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#77 Nov 15 2005 at 7:20 AM Rating: Default
my first female toon i ever made was named after my youngest daughter for fun. Oddly that toon became my main (female erudite paladin) and i played her from early 2002 until i switched to a male iksar warrior about 6-8 months ago.

Only time it was weird having a toon named after my daughter was when using just felt weird to be addressed by my youngest childs name. It wasn't too horrible and was tolerable till i met some guildies and hung out for a couple days and was addressed by her name in real life, repeatedly. I quit playing her shortly after that. And as much as i loved the toon i do believe she is offically retired.

Zowi Purewater
63 Erudite Paladin

pronounced like Joey with a Z for all you tards that couldn't figure out how to say my name.
#78 Nov 15 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Female playing only females. Tried playing a male kitty character cuz the females look like they have major back problems the way they always leaning over! But at that point just couldn't get into the class so the male never went anywhere. I think a large majority of females in game are played by males and I do agree with someone I read that most of them are a dead giveaway ;) And if not after a couple of questions you can almost always tell if it's a male or not. I've been playing since first weekend game came out and I can honestly say I don't think I've ever giggled in game once. Laughed? Sure ;) But giggle not a chance.

Constance Dismai
70th level Enchanter on Saryrn

Oh and yah I'm entering this under my boyfriend's account here ;)
#79 Nov 15 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
274 posts
so far it looks like if the toon is male the player is probably male and if the toon is female the chances are 50/50.
#80 Nov 15 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I am female playing female toons, but my husband's toons are mostly female. He likes the graphics Smiley: smile

It was fun when we joined our guild letting the other members guess which of us is husband and which wife.

Edited, Tue Nov 15 16:12:15 2005 by melissem
#81 Nov 15 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
Male/female here, box a male barb shaman with either of my female characters-a barb zerker or iksar SK. Even gave my zerker part of the shaman's name for a surname, ie Ludandottir.
#82 Nov 16 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
Male with both males and females.
Current main: Female gnome enchanter

Basicly what it comes down to, 'specally in the case of my gnome is that 90% of the male models are just so unbelievably ugly
#83 Nov 16 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
You'll know if you're a female if you check one thing. Go to the FACE button on your inventory screen. Check the face/coloring options of your froggie. If you have the option of being black and white, then you ARE a female. Only Female frogs can be B&W. If you don't, then the "Y" chromosome has arrived on your Norrath doorstep and you are indeed male. :)
#84 Nov 16 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
I am a Male that had a Male Warrior.
I decided to take up JC, so I made a female, Eud, Chanter.
She was only supposed to make and sell Jewelry, however I loved the class, so she is now my main.....

Why did I pick a female? Because they DO get hit on. People think this is RL or something. I could sell things for more than male toons could, people would give me their "Vendor trash" ... ect. Now days most know who and what I am, however, there are still times when I have to say ... " Only my hair dresser knows for sure" :)
#85 Nov 17 2005 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
I'm female playing all females right now although I have played males, frogs, and have a lizard necro right now as well. The poll would be more interesting if you were to ask what races we play or good or evil. I've never been given anything because I'm a sexy looking elf/human/DE/barbarian or whatever other races, I have been given things because I asked them to lower the price so I can afford something or one occasion because I'd only been playing a week and wanted to buy an idol he had for sale with plat I'd made myself (thank you green gobbies for donating your heads and blood to my bank Smiley: sly ) he gave me a belt that I couldn't wear for another 40 levels but it sat there in my bank encouraging me to level and wear it.

As for giving others things I'm getting very jaded on that as I'm sure a lot of people are. I've given away tons of jewelry I've made over time to "new" players only to see them set up trader and sell what I and others had given them. Now I'll buff them and send them on thier way somewhere they'll get experience and level themselves the heck with giving them anything unless they show me they want to level and not just steal the things that we older players make. Sorry if my attitude sucks but after giving the last one a couple of k worth of items only to have them sell them to buy a horse for their main... well you get the picture.
#86 Nov 17 2005 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent

I do however have a female monk that hasn't yet made it past level 14. It seems my wife doesn't like playing a male and since most of our toons are set up to work as a pair, I MUST play the male part. /shrug I'd probably do a horrible job of hiding it anyway.
#87 Nov 17 2005 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
Male playing male.

Though there was a time, well over a year ago now, that some friends from my former server Solusek Ro, asked me to join them on Firiona Vie, the Roleplaying server. I finally caved and abandoned my cushy characters on my home server to meet up with them.. right about the time they started slacking off. I figured I'd go ahead and check out the server for awhile anyway. That missing No Drop tag is fun.

