only did he miss all the skill ups he missed all the coin, he also wouldnt have gotten 70 with only 10aa as somewhere along the line he would have figured out that he needed more AA, also his gear while nice twink gear for a 35 was WAY out of line with a 70. ( well we can hope there are still idiots no matter what)

Ya learning how to sneak/hide thru EFP docks should not ever put someone in this situation, especailly if they end up in my group or on my raid.
#5 Nov 05 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I love the fact the sometimes I can only play and hour and can get in 2 AA's in that time. Before I was unable to play half the time I logged on (I hate soloing), and the AA grinding was really really slow, and I need AA points. I did go up 1.5 levels, got about 35 AA's, gained one necklace and one aug. I don't feel guilty.

I hate that I never get to be a shammy anymore (I am working on AA's to make my shammy that I seldom get to play better HUH). I hate that people are using them to level up without ever knowing the class they are playing, without practicing magic or combat skills, or buying spells for 30 levels or more and so on, and when you get a regular group, there they are.

Basically the idea was great, it's just too much, timers helped but not enough, maybe it should be one mission every 12 hours or more, or cut back the experience per mission. Maybe if they made AA experience good, and regular very low. Course all of these would defeat the purpose of easy to get groups for all levels.

And the shrouds I hate even more. You get a cleric with a few spells in your group, that is about half as good or less as a real player (unless the real toon leveled in mm). The shrouds could have helped regular groups if they were better, they should be based on your toon's gear and skills and aa's, translated to another class.

IMHO what they should have done was tweak regular grouping, increase group experience some, increased the full group experience, or some kind of bonus reward for how many hours you spent gaining experience in a group vs soloing experience.

And there is no loot except for the few good pieces in the mm so you have really poor level 70's on top of it, who cannot fight for or buy their equipment and spells. Loot was always rather pitiful in EQ.

So as a casual player I really appreciate and dislike it at the same time but over time I am sure the dislike will be much greater than the appreciate.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 09:14:26 2005 by Kelti
#6 Nov 05 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I consider them just another option - which only adds to the all around appeal of the game. Like everything else there are those that will "abuse" them.

There are lots of pluses to MM's. They're level, gear and class independent (that's a huge benefit imo). They offer a worthy reward. They allow you to play a different class. They don't require a huge chunk of time, yet have a definite goal that is relatively easy to accomplish. They're not run of the mill eq content, they require different strategies and a great deal of teamwork.

Of course on the flip side there are negatives too. The xp is perhaps too great for the time and effort. There is no penalty for flubbing it up beyond a bit of wasted time (and personally I've wasted far more time doing other things, so hardly consider that a penalty).Once you've done them for the 4th or 5th time they are rather droll.

Fortunetly my guild has gotten over them to some extent but utilizes them now mostly when there are only a few people on to kill time until others log.

I do think they're here to stay. Hopefully SOE will continue to try and perfect them and balance them out with other activities.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 10:30:04 2005 by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#7 Nov 05 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
I dont know if EQ is trying to become more like WOW but these seem a step in the right direction. I Think the best thing would be to nerf the xp a little bit and increase the lockout timers. This way people with just abit of time can get something done and aa farmers have a challenge as they need to move around abit.

#8 Nov 05 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
i used MMs to "powerlevel" my Cleric from 62 to 65. i am not ashamed to admit that. However, i see these MMs becoming the "next Paludal Caverns" for everyone from level 20 to 70. And the majour problem is that the PLers have no concept of how to play their class.

Case in point. Today, i was in a group in PoV with a 64 Shammy and a 67 wizzy (and others). The wizard would use his biggest nuke at about 90% mob health (when he wouldn't izzle) and the sham thought she was a tank, going toe to toe with the mob, nuking & debuffing & trying to out aggro the wiz & MA and puller!

So my poor cleric has been chain casting Ethereal Elixer and Word of Redemption to keep us from wiping. Needless to say i've been going OOM quite often. What really put my knickers in a knot is that the Wiz & Sham chastized me for not being prudent with my mana!
#9 Nov 05 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
i used MMs to "powerlevel" my Cleric from 62 to 65. i am not ashamed to admit that. However, i see these MMs becoming the "next Paludal Caverns" for everyone from level 20 to 70. And the majour problem is that the PLers have no concept of how to play their class.

