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#1 Dec 14 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
After reading some of these posts, I sense that people see the Complete Heal cleric get as a great gift. But I have never used it, in small groups ( 2 or 3 ) or bigger ( 6). I use the the smaller heal, and I never gain aggro that way, I conserve mana, and I find that people just do not die. It also allows me mana for immobilize if we get adds. And now that I have remedy ( which is nice quicky heal for soloing ) I use it also. Am I missing something here? I have been away from the game for awhile, so any comments would be appreciated.
#2 Dec 14 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
You'll need CH later on, trust me. When the mobs are quadding for 500+ a pop and swinging like an blender on purate you'll be clicking that damn spell icon as fast as you can. Especially if your tank is gimp like me. Just ask Frak.

Also, if you start raiding you'll need it for the CH chain to keep the MT alive. But for now, use whatever works for you. As long as your tank ain't hitting the ground you're doing your job.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#3 Dec 14 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
339 posts
Judging by your sig you have a 54 cleric. Up to 55 you will only need minor heals my shammy can heal for a max of 2k and has no trouble with the normal gambit of mobs and then...... the Plane of Valor comes into play. Mobs hit for 508 and have lots hof hit points. Tanks get chewed up and spit out left and right. You definately need CH heal if you are healer there in fact you won't really have the chance to use much else but that.
#4 Dec 14 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Awesome guys, thanks for the posts. I may have learned an EQ lesson the easy way, for once. ( The usual way being the hard one, where I or my whole party dies )
#5 Dec 14 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
339 posts
oh yeah and you don't get your 96% rez till 56 so you won't bee popular till then
#6 Dec 14 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
339 posts
i was going to edit that post for spelling but something strange is happening when i try to edit it
#7 Dec 14 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
1,156 posts
Irony is, I rarely cheal. Most nights I run with 4 heals loaded:

Heal over Time: Pious Elixir - Increase Hitpoints v2 by 1170 per tick (4 ticks/890 mana)
Quick Heal: Pious Remedy - Increase Hitpoints by 1990 (1.75 seconds/496 mana)
Cheal: Complete Healing - Increase Hitpoints by 7500 (10 seconds/400 mana)
Big Heal: Pious Light - Increase Hitpoints by 3770 (3.75 seconds/740 mana)

Heal over Time is extended by Spelling Casting Reenforcment (+Mastery) and Focus.
Direct heals lots of AA (and crit AA) and Focus.
And Mana Pres V
And Spell Haste V, and 10% Cleric Haste.
So.. nothing costs exactly that, takes exactly that or heals for exactly that.

But.. basically.. in places where MOB damage on the tank is spikey (like Omens-land with all the blasted procs), I lead with Pious Elixir as the tank engages. Any time I see 75%, patch with Quick Heal. Any time I see 50%, patch with Big Heal, any time I see 25% Divine Arbitration.

Maybe cast 1 cheal an hour. 10 Seconds is a long time.. if the Random Number Generator is such that the tank is going down, it could happen really fast.

Most of the time, even in Riftseekers, Acursed Nest, DoDH spell arcs, etc.. I patch once or twice (or none) and we can drop mobs in the time of the (extended) Heal over Time.

Less deaths to "two bad rounds in a row" = more productive time and goodies.

Edit: Spelled out RNG so you don't think I mean Ranger *winks*

Edited, Wed Dec 14 13:11:37 2005 by Felicite
#8 Dec 14 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
339 posts
that stuff only works if you have a well equpped tank though most pick up group tanks need CH heal most of the time from what i've read in the group chat spam
#9 Dec 14 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Fel, thanks for that post. Very informative. We are a small guild on Zek, so not sure if we will do some of the harder places in EQ, but nice to have some info so i do not have to rez my party :)
#10 Dec 14 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
1,156 posts
Lord galthran wrote:
that stuff only works if you have a well equpped tank though most pick up group tanks need CH heal most of the time from what i've read in the group chat spam

I am, on most mobs, healing more.. using more mana.. and quicker heals. To be safer. 'Cause I am doing things like Tipt with a 9k (buffed) Warrior (as the one and only tank ie: no charm).
#11 Dec 14 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
At 65 I find myself using CH less and less.

