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Cross Dressed?Follow

#52 Nov 13 2005 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
84 posts
I always have to mention this every time I fill out a poll like this. I am a female playing female main character. My real-life husband, however, plays a female character who is named after our cat. OH THE CONFUSION he generates! ("Olive just jumped up on my keyboard." Your wife is on the keyboard?? "No, no! The cat! And it would be my husband, not wife, anyway!")

-= Ashwith Fairfever, Elder of Quellious & Luclin
#53 Nov 14 2005 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
I'm both. i'm in RL a man but my toons are both male and female and i design my toons in such a way that i like to look at them myself. Thar means a female halfelf druid, a female human monk, a male trol shammy, a male iksy necro and so on. I'm even suffering the penalties for such design in terms of not such high int as a DE necro would have had or Wis in case of the shammy and the druid, but that doesn't mean that they are incapable, means i sometimes have to play them slightly different. :-)

Some ppl think that characters represent the players and that that foxy vah shir kitten is a hot babe in real life. In that sense they will all be proven wrong, even if the appropriate gender would be chosen, cause the only playable race would be the human. If you however think that a character and how it looks has something to do with the taste of it's owner, you are probable more on the right path.
#54 Nov 14 2005 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
Men are ugly ingame and in RL.. If I spend 5hours+ everyday staring at an *** I sure dont want it to be a male ***. Sure its just pixels and I dont get all hot in my pants or anything.. But I still think guys playing guys are just gay staring at there own *** all day!!! ;P
#55 Nov 14 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Male/Male here, but this poll does need another category or two, ie: Male/Both and Female/Both. Being as I box two accounts (ones main is Male, the other account is headed by my Female chanter) I kinda fall out of the categories given in this poll.

If you want to go back to when I first started playing EQ many moons ago, I started off with a Wood Elf female Bard but gave up after a while and started the Beast after a few months of being hit on by every man and his dog.
#56 Nov 14 2005 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
Female with all female characters. I tried playing a male, but it did not work when I started flirting with my RL hubby.
#57 Nov 14 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Male playing both, all my early toons were male. I decided to play on a different server with all evil characters. Somehow that morphed into all female toons but not all evil races. Could that have anything to do with my ex-wives? Yes, I voted confused.
#58 Nov 14 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
339 posts
My monk is an ikky and the female ikky's look weak so male for sure on that toon. My ogre is a male since all ogres look ugly it's not important i just use bear form since he is a shammy. My zerker is a male cat since they look pretty cool too. I think the dark elf males look alright and i am a gnome/halfling hater hehe. Male playing male characters. I guess i di make my mule a female since it was the default selection.
#59 Nov 14 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Female with nearly all female toons, though sex is hard to distinquish on my two frogs. I've grown a male halfling druid to level 20. I kinda like the halfling, just haven't found much desire to play a druid. Mostly I think the female models just look better than the males (except the barbarians - they're HOT!)

I haven't ever really gotten any 'freebies' having female toons. I think the flirt factor is a personal thing.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#60 Nov 14 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
192 posts
I use male characters with the SOLE EXCEPTION being rarely when I make a Froglok I use a female body type to get the color scheme I want for my overall patterning for class and naming considerations. Obviously we all know that not all the types of frogloks are in both genders.

In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
#61 Nov 14 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
Female playing female avatars. I tried playing a male avatar once but he never made it passed level 5. I don't get hit on either, the only time I ever did was when I was playing my wood elf female bard and I deleted her after I logged out of that session. Wasn't good at playing a bard and did NOT want to run into that person who hit on her ever again.
#62 Nov 14 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
I am a male playing a male as my main but i have a few female toons as well.
#63 Nov 14 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
Spirittallker wrote:
Female playing only females.

I play barbarian, half elf, wood elf, dark elf and human (I want to look good) but sometimes I think I will start carrying around troll illusions... and tell the guy hitting on me that thats what I really am, a troll...

For some reason it seems like guys prefers to hit on barbarians, which seems strange considering how little clothes my elven chars are wearing...

There is a simple cure for being hit on--just don't reply to the message--it's no fun to hot chat with someone that doesn't participate and they move to the next person real fast:-)

#64 Nov 14 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Male here. Main is Female (63).

I have so many characters I HAD to make both genders to keep it interesting.

My first character was male, but now my highest level character is female. Next highest (for the moment) is male (56), then female(55), female(55), male(43), male(38), female(37), female(35), male(32) get the idea...
#65 Nov 14 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Default
MISSING on this POLL ! Bah about almost every GUY in EQ has an alt Female. This poll needs to see how many have one. Probably almost every EQ male player does. New Poll Question ( Do you play a cross gender toon, if so what is the max level/aa? )
#66 Nov 14 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
I am male as is my main but my primary alt is a female troll. Like some of the other posters, it started as a joke with me and my RL friends all starting new toons to level together. I thought the female troll was the most repulsive choice and thus named her Candylips Thunderhips. I don't have too much trouble with men hitting on me and when they do I /bleed on them. Keeps em pretty much in line.

