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Pay by Game Card? read this:Follow

#1 Nov 17 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
I need an explanation as to why I cannot create a guild simply because I pay my account by EQ Card.
I waited a hell of a long time to have TSR Oliver kick me off with a link to the page, which does not work and says "I must have an account"

TSR Nash K.: Hi, my name is TSR Nash K.. One moment please, while I read your question.
Michael: do NOT just send me your uselees Guild Creation link and dump me, I've been at this for several hours
TSR Nash K.: Unfortunately, Game card accounts cant be used to make Guilds as account using Game cards are auto-cancelled. You need a active account to make a Guild.
Michael: I HAVE an active account
Michael: It says so right onmy page
TSR Nash K.: May I have your station name please?
Michael: mmaguire
Michael: exactly where in the EULA does it say I will be denied content on account of payment option?
Michael: hello??
TSR Nash K.: Your account is on Game Card.
TSR Nash K.: It cant make a Guild. You need a credit card subscription for that.
Michael: and you think that it is ok to deny particular content to an account in good standing?
Michael: what kind of customer "service" is this?
Michael: because you can't figure out how to code it?
TSR Nash K.: I am Sorry that is a company policy and that Guild creation requires active subscription.
Michael: exactly where in the EULA does it say I will be denied content on account of payment option?
TSR Nash K.: You can use credit card for one subscription, apply for Guild and use Game card from next time. Thats only a suggestion.
Michael: exactly where in the EULA does it say I will be denied content on account of payment option?
Michael: and where on the game card does it say that?
Michael: And why do I pay exactly what everyone else pays
Michael: you could not possibly defend or even explain this "policy"
TSR Nash K.: Unfortunately, every game specifications and requirement cant be mentioned on EULA.
Michael: lol, give me a break, this is nominor thing at all and I doubt anyone outside of SOE would agree to that
TSR Nash K.: I am Sorry, but active account is must for Guild creation and Game card cant be used for it.
TSR Nash K.: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Michael: correction, is there ANYTHING you can help with?
Michael: Why do you insist I do not have an account?
TSR Nash K.: Cancelled accounts are 'Active' but it means that you wont be billed automatically next time. The account status has to 'Active' to be eligible for guild creation. '
TSR Nash K.: Its possible only through credit card subscription.
Michael: Do I have an active account or not?
Michael: what did I pay for?
TSR Nash K.: You are using Game cards and Game card accounts are auto-cancelled. Cancelled means that you can still play the game till your game card expires. The account wil close itself afte that and then you wuill need another game card.
TSR Nash K.: *will
Michael: that is your network bs, not a reality and you know it
Michael: cancelled means you can play the game? listen to yourself you are not even amking sense
TSR Nash K.: I am Sorry, I understand your issue but its a Company Policy. Nobody here can go over that. Game card accounts cant be used for creating Guilds. You can feedback regarding this through in game command /feedback.
Michael: and where was I informed of this?
Michael: when I shelled out money for the card
TSR Nash K.: Yes, Cancelled means you can play the game till the next billing. If the account is on 'Closed' status then you cant play the game.
TSR Nash K.: Game card cant have such minute details like this.
Michael: You can polish it anyway you want, but you are denying me content I paid for
TSR Nash K.: Yes, but you need a credit card for Guild creation. I am sorry, thats a company policy and it cant be changed. You can feedback regarding this through /feedback command.
TSR Nash K.: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Michael: If I was not right, your answers would be a whole lot quicker
Michael: First agree I am being denied content I paid for and I can e-mail that
TSR Nash K.: I am Sorry, Game cards cant be used to create Guilds. You need a credit card subscription for that.
TSR Nash K.: Thank you for visiting our Sony Online Entertainment customer support chat. Take care and have a nice day!
TSR Nash K. Has Disconnected
#2 Nov 17 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
It only took SOE 3 minutes to remove this post from their boards, wish /petition worked like that

Edited, Thu Nov 17 20:52:32 2005 by mmaguire
#3 Nov 17 2005 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
What I see is someone making an a[sm][/sm]ss of themselves and providing little to no reasonable arguement.