Case in point. Today, i was in a group in PoV with a 64 Shammy and a 67 wizzy (and others). The wizard would use his biggest nuke at about 90% mob health (when he wouldn't izzle) and the sham thought she was a tank, going toe to toe with the mob, nuking & debuffing & trying to out aggro the wiz & MA and puller!

So my poor cleric has been chain casting Ethereal Elixer and Word of Redemption to keep us from wiping. Needless to say i've been going OOM quite often. What really put my knickers in a knot is that the Wiz & Sham chastized me for not being prudent with my mana!

Stop healing them. I had a cleric friend with a similar problem. He asked what he should do and I told him not to heal them and let them know why. They continued and barely survived. However after that they listened and actually learned from the experience.

We're going to get a lot of tards in PoP, OOW, and DoN zones. It's a 2 edge blade. A blessing and a curse. It did help a lot with LFGs at lower levels but increased the stupidiness at higher levels. Those who are rushing to lvl 70 and then learn their class are in for a big suprise.
#10 Nov 05 2005 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
Heh and people wonder why I just want to solo =P
#11 Nov 06 2005 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
I'll throw my much anticipated 2 cents in. :-P

I said in another thread when MMs first came out, that I couldn't believe people were reporting and bugging the MMs at that time. I thought "How could people want to pass this up?"

Well, I changed my tune shortly there-after.

There was this lvl 30-something pally on my server who spoke in /general chat all the time. He was a noob, and didn't hesitate to let people know in the form of questions etc.

He is now lvl 70 with 300AAs apparently.

This is not right.

Now I have to deal with these types of people in my content where knowing what you're doing is essential.

So to the people that made a fuss about the MM xp a few weeks back....


You saw what clusterf*ck was about to happen.
#12 Nov 07 2005 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
I'll take that as a compliment, Nohk :-)

Before MMs, you could be fairly certain that someone at lvl 60+ was a decent player with a certain amount of knowledge about the world and the game mechanics, except for the odd eBayer or plat buyer. Now, everyone and their mom can get to 60+ in a matter of days.

Damn, this MM thing is making me feel old. *Coughs and spits*
#13 Nov 07 2005 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
I did my first monster mission yesterday, and I got 3 yellow of exp at lvl 34. I may be wrong, but didn't SOE already nerf xp for monster missions during one of the last patches? Or did they, and it is still pretty high?

I see the danger of mm, but I think that SOE will surely reduce xp again...
#14 Nov 07 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
I think MM are good but buggy still in application. The purpose I see is for people who only have a small amount of time to play, say an hour, to be able to get and complete a group mission.

The problem is that 50 people are doing the fairy mission and sitting the timer then repeating. Instead of a 45 min timer applying to all missions at the same time, each mission should have its own timer and it should be like 6 hours. So you could do fairy, orc, BB etc in a row, but this sitting in one place repeating the same mission over and over again will stop.

This will enable the people who can only do short term play on a single day to do a quick fairy mission or whatever mission, and stop the abuse of the MM system. This will also provide incentive to other than fairy mission for those that want other drops. This will also inpsire people who have lots of time to play to get a regular group or mission.

#15 Nov 07 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
I've only done one MM and that was to help a friend with the halloween quest. I got to play as Emme's goddess, Erollisi Marr, which was very cool and the mission was a ton of fun. I have not set foot in another MM on my main or my alts for fear of them getting leveled quickly with no skill ups, which would be horrid. I don't think SOE should have given any exp since there's no risk of losing it. Item/cash rewards would have been just fine for them. But that's my opinion on it, seems I would be in the minority here.
#16 Nov 07 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
On the whole I dislike MM's. I saw there danger from the get go with abuse of the WC mission.

I did use them to powerlevel 68-70 and to gain 20-odd AAs to finish my Fury AA line.

Since then I will occasionally do one in the morning when I log for an AA then I head off.

Unfortunatly most of my guild is addicted to them and do them ALL DAY LONG, even going as far as setting up 24hour rotations with half the peeps afk. Besides all the PL issues, the other problem is just finding normal groups. Since DoD came out I spent a lot of time in CC farming for that shield, everytime I run thru Nek there are over 70 people sitting around....that's 70 less people to group with.

