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South Karana Monster Mission BeatenFollow

#1 Nov 17 2005 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
Me, Szriko, and a group of other people have completed the new SK MM Many many times now. You end up in the body of level 70 Gnolls, and can be either Enchanter, Warrior, Magician, or Cleric. The mobs hit fast and hard. In order to win you must go to the jail, release prisoners via throwing switches, Find where the guy you're looking for is, then kill him. As far as I know, We are the only people to have beaten this MM Server-wide. Credit goes out to Szriko(me) and Garimm of Saryrn server for the tactics needed to win. I assume it will be nerfed due to the percieved difficulty. It is easy once you know how. The Rewards are:

Artifact of the Rift
AC: 10
DEX: +9 STA: +9 CHA: +9 WIS: +9 INT +9 HP: +140 MANA: +135 Endurance: +135 SV FIRE: +8 SV COLD: +8 SV MAGIC: +8
Attack: +20
Regeneration: +2
Spell Shield: +1%
DoT Shielding: +1%
Recommended level of 70
WT: 0.6 Size: MEDIUM
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, type 7: empty

Relic of Mal
AC: 15
STR: +9 STA: +9 WIS: +9 INT: +9 AGI: +9 HP: +140 MANA: +145 Endurance: +20 SV DISEASE: +8 SV COLD: +8 SV DISEASE: +8
Regeneration: +1
Mana Regeneration: +3
Recommended level of 70.
WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, tpye 7: empty

Edited, Thu Nov 17 06:41:12 2005 by Railus
#2 Nov 17 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
As far as I know, We are the only people to have beaten this MM Server-wide.

Don't count on it. I'm sure that at least a few high end raiding guilds went and knocked it out a few times to take a look at the loot. Calimyr, you guys finished this one yet?
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#3 Nov 17 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
Nice one! Except, 6 people max. I severely, highly, doubt anyone else has beaten it. It's very unlikely, considering we are the first(and only) on our server.
#4 Nov 17 2005 at 1:51 AM Rating: Default
If you are so sure someone else has beaten this MM, why are you asking if they beat it in your own thread.... IDIOT.
I highly doubt they(the people you are retardifying by trying to associate yourself with) have, or else there would be links to loot or posts on forums...

PS Nubben is the ultimate lever man!! all Jails tremble to his might.

If you ever post half naked pic's of David Hasselhoff in this forum again, ......... You sir are F. A. G. *****!!!!~

Edited, Thu Nov 17 02:06:26 2005 by ThexNecroxofxSaryrn
#5REDACTED, Posted: Nov 17 2005 at 1:54 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ummm, don't be so sure that others have beaten it. Szriko and his group are kickin **** and super cool. Szriko is the first and ONLY person to beat it on Saryrn and probably game-wide. If anyone wants to tell us that they beat it first other than us. I would like to see them do it and tell us the time they beat it. But I doubt anyone will.
#6 Nov 17 2005 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
Since you beat it, then what's your strat?
#7 Nov 17 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
Would you feel more satisfaction knowing you conquered this MM with a strat devised yourself, or from someone else and not really accomplish anything other than you know how to follow directions?
#8 Nov 17 2005 at 2:06 AM Rating: Default
Why tell my Strat? That would make it un-original, and get it Nerfed within 5 hours.
#9 Nov 17 2005 at 2:14 AM Rating: Default
Geez, learn how to say, "Nice job guys! That was a hard MM!"

I don't care if all the high end raiding guilds on EQ did it. We did it using our own strat, not strats that have been used for years on end. We did it in 8 minutes when most people couldn't get it done at all. First, complete the MM in under 8 minutes, then talk.
#10 Nov 17 2005 at 2:20 AM Rating: Default
Psh. We spend most of that time getting the loot. If we really tried, we could get it done in 3-4 minutes.
#11 Nov 17 2005 at 2:25 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, we kick *** and you don't. Get over it. Szriko came up with his own strat that beats the mission FAST and I am proud to say that I follow him to victory in these missions. So beat it then maybe you can be uber too.
#12 Nov 17 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Default
Psh. The strat totally would have never happened if Garimm wasn't there. It was pure luck we both went into the same mission.
#13 Nov 17 2005 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
403 posts
Hey socks.