As far as game cards go, no, it is not an active subscription. All a game card does is pay for 30 - 90 days of service and cancels the subscription. Just because your playing doesn't mean you subscription is active. It just means your being allowed to use the rest of the time you payed for.

Instead of wasting your time making an *** of yourself as to whether or not your subscription is active pay attention.

Cancelled accounts are 'Active' but it means that you wont be billed automatically next time. The account status has to 'Active' to be eligible for guild creation.

Yes, Cancelled means you can play the game till the next billing. If the account is on 'Closed' status then you cant play the game.

He explained it to you right here but instead you continued to argue a point that is of little relevance.

Next time try using your brain and pay attention to what you are being told:

TSR Nash K.: You can use credit card for one subscription, apply for Guild and use Game card from next time. Thats only a suggestion.

This was your MAIN point to argue, but you were to busy whining about whether or not a game card was an active subscription. Maybe next time a TSR tells you HOW TO GET AROUND THE POLICY you will pay attention. Or maybe you will use it as a point to argue.
#4 Nov 17 2005 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
Maybe next time a TSR tells you HOW TO GET AROUND THE POLICY you will pay attention. Or maybe you will use it as a point to argue.

that's not telling him how to get around policy.

that's telling him how to follow policy. instead of slamming someone, read the post next time.

it's absolutely 100% moronic that sony requires a CC based subscription to create a guild, he has a right to ***** about it, as a paying customer.
#5 Nov 17 2005 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
Let me see if I can wrap my feeble intellect around your obviously superior reasoning....

What I see is someone making an *** of themselves and providing little to no reasonable arguement.

ok, note to self, always begin discussion with someone you do not know by calling them an ***.... got it. moving on..

Instead of wasting your time making an *** of yourself as to whether or not your subscription is active pay attention.

Quote:Cancelled accounts are 'Active' but it means that you wont be billed automatically next time. The account status has to 'Active' to be eligible for guild creation.

Quote:Yes, Cancelled means you can play the game till the next billing. If the account is on 'Closed' status then you cant play the game.

He explained it to you right here but instead you continued to argue a point that is of little relevance.

try and mix those insults in a post, try not to be repetitive.

Now does the above little bit of legalese mean anything to anyone besides jchapin and SOE?
You either have an account in good standing or you do not.
I have an account. I have an account name and password.
I can log in and play. I have had this account for two years and have paid it by both credit card and game card at various times.

And for your information, I play by game card a lot because friends and family give me the cards as gifts. Not that is any of your business.

Now I guess I'm just stupid but you either have an account or you do not. Making up newspeak for "Active" "Cancelled" and "Closed"
depending on how you pay for it, does not differentiate anything any non-lawyer would accept.

but let's take it from the horse's mouth, SOE's own statement of my account:

Your Account

Owning Station Account: mmaguire

Subscription Name: EverQuest: Game Card - 90 Day


Account Status: Non-Recurring Billing Method or Cancelled*

Enabled Features:

The Ruins of Kunark

Lost Dungeons Of Norath

EverQuest Classic

Depths of Darkhollow

Legacy of Ykesha

Omens of War

Planes of Power

Dragons of Norrath

Gates of Discord

The Scars of Velious

The Shadows of Luclin

Orig. Purchase Date: November 19, 2003

Account Open Until: December 18, 2005

Next Billing Date: December 18, 2005

Next Subscription Plan: EverQuest Subscription , 3-month

NOTE: Your account is Non-Recurring Billing Method or Cancelled due to one of the following reasons:

* You have chosen to gain access to your 30-Day subscription included with purchase without choosing a billing option.

* You have chosen to cancel your account. This means that you will no longer have access to your account after the end of your most recent subscription cycle. To re-subscribe to a cancelled account, you will need to log in as you once did and choose your billing method and subscription service via Account creation.

* You have activated your account using a non-recurring billing method (for example, you may have used an official Game Card). Don't let your game be interrupted once your trial period expires. Grab yourself a Game Card at the Station Store, or take advantage of one of our other billing methods by using a Credit Card or Global Collect.