I always have a HoT up on the tank, and I usually use my larger heal over a Cheal. The reason is casting efficency. If the damage output being dealt to the tank is pretty evenly spread out, I'll Cheal, it's much more mana effiencent.

If we are dealing with a mob that procs, quads, flurries and rampages..then I'll switch to 2k heals.

Seems to change based on the situation.

that stuff only works if you have a well equpped tank though most pick up group tanks need CH heal most of the time from what i've read in the group chat spam

Cheal is only good when the tank can survive for 10 seconds after the cast. If they are having trouble doing this, then the cleric will have to switch to quiker heals, which means more mana usage and more down time.

For most of the planes, dropping a HoT and using CHeal is sufficient with a decen tank. Might need to throw in a spam heal or two from time to time however.

Edited, Wed Dec 14 13:42:06 2005 by Frakkor
#12 Dec 14 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
339 posts
I wish i could find more clerics that actually play well like you folks seem to. Any more groups need to be exact combinations of slower healer and tank. Which is hard to find all three at the same time let alone make sure they know the class well
#13 Dec 14 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
301 posts
I've found that when I 2 box my 66 warrior and my wife's 65 cleric that I will go through SIGNIFICANTLY less mana if I use CHeal exclusively.

If I forget to get KEI for the cleric, I can still go through a complete Creator DoN mission using CHeal and not have to stop the group for a med break and she never goes below 40 - 50% mana. Granted, she just sits there on her mount and only heals - no stuns, nukes, etc.

When my wife is playing her cleric she will use CHeal on me exclusively and use smaller heals or HoTs for others, if needed and she never asks for a med break unless we are chain pulling.

On a side note, as a MT I prefer the use of well timed Cheals becuase it allows me to beserk and do some impressive damage with Crippling Blows. That's a fine line to walk but with the healer sitting right next to me and being able to see when the spell is going to go off (i.e. I can see her casting bar), it's not as scary as trusting someone across the country or world =)

Just my thoughts...

... and for the record our toons aren't uber - I only have 9k hp buffed and she has a rather modest 4k-ish mana pool
#14 Dec 14 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
In the upper end zones, it is also important to have a slower....without a slower a cleric will run OOM very quickly (at last at my level of play). A cleric without mana is just a crappy ranger.

So, you'll still need a slower if you plan on killing with any efficiency.

I've even seen times when quick heals/larger heals couldn't come fast enough to heal a tank when the mob isn't slowed.
#15 Dec 14 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Excellent
I've found that when I 2 box my 66 warrior and my wife's 65 cleric that I will go through SIGNIFICANTLY less mana if I use CHeal exclusively.

CHeal is incredibly mana efficient, just not applicable in all zones.

It's one of my favorite spells and it really changes the class when you can finally scribe it.
#16 Dec 14 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
1,156 posts
The One and Only Frakkor wrote:
Cheal is only good when the tank can survive for 10 seconds after the cast. If they are having trouble doing this, then the cleric will have to switch to quiker heals, which means more mana usage and more down time.

Firstly, rate up.. you said better than I what I was trying to say.

Second.. my dirty little secret is.. all Gift groups have a 2 necro minimum (some nights all 6.. but that's a different group). So.. we are landing two Mind Wracks per mob (again minimum) which is 4 ticks @ 75 mana/tick = 300 mana times 2 = 600 mana to each and every group member per mob.

This allows me to burn mana beyond what I could sustain "over healing" for safety.. and DPS the hell out of mobs.. or so my MA tells me.
#17 Dec 14 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
301 posts
CHeal is incredibly mana efficient, just not applicable in all zones.

Very true and a great point.

