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Level Increase?Follow

#102 Dec 07 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
I would like to see an increase. Someday I would love to see someone solo Mata Muram and live to tell about it >=) Ok that's asking for too much but by raising level cap, some smaller guild may be able to handle more of higher level mob without depending on high end guild.

However instead of level cap increase, why not add a new race and/or class? I'd like to try for a Froglok Beastlord and a Gnome Monk =)
#103 Dec 08 2005 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
Dwarf Monk with the ability of hoble, his flying kick strikes the ankle decreasing movement by 45% for 15 ticks.
Replace his "Tiger Claw" punch with a punch called "Sterilization". "Decrease hit points by half, decrease attack by half for ten ticks, AC by half for ten ticks." It would completely take the fight out of a mob. Well you get my drift.
He would be feared by mobs that could never reproduce after an encounter with him

Halfling Beastlord with his killer rabit!
#104 Dec 08 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
I think the reason new expansions seem geared to higher levels, is that Sony is afraid that without ever increasing level possibilities, that the high end players will get bored and drop out. Oops, there go the profits. Never forget, Sony is in this for the money, not for any altruistic reasons. In any business model, you need to retain your existing clients, but to increase profits, you also need to attract new ones.
In the long run, I think the current approach is short sighted. I certainly enjoy the game, but am I going to play it for 20 years? Sooner or later, my mouse finger will develop arthritis.... They need to either attract new customers, or give high end players a reason to retire their characters and start new ones.
#105 Dec 08 2005 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
High end players do not pay any more than casual players. It would seem to me that the more casual players there are, the less wear and tear would be on the servers, since not as many folks would be logged in for hours and hours on end, hence less maintenace costs and more profits. Of course, either scenario is silly, so the real reason they make new zones that are for more higher level players?

There are more higher level players than lower level and someone who is level 70 doens't want to stay in the same old zones they have been through before. Didn't work with splitpaw and Mistmoore revamp, won't work with others.

New zones are necessary to keep the game moving.

Stop looking into this more than it is. Nostalgia is great, but this whining about the old days is getting very obnoxious. EQ is not what is was, and never will be again. I would make a safe bet to say that NO GAME will ever be like EQ was. Times are-a-changin'. Gamers are getting older and no longer have as much time to devote to a character, this is a big reason why WoW has been so succesful. The game is fast paced and players can move the end game without years of work.

Think what you wish, I'm having fun with EQ as it is. When I stop having fun, I'll stop playing EQ. If you can only think to ***** about the game, maybe it's time to take break for a while.
#106 Dec 08 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
by raising level cap, some smaller guild may be able to handle more of higher level mob without depending on high end guild.

Depending on a high end guild? How so?
#107 Dec 08 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
by raising level cap, some smaller guild may be able to handle more of higher level mob without depending on high end guild.

Depending on a high end guild? How so?

Cause the smaller/family guild would have enough horsepower in house with level 75 characters.

We can group a lot of "raid" targets now, we can get Dreadspire keys, win Tipt, etc. But I don't think we could complete an Epic 1.5 even if the entire Gift showed up.. for those we beg for help from the "big kids".

But give me another pump up in DPS and healing and such like we got with 66-70 spells and it will trivialize even more content to the point that we could hack it without getting help the top guilds.

Edit: Of course, that's just the content we face now.. it would do nothing to help with the new content that would still be out of reach. But I think that's what the OP meant. /shrug

Edited, Thu Dec 8 16:31:31 2005 by Felicite
#108 Dec 09 2005 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
Would need to also make new zones with mobs lvl 75-85, just to keep raid guilds satisfied, as well as creating new AA skills and spells that are actually worth the subsequent difficulty of attainment that would have to be placed on them to satisfy raid toons.

I would rather see some actual creativity in the storyline, the FV war and the Troll/Froglock war was cool but not signifigant enough for everyone to want or be able to get envovled.

I would like to see a new playable race or two (Dragorn, Shissar, or another race already in existance) and a new class or two. Not hybrids or copies of the older classes, but truely original classes created through an event in the storyline.

The addition of content that makes religion important, (i.e. an deity related epic piece of armor maybe)

All of us want the graphics, pathing, spawn rates, and challenge of old world zones to be upgraded so lvl's 1-60 aren't so boring. Would also like the drops of old world named and raid mobs to be on par with the difficulty rate.