Anyway.. for a bit, I played a Dark Elf (what else?) Necromancer. Male. And let me tell you.. some (read: The entire Dark Elf community) of those roleplayers out around Neriak are -hardcore- and I guess they adhere to some strictly matriarchal form of rule.. or something. It was a pain like I've never experienced to play as a male Dark Elf. I'm all for roleplaying, sure.. but wow. It got to the point of being stalked and harassed IN GAME to subject myself to a house of female rule.. or some crap like that.

So, in a bit of a social experiment, I rerolled my baby Necro as a female Dark Elf. And ya know what? EVERYTHING changed. I suddenly had male characters litteraly throwing themselves at my feet, offering to be servants or slaves or whatever, and all these offers to join houses and royalty.. some big female only guild.. (Sister of Mists or Myth or something like that) was really persistant in trying to get me to join, and take slaves and servants and blah blah...

All because I had a character with pixelated boobs. That character only lasted about a week. Like I've seen in other posts, the amount of people hitting on me alone (guys AND girls) was overwhelming. And annoying
Overall.. I can sort of understand -why- there are so many guys who are rumored to play females. It makes life easier, apparetnly. And.. maybe.. they just like the attention.
#88 Nov 17 2005 at 9:10 AM Rating: Default
Three Accounts!!!
Male playing all Male toons!
Not bored or confused.

For the mangina's out there, find the exit to your closet.
Seek a trusted friend.
Warn them first then spill the beans.

I run a team speak server, and do not even hit on the ladies that get on there. There is something about that "anonimity of the keyboard" syndrom. You know where they can be absolutely anyone because you don't know them and cannot see them?

Don't trust them until you see them.
#89 Nov 18 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
im a d00d that has played d00d chars. BUT i do bot a chantey

Female Dark elf chantey. she dont get hit on cause she is always /auto on me ;p~

wife plays a chick woodelf dr00d.


#90 Nov 18 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
On all of my accounts, any chars I have created have been Female. There are a few Male ones, but they were not made by me. Being Female in RL, it easier for me to play a female char.
Have met a TON of female chars who are really guys who tell me they LOVE getting free items, money, or whatever from online lonely guys..that is just SICK.
Level 119 Druid

Level 118 Enchanter
#91 Nov 19 2005 at 6:12 AM Rating: Good
Rare breed posting here :)

I'm a woman IRL, my main is a male, but all my alts are female.

I started the game with Cedderina, a female halfling warrior, and played her for a little while. Then I made a halfling druid named Falstaffle, and it just seemed right for him to be a him :) After playing him for a short while, I fell in love with being a druid, and he became my main. Every other alt I've made since then has been female.

In my early years, I was pretty gung-ho on RP, and that made for some interesting situations... especially since Fal is an outrageous flirt with almost everyone. Even though I don't really RP much anymore, I still play him that way. Needless to say, it does confuse people to begin with, which I admit is a lot of fun >:) However, it does sadden me to see how much gender stereotyping and homophobia there is out there :/

I do get asked very often why I play a male toon if I'm a woman IRL... my favorite response is, "I hate to tell you this, but I'm not a halfling IRL either..."

Overall, I'm quite happy with things the way they are, and wouldn't change any character's gender even if I could.

Cheers from Emarr!

Falstaffle ~ Cedderina ~ Neanthe ~ Feefles ~ Anix ~ Sercenor
#92 Nov 19 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
I'm female and play with all female toons. I switched from the newbie server, Stromm, to the roleplaying one, Firiona Vie, on a whim a long time ago. Made a female dark elf necromancer with absolutely nothing to her name. Planned to do all her newbie armor quests (this was back before the tutorial was ever rolled out). Her very first 10 minutes in Nektulos forest a male toon came up and gave her a nice cloak...and before long she'd been given an entire outfit of equipment. I am not a flirt, I have never offered cyber or lead anyone on to manipulate them into giving me gear. In fact, I turned down a lot of stuff out of pride. I have had at least three male-tooned EQ stalkers, one of which I had to /petition to lodge a complaint. Thank the stars for /ignore.

My alt is a female dark elf enchanter. This one has white hair- the necro has black- and I swear she gets hit on more than the necro does. She too has been just randomly given stuff, buffs, guild admission offers.

I have a very good friend that I've been duoing with for a long time now, and we've given each other access to our accounts, so occasionally he uses my necro for rezzes or the enchanter for free buffs. He plays male toons and has commented that he is constantly hit on while on my toons. He asked me one day how I could stand it!

I dared him to make a female toon if he gets another account :-P
#93 Nov 20 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Good
Male w/ Female Main

When I was newbie, researching the race/class info for my soon to be created Iksar ShadowKnight, I began to think .... hmmm .... Evil .... shunned by other races .... not just good for a fight but magical too .... owns a completely useless pet .... will literally suck the lifeforce out of their opponent .... hmmm .... oh yeah, this one has got to be a female! JK :-) 4 years later and she's still my favorite and my only female char.