When MTing a raid, CHeal chains are a the norm ... but there are times when chain heals of the smaller, faster casting heals is absolutely neccesary to keep a tank up and soaking damage becuase of the sheer volume of DPS being put out by a mob.

Then there are other zones/camps where a CHeal is simply overkill, like camping murks in NC - a HoT or one of the smaller heals is all I need for a fight.

Healing is all relative to the situation. Like someone already said - if no one dies, then you're doing your job right =)

#18 Dec 14 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
Like someone already said - if no one dies, then you're doing your job right =)


the correct way to say it is

"If no one dies, we aren't trying hard enough."
#19 Dec 14 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
301 posts
"If no one dies, we aren't trying hard enough."

/em revokes Frak's Healer Of The Month award

/evil grin

#20 Dec 14 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs...

I find spending 400 mana to heal 4-6Khp much more efficiant in the long run...

If I am bumping up against FM I will toss HoTs but usually my CHeals do not get too much aggro. Helps to have a good tank who holds aggro or gets it back quickly.

I try to time CHeal when mob is near dead if possible.

Do not CHeal as mob is incoming and tank has just established aggro.
#21 Dec 14 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Wow, great stuff.../em brain hurts from all the knowledge, should have added more int items to handle all this.
#22 Dec 14 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Ok, now one of the threads talked about warriors wanting to get lower in hit points to be abl to crit and this possible to lower levels it could be, but waht about above 55...?
#23 Dec 14 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
i never used it until around 47 when i was in a hole group...pulled like half the zone on us, and i had to use it like 10 times in 1 fight..but was fun...we all died, but who cares :-D
#24 Dec 14 2005 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
As a 63 cleric I use CHeal all the time. I don't do a lot of newer, uber-high-end content so it's fine for any tank with over 6k health and a slower in group. Sure, I'll use Heal over Time or a big quick heal till slow lands, but once it does I can sit and watch the tank get chewed slowly down to 40% and start my heal knowing that he'll live for another 10 seconds. The best is when I land a CH for 7k the tick after the mob dies.

CH is also imperative for any large rading, as the primary tactic os a Complete Heal chain. 10 clerics casting Complete Heal every 4 seconds, along with druids casting patch heals in between, will keep a tank up that's being beaten down for 4k every round.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#25 Dec 15 2005 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
During exp grinds (Riftseekers or the Nest) I tend to chain CH's and duck out if the tank is still above 70%. I also chain Yaulp for hours on end, avoiding sitting as much as possible.

I manage my mana closely, and the chain CH's from my experiences keep my mana bar very full for when I NEED to switch to blasting fast heals.

I seldom HoT, with the exception of the aa HoT during the moments of incoming excitement.

<edit> on a side note, I also /stopcast then arb and epic arb very quicky for those moments when say a tank at 65% with 5 secs left on the CH drops to 30% in one round.

Edited, Thu Dec 15 03:16:13 2005 by Jaddrielle
#26 Dec 16 2005 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good
285 posts
At level 70, CH is one of your best friend. I hunt RSS all the time and with CH, I probably won't be able to keep up with heals without going OOM much of the time. Many of the tanks in the group has minimum of 12k HP so I usually start off with CH and then watch for the HP before doing any more heals. HoT helps when I feel lazy but with CH, the mana is going to be an issue in places like RSS or new DoDH hard instanced zones.

This with mana regen of 23 and mana pool of almost 8k. True that I rarely see mana dip below 80 most of the time. However, when you know what hits the fan, i.e. bad pull or pop adds, it's nice to know that I can throw around a bunch of small heals to keep the group up until the crowd is controlled. Last thing you need is using small heals to get your mana to 50% then get an add, run out mana and get wiped.

Also, with crit heal, I can CH for about 19k. That kicks in when the tank is down to little health, it really helps out. If I were to use small heals, I can barely keep up with the damage the mob is dishing out.

Just my thoughts.

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