Instanced raid areas and zones so guilds don't have to share raid mobs with other guilds, just put those raid encounters on a mm type timer to simulate a respawn for all participants..
#109 Dec 09 2005 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
People who think that an increase in level cap is the only way to maintain interest clearly are not very creative. Adding levels only perpetuates the insane arms race we currently have. A better alternative would be to add new richness to existing levels, with new and interesting quests or special items. Continue to enhance the importance of tradeskills....make languages a factor...there are so many other ways to enhance the game without the kneejerk reaction of increasing levels just so the ubervolk can continue to maintain bragging rights.
Buanu Connoy
Champions of Norrath
#110 Dec 09 2005 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
well i dont really care to see the level increast to 75. i would much rather see more content for toons 30-60. i have a 70 shammy and 5 other toons from 40-55 but in less u box or have a high end toon hard to find a grp most times now days. i understand that sony has to do things to keep high level players interested but does that mean they should forget about lower level toons? you figure most lower level toons have a high level main anyway just my 2 cents.
#111 Dec 09 2005 at 8:42 AM Rating: Default
I would actually like to see accurate numbers on High end raiders compared to casual players.
I am familiar with the raid schedules of most of the larger hard core raiding guilds on Cazic-Thule as I have several friends in them, and I can tell you this.

When the big boys are raiding PoK still holds strong at 100 plus, and the other zones in the game do not go empty and close up, so I am thinking too much weight is applied to the "big boys"/"uber types"/"hardcore raiders".

Maybe its time Sony did a Poll? You know on the log in screen and see how players identify themselves and what they are looking for in another expansion?

Not that they are ready for another expansion, lmao.
I do not miss the patch, the after patch patch, to fix the patch, or the after patch patch patch to fix the after patch patch.
Fix "crushed diamonds!" give a recipe to make them from regular or up the drop rate.
#112 Dec 09 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
Warning: heresy to be stated.

-Have the boldness and vision to actually retire things in context with storyline. Eliminate races and classes. Certain expansions could see thier continent sunk (or moon blown up) and not truly hurt the game. Take quests and drops out of the game...

Oh no I cant kill Seru... too bad. He is gone (as an example).

BUT, provide new things to forward the game and storyline.

Warning: deeper heresy.

Rethink the level layout of the continents. Pok gone. Lowbies play on Antonica. Quests let you get further. Iksar start as hated exiles... they need to xp and quest just to get back to Kunark. Use the keyring feature and add stategic maguses to it...

Make Odus the locked-out area... no one over specific levels in specific zones. This caters to the casual player.

Make Legacy of Ykesha zones the mad xp place. This is for the powergamers and PLers.

Make Velious and Kunark the quest & tradeskill intense places (and move the abyssmal sea boat to one of the docks).

Make Lost dungeons the loot and spell quest route... but put lots of spells on the vendors as an alternative to the impossible (for the casual player) raids some of the older spells are now on.

Planes of Power gets redone to encompass all the other expansions. Keep some as all access traditional. Recognize the flagging that has been done but set up a new flagging system of individual tasks for each tier of plane. Go nuts and make the zones insane. Provide an open (with flag) version of each zone and an instanced version --for the high end raiders.

Provide high end instanced versions of all zones (even low ones) for the serious raiders and give a good reason to want to do them.

ERRRRR, maybe just let people take their main to EQ3 with its level scaled into the new game (i.e., level 70=level 25, 69=24.75...) and dont make the mistakes that weren't forseen all those years ago (camping, kill stealing, lfg all the time, the arms race, powerlevelling, etc.)
#113 Dec 09 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
I would love to see a level increase and even higher level content. Why in the hell would you want to make yet ANOTHER alt just because they made a new race/class or added a couple of new zones for low levels. If you are looking for a game where you can max out levels in a week, then go play WoW. I believe that if the question was asked to all high end raiders (instead of the people who spend more time reading forums than playing the game) then the majority of votes would be to increase the level cap. Honestly, I think SOE is spitting out expansions just a bit too fast. Why try and push boring content (shrouds come to mind here) on us? The majority of players are NOT level 1-45. Why gear this game more towards newer players? I think SOE might be coming out with some game that is geared STRICTLY towards high end raiding. Why else would they push high end gamers away by adding more content for new players and less for veterans. Already, this game has been made way too easy. If you are below level 50 and have been playing for over or around a year, then I am sorry, but you just suck, and you would probably do better on WoW or maybe EQ2. Why replace creating more high end content with creating more low end content? It just does not make sense. I am all for a level increase, and even harder enemies to kill, but I do think SOE pushes expansions out too fast.