I dont like them, they are not part of the game (they are a diversion and have nothing to do with the "enviroment"), and wish they would go away.

Just my opinion.

#17 Nov 07 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
339 posts
I said in another thread when MMs first came out, that I couldn't believe people were reporting and bugging the MMs at that time. I thought "How could people want to pass this up?"

Well, I changed my tune shortly there-after.


I got about 14 aa's off of MM's back in the early days and most of them were bouncing between fairy and orc missions. I collected the drops and pretty much haven't looked back since. It's hard to find a real gropu now a days as well so it's a pain in the rear for both sides.
#18 Nov 07 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
The verdict is still somewhat out for me. Yes the high level noob problem has become amplified butbeing able to group with pretty much anyone is a good idea, isn't that what the shroud is for too.

The exp is out of whack for the time and effort, except perhaps for the more casual player who has limited time. Once again double edged.

SOE took a shot at the huge problem of server populations and level spreads and so forth. It will take time for MM's to be adjusted to fit smoothly with the rest of EQ. Right now though it is a very sharp double edged sword and EQ Darwinism will cause those who have not learned their characters to learn the hard lessons anyway.
#19 Nov 07 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I know I discussed it in a previous thread, but I'm going to put my $.02 in here for what it is worth.

As someone said earlier, MMs are a two-edge sword. They are great if you want to get some XP/AAs and only have an hour or so. Also, I have met a few other people in MMs that are pretty nice (for the most part). Also, some of the MMs can be fun! If you have never tried the MM in OT, give it a try. The graphics are good and it requires teamwork. Also, the MM in Stoneburnt Mountains is pretty good as well...and requires teamwork.

There is still the ugly side of MMs...PLing and sitting outside of the instance zone and still getting XP is what sucks. I invite all of you to log on to the Tribunal server and look in Nek Forest. You'll see this going on all the time...especially with my ex-guild (which will remain nameless here). I left the guild I was in because people were abusing the MMs in this way. They still well as other people, even with the timer.

This is how MMs have left a bad mouth. A friend PLed her wizard from 42 to 70 in a week...then she tried to go to MPGs with the toon and got her butt kicked and kicked out of a group. As it was said before, you could at one point trust someone whose toon was 60+, but not these days. Also, you can't raise all of your stats in the guild hall hot tub to save you.

Now, here is what I'd like to see SOE do with MMs. A lot of people have complained...but left no suggestions on what to do. Here are a few ideas since we know the Sony boys and girls do read this board:

1. Two to four hour timer on all MMs that starts the second your MM is completed: This cuts down even more on those who just camp the MMs and may help those people to go out and adventure with the toon. This will also cut down on this version of PLing.

2. Award XP to those who are in the instance zone. This may take a bit longer to program in, but award the XP inside the zone...much like it happens in regular zones. This ends the "freeloading" XP/AA issues.

3. Update and give us reasons to do LDoNs again: This is an entire expansion that has gone to pot. Update the XP and items in LDoNs and it will give people another avenune to explore. You might be suprised how well this goes over.

4. Update and give us reasons to do DoNs again: See the above commentary for my reasoning. This is another area where it is getting harder and harder to find groups for. New or reworked DoNs could work as well.

Monster Missions have a place in EQ. Right now, it needs to be adjusted and refined into a better product that is good for the gamer and balances for the good of the game.
#20 Nov 07 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
A friend PLed her wizard from 42 to 70 in a week...then she tried to go to MPGs with the toon and got her butt kicked and kicked out of a group.

It's really going to kick these kind of people in the teeth when they go to MPG and RSS. These type of zones are not for the unknowing player. They will start trying to group there but won't last because of their lack of knowledge and gear.

4. Update and give us reasons to do DoNs again: See the above commentary for my reasoning. This is another area where it is getting harder and harder to find groups for. New or reworked DoNs could work as well.