Status: Non-Recurring Billing Method OR Cancelled *

ok, it's one of those two, let's follow the asterisk and find out, shall we?

well reason 1 does not apply, it's not a 30 day subscription included with purchase, so on to 2
well, I did not cancel my account, if I had I would have to log in and choose a new method of billing. In any event the key phrase is "You have chosen to cancel..." well, I have not so on to the last,

"You have activated your account using a non-recurring billing method (for example, you may have used an official Game Card). Don't let your game be interrupted once your trial period expires. Grab yourself a Game Card at the Station Store, or take advantage of one of our other billing methods by using a Credit Card or Global Collect."

yes that is it I believe. Using a Non-Recurring billing method.

So (if anyone can still follow this) since my status is NRBM OR Cancelled, and I have established that it is NRBM, it is not "Cancelled"
In fact it has been in continuing existence for two years.

Next time try using your brain and pay attention to what you are being told:

Quote:TSR Nash K.: You can use credit card for one subscription, apply for Guild and use Game card from next time. Thats only a suggestion.

This was your MAIN point to argue, but you were to busy whining about whether or not a game card was an active subscription. Maybe next time a TSR tells you HOW TO GET AROUND THE POLICY you will pay attention. Or maybe you will use it as a point to argue.

Well pardon me for expecting the content I paid for and for not wanting to use my Visa to "get around" their obviously flawed policy.

My original post was to make others aware of this policy as I am quite certain no player who plays by game card is even remotely aware of this Byzantine claptrap.... unless he has tried to form a guild.

If you do not like my tone with SOE, sorry no one cares.
The fact is people who pay full price for the game and all of it's content AND have an account in good standing (by anyone's definition) are denied very important content simply on the basis of the Billing Method they choose.
And even more so, are not made aware of that when shelling out the money, thinking they are buying full content.

btw jchapin, who in your family works for SOE? I assume that is the case since you went out of your way to make your reply so personal.... and I don't even know you.

#6 Nov 17 2005 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
thank you very much Sir Google, I was sitting here in a room by myself posting and after reading jchapin's response thought I had fallen into "Neverland" where only I saw the absurdity of this.


#7 Nov 17 2005 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I would be very annoyed if I were you also. Saying your money isn't equal to someone else's money is total BS. Soe gets the money. Do you think it's a different color if they get it from a card or ah, um another card?

/edit Let's call it the my plastic's better than your plastic policy.

Edited, Thu Nov 17 22:43:17 2005 by Kelti
#8 Nov 17 2005 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
Forgot to include this.
This as the very same Customer Service department by e-mail:

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support
center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you
within 72 hours.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

Guild Creation

Discussion Thread
Response (TSR Syrus M.) - 11/17/2005 04:09 PM
I am afraid the issue is already explained.

You can't create a guild site without a credit card subscription.

Please subscribe using Credit card.

We require the subscription fee to be paid for by credit card or game card. Visa,
MasterCard, Discover and American Express are the accepted credit cards, as well as
most Debit Cards that display the Visa and MasterCard logo on the front. The
EverQuest Game Cards are also now available.

Customer (Michael .Maguire) - 11/17/2005 03:33 PM
WTF do you mean card users cannot create a guild?
I pay the same as everyone else, I'm going to require a WHOLE lot better
explanation than this, especially like, why you did not say this the first time
instead of "it works fine".
Do you guys even know what you are doing from hour to hour? When did I first
request an answer to this problem?

-----Original Message-----
From: SOE Customer Support []
Sent: 17 November 2005 15:45

Response (TSR Neil A.) - 11/17/2005 12:45 PM
I apologize for any inconvenience, However I notice that you used game card. So the
Game card user are not provided to create a guild. And if you have any issue please
send an e-mail.
Thank you for your patience.

Customer (Michael .Maguire) - 11/16/2005 04:51 PM
Is this your idea of working fine?