I gotta ask though, are there ANY women playing female trolls? I'd gamble not but am curious.
Khick Ntail 81 Iksar Monk <Invictus Vox>
Shredso Doom 26 Drakkin Bard

The Rathe:
Glasshoppa 100 Iksar Monk
Candylips 85 Troll Beast
Kasi 77 Wood Elf Druid
Gnomicon 53 Gnome Necro
<Noble Blade>
The Rathe

Khick Ntail 58 Iksar Monk
<Invictus Vox>
#67 Nov 14 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
Male playing a male but I have a female Edruian Enchanter Jeweler I have found back in the old days it was easier to get higher level Chanters to enchant metals for a hot lady running around in a semi transparent silk nightie
#68 Nov 14 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
[/b]"However, I THINK my Froglok SHM might be a female."[b]

Lol I had to make a new account just so I could reply to this. I literally laughed for about 3 minutes straight. It's so funny because as one of those people who has to make about 8 newbies a month, this is something pretty common to me. Even before frogloks the iksar females were pretty androgenous. I can't tell you how many male players play female iksars (or even frogloks) and get so far without knowing they don't really want to reroll their toon. Here's to giving frogs and Lizards boobs. Not just little curves, but big, fake, pointy boobs. You know, like the ones all the other female characters have. The ones that are the reason so many guys play female characters in the first place. Hey, even the CATS have them!! So let's keep the false advertising going with only the ones who meant to do it in the first place. Or, maybe a more original idea: remember the Saturday Night Live skit with Pat? The one nobody could really tell if it was a man or a girl... Let's make Pat's. That could be really fun, even for roleplayers.
#69 Nov 14 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
In all of the cross dressing descussions I've seen I think the most common reason for a male to play a female is that they don't want to look at a male butt in their face. That would make the assumption that the person plays EQ in 3rd person. In a world of 1st person shooters, who really plays EQ in 3rd person? In all of the screenshots you've seen, how many are in 3rd person?

Sorry, I'm not buying it. ;-) Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that your some closet flaming dragqueen who never misses a chance to dress up in his wife's silk pantys and a tutu and flaunt your stuff at the local Fantasy Fest but.....

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Hey, I'm only joking around. =D

Btw, male in rl and male in eq.

#70 Nov 14 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
hows this my main on one acct is a 70 bst (male), on my acct ( usta be gf , she started a new one so we could keep my other main a 70 clr ( female ) doent bother me much , not confused ,Ibeleive I'm just not dumb enough to give up a 70 cleric regardless of sex .
#71 Nov 14 2005 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
So there are more manginas then actual women playing women. Who the funk have i been flirting with?

Dude, you must be slow on the uptake. NEVER flirt or cyber on the internet. You don't know the age or sex of who is on the other end. You could be cybering with a person who whould just totaly make you heave, or it could be a kid, illigal and immoral in every state. 15 will get you twenty!!

There are sites for that if that's what you want, not a family freindly game like EQ.
#72 Nov 14 2005 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
I think what we are missing here, is that some of us have many characters that are both male and female (not at the same Though I am a male in RL, this game is fantasy, and I enjoy playing both male and female characters equally. I voted "Very Confused Righ Now" because there wasn's an option for "I play both male and female characters equally". As long as you are comfortable with yourself, and realize that it is a game and don't act out that you are the oposite gender in the game (lie to others that you aren't what you are), then everything is just hunkey-dorey ; )

Krastus (male) Cleric 62
Strommare (female) Mage 58
Pitch (male) SK 55
Drinal Server
#73 Nov 14 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
239 posts
Male IRL. Started with a male druid, then started a female chanter, who is now my main, for kicks one day since I had never played a female in any RPG before.

I have had some very rare problems crop up with my female dark elf chanter. One in particular stands out. Was somewhere around level 35ish in Overthere with a group and some guy comes up and starts jumping all over me making it look, well, not good.

I was pretty offended, especially when he started making obscene comments about it. I hadn't said anything yet and was just about to stand up, tell him off and gate when I see my friendly neighborhood dragoon walking by off in the distance... I was just going to tash the dragoon to bring him over and gate but decided to try a mem blur instead of gate first...

It literally looked this guy was standing there being a total male chauvanist, flapping his gums like an *** and out of nowhere this dragoon comes up and pummels him to the ground and continues walking right passed me.

She's been my main since that day.
#74 Nov 14 2005 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
I am a male playing male toons. I am also one of those that gifts quite frequently. I do NOT look for gender when I gift. I sit at the bank and do a / <class> <lvl> all and start sending tells. I do not respond to bums as a rule, but will help those who have a few dings under their shoes.

Ahma Bigmeetshield
Ogre warrior of 56 bashes

Sliebheinn Fallingstar
Woodelf druid 53 seasons

Necrum Mantzer
Erudite Necromancer 52 Bones

all on saryrn server
#75 Nov 15 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
When I played, I 2-boxed a male rogue and a female cleric. The cleric was my Mother-In-law's. So darn useful, my wife and I didn't feel like dropping the account. I tried really hard to just play the rogue whenever we were playing with other people, but very often I wound up cross dressing because the group/raid/whatever needed a cleric.

So I voted "confused". /shrug. Looking back, the cleric was only in the high 30's when I started playing her it would have been a cake walk to powerlevel a new cleric up.
#76 Nov 15 2005 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
uh yeah,
first off, female playing female, tryed a male one time, and couldnt stop gagging every time I saw his great big ogre butt when I logged on. (wanted to make a male warrior, ironically, so men would stop hitting on me) .
second, as for the wood elf males.. next time you are standing behind one, check out their butts... they look like they wet their pants!
no I dont like tradeskills (I do fletching because my warrior friend can use the arrows). yes, I laugh at crude jokes (tom boy, sorry, shoot me) and no, I dont giggle, or twist, or flip my hair, or most any of that, and yes I have cybered, but no, I found it boring.
as for the wood elf druid getting hit on thing... its very very true, wood elves and dark elves average about two an hour, high elves and humans about one every other hour... used to have a guy follow my barbi warrioress around all the time... (lil gnome freak!)
really funny that guys always try to help you do stuff, and think you cant figure things out... Me :"gee, why does that big mob not like me..." male wood elf ranger: "he is mean, here, let me kill him" (sounds of screaming, and crunching of wood elf ranger armour)
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