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Level Increase?Follow

#27 Dec 03 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Default
I like the monster missions. I liked the shrouds, but they wound up being like new Christmas do them a bit and then put them away and they get dusty. I wouldnt mind seeing new character models...Also, what about possible crosstraining into different classes(ie..warriors get healing spells, but at a much lower level...get xp as cleric/druid at greatly reduced rate). Also different AA's. allow all classes to get an AA to allow them to bind themselves. Origin was a great AA for non porting classes. I don't know what to say about the end game. I've been playing for almost 5 years and am a looooong way from finishing my PoP tiers not even mentioning GoD, OoW, and DoN. I am sure that most people at level 70 are past the point of saying im lvl 70. It is to the point of saying XXXX number of AA's. this and that buffed/unbuffed and yada yada. Fix the bugs, fix the BOATS(translocaters are nice, but i miss having a reason to work on AT and playing gems).
Peace out.
#28 Dec 03 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
EQ2 was a really bad game...I think the realization that EQ2 was not going to take the market by storm the same way EQ did, has lead to a scramble at SoE to try and cater to the level 70 die hards and keep them playing...

When Vanguard comes out alot of the people they have spent so much effort to keep happy, will bolt to it...and if it is a really well done game it is likely they will not return as many did from EQ2 or WoW...

If SoE really is interested in keeping EQ alive for some time to come they should probably focus on content for the level 50-65 players, who do not warp through new expansions in the first month or so...

New quest, new zones, new gear, new AA, new spells, for the non-end game players...

I have 3 characters ranging from 65-70, with a combined total of over 1000 AA's...

I still love the game...I have killed Emporer, LIS, Aten Ha Ra, All 4 Elemental Gods, Quarm...and beyond...

What would be really interesting would be to see NEW graphic models in MANY older zones, Things like new looks for the Orcs in Crushbone, some of the really old world areas get a face lift, not a totally new design of the zone just newer graphics for the existing zones...

Something that would make playing a new character more interesting instead of having to grind through the same stuff many of us have already seen many times over...

Just my two cents...
#29 Dec 03 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Default
[blue]By all means fix what doesn't work, revamp the zones that not a lot of people use you know give them a little face lift, try to be fair to everyone and give us all something to do not just those in heavy raid guilds. I'm not sure about the earlier suggestion of doing something with the epics, my beast could have got her epic a lot faster then she did if the mobs had been there but come on now it wouldn't be an epic if it didn't take time to do it. Epic battles are not called epic's because they took a few minutes and it was over, look back in real life history, epic event took anywhere from days to months to complete. If you can get an epic 1.0 in a couple of days steady playing where's the challenge in that. I know people who are very slowly working on theirs and have been doing for a couple of years, they feel that they've earned something not had it handed to them on a plate.

If you increase the levels then do as you have been doing and give us more AA's to work on, more quests that you don't have to have a raid to complete. Believe it or not there are still players who don't want to group, they happen to like going the solo route and they should not be penalized for not wanting to have a group or strangers with them, or worse not being able to complete something because they work different hours then a lot of people on the server and are there when no one else is.

The crafted and cultural armor was a good start at being able to close the gap between the no drop raid rewards and things that the casual player can use... so expand on that and bring them a little closer together. Instead of having to join a heavy raid guild, boost up the skills some more so that the casual player can make things that are at least close to planar level.

Those are just a few ideas off the top of my head, for what they're worth
#30 Dec 03 2005 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
I wouldn't mind a level increase, but I feel low level players are left behind when they make new expansions. Why can't they create a few new low-level zones along with new and challenging higher level content?
#31 Dec 03 2005 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
While I voted 'undecided' .. it needs another option to get what would be the most common response, imo.

-- Not until they fix current content
#32 Dec 03 2005 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
I voted no b/c of all the old world bugs that haven't been fixed and the old graphics that need a face lift. But not only that - all the zones that I will never visit, the lvl 70 I won't see anytime soon anyway, all b/c one needs to have a good group/guild to see and do the uber things already in the game.