-----Original Message-----
From: SOE Customer Support []
Sent: 16 November 2005 18:08

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support
center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you
within 72 hours.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

To update this question by email, please reply to this message.
Because your reply will be automatically processed, you MUST enter
your reply in the space below. Text entered into any other part of
this message will be discarded.

[===> Please enter your reply below this line <===]

Response (TSR David K.) - 11/16/2005 03:07 PM
Our guild request system is currently working fine. You can access it at the
following link:

Customer (Michael .Maguire) - 11/14/2005 06:11 PM
How do you create a guild? supposedly you use the link on but
it is broken.
Log in > go to guild > you must have an account ad infinitem.
why is everything so hard or "kind of broken" with this game?
I have been playing two years and have never had a clear answer on guild formation
(or anything else for that matter).

please don't send me literature on setting up MY computer or browser. Every comp
I've tried, every place I've tried works the same.


P.S. thanks for ******** me out of Bone Mask after 36 hours of play to complete
quests on Sunday (I don't have to explain, you know what I'm talking about), guess i
won't be doing anything like that again.

Question Reference #051114-001843
Escalation Level: 1 Day Escalation
Product Level 1: EverQuest
Category Level 1: General
Date Created: 11/14/2005 06:11 PM
Last Updated: 11/17/2005 04:09 PM
Status: Waiting FOR Customer
Station Name: mmaguire
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Maguire



TSR Syrus M.
Sony Online Entertainment

hmmm.... read this part again and tell me what the last line says:

You can't create a guild site without a credit card subscription.

Please subscribe using Credit card.

We require the subscription fee to be paid for by credit card or game card. Visa,
MasterCard, Discover and American Express are the accepted credit cards, as well as
most Debit Cards that display the Visa and MasterCard logo on the front. The
EverQuest Game Cards are also now available.
#9 Nov 17 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
We require the subscription fee to be paid for by credit card or game card. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are the accepted credit cards, as well as
most Debit Cards that display the Visa and MasterCard logo on the front. The EverQuest Game Cards are also now available.

Smiley: confusedSo, um, it IS ok to use a game card? Unless you want to form a guild...No wait...Smiley: confused

#10 Nov 17 2005 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
2,496 posts

Maybe next time a TSR tells you HOW TO GET AROUND THE POLICY you will pay attention. Or maybe you will use it as a point to argue.

that's not telling him how to get around policy.

that's telling him how to follow policy. instead of slamming someone, read the post next time.

it's absolutely 100% moronic that sony requires a CC based subscription to create a guild, he has a right to ***** about it, as a paying customer

According to the TSR it is SOEs policy that you have to have an active account to create a guild. A.K.A. an account with a credit card. What the TSR was saying was to use a CC, make the guild, cancle and then use you game card for the next billing cycle.

I agree the policy is stupid but you do what you have to do to get around it.

btw jchapin, who in your family works for SOE? I assume that is the case since you went out of your way to make your reply so personal.... and I don't even know you.

Nobody, but working in managment I deal with alot of people who have complaints about 1 thing or another and when people aren't willing to listen when they are told what they can do to get 'around' rules or policy it gets old very quickly.

Let me see if I can explaine this subscription thing one more time. When you subscribe to something you pay for it on a week-to-week, month-to-month whatever basis and you are continuely charged for it. It is constantly going for a set amount of time or until you cancel it. With a game card you subscribe for a month and automatically cancel. That is why it is considered a canceled account. You still get the remainder of what you paid for once it is canceled but thats it.

Well pardon me for expecting the content I paid for and for not wanting to use my Visa to "get around" their obviously flawed policy.

My original post was to make others aware of this policy as I am quite certain no player who plays by game card is even remotely aware of this Byzantine claptrap.... unless he has tried to form a guild.

If you do not like my tone with SOE, sorry no one cares.
The fact is people who pay full price for the game and all of it's content AND have an account in good standing (by anyone's definition) are denied very important content simply on the basis of the Billing Method they choose.
And even more so, are not made aware of that when shelling out the money, thinking they are buying full content.