Korkozorm Gandre
Brell Serilis <Cazic-Thule>
#94 Nov 20 2005 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent

I'm really surprised at the amount of people who seem to think that males playing a female character means there's some "hidden gayness" to them. No sense in debating it because I don't really care what people think enough to try to change anyone's mind, but I'm just surprised that people think that way.

Anyway, I am a RL female and I play all female characters. My boyfriend's main is a 70 male warrior, but he also hydras a 70 female chanter and a 70 female cleric. I play a rogue and hydra a druid. I refer to his two hydras and my two chars as his "harem" because everywhere he goes he's got a pack of females following him! The cleric used to be my character and then he started "borrowing" her, then I decided he could just keep her. Then when he decided we needed a chanter, well, he really likes the look of dark elf females, so that's what the chanter became. All of his other characters/alts are male.

I tried making a male character a couple of times but it just felt weird. Besides, I don't think they look as good as the females do.

I never really got a lot of that special treatment you guys are talking about for being a noob female woodelf. I did get a little bit of that, but nothing that was any big deal. Mainly hand-me-downs from guildies. Maybe it's because I'm almost always online with my boyfriend or he eventually comes up in conversation so no one wants to waste their time on someone who is obviously taken? Anyway, I'm glad. I don't want to be given things, I want to get them myself.

- Aviennda,
70 Rogue of Saryrn
#95 Nov 20 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
I clicked confused, since I have a number of each. Male playing:
Female High Elf 64 Mage (Didn't start as main, but leveled faster)
Male High Elf 52 Wizard
Male Wood Elf 49 Ranger
Female High Elf 40 Cleric
Male Dark Elf 36 Enchanter (created as a mule to smuggle enchant metal spells out of Neriak back in the day when that was the only place to get them)

Various lower level toons.

I got started doing female toons back in AD&D just for a hoot. My female toons tend to be a bit stuck on themselves.

Whizzer, Mystyre, & Co
#96 Nov 21 2005 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
male playing male toon.
I've had a few friends play female toons and they say they get treated bettert then when they're on their male toons. I know some guys that have UBER female mains and act like guys and have guy names ( Almma Ngina comes to mind* bigs to up Almma i want my dam fabled fungi) and still get hit on*boggle*
#97 Nov 21 2005 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
male playing male toon.
I've had a few friends play female toons and they say they get treated bettert then when they're on their male toons. I know some guys that have UBER female mains and act like guys and have guy names ( Almma Ngina comes to mind* bigs to up Almma i want my dam fabled fungi) and still get hit on*boggle*
#98 Nov 21 2005 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,075 posts

I only play females in all these games, since I could in UO (oh, I'm male.)

I simply like looking at a female character more. I've never really experienced the "get stuff!" thing, but one thing I've noticed is that people expect females to be stupid. So, as a female in mmorpgs I'm given a lot more room for mistakes. As a "female", I can get away with more. I tend to be very nice though, so this doesn't really work in my favor.

Rather than get things in mmorpgs, it seems that I'm asked for things a lot. Like in EQ1, no one cared that my druid was a female. They cared that she could port them =/ In WoW no one cared that my priest was a female, they cared that she could heal them or make it so their group could do X instance.

From what I can tell, the more that character need in an mmorpg the more apt they are to not give you anything just because you are female. The one constant I've seen is them being more accepting of your mistakes.

Besides liking the female models more, a lot of it is that the male ones look very stupid in both EQ and Wow. My only male character in those games was an Ogre with the old model, because it was hilarious and fun to roleplay. Luclin and newer models ruined that.
#99 Nov 21 2005 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
AHAHAHA so basically what I can infer from this poll is that HALF the WOMEN in EQ are MEN.... AHAHAHAHAHA
#100 Nov 21 2005 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
I gotta ask though, are there ANY women playing female trolls? I'd gamble not but am curious.

She is not active but my ex-wife and I played male-female trolls she the female me the male =P

She was a SK I was a Shaman(actually he not active either still exists but been like 3 years since logged in).

That would be the Grolsh in my sig=P both our last names was Kammasutra=P=P (name **** not like right spelling=P)
#101 Nov 21 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
Male with only one char, a Male/Human Ranger Crossing Dressing hasnt really popped in my mind other then a char that holds all the outdated stuff my main upgraded from til I can find a guildie or friend that could use it, I dont sell in the baz takes too long an this way the mains bank stays clear for the mass of crap for quest that somehow I get talked into doing.

Edited, Mon Nov 21 09:15:02 2005 by SeekingRez

Edited, Mon Nov 21 09:16:47 2005 by SeekingRez
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