Make an expansion geared towards those who are the causal player and those who spend over an hour LFG in PoK (and still don't find one)and get some solo zones/quests going. Go back and revamp lowbie zones and upgrade drops.

Make more interesting quests and upgarde the rewards, I don't finish half of the quests I start b/c I get bored with them or there is just one part that needs more than 1 grp of players, or the item just plain isn't worth all that trouble.

But anyhoo, just a couple more copper cents thrown into the boiling pot... :)

#33 Dec 03 2005 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I voted no... I have a couple of higher lvl characters, but I have started playing some of my younger alts and find it really difficult to level them.. :( There are not that many ppl to play with at the lower levels, 'cause each time there is a new expansion and higher lvls, ppl start grinding lvls and AAs on their mains... And PLZ, do an upgrade on Ldons... That was great fun and easy to find a grp most of the time, before it was so badly nerfed! I would love to get some spells and/or augs from there for my alts, but no one wants to do Ldons anymore.. the MMs are great, but they kind of take away from learning how to play your character and using your own character abilities...
#34 Dec 03 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
to lock zones so higher lvl people can't enter would be a bad thing because those that work on trade skills especially the ones for cultural armor are required to hunt in lower guk and other zones that are normally considered too low for a lvl 70 player, I know for myself being a High Elf Enchanter at lvl 70 just starting out branching into cultural armor that i have to go to the lower end zones for the quest and to get the trade skill items to make those cultural armor. It's a fact of the game that really can't be changed
#35 Dec 03 2005 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
Be nice to see family guilds get a crack at planar progression without alliances
#37 Dec 03 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
Saffaron wrote:
I have a novel concept for the next expansion. Fix all the messed up stuff and revamp most of the old world zones. Give people a reason to start a new low level character. Maybe update character models. I would much rather see this then more 70th to 80th level zones and would gladly pay in the form of an expansion to fund it.

I think a big fix for EQ would be to add level cap appropriate loot to all raid event loot tables (ok I know vox boots you out if you are too high so maybe she is off the hook :-) ). At level 70 I am one of 12 70 toons in my guild of 500 members. There are at any given time 5-8 65 plus people in the guild on at a time but 20-25 46 plus people at a time. We raided Luclin a lot earlier this year because we get get an all inclusive guild raid going. Of course the raid was carried byt the 65 plus people for the most part and their was nothin in it for them other then a good time. If you added even 65-70 spell runes to the loot tables of old world raid events it would do much to improve the game. Adding 5 more levels gives family guilds a chance to break into PoP or even GoD on their own devices which is cool as hell but the loot tables of time and top end GoD is likely marginal to a 75 toon.

Give us a reason to pursue the old content because level cap increase is the onlyt way most of us ever see the old uber zones.
#38 Dec 04 2005 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
I'd like to see another character slot. I have 8 toons on Povar there are actually 2 more i'd like to have.
#39 Dec 04 2005 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
404 posts
I agree... Fix the broken content.. Bring back the NPC and drops that make the quests work.. Increase drops and/or drops of components on items that very few of exist in game. Verify that we poor suckers who do quests get XP for doing them.

Open up zones like the accesses in Jagged Pine, under the lake in Karanas, and off of Halas to zones that were never there but are referred to in game..