At no point in time did I defend the policy as I agree it is stupid and pointless. I am just telling you that instead of whining about it, pay attention to what your being told and learn how to use it to your advantage.
#11 Nov 17 2005 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
According to the TSR it is SOEs policy that you have to have an active account to create a guild. A.K.A. an account with a credit card. What the TSR was saying was to use a CC, make the guild, cancle and then use you game card for the next billing cycle.

I agree the policy is stupid but you do what you have to do to get around it.

that's not getting around it. that's following it. there's a difference.

many people who use gamecards do so, because they DONT HAVE a cc.
#12 Nov 18 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Default
2,496 posts

According to the TSR it is SOEs policy that you have to have an active account to create a guild. A.K.A. an account with a credit card. What the TSR was saying was to use a CC, make the guild, cancle and then use you game card for the next billing cycle.

I agree the policy is stupid but you do what you have to do to get around it.

that's not getting around it. that's following it. there's a difference.

many people who use gamecards do so, because they DONT HAVE a cc.

I would assume that is not how the policy is meant to be followed which is a mistake on my part. Is it following the policy? Yes. Would it be considered 'getting around' the policy? Depends on how you look at it. I think it would.

I understand that alot of people don't have credit cards which is why they use game cards.

The point of my post was to point out that the OP was going about things the wrong way. Yelling and screaming rarely gets you anywhere.

The reason I brought up the TSRs comment about using a cc then going back to a game card is because that would have been a real good time to ask that if a cc isn't needed to maintain the guild why would it be needed in the first place.
#13 Nov 18 2005 at 6:40 AM Rating: Good
Let me see how to reply to this in the end so even jchapin gets it,

I agree the policy is stupid but you do what you have to do to get around it.

Hmmm, you really think you are the only genius here? If I wanted to "get around" the policy, I can think of at least a half/dozen ways to do it in a minute.
Obviously, that wasn't my intent. My intent was to try and make SOE look at how farcial their policy is , admit it and agree to look at it again. It is pretty hard to make a cogent argument and get someone to respond when they have set up a customer service model that precludes any real contact that reduces you to pecking at a keyboard on a thread that they can cut off any time they get bored.

Just as with the Halloween Quest ending, SOE refuses to look at anything they do and address players' frustrations and hopefully improve their service and product. This would be the new model for corporate America.
No office you can visit, no one (not in India) that you can talk to live and an "if you don't like it, ***** you, we have plenty more customers" mentality.

These of course were the real issues here.

Nobody, but working in managment I deal with alot of people who have complaints about 1 thing or another and when people aren't willing to listen when they are told what they can do to get 'around' rules or policy it gets old very quickly.

Well, I work for a major utility and I am a union brother so I have a very different perspective.
When someone gets paid many times what I do to simply sit in an office (and, yes it is simply sitting in an office, ask anyone who has to work in a dangerous setting, outside with heavy tools in all kind of weather each day) and use their superior intellect to devise policy, is it too much to ask that these Uber Men come up with something that actually works? Not simply a patch because SOE cannot figure out how to code for the different payment options.

Let me see if I can explaine this subscription thing one more time. <snipped>...

Well, thanks for descending from Mt Olympus and "explaining" it in small words for us worker bees.
I think we all understand it quite well.
Management (at SOE and a lot of corporations) is either to stupid or lazy to address a major flaw so they craft a "policy" you could drive a truck through and tell you, "If you don't like it, lump it."
Because they can get away with it, because they have you by the balls.

I am just telling you that instead of whining about it, pay attention to what your being told and learn how to use it to your advantage.

I invite all the readers of this thread to highlight any "whining" in my above messages and point it out. I see someone trying to make a valid point and getting nowhere. I guess today, when you argue for something you believe is right in the face of corporate indifference that is "whining".
Well, I guess management will always look at it that way.

You can tell I'm much older than our new breed of corporate lions here. I can still remember when you handed money over to someone for something you got what you paid for or somebody on the vendor end would make it right. I keep forgetting we all have to be Machiavelli now to get any kind of service from anyone in this industry and most other industries today.

and as for "management" experience, I have managed one factory for seven years and another field service company for five before working for the utilty. In both cases, revenues for the company were doubled over the length of my stewardship. I didn't get my experience in a classroom.

