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Pay by Game Card? read this:Follow

#28 Nov 18 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
/agree with above poster

you purchased a time frame, not a subscription.

and damn, nice way to shoot the messanger in your responses to the guy that was trying to help. he had a hell of alot more self control than i would have.

their game, their rules, period. don't like it, don't play.
#32 Nov 18 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
Well, part of the reason for starting this thread was to make people who paid their account by Game Card aware of a policy which SOE does not make known in any way. At the end of the day, I guess not very many people use the cards anyway and in true modern fashion, since it does not effect most people, whether it's right or wrong is irrelevant.

Another reason for starting the thread was to check in on the court of public opinion and submit the idea to a jury of peers for consideration. The "am I wrong here?" voice that people hear in the back of their head from time to time. The verdict is in, I guess I am an ******* after all.
Naturally enough, that's not exactly the verdict anyone wants to hear, but the jury has spoken. I am a little disappointed at the idea that I am convicted on my on-line manners and not on the right or wrong of the matter but so be it.
Since I have taken no pains to hide my identity, I would hope I would at least get the customary speech in the dock that any convict gets.

I think the manner in which I dealt with SOE is important to explain. Important, not because EQ is important or forming a guild or any of that (it is not, at the end of the day after all) but because this is a perfect microcosm here of modern customer service and dispute resolution.
I am probably the oldest poster here, I'll bet. I remember when you had a problem with the gas company, you went to their office, you met a middle aged lady named "Rita" or "Marge" (who reminded you a little of your aunt) and you exchanged pleasantries and got to the point.
Rita would try to resolve the problem while you were there, if the problem did not get resolved you were given an avenue of redress further up the food chain until your problem was resolved in some way. You thanked her for her time and trouble and went on.
About ten years ago or more, everyone decided we were going to text, e-mail or chat our way through business and life in general. The problem with that approach is that you never got to meet Rita or Marge and get to interact with her as a person, nor her you.
Instead 90% of all human communication went out the window. No facial expressions, no body language and no demeanor clues. Communication reduced to typed words on a white screen.
Naturally, communication has suffered GREATLY as a result.
Corporate America (and to a lesser extent government) took it a step further, why have an office at all? and why pay Rita or Marge (presumably an employee with an intimate knowledge of procedures, policies and who to go to). She was expensive. Instead they could hire people with little or no skills for little or no pay to type company responses on-line, or better yet, automate all responses.
In the cases where (presumably at SOE) there are still actual people manning the keyboards, since they have fewer skills and are so much further down the food-chain, they could not possibly be entrusted with making decisions to set matters right, empowering (to use the tired expression) those people to actually resolve disputes for customers would be out of the question.

Now, obviously, a lot of the responses I gave to SOE CS would NEVER have been made to Rita, but that is the whole point here. Thay are not Rita. They are just typed words on a page, empowered to do NOTHING to resolve your dispute, and can end all discussion at a keystroke. Obviously escalating your problem to a higher echelon has also been dispensed with entirely; and why not? Who are you going to complain to?
When all human contact has been removed, no avenue for redress (and please hold your posts, work arounds are not avenues of redress) has been given and you have been told to "go F*** yourself, is there anything else I can do for you today?" just before being cut off, some people's response might rise to things that you would never say to a person in front of you. All of this because we as a society, have decided that this is the newer and better way to do business.

I wonder if jchapin begins a business meeting by calling the competitor across the table an ***?
Probably not, because he is actually there facing the person and can make full use of the other 90% of human communication to his advantage. It is a fact that we can all think and speak much, much faster than the fastest typist and we can adjust our speech and tone in response to our conversants facial expressions.
Some people, apparently myself included, are not very good at the "new" communication. and some never will be. Given a ten foot brick wall with a one inch hole to shout through, one will become frustrated and start to act like an ***.
Sony gives you no way to escalate a concern, no way to right a wrong and no one to contact any further. And they are certainly not alone in this.