Primary purpose for raising level limit to 75, at least in my opinion, to reduce the effect of Monster Missions. I have a fellow guildie, who never played EQ before, but has a boyfriend who did. She does 5/6 Monstermissions a night, has leveled from Tutorial to Level 62 in 3 weeks, doing MMs exclusively. NERF THE DANG XP ON MMs at level 70, (Or before if you really want the game to survive very long. It scares me to think that she is higher in level than my 3 YO druid, and never has done anything outside of tutorial and MMs, specifically, the same MM over and over again, which she has perfected to be able to do in less than 5 min.)
#40 Dec 04 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
Hell no. What so we can have people 75 instead of 70 with no aas and no epic. PFFT.
#41 Dec 04 2005 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
Heck no don't raise the level cap..leave it alone for a while. The Endgame guilds are already owning the new expansion and calling it "Challenging..sort of." WTF

I agree with everyone else. Add some fun and rewarding stuff to the old world zones and make playing a lower level toon fun again like it was in the beginning. I have a 30ish enchanter that I love to play but rarely can find anyone to play with.
I don'y like to twink and PL new characters I haven't played before because I want to learn the class and have fun with it's abilities and specalties. If anything fix the quest bugs and make the rewards better. Say level 30-40 toons get 15hp augs for a quest or something.
#42 Dec 04 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
Locking out zones is easily done. If tradeskill components are locked in... well, either move them out of the zone or accept that low levels now have a cash cow...

Raising the level of old zones is silly, then you lessen low content. Sure, you could streamline the 10-50 progression to 8 zones and make everything else 51+, but the impact on quests would be huge. Under 50 content pre-luclin was brilliantly executed. Do iksar newb quests untwinked for a challenge that is rewarding for the untwinked. You don't compare to a twink that spent 200p, but that is not the point.

I agree with those that say if Vanguard is any good EQ will lose a ton of people. I am interested to see what the demographics of the play styles are after that.
#43 Dec 04 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
There are plenty of issues and abilities that can be fixed or added to without increasing the level cap.

The economy could use a healthy overhaul as it has fairly difficult for Raiding Guilds and their members to pick up extra coin without farming some obscure Lily for weeks on end.

Some trade skills that used to be an excellent source of coin have become obscure as some of the very NPC vendors that sell ingredients also sell the results of the combines such as alchemy for example.

AA's are a great source to increase abilities and also ensure older content (which is not so old as the expansions have been rolling out at a much faster pace it seems) is not relegated to the junk heap overnight by the middle tier and above of raiding guilds. Can you imagine Time at level 75 in Tacvi gear?

I'd like to see another expansion sometime around March `06 with a similar methodology POP had in its story line of progression to one ultimate zone by taking down progressively harder beasties (without the DON concept of only a few 'key' items drop putting pressure on a guilds social system). I would not kill the previous few expansions by increasing the Level cap just yet, look at other abilities first with a level cap increase later in `06.

- Dont Increase Level Cap in the next Expansion
- Improve/Add AA's
- Improve/Add Spells
- Improve the Economy
- Increase the ability to gain Anguish/Tacvi type gear by adding high level playgrounds
- Provide the Mid Range 30-65 Level Players some new playgrounds
- Improve Tradeskills to make it worthwhile for players to spend 100's of thousands of PP to max it out. Reward Master Tradeskillers with the ability to use their skills in the economy.
#44 Dec 04 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
192 posts
I really think a level increase is a must long with a long list of alternate advancement type aa's quests and missions. I have noticed personally on my server Fennin Ro (once of Torv) that monster missions, LDONS, DONs, Spell missions are a priority amongst players working around in the game. It has the rare person that wants to goto plane of fire or Solb to go xp. I enjoy these types of missions but at the same time I would like to see another planes of power / Gates of discord style progression expansion.

