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#1 Nov 22 2005 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
173 posts

Hmmmm what are the odds the next expansion will see a raise in the level cap to 75?

We have had 2 expansions since the last rise ( Omens of War)

I would also guess that the next expansion will go live in say the April 2006 time frame.. That means they will announce it near the end of January or early February with Beta Testing starting in March..

Any thoughts???
#2 Nov 22 2005 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
489 posts
Not to put you down or anything, but did you get those thoughts off of casters realm? I saw them on there a week or so ago.

They also had some thoughts about making it were you had to have so many AA's to level up, which would be a good idea I think.
#3 Nov 22 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
LOL.. No just used logical deduction.. A lot of AA skills already have requirements ( I.E. you can not take many of the DoDH AA's till you have completed your PoP and OOW ones)..

My guild is just now breaking into time.. We have sooooooo many things to do we will never catch up.. We are a "family raiding guild" .. (i.e. we raid 4 times a week or so, but raiding is OPTIONAL soooo we never know the exact composition of the raid force)... Most of us are fine with this as ... RL >>>>>>>>> EQ..

I am really enjoying the DoDH spell missions.. They are VERY challenging, but not impossible with good XP and item rewards..

I look forward to more good expansions...
#4 Nov 22 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
A lot of AA skills already have requirements ( I.E. you can not take many of the DoDH AA's till you have completed your PoP and OOW ones)

He's talking about having AA requirements on LVLs. This wouldn't be a bad idea. A lvl 70 couldn't hit 71 until 100 aa's.

A lvl 70 with 25 aa's makes baby jesus cry.
#5 Nov 23 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
515 posts
My guild is just now breaking into time.. We have sooooooo many things to do we will never catch up.. We are a "family raiding guild" .. (i.e. we raid 4 times a week or so, but raiding is OPTIONAL soooo we never know the exact composition of the raid force)... Most of us are fine with this as ... RL >>>>>>>>> EQ..

Ah, on Luclin?
#6 Nov 23 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
173 posts
Nope... Povar..
#7 Nov 23 2005 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Very cool. Sounds like there are at least 2 guilds that win EQ.

#8 Nov 23 2005 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I don't like the idea of requireing AA's to level. ITs hard enough for casual players to play as it is. Shoot I have played well over a year and I am not lvl 70 yet (although granted I haven't played much lately). If they require that then Im out. I have 69 AA's ATM, and alot of those are because of the pre-nerf monster missions.

I also would just assume not see a level increase. In fact Id just assume not see any more expansions for a long while. Since that stupid DOD came out getting a decent group together is more of a chore then ever. Every time I log on and put LFG on it takes a hour to even get a invite, and when I do its Creator as the puller. When I try to put my own group together the TAnk won't join until he is #6 in a perfect group with a slower and cleric. Then the Cleric won't join unless we got a tank, and then they have to ask who they are and go into 20 questions with me. Then if the group isn't completely formed within 10 minutes somebody has to go. Then when that person has to go there is alwaqys 1 more that has to go and BAM your left with nothing.

I won't even go into the massive nerfs that ruined DOD IMO. I am really disgusted with the game in general right now. The only reason I haven't canceled my account is because I have the all access deal and have been playing eq2 abit. I am seriously considering canceling it all and trying WOW. IT sounds like Blizzard actually cares about there customers and doesn't treat them like utter crap like SOE does.
#9 Nov 23 2005 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
I think having a required number of AA's prior to levelling is not a bad idea, cause everyone can grind them out.

fronglo wrote:
Shoot I have played well over a year and I am not lvl 70 yet

sorry, but lol Smiley: lol you may ask, what's so funny? heck, there are quite a few peeps here, who play longer than you and also didn't make it to 70 yet.

I agree, DODh changed EQ's gameplay quite a bit - and not necessarily to the better. if you would care to elaborate on the massive nerfs though?
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#10 Nov 23 2005 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
3 Years play time here. Level 55 with 3 AA's is the best I can do. I found a zone (velks) that will allow me to get an AA point after about 1-1/2 hours of solo exp which is pretty fast for me! No time this weekend cause family is in town :-(.

I would like to see a level cap raise just because it will keep everyone happy for awhile (maybe a few days at least). Maybe to level 80?!?!?

But where does EQ eventually draw the line on Levels? 100? 150? 200? If SOE want to continue keeping players interested then eventually we will have level 100 toons running around soling the boss mobs that take forty level 70 players today!

#11 Nov 23 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
I've been playing since 99. My Paladin still hasn't hit 70 and his start date was Febuary of 01 (I believe). I think I hit the level cap once, for about a week till OOW came out.