So possibly guilty as charged as to abusing SOE staff, but I was operating in the model they forced on me. Nevertheless I apologize (and have done so to

As for everyone else who missed the point of this is wrong and SOE feels no pressure to change it, I don't know what to say. Apparently the idea that something is right or wrong no longer has the importance it once had. Not one person's post about "subscriptions" applies to this at all. When you do not subscribe to Time, they do not rip out the last page when you buy it on a newstand, when you fail to subscribe to the opera, they do not kick you out before the last scene after paying full price for tickets. As for a comitted customer, just how many years to you have to be a customer to be considered comitted? This "subscription" idea does not even apply here. The issue is being denied game content for the same amount of money paid as a "subscriber". While being a subscriber to a magazine or the performing arts does, in many cases, entitle you to extras the general public does not get, I doubt most players would consider the ability to form a guild an "extra". So despite any magazine based analogies, I am going to continue to believe that this policy is wrong. In addition, the idea that when you encounter a wrong you can search for a way to redress it is now considered whining if it becomes "obvious" that it is not going to be addressed. Perhaps it is the idea that overthinking something is "whining", I don't know.

So, /shrug. Bid you all adieu for now.
For those of you that don't sense it, this is just the last in a loooong list of SOE's mismanagement of our world. They may own the servers but it is our world, we made it.
Pop right in after a server crash when no one is there and see how much of a "world" it is.
The people that play with me and know me know that I am not an *** or a whiner and I have met so many cool people in EQ and had so much fun I will probably dive back in again, despite detesting SOE. But about 3/4 of my old friends have not. They have just "walked away" as so many less interested players so blithely suggest and as you all know the game has suffered dramatically for it.
And they all walked away because of an issue not like this, per se, but because of SOE CS or the game became stale under SOE management. My wife played since launch and got me into the game, she is gone. Along with her entire guild. Used to be several hundred people only two years ago. WoW has been the main benificiary, of course. Anyone who denys that this is the case, has not been on for a year. Why do you think people have left in droves?
When all of us "asses" and "whiners" have gone I hope the last 11 of you continue to enjoy Norrath as much as I have for the past two years. I actually survived the WoW/EQ2 plague of 2004, I am still hoping to be there at the end, but it won't be for the customer service.
The problem has never been EQ, it has always been SOE.
#33 Nov 18 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
You are not subscribed. You have just purchased one to three months of game time, but it is not a subscription. It is a single purchase of a block of play time, with no guarantee whatsoever that you will buy again.

And how is this different than paying monthly with a Credit Card?
You do know that any day 24/7 I can call my CC company and tell them to NOT pay SOE, not just for this month but for last as well? It would seem that Game Cards are MORE secure for SOE, they are gauranteed to get the money whereas with a CC they are at the whim of the consumer.

you purchased a time frame, not a subscription.
As do we all, the only variable is how long of a time frame?

he had a hell of alot more self control than i would have.
Then it's a damn fine thing you don't do CS. Rude or not he IS the paying customer who makes that job possible. His job exsists because CUSTOMERS pay the company, end of story.

their game, their rules, period. don't like it, don't play.
My money, their income, their livelyhood. If they don't want to make money give me reasons not to play.

How many people here have forgotten that SOE is a Company, a Corporation, that exsists by providing a service, an unnecessary service at that, to a customer base that provides their income as long as they have an interest in spending discreationary cash on a mere video game?

And how many have forgotten that YOU are the customer who is financing ALL of this? You don't serve SOE, hoping that the next patch will make your game playable again. SOE serves you! They are the ones who have to live up to a standard and work to earn your loyalty as a consumer!

This thread is disturbing not just for the problems mmaguire is having but for showing just how far we have strayed from the commerce concepts of our forefathers.
What some here are more than willing to accept would have caused our predeceassors to close down a Company.

A sad picture of 'progress'.

Edited, Fri Nov 18 20:59:10 2005 by phnxkeep
#34 Nov 18 2005 at 8:52 PM Rating: Default
What if you bought the game card with a credit card .....P
#35 Nov 18 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Default
375 posts

if i was soooo pissed at somethig that i took the time to come complain about it to total strangers, i would just quit. do something else with my money.

and yeah, i couldn't work in customer service, because i would tell people what I thought, and that prob wouldn't be good for the company ;-P

#36 Nov 18 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
The customer is always right. A good business gets & keeps lots of customers with phrases like "what can I do to make it right?".

I can almost predict when a local restaurant is going out of business, because of lousy service. It's because the customer is no longer right or valued. They argue that the steak is well done when you say it isn't, and that they don't have time to make sure your salad doesn't include onions, they can't give you separate bills, blah blah. We brought 20 people into a breakfast buffet one morning and they refused to provide us with well done bacon, they didn't have time. It's a stupid little thing, but it's an indication of attitute, and sure enough they lost customers right and left and closed. Because people do take their business elsewhere.