On my worst day, hung over and tired, I could manage this problem a whole lot better than any MBA, and I'm positive SOE has a "whole passle" of 'em sucking up air at six figures only to come up with this "policy".

One of the problems on these boards is that people arrive from many walks of life with a whole range of experience, but a lot more insist on making snap assumptions about their fellow posters.

I guess you either see the issue here for what is is or,
for how you can "get around it" and "make it work to your advantage".

Guess, I'll forget about it and go to work now with the "simple people" who I can believe what they say and know they'll hold up their end of the job. Never thought work would be preferable to my "recreation" :-P

take care all
#14 Nov 18 2005 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Even at SOE you can work your way up. Here's the problem: you are correct, so how much time are you willing to throw into the fight. I always have to spend some time on a problem just because. I had to fight a bit with soe when their bank and mine seemed to be having a war about my account payment, with each stating the other was doing something wrong, and soe saying it would be a while for it was straightened out, couldn't cancel one payment, take a new one, and so on and on, & I could not play. Got reinstated almost immediately, with a different debit card. Don't know if you can still do it, as it's been awhile.

Often I get very surprised that someone a couple of levels higher says you are right and fixes/gives/solves the problem. Sometimes not. However the times I got what I wanted makes me keep doing it. Example: Got a completely new digital camera of a better model than the one I purchased (almost out of the box the one I bought was broken, sent it in 3 times)got several memory cards thrown in "for my trouble". Have received free meals at restaurants and fast food places where we were treated very badly and so on.

I don't do placid sheep well, prefer the ****** role & fight for myself.
#15 Nov 18 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Default
I may not agree with the policy but for god's sakes, how many friggin times does he have to tell you it's company policy? It's company policy, there is nothing he can do about it. Deal with it and leave the poor guy alone.

Nobody decreed when you were born that life was going to be fair. If this is the worse thing that happens to you then you can consider yourself lucky.

Btw, you might want to look into getting a credit card. Most everyone has at least one these days. Hell, even cats are getting them.

#16 Nov 18 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Seems the guy stated the policy pretty clearly. I'm not sure what you were hoping to gain by having him repeat is a dozen times.

If you want explanation about 'why' the policy exists you'll probably have to write an email to SOE customer service asking. They've always responded to me and answered my questions though sometimes it takes a couple days.

Good luck on trying to get an exception made to the policy - I don't think you have much of a chance.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#17 Nov 18 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
So what you're saying is, you can't create a guild on a GameCard.

Sounds like SoE wants some sort of auto re-occuring payment in order to be able to create a new guild. Seems pretty easy to understand to me. Is it a crazy rule? Sure. But if that's their policy, then you as a customer, have to learn to deal with it. Personally I think late fees for renting videos at my local store is an absurd policy, do I get to go in there each time I'm late and argue that it's a dumb policy and ***** about how they didn't change it right on the spot only for me? No.

Here's a tip. I've found that I get much better response from costumer service orginization if I treat them with respect. I can be horribly mad at them for something, but I will still say thinks like "please" and "thank you for checking". The ******** I am, the ******** they get. Sony owns the game, they make the rules. You can either choose to follow those rules, or not play the game. If you are not happy with the rules, then don't play. No one is forcing you to log on to EQ everyday.

There is thing you can skill up called "maturity", try some next time you are online with a customer service might find that your results are much better.

If I were the TSR and you talked to me like that, I would've denied your request much faster than that.

I'm sure you're going to come back and act all /butthurt about this post, but, this is a great place to practice "maturity". Take this advice, and contact SoE again, politley asking someone to look into the issue and going up the chain of command as necessary. Getting mad and ****** will not end in a way that you desire.

Edited, Fri Nov 18 09:30:58 2005 by Frakkor
#18 Nov 18 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Well said
#19 Nov 18 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
TSR Nash K didn't make the policy, so why are you asking him to defend it. You spent entirely too long ******** at the wrong person.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#20 Nov 18 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
P.S. thanks for ******** me out of Bone Mask after 36 hours of play to complete
quests on Sunday (I don't have to explain, you know what I'm talking about), guess i
won't be doing anything like that again.