Edited, Fri Dec 9 17:55:05 2005 by Ntedm
#114 Dec 11 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think we need a level increase. What IMHO is needed is fixing broken Grimmling and updating the graphics to the like of Lavastorm. Higher levels mean more grinding and more catering to higher level Guilds. Why would anyone want to start playing a game where all that happens is geared towards the end game? The free taste of EQ was a great idea now if they would just go with that mentality and boost the quality for the lower levels maybe EQ would see an increase in peeps.

Just my 2 cents worht there
#115 Dec 11 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
They should increase it to 100 imo....what use is it to have lvl 70s hit 75 in a week or 2 like the last time they increased it.

Make it so it takes say a min of 6 months to hit lvl 75 then another 6 months to hits 80 etc... then they could put out new content around the same time which players would then have time to accually play all or most of the content.

I remember when hiting the max lvl at 60 really was an acomplishment and everyone was happy for that its like oh I hit lvl 70 ...ya so and along with every other 6 month old char.
#116 Dec 12 2005 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
increasing the level will just make the casual player even more outcast. as it is you can't get ANYthing in high end without a serious raiding guild. Even the causal guilds sometimes get stuck on content that's "old" increasing levels and even putting out new expansions excludes a LOT of people from the new content and gear and items. I've been disappointed with the rate of expansion release. it's too fast.
#117 Dec 12 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
Increase to 75? Why stop there? Why not just add a chunk of levels.....go to 80....hell, go to 100. These small, 5 level cap increases are laughable......not for me personally mind main toon is 58 with in all likelihood no realistic way to reach 70.....casual player NOT inna ubah would amount to more high-end content for the hardcore gamers, most of which cap out in a day or two of a 5 level increase anyways (does anybody actually work anymore?????).....perhaps a more provacative question would be.....and a greater that SOE has created this Juggernaut Frankenstein called what can they do to keep the casual and hardcore gamers (read:EQ Addicts) interested and plunking down their monthly subscription? We're like a group of ADHD material loses it's charm in a couple of days and we want another something to occupy our minds......that's a BIG CHALLENGE too.....but let's face it....after sinking 4 or 5 or 6 years into EQ and developing our character through AA's and Planar progression......alot (not all but most that I know) of folks aren't willing/ or wanting to jump over to EQ2 to start from scratch....and yet nobody really seems prepared for the inevitable "end game" which WILL happen eventually..but to answer the question......whether obtainable to myself or not....a well planned expansion with something (no matter how small) for everyone would go over better than just 5 more levels to grind....
#118 Dec 12 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
Not for a LONG time.. maybe in 2007. I'd rather have some new low and mid level zones that aren't hellishly hard to 1) get to, 2) kill in. Solo/duo zones would be great for the 20s-50s. Fix stuff and upgrade graphics before upping levels. Also... can you PLEASE stop upping the number of different raiding areas. It's hard enough to get into Time without using the alt-access piggy mess, let alone Anguish, Tacvi (or whichever is highest in GoD), and whatever high-end raiding zone DODh came with. We don't need another THEME for a while... just fix/add onto the OLD ones first! You'll keep many more players because we'll be happier with stuff working!
#119 Dec 12 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
No new lvl cap just yet imo.
I want a new expansion that is GoD + DoN combined. An expansion that appeals both casualls and hardcore.
The GoD part should be so hard it wont be finnished without one or two more expansions and mby even a new lvl increase. Access for a few of the raidzones should require you to complete some groupprogression.. Kinda lika KT or Dreadspire. Also a BiC kinda quest should be added.
The DoN part of this expansion should be rewamps of old zones with good new quests and nice rewards for the casual players for all levels. DoN types of missions but they should be non-instanced in rewamped old zones. Some quests would require shrouding. Also, all quests should not only end in a nice item but also some nice xp.

Also add alot of AAs and add AA hellevel. This way noone will have max AAs after one week. Theese AAs dont neccesarry have to be ubergreat. Just improve your char very little with each AA but still it will keep you busy if your max AA now.