I bet some of these places haven't a clue why they lost customers, because valuing a customer is no longer a common concept. They say an unhappy customer spreads the word real fast.

SO maybe I would not have been as hard on the peon, but I would have used the phone and tried to make my point. There are still people around and supervisors if you can find them.
#37 Nov 18 2005 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
I agree its a bad policy and I can understand why you were upset.

The big thing that SoE gets by making you pay with a credit card is the same scam that them any other recurring biller use, be it MSN, your health club, Wall St Jouranl, etc, its a clause in the contract that says that if you dont advise them that you want to cancel before renewal then they are entitled to all funds and you will have to call to cancel before renewal which you usually will forget to do until you see it billed. But then its billed so if you marginally would have stayed or will stay you put off cancelling it when you have to wait 6mnths-year of service you have now paid for figuring well I will get it next time. Then the next time it bills ....

To be fair Alla has gone out of his way to make it real obvious on how to avoid renewal if you dont want and has at least to my knowlege never not given back a refund when someone calls after they are billed to cancel.

Corporations arent that scupulous they are out for the bottom line, if stealin 10-20 bucks off 30000000 people puts them ahead of the bad publicity of doing so they are gonna do it.

I might suggest,1641,18622,00.asp

Its a prepaid amex card with an amex number that once the funds are used on it is done, no credit check its like buying travllers cheques for vacation. They get their "credit card" and you get the security of knowing they can not auto renew on you because the card is a one shotter like their Gift Cards.

Edited, Sat Nov 19 02:05:45 2005 by flishtaco
#38 Nov 19 2005 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
Just me but um I wouldnt treat a cc subscriber any different than a cc subscriber. for 1 the cc sub. can just cancel it next week so its a 50/50 with them. a gc sub. is money spent not money-that-might-be-spent-if-i-pay-the-bills-and-the-wifey-lets-me-keep-getting-charged.i know a few guys who got screwy bills from soe becouse of their accts so its not like they are treating cc users better,theyr just treating um different. as to how to solve the problem*puts on thinking cap* get one of your friends that is a cc sub. to start the guild and then give lead over to that possible???? Seems like an easy way around the system maybe to easy..........*boggles*
#39 Nov 19 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
Whine all you want about Fair or not. The GM nor you are going to change the rule. The vast majority pay by CC it is an accounting thing in a computer program somewhere. SOE has determined this is a better Bussiness Decision and they do not explain why and will not. But this I gaurentee you It was not an arbutarty decision ment just to **** you off. "know the rules and use them to your advantage. Changing the rules should be left to those that cant play" Vince Lombardi (I think)

Edited, Sat Nov 19 13:46:04 2005 by Trablin
#40 Nov 19 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
mmaguire wrote:
Well, part of the reason for starting this thread was to make people who paid their account by Game Card aware of a policy which SOE does not make known in any way.
See, this is what you have based an argument on and have asked us to judge you on. It's really grasping. There are lots of things that don't get written into the rules, whether an oversite or a conscious decision that it didn't warrant a line in the rulebook (whatever that is for EQ??). Is what you're looking for a statement in the EULA or something on the website or the readme file? Maybe SOE could add a line somewhere on the gamecard that says "users of game card my forfiet some priveledges entitled to subscription holders"?

If it's suggestions to SOE you want to make, there are channels to do that. They incorporate player suggestions into the game all the time.

But you didn't come here to sell us on suggestions to improve our game. You can here whining about customer service. You said yourself there are somethings customer service can't do - making changes to rules, written or otherwise is one of them.