I especially like this little nugget thrown at the end of the email you sent. Smiley: lol

This provides no use to the argument whatsoever, except for making the CSR's less likey to help you.
#21 Nov 18 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
It's not hard to understand. SOE gets all the money from a credit card (less a very small fee), SOE gets only some of the money from a Game Card (the retailer, distributor, etc, get the rest). I understand their policy quite well.

And you do whine, a lot. I expect better from a Union brother.

#22 Nov 18 2005 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
403 posts
Fallonn wrote:
And you do whine, a lot. I expect better from a Union brother.


Yea, his level of whinning is nothing compared to pretty much all other union brothers I know. Step it up a few notches and our local IAM might take you seriously.
#23 Nov 18 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Ok, here is where the Libra side of me comes in.

Half says: That is one of the most stupid loopholes I've ever seen, to offer a way for people to pay for the game, but consider it a closed account. Maybe that, in and of itself, can help explain to me why I don't have 4 vet rewards. You are paying the same money, regardless, to play, you should receive all of the "benefits" that we do.

Other half says: It's their game, it's their contracts, it's their system. Follow it.

I am not union, but I deal with corporations all the time, concerning hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Sorry, but if I was on the phone with you, I would have told you to "Have a nice day, and thanks for calling," and hung up.

The whole way you handled yourself was, simply put, like a child. You even BEGUN your statement of a problem with an attitude:

P.S. thanks for ******** me out of Bone Mask after 36 hours of play to complete quests on Sunday (I don't have to explain, you know what I'm talking about), guess i won't be doing anything like that again.

You DON'T know that the person reading your email knew what you were talking about. Need I remind everyone that SOE's customer service is now HEAVILY outsourced, to different countries??

CS reps dont neccessarily deal with the product themselves, they deal with solutions.

Their solution, was that they could not OFFER you a solution based on the way you are paying.

Long story short: Sorry you are getting F'ed in the A with no L, but play by the rules, and do it with a slight bit of respect next time.
#24 Nov 18 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
To form a guild, don't they require like 10 people who all agree to join the guild and they all have to log into a chat forum together to go through the process? If the Original Poster has 9 others who want to help form the guild, why can't one of those 9 initiate the request???
#25 Nov 18 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
Not any more, now you request your guild first, and then need to recruit 10 unique members within 30 days.

Once you apply and are approved for your guild name, you get tagged, then you start recruiting.
#26 Nov 18 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Sounds like SoE wants some sort of auto re-occuring payment in order to be able to create a new guild. Seems pretty easy to understand to me. Is it a crazy rule? Sure. But if that's their policy, then you as a customer, have to learn to deal with it. Personally I think late fees for renting videos at my local store is an absurd policy, do I get to go in there each time I'm late and argue that it's a dumb policy and ***** about how they didn't change it right on the spot only for me? No.

I also understand their policy, however, I think the main point of contention or frustration, it seems, was that this is an undocumented policy. It is more like going to the video store at noon on the day your video is due and the clerk says you have to pay the late fee because they have an unpublished policy that says it must be returned within 15 minutes of the store opening on the due date.

I also agree that too much time was spent arguing with a customer service guy who really has no power to do anything about the situation and he made that fairly clear. However, if SOE is marketing the game cards as a viable way to pay for the gaming experience, they really should tell people upfront that there may be limitations imposed if you do not pay via credit card. Telling people that certain aspects of the game cannot be accessed via game cards AFTER the purchase of the card is just plain wrong.

So I agree with you, mmaguire, in principle, but your methods for attempting resolution of the problem were a bit over the top.

If it really is a huge issue to you, escalate your problem and tell them you would like a refund on the purchase price of the game cards you have and any balance of unused game time left on them as you were sold a product that was not sold as advertised (assuming it was sold as an equivilent method of payment for game time as credit cards, I don't know much about them , really).
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