Don't break your arm patting yourselves on the back.

P.S. If you can come up with such l337 strats maybe you should join SS or HnE. Although they have great raid leaders they can always use more l337 5tr4t d00dz. Smiley: rolleyes
#14 Nov 17 2005 at 3:00 AM Rating: Default
HnE? They have no need of us, I'm sure we're horrible Raid planners. We just got lucky coming up witha plan for a GROUP event. Nice try at insulting us, but it failed. Horribly. You failed to see the difference Between RAIDS (14+ People against a few mobs) and MONSTER MISSIONS (3-6 people against an entire zone). EDIT: Also, where do you get off using "leet speak"? It's a horribly type of speaking only idiots use. I'm sure you don't want to come off as that kind of person.

Edited, Thu Nov 17 03:13:19 2005 by DarkUnknownOne
#15 Nov 17 2005 at 3:14 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Railus, what's the skinny on the 4 Stooges here?

If you guys* want to think that you're the first and only ones to beat it, then by all means go ahead. However, that doesn't mean that others haven't beaten it. Plus, if you're not going to share your "amazing" strategy, don't bother posting. This forum is for the discussion and sharing of information concerning the game. If you wanted to toot your own horn, have the courtesy to do so in private.

And, to clarify, when I said "high end raiding guilds," I was implying that they were players with dedication and experience facing difficult encounters. Obviously the whole guild didn't jump in on a group mission. Don't put words into my mouth (or on my keyboard either; they're hell to clean off).

If you wish to continue this discussion, I urge you to post your next thread here. Until then, gratz on the completing the MM, and Good For You.

*It must be noted that while I refer to the new posters in this thread as separate entities, they are all obviously controlled by one person.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#16 Nov 17 2005 at 3:17 AM Rating: Default
Why tell my Strat? That would make it un-original, and get it Nerfed within 5 hours.

True, but i think everyones constant whining and ******** about its difficulty will be sufficient enough to nerf the monster mission. Cant do something the way it was intended? complain and get it reduced in difficulty. Gratz morons, thank you for dumbing up the game for everyone else.
#17 Nov 17 2005 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
2,496 posts
Good For You

#18 Nov 17 2005 at 3:23 AM Rating: Default
*It must be noted that while I refer to the new posters in this thread as separate entities, they are all obviously controlled by one person.

Nice post, until this point where you showed how petty and moronic you are by hurling shrewd unthought out attempts at slander. Now everyone on Alla knows you are an idiot.

Last time i checked, this was a GENERAL Discusion forum, not a hey tell me how to do everything board.
#19 Nov 17 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Default
I sent Mr. Crotch-Man a message having my Strat in it. This MM will get nerfed in 1 of 2 ways: Either my strat gets out and it's made harder, or it doesn't and it's made easier. Now, it's up to him. Release my strat, or don't. Won't affect too much, really. Also: Now he can't say I'm lying. =)
#20 Nov 17 2005 at 3:29 AM Rating: Default
You know, crotch boy, we can decide a few things here.

1) You have not won the MM, because you didn't declare it.

2) You have tried the MM and failed at it, in which case you're insulting people who are better than you.

3) You haven't tried the MM, in which case only a bunch of BS is coming from your mouth.


Better luck next time.
#21 Nov 17 2005 at 3:33 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
My first pass was meant to be reserved and respectful, which is why I separated it from the below nonsense.

If you are so sure someone else has beaten this MM, why are you asking if they beat it in your own thread.... IDIOT.
I highly doubt they(the people you are retardifying by trying to associate yourself with) have, or else there would be links to loot or posts on forums...

PS Nubben is the ultimate lever man!! all Jails tremble to his might.