I'm sorry if you feel we judged you harshly.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#41 Nov 19 2005 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
If you want an insite to something that really matters. I went to change my surname I accidently blanked it instead of entering new. I petitioned to have my timer reset so I could change. The reason for the change was that a guildie of mine had just come home from the hospital to "DIE" I wanted to honor her by using her last name in RL: They advised me they couldn't it is against policy. That is ok, I know deep down that the GM whould help if they could. Security and account stealing made it impossile. So I will have to wait. I hope this will shed some light. Yes they make dissions based on dollars as they should. If they dam the cost lets give evryone what they want then there would be no Game. They would go out of business because it wasn't profitable and move on to sell toilet paper (the only true nessesity in life)
#42 Nov 20 2005 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
I pay by credit card. I have 3 accounts that I play off and on. I may log on a cleric to rez me after a death, or buff outside a group or whatever, sometimes I go weeks without playing those characters, but they are nice to have if you need them. If I need them, and the account is de-activated, I re-activate it and before I leave SOE's convoluted billing menu, I cancel it. That way, I don't have to worry about my CC being charged at the end of subscription period for an account I may or may not use for 6 weeks. It wouldn't help in your case, doing it my way, because my account is canceled, but I can't stand SOE's lack of customer service, and it's my way of making sure they can't ***** me.
#43 Nov 20 2005 at 5:34 AM Rating: Default
375 posts

" can almost predict when a local restaurant is going out of business, because of lousy service. It's because the customer is no longer right or valued. They argue that the steak is well done when you say it isn't, and that they don't have time to make sure your salad doesn't include onions, they can't give you separate bills, blah blah. We brought 20 people into a breakfast buffet one morning and they refused to provide us with well done bacon, they didn't have time. It's a stupid little thing, but it's an indication of attitute, and sure enough they lost customers right and left and closed. Because people do take their business elsewhere. "
end quote

yup, so many leaving that eq is dead :-(


err and again

err wait, it died 3 years ago....


no wait, it is dead

err not!

#44 Nov 20 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
yup, so many leaving that eq is dead :-(


err and again

err wait, it died 3 years ago....


no wait, it is dead

err not!

I certainly did not say EQ was going to die because of one policy, or that EQ was on the verge of collapse. But even big businesses needs to be concered about their customers. The effect is more immediate in a small business.
#45 Nov 20 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Default
1,074 posts
Everquest is not compulsory.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#46 Nov 21 2005 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
Can any1 confirm that you can actually start a guild and pass lead on to some1 else???? Think that would help out buddy over here.
#47 Nov 21 2005 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
dup post

Edited, Sat Nov 26 01:09:39 2005 by flishtaco
#48 Nov 21 2005 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
yes and no in answer to can you create a guild and pass it to someone else.

Yes someone can create it and then make you the leader instead of them, problem with this is the creator of the guild has it soulmarked to their account. So if for any reason they decide they want it back or to just destroy and disband it they basically can.

This can help you start if you want to do it, but human nature being what it is bears risk that you would not have if you were able to just create the guild on your own account.

I have known a few bad situations where the orginal GL quit for a year or so sick of EQ came back and wanted power back and destroyed all that the guild they founded but did not help prosper had created.

Sort of the Patrick Henry complex, his *** was great at creating discord and getting us to seperate from England but after like Declaration of Independence his **** dont even show up historically. Some people are idea people some are builders, some are both, rare like the amidextrious are the both but usually somewhere along the line most of your true "ubah" guilds encountered one or two or they would have never made it there. As to the idea people there are prolly 10k+ guilds that are defunct or really should be defunct on EQ that 10 accounts once upon a time agreed to support and build on.
#49 Nov 23 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
A follow up. I just got a response from SOE from an email I sent.


I would like to thank you for emailing EQGuilds. In regards to your inquiry, our testers have confirmed that the customers with game cards are able to submit guilds. The guild team has also tested with sample accounts that are paid with game cards and we find that guild can be submitted without a problem. Given that information, your specific questions asked, I cannot answer with anything other then what I have just stated.

If you yourself are not able to submit a guild then please contact our tech support at (858) 537-0898. Phone support is available Monday through Friday from 9:00AM to 1:30PM and 3:30PM to 6:00PM (all times listed in PST/PDT, GMT-8), except holidays.


EverQuest Guilds Team
Sony Online Entertainment


So anyway I can't verify this respone as I don't use a gamecard and I'm already in a guild.

However, mmaguire if you would like an actually copy of this email please pm me and I'd be happy to send it to you.

Edited, Wed Nov 23 15:04:50 2005 by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#50 Nov 23 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Very interesting Elinda!
#51 Nov 26 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Default
I didn't see it as I scanned the thread, so...

"Way to get around the policy" - Make friends with someone in-game who pays for their account with a credit card, and is therefore active. Have them create a guild with the name you want. Have them invite you. Have them promote you to leader. Ding.
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