Thats what I want.
#120 Dec 12 2005 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
New quests that can be done midlevel without having to go through a zone of all red-con mobs would be great.
New tradeskill quests that don't require a load of hard to get parts if you're not level 70 to farm... and make the quest reward worth it... for lower levels and NON raiders. Something like the Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl (best quest in the game, imho).
Spells that you don't have to do missions to get... for all levels. Make them purchaseable (with plat not crystals or ldon points).
Have ALL spells (god, omens 69-70, higher-end-PoP, dodh) questable so you don't have to have a super uber guild group in order to get them. I am a PoP raider in a PoP-only focused guild, but the DoDh and omens spells would be useful to me also! I'd like a way to get them - I don't mind if the quest is involved, but make it so I don't need a 12khp tank to get it done. I'd tradeskill (not research, mind you) for a chance at these spells. I can't get my omens 69-70 spells because the mobs are perma camped by guilds and they won't let someone not in their guild who even helps with the kill have a chance at the runes. Give me a way that I don't have to kill those mega-mobs or romp through RSS and MPG getting my butt eaten by ************* mobs. Don't make it like pulling teeth.. make it like getting a dental cleaning.

In all - make all spells attainable for the non-raider. If it weren't for the ego-headed uber raiders always wanting to get everything first, I'd actually enjoy a new expansion and not have to wait until that expansion is a year old to enjoy it.
#121 Dec 12 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
I hope they DO NOT raise the level cap, because everyone will go back to grinding levels instead of exploring, and questing. I say add new and interesting aaxp's. Progessive zones, seem to keep things spread. MIssions are fun, Trials are fun. Make the encounters more interesting. Also allow players to become politcally active in factions, and make the world more dynamic.
#122 Dec 12 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
I'll take more levels if I can have more spell gems for some of the new spells...
#123 Dec 12 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
I would welcome a level increase, but for one thing: its not really going to change the nature of the game one iota, other than making it easy to kill stuff.

Lets face it: Sony has a tendency to give us new AA in the form of the same stuff, but taking alot for AA to max it out.

(how many expansions has mitigation and avoidance AA for monks).

Usually we get a few new AA, but nothing radical, but stuff that players have wanted for a long time: like enduring breath and see invise AA.

Level 75 would most likely water down the high end encounters even more, and even family guilds could get to tacvi will little trouble, outside of farming Qvic and such zones.

I dunno, maybe its not such a bad idea after all: the highest level guilds farm 2.0 with considerable ease, and the really elite guilds farm not only Vish, but OMM. (Overlord Mata Muran).

Maybe level 75 will allow Sony to give the high end guilds new proving grounds for fun, and allow some of the mid level guilds at least a shot at Anquish Access.

EQ is a mature game, and ultimatly, Sony needs to keep the game fresh or lose its playerbase to other games. (alot of nice looking online games are starting to come out.)

#124 Dec 12 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Provide high end instanced versions of all zones (even low ones) for the serious raiders and give a good reason to want to do them.

I would love to see this. Create a DoN style task that makes an entire zone (including any and all zones and cities) an instance. Then make hardcore raid encounters in them. Wars, tough battles and strategic playing to beat. Can you imagine a raid on Kelethin or an epic battle in the Karanas or the Ros? Give them various difficulty lvls for the casual to hardcore raiders. The loots can be adjusted accordingly and players will get to experience all the old zones. You can even have group tasks this way too.

This would allow SOE to release a new expansion and still upgrade the older content at the same time. Only those who get the new expansion would have access to the quests and instances. This is why SOE doesn't revamp zones as much. It costs them money but they get nothing in return. Making an expansion to do instanced quests in these zones that aren't being used could be a win-win situation.

I liked the Mistmoore revamp because I enjoyed the zone in my lower lvls. However I also missed the lower lvl zone on my alts. So why not make it both? I really like this idea.
#125 Dec 12 2005 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
What I would like to see in a new expansion would be a second level of PoP zones...maybe all instanced which when finished would get you to a second level of time. Once yo have completed the original PoP flag yo will then be able to enter the 2nd tier which is an instance. The harder the tier the better loot there will be in tier 2... this will give the people that like to raid a new progression and will give the casual player some new zones and item upgrades without needing to complete the entire flagging process. Just my thought
#126 Dec 12 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Good
I didn't read the entire thread because there are just too many words........but I think it's fair to consider that the reason EQ is still around is due in no small part to the high level players. If the high end wasn't so popular, EQ would have died long ago.

If you don't think there are that many high level players out there, think about this: I checked EQ rankings the other day for level 70 Rangers, just out of curiosity, and found that there are over three thousand of them. Add in the rest of the classes, and you have a hell of a lot of people potentially looking for new goals.
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