While I am at wants hell lets upgrade races and classes sure would be nice to see another race(s) and or class(es). I really like learning new content and play types and have really enjoyed learning about the game but some of these expansions need time to make truely worthwhile.
In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
#45 Dec 04 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
Why bother increasing the levels---everquest is a dead or dieing game anyway. If you wanted to bring a toon from 0 to 70 right now starting from scratch without doing monster missions,which aren't really everquest in my opinion, you couldn't. There isn't much real everquest left anymore. All that is left is a mangled abomination with the word everquest attached to it. Put a bullet in this sick donkey!!
#46 Dec 04 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
I think it's time for another race/class, instead. It's been about four since we saw a new race (LoY) and three since we saw a new class (OoW is when BZK started, right?). The last new class wasn't all that useful, anyway, unless your group is desperate for someone who can snare.
#47 Dec 04 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
ok so i have read almost all of what you guys are saying and you all seem to be saying no to lvl increase, well i agree. lvl 75 would be fun but whats the point then the challange goes away and yes all the casual players get left holding their swords crying they cant beat up a mob solo that used to take a group or group a mob that used to take a raid, i have seen this i have soloed mobs on my wizzy that you used to have a group for. i definatly say more and better rounded AAs for all 1 post said about cross training ?? what you want a 10k dmg 0 delay 1hs with 20 to all focus and 5k to all stats too?? get real cross traiing is not the right thing to do, hell as a wizzy i even melee i suck but i can when i need to but im not askiing to able ot tank like a war and have his hp ac, i admit i wouldnt mind my attack skill to be better so i can melee from all the summoning mobs i am forced to fight at my lvl, and i just cant cast a spell. so the only things i really do suggest with a new expansion is more soloable quests that do not require you to get a group or raid to complte, and maybe i say maybe a way for non melee with no pets to do a bit better. as a wiz i have an AA to prevent a mob from gateing well thats fine and dandy but howabout one to prevent him from sumoning me??. now thats just me. aslo, i like to do quests rather than just smash and bash everything in site. even the tasks from DoD you need a group to do, why? i have fun trying to solo them. i know sony pushes teamwork and grouping but gee how many times have you sat there looking to just do something for about 30 minutes to an hour with out wasting 75% of that time lfg or waiting for a lock out timer?? i say give us more soloable quests with items that are comparable to high end raiders who live for it not asking for a 5 minute quest one that takes time is fine. where you have to do many sub quests for and all items no drop and wil only drop if your at right stage of quest you have taht niffty window now use it for more than just tasks and dod stuff. hehe sory for taking so much time have fun enjoy the game tahts all it is a game.
#48 Dec 04 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
I have to say no... although I like the idea of higher lvls.. lol I can barely break 64. I agree on the concept of new zones for lower lvl toons, plus the idea to maybe make a few of those zones lvl restricted.

BUT... what I also would like to see is a new CLASS. yeah yeah I know that could take some programming, but so what. I think it would be just awesome to have a new class to mess around with and just give me ANOTHER reason to start an ALT...
Alts-anon not only am I the president.. i'm also a client. lol
#49 Dec 04 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
In the next expansion a level increase is the least of what they need. I say create a whole new continent with zones for all levels. New races or classes are always fun. Make some MMs that you can do solo or with one other person. Oh, and change Nektulos back. I miss the newbie log lol. I play a lvl 45 monk and a 55 sk and the content as of now is great for me, but I dunno what I'll think when I hit 65 or 70.
#50 Dec 04 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
Voted no. Lots of people are retiring or going to other games. With the servers so top heavy with high level players there isnt much incentive for someone to start eq as a lvl 1. It will be nearly impossible to find groups. So many of the quest and events are broken. It seems like the message Sony is giving is buy a lvl 70 char or pl to 70 so you can enjoy the latest expansion because that is all we care about. Leaving all that content from the past empty.

They should be focusing on getting more people to want to start eq and fixing the low and mid level game. I'm all for new gear, spells, and aas for the high end but that should not be the primary focus if they want to keep eq going for a long time.
#51 Dec 04 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
Voted no. Lots of people are retiring or going to other games. With the servers so top heavy with high level players there isnt much incentive for someone to start eq as a lvl 1. It will be nearly impossible to find groups

... You are absolutely correct but unfortuinately this is working agains you. Sony knows who is paying the bills and that is high level raiding players. For these players the level increase isnt as big of an issue. Sony has to cater to these players. Most of there guilds require them to buy every expansion and thats the best tool they have for seliing them.

Edited, Sun Dec 4 16:23:25 2005 by dracoboars
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