If you ever post half naked pic's of David Hasselhoff in this forum again, ......... You sir are F. A. G. *****!!!!~

First, this is not my thread. Learn to read. Hell, the colors were a dead giveaway.

Second, that's my avatar. If you don't like it, stop staring at it.

Third, he's only naked in your head.

Fourth, if you truly believe that calling me a *** or a ***** is insulting, I'll be happy to introduce you to some fabulously gay men and women that will beat the tar out of you. Go back to the AOL chatrooms if you're going to be an insipid imbecile.

Yeah, we kick *** and you don't. Get over it.

Any strategy that can complete a MM in that little amount of time is obviously a bug, if you even did complete it as fast as you say. Expect it to get fixed in the very near future.

Congradulations, you found an exploit! I hope that SOE hasn't gone soft since the DoN release.

You failed to see the difference Between RAIDS (14+ People against a few mobs) and MONSTER MISSIONS (3-6 people against an entire zone).

Since when did a raid require 14 people? And since when did no raids have to fight through zones to reach the target? Smiley: confused

Thanks for playing. Next time, bring it to the Asylum.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#22 Nov 17 2005 at 3:38 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Telrik wrote:
You know, crotch boy, we can decide a few things here.

1) You have not won the MM, because you didn't declare it.
No, because I was only online for about 30 minutes tonight, which was spent soloing in Chardok.

2) You have tried the MM and failed at it, in which case you're insulting people who are better than you.
Better than me? At what, throwing around weak insults and swinging your e-peen because you zerged a MM?

3) You haven't tried the MM, in which case only a bunch of BS is coming from your mouth.
Glass houses, my friend.


Better luck next time.
Next time, come to the Asylum where the admins won't babysit.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#23 Nov 17 2005 at 3:45 AM Rating: Default
Railus, what's the skinny on the 4 Stooges here?

First pass...^^^
My first pass was meant to be reserved and respectful, which is why I separated it from the below nonsense.

Didnt seem to respectful to me.

Any strategy that can complete a MM in that little amount of time is obviously a bug, if you even did complete it as fast as you say. Expect it to get fixed in the very near future.

Congradulations, you found an exploit! I hope that SOE hasn't gone soft since the DoN release.

Commonplace among underachievers i promise you. It's easier to hurl insults and cry foul play or cheating than to accept the fact it was done correctly before David Hasselhoff here did.

Since when did a raid require 14 people? And since when did no raids have to fight through zones to reach the target?

Last time i checked, South Karana MM has no invis, and if you tell me you never invis to raid targets I will have to disagree with you. As far as the insults go, i recind mine.

Don't count on it. I'm sure that at least a few high end raiding guilds went and knocked it out a few times to take a look at the loot. Calimyr, you guys finished this one yet?

That is a bold statement which is clearly false. Nobody I have talked to on any server has completed the MM. Jealousy is a stinky cologne.

#24 Nov 17 2005 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
I'll refrain from hurling flames on this forum any more, since it is not the place, but if you'd like to continue in a much less restricted environment, I urge you to post here.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#25REDACTED, Posted: Nov 17 2005 at 3:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well Sr. Crotch Man, It seems you have been beaten soundly by Garimm. Nice. Insulting us wasn't very nice, so why would anyone be annoying us? you started it by saying that we were OBVIOUSLY wrong and someone you know has beaten it, then admit you've been on a whole 30 minutes at NIGHT. Good one, makes you look innocent.
#26 Nov 17 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Default
Alright, so you fall under 3. You're talking about something that you've never even tried.

Your opinion and posts are now worthless.

Oh, and if you consider ruining someone's fun "reserved" and "respectful," you have deep issues at hand. This thread isn't hurting anyone, but it is making people happy. Honestly, I don't see a difference between having this thread and not having this thread, but if it made Szir happy, I wasn't going to speak against it. Sometimes it's better to throw a few false words just to make someone's day better. Try not being an *** in the future.
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