It wouldn't suprise me if they raised the levels, but I wouldn't really care. I still only have about 110 AA's on my Paladin, and would like to get to 150 at least before worrying about level 70. And I still haven't bought the last expansion, so I'm not terribly worried about the next one.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#12 Nov 23 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
I have 5 veterans awards on my main and yet I am just to the north side of 50(53 to be exact) w/ 3 AAs. So you can just guess I am not worried about level capping or a lot of the other stuff. I want to experience all the content that has come out and am doing so more now than ever.

Play the game how you want. I play for my own enjoyment and therefore I am not in a rush to "beat" the game.

Honestly in a world as large as EQ is there really such a thing as "beating" the game?
#13 Nov 23 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
I remember seeing level 60+ players that didnt know how to get to the stonebrunt mountains, najena, through the gnolls of blackburrow etc, etc. It saddens me that some folks only drive is levels when they dont see all the neat sites around only because they dont give out premium xp. Ive also known people who only buy things at the bazaar and have no idea where the item actually drops. Seems like a waste to only use 5% of the largest mmorpg world out there.
#14 Nov 23 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Been a long time since a new race or class has come out - that would be fun.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#15 Nov 23 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
Been a long time since a new race or class has come out - that would be fun.

and add to the already muddled class-reinvisioning/balance thanks.
#16 Nov 23 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
A new race wouldn't create any balancing issues.
#17 Nov 23 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Massive nerfs, surely you know what nerfs they had on DOD. Nerf #1 cut the exp by half in all MM's. Nerf #2 Make some of the missions more difficult. Nerf #3, make even more of the missions harder. And Nerf #4 Cut the exp AGAIN in Monster MIssions. Now they are not worth doing for the exp. It is just as quick to do a DON now and get exp AND loot. Also with MM's you have a chance in many of them to not get ANYTHING for your time (IE NAggy, Orc's, Griffon now, etc). So you can easily spend time killing mobs etc and not get .1% exp or 1 copper of loot to show for it. I know this because I have failed the Orc one several times after spending a good 15 or 20 minutes. You get 1 person who is a dope and does a AE on the dark elf then tries to run him to zone and BAM there goes 20 minutes of your life FOR NOTHING.

And the new zones themselves are horrible. Sure there is good loot in them if your in (Insert top 5 guilds on your server), otherwise they are just a maze of boreing looking zones with KOS mobs that hit for insane damage all over the place (making it impossible for non-invis casters to travel through them). So assumeing people TRIED to group in there you pretty much have to have your full group together before you go, then when your cleric has to leave you are stuck draging the whole group out since #1 the next cleric you invite probably won't know how to get to you, and #2 they couldn't if they knew cause there is no way to get ANYWHERE without reliable invis. Even invis potions would be very risky as many of the zones have few to little safe spots.

As for the shrouds they are so weak its not even funny. I mean I took the lvl 65 rogue shroud into lguk and almost died when I got 3 green con frogs on me! The Cleric shroud heals are too weak to be very useful, and the tank/melee classes have pitiful DPS. The Enchanter is probably the only one IMO that is worth anything as it can still haste, slow, CC, and mana regen.

About the only possive thing at this point I have to say about the expansion is slipgears Gem. I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to nerf that also. For a expansion that supposedly has been beta tested there is no reason they should have needed all these nerfs. It seems pretty clear to me they marketed it like that to get people to buy it, then after sales go down they nerf the crap out of it. Then they throw there EULA in your face if you complain about it and tell you to shut up and buy the next expansion that will have good loot and exp for about 2 weeks before they nerf it.

#18 Nov 23 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
Smiley: rolleyes

The original incarnation of the Monster missions was not a good thing for the game. The XP was horribly unbalanced, and the difficulty was nil. I don't think I've ever seen so many player actually asking for a nerf as they did with the MM's.

Personally I'm happy that they did decide to nerf them, but I feel that they should've nerfed them a little more. The XP for the MM's is still great for the time needed to finish them. My normal group can run through the Stonebrunt mission in about 20 mins and I still get 70% of an AA at lvl 65...pretty damn good XP there if you ask me. The harder monster missions, are hard, and they should be. This game is not something that you should just be able to breeze through in a day. I like the challenge of trying something over and over until we get it builds character and makes you a better player.

So you can easily spend time killing mobs etc and not get .1% exp or 1 copper of loot to show for it. I know this because I have failed the Orc one several times after spending a good 15 or 20 minutes. You get 1 person who is a dope and does a AE on the dark elf then tries to run him to zone and BAM there goes 20 minutes of your life FOR NOTHING.

15 or 20 whole mins??? I usually spend that much just preparing to go do something, buffing, hitting the bank...etc...15 - 20 mins is not a big deal of time in this game, besides, this can happen just as easily in a pickup group. I've been in groups where nothing has happened for 45 mins to 1 hour just because we are waiting for people to show up, or to find new group members. This is not a problem with the new expansion, just people in general. I think the biggest

I love the new zones. My 65 cleric can solo the enterance to Corathus Creep with little difficulty, and some nice loot drops...a couple elvoving items...etc...definatley not just for the top guilds.