I'm going to make a prediction here. The players PL-ing their mid to low level toons in MMs will start showing up in mass in DoN. Why? Because of the access to the gear and augs there. When you level up as quickly and without gear upgrades it starts to show. I think these players will start doing DONs to equip their handicapped toons. I also expect oow gear to increase in demand in the bazar. Once they hit 70 they're going to start going into the higher zones. It's going to be a very bumpy ride for everyone.
#21 Nov 07 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
166 posts
Ok all I can see why some of you may be upset. But, I have been playing my main, a ranger, for almost 3 years and he was only lvl 62 with 28 AAs when I got DoD. This expansion has been a blessing for me. With my busy life of work, wife and kids I have had a hard time leveling and getting AAs that are needed for my class. Well I am now lvl 65 with 84 AAs and I am loving it. I am no newbie and I even leveled this charater up to his mid 30s before I even got the PoP expanion, yea that means I was sweating when I ran from Kelethin to Qyenos for the first time.
This new expansion is for people like me. People who have lives outside of EQ and cannot dedicate time durning peak play hours. I play late nights EST or Very early morning and I have never been happier in EQ now that I have the DoD expansion. I can get a group that I know I will get an AA from or 15% regular EXP. I spent several hours in a full well balanced Group in BoT and I did not even get a whole AA or any real loot in that time. Thanks to this expansion I will be able to raid and see zones that I probaly would not have seen for another year or more.
This is just another portal for people to get exp in a short amount of time. Yes, it will be exploted and yes, we will have people at lvl 70 with no Idea how to play their class. The thing is, we have always had that.

Sorry for the rant but it just seems no one sees it from a persons view that really needed this, I thank SoE for this I always thought they sucked until this and the guild hall additons.
#22 Nov 07 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I can get a group that I know I will get an AA from or 15% regular EXP

It's the regular experience I object to. You should not be able to use these groups for a lot of leveling. I would cut leveling experience drastically, and leave the AA experience alone. That would really help weed out the worst problems, and still give you some experience if you wanted a quick group. There is no excuse to be able to level entirely in mm's.
#23 Nov 07 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Eliminate the current timer and put in a different one something like, 1st MM done within a 24 hour period gives 100% exp, 2nd within the same 24 hour period 90% and so on down. The percentages are just guesstimates, but you get the idea.

This would still allow people who only have an hour or two to get some decent exp, but prevent people from doing them all day.

And while I'm at it, either change that fairy one or get rid of it. That is the worst mini-game I think I've ever played.
#24 Nov 07 2005 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry for the rant but it just seems no one sees it from a persons view that really needed this, I thank SoE for this I always thought they sucked until this and the guild hall additons.

....No apooligies neccessary your point of view was a valid one. I do however think people were thinking o the very casual player such as yourself when thye forwarded Ideas about increasing the lockout timer. The lockout timer is the one that makes the most sence. The casual player can still log in and get one or two done before having to cook the kids dinner etc. Since thye will be logged out the timer will not affect their gameplay.

I know the focus is on the noobs pling and going form 20-70 and not knowing their class but I think people going from 20 aa to 400 in 2 weeks is just as big a problem.

The thing that really bothers me is it would seem that this signals EQ trying to morph eq into something more similar to WoW then the EQ we know.

#25 Nov 07 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
187 posts
My belief on MM is pretty simple. As I've stated before I don't do them because the lack loot, pp, challenge and other stuff making them boring.

The effect on the community depends on what they are used for. If you know how to play your class well it don't hurt much but in fact is very helpful.

The flip side is that those who do not have their spells, decent gear for their level, skills, knoweledge of how to play their class, and many other things that MMs do not provide will not be wanted in good guilds or pickup groups that are not MMs.
#26 Nov 08 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
High level unexperienced characters that have been powerleveled has always been a problem. The advent of the Monster Missions has just magnified it. It did not introduce it to the game.

I do find them fun, and they are nice when you only have a short time to play. I don't think they were ever invisioned to be a leveling path. I will continue to do them when invited, and I will also continue to play in the normal zones for my level.

I do pity to folks that are racing to level 70, they are in for a shock when they get into a group. I forsee them coming back here to the forums with things like "OMGZ EQ SUX I CAN'T EVER GET A GROOP AND IM LVL 70"

In my experience, most people who are stating that the game sucks, are folks that have raced to level and don't really understand what is going on.
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