We took a partial group to Undershore and was able to sucessfully hold a camp there, without a slower...not to shabby IMHO.

Sure, the shrouds are weaker that their normal class counterparts...but that is how the SHOULD a 65 cleric shroud you should not have anywhere near the same abilities as a 65 cleric...would totally unbalance the game. I think they work pretty well as inteded, to group with lower level friends and also hold some other nice uses, such as using the rogue shroud to sneak around zones (if you are not a rogue already)

I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with pretty much everything you posted here.

Edited, Wed Nov 23 15:22:25 2005 by Frakkor
#19 Nov 23 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
frakkor hit it on the head here.

i personaly am loving the chalenge of DoD.

but here is thought...

ALL of the rest of the game is still there. stay away from the new stuff if ya don't like it ;-P

i haven't skiped any content, so i have done all the old stuff, so it is great to see new stuff (heh still working on god and oow and DoN too)except we did skip sleepers (i am keyed tho). and i am looking forward to the lvl cap increase, altho damn, will have to grind exp again!

i don't even grind aa's any longer, they just happen. i don't do exp "camps". too much other fun quests to do!

and yes, i bet some day there will be lvl 100.

it is Everquest we talking about ;-)
#20 Nov 23 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Thurvok what guild you in?
#21 Nov 23 2005 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
In fact Id just assume not see any more expansions for a long while

Maybe so, but Everquest expansions will come out once every 6 months until they change that policy.

To put the thread back on track, here are some of my predictions based on what has come previously:

Level cap 75
New Race
Kunark raid target restrictions - Like Vox and Naggy.
Epic armor quests
Structure crafting
LDoN revamp

I doubt there will be a minimum AA requirement to level since AAs are by defintion, Alternative. (In gameplay terms a requirement, but that is another discussion)

New AAs, spells, quests, zones, etc., naturally.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#22 Nov 23 2005 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
I am in Valheru.
#23 Nov 23 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
I wish for the same thing come every new expansion.

Gnome Monks.

Smiley: grin

#24 Nov 23 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I find it interesting so many people act like im a idiot for not liking the nerfs. But go to zones like West Commons and you see NOBODY doing that Griffon mission anymore. Before there was a ton of people in that zone doing the Griffon mission. The first nerf was pretty much to keep people from redoing it so quick, but nooo that wasn't enough SOE has to go and completely ruin the mission to the point you have to have a full group to complete it! You also seldomly see people doing the BB monster mission now. Granted it was easy to solo, so they changed that. But it still takes 45 minutes to complete and now the exp is even less? Point of the matter ALOT less people are doign MM's because of the nerfs. And when I said 15 to 20 minutes that is of course actual time in the mission (and really its usually more then that). That doesn't include the hour spent finding people to join.

ITs good that somebody has gotten use out of the expansion, but the few times I have been to various DOD zones I NEVER see anybody except the few doing the undershore MM, or a group ov lvl 70 top guilded players farming part of it. And I have even heard them complain that you need 2 healers to keep up with the insane DPS some of the zones put out. As if its not enough hassle as it is trying to find a cleric for your group, now you got to get two of them?

I will admit when it first came out it was too easy, but you tell me SOE didn't know that after beta testing it? They knew good and well what they was doing. And as usual instead of nerfing it to a happy medium they go overboard and over-nerf it. The fact less people are using it now then before tells me overall most players are not happy with the changes.
#25 Nov 23 2005 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
Look, Fronglo, it needed to be nerfed to high-hell, and it was.


I'm tired of hearing the "Casual Player" excuse. All these "casual players" have no business being level 70/1000+AAs in 2 months.

Monster Mission suck. Period.

They were fun the first week of release because it was something different.

They are meant for fun. Not an alternate method of advancement.

Edited, Wed Nov 23 21:52:37 2005 by Nohk
#26 Nov 23 2005 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts

ya know why you "saw" so many in WC? is because they were all AFK. and one person was getting each of them an aa every time the task would let them. yeah that was how it should be, one person can get 5 others AA's as they sleep.

you have no idea now how many are doing them, because if they are doing, they are ALL inside now ;-P

so to say no one is doing them because hardly anyone is in the zone is totaly incorect ;-P

on the various forums i visit there is plenty of duscustion about various MM's people are doing. i think alot more people are enjoying the DoD MM tasks then you think.

but also keep in mind, there is a TON of other new things people are doing at this time, and they don't have time for the MM's.... spell tasks (that is a TON of work to get them done), DoD quests for augs, access to other parts...ect.

PLUS there is still everything else to still do! DoN, people need crystals, DoN progress for advancement.

sooo many things to do, people are prob only doing a MM here and there for a break.
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