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LDONs. Forgotten treasureFollow

#1 Dec 15 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Morning all,

Did an LDoN last night. 1st time in over a year. It was an absolute blast. Group was level 50-56 and it was only 4 of us.

It's a shame that no one really does LDoN's anymore. The only reason that I can see is that the EXP was horrible. But if you like a good grouping experience then I suggest you try an LDoN adventure.

We did a collect. Finished in 1 hour (kinda slow but there were only 4 of us). One +5 poison Aug dropped. No named. Earned 23 points for the EC vendor. Didn't stick around for the loot since wife needed to use the computer.

Maybe SOE could give LDoN a bonus exp multiplyer. It would encourage more people to try them out and also teach a lot of the toons running around Norrath how their class benefits a good group.

Just an Idea. But if it starts to Ice like they say it will today then I am heading home and playing eq all afternoon!!!
#2 Dec 15 2005 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
This has been talked about quite a bit, but I would love to see Sony tweak the LDoN's some. It would really cure some of the LFG woes for mid/low lvl players I think. 50+ experience in Ldons is horrid.

There is also still some very useful gear/augs (not to mention spells) to be had from em.
#3 Dec 15 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
I did an Ldon (N Ro) last night with a guildie that already had a group formed with my Paladin. We cleared the whole map....No named, one +4 CHA aug dropped (Group was 50 - 60) and I totalled out with 9% regular XP.

Yeah, I agree they should revamp the XP for ldons.
#4 Dec 15 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
I can make 9% exp in 15 minutes worth of hard grinding in Velks.

It took us an hour to get about 6%.

It can be as simple as just giving everyone who journeys into a LDoN dungeon a "double exp" bonus. That would make it about even with regular zones.
#5 Dec 15 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
339 posts
They did revamp the xp :( they nerfed it so that people would want to do DoN's and all the new content. The problem is that all of the previous expansions will be forgotten more and more each time they release a new expansion. LDoN was the last of the truely good expansions R.I.P

Edited, Thu Dec 15 10:09:38 2005 by galthran
#6 Dec 15 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
426 posts
After not being able to complete LDoN's for it seems like ever, our lottle family group - the wife and I 2 boxing - finally have gotten a handle on it. I created a Pally, so we could have the puller Pacify, and we are having a blast in the dungeons. Kind of behind the curve, but that's due to our playstyle. No promblem for us with the XP because we don't really play for levels - sometimes really would like to stay about the same level with some of our toons.

We've allways liked them - just never had been able to finish one. And, since we generally play alone, we haven't garnered any input on how best to handle the adds - finally figured out that the best way to handle adds in a dungeon is to make sure you don't have any.

It would be nice to get some decent loot in there though - and actually - I know that we wouldn't refuse the XP if it came our way. We just make another group of characters when one of our groups gets to the mid 60"s and runs out of places to go play.
#7 Dec 15 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Agreed, the awful xp is really the only reason people don't do LDoNs. There is absolutly no reason one should gain more xp in a monster mission than an equally timed LDoN. It definatly needs to be looked at.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#8 Dec 15 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
I thought the LDoN's were great when they came out. At the time you hardly had to go lfg for more than 10 minutes. As interest waned, it became more and more difficult to find people who wanted to do them. Eventually it got to the point where I'd get an invite for an LDoN and then we'd be looking for an interested healer for the next 45 minutes till people in the group got disgusted and disbanded. If you couldn't get one going in about 10 minutes the group would fall apart before you got started.

I agree that an exp bonus for them would revitalize interest again.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#9 Dec 15 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Quick question....I haven't done Ldon's in so long I really don't remember....Do you have to have the adventure stone on you to zone in or can it be in the bank?

The reason I ask is that I've done the slipgear aug quest and since unaugged my adv stone.
#10 Dec 15 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
Nope you don't even have to have the stone to do the adventures, just the expansion.

#11 Dec 15 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
jrmayii wrote:
Quick question....I haven't done Ldon's in so long I really don't remember....Do you have to have the adventure stone on you to zone in or can it be in the bank?

The reason I ask is that I've done the slipgear aug quest and since unaugged my adv stone.
You don't have to have it at all, you just need it to travel between the camps... you can do the LDoNs without even having the adventurer's stone...
#12 Dec 15 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
Oh and yea I absolutely loved LDON's, I wish they would do something to make them more appealing to others.
Or let me solo em :)

#13 Dec 15 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
I really enjoyed the few LDON's I did. Was a great way to learn your class without having to do large groups. But as has been said, the exp stank. I could make more as a fifty cleric in 15 minutes of soloing, then in an entire Ldon.
I like the idea of letting us solo or even let groups of two do them.
#14 Dec 15 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
My family and I spend a lot of time in LDoN's when we make alts because they are a great place to level up through the 30's. They don't require a a specific group make-up to win and they are a lot of fun. Currently we have a group of a ranger, a rogue, a shaman, and a wizard all in the mid 30's. The ranger (my wife) can tank them fine still, even when we have an add or two. The shaman (my daughter) only has a heal for 350 but with healing potions it is enough. We have no way to single pull but if we get no more than 3 then my wife spends a few rounds of combat on each to get aggro and then the shaman and I (I'm the wizard) use AoE's to burn em down fast. If we get more than 3 then my daughter and I root park and we kill em as fast as we can. It takes team work and we often end up all OOM and low on health but we have not lost an adventure yet!

We just wish that we could do the same with our mains but in the 60's LDoN exp is crap and with a warrior, cleric, druid, bard combo we just don't have enough DPS to handle a hard mission without a big risk of failing. With exp so low and a good chance of failing it just isn't worth the time.

#15 Dec 15 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
I really miss doing LDoN's.

I agree the XP should be looked at. They are a lot of fun.

It's a little depressing to run through Butcherblock and not see a huge group of people at the camp anymore [:sad:]
#16 Dec 15 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
615 posts
I hope more people start doing ldons again. I still need my Anger 3 augs at 1150 points a piece and I wasn't looking foward to scraping groups together to get a few dozen ldons done.
#17 Dec 15 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
642 posts
it is grim attempting to put together a LDoN. like someone else mentioned, you might get one or two in LFG, but by the time you grab a fourth, you're back down to 2 or 3.

add to that, even if you manage to get a bite, you've got to overcome a lot of folks aren't willing to LDoN w/o a trinity.

or, if you join a LDoN group LFM, it falls apart due to any of the above.


would love the Calliav line-up and DPoC, but don't expect it to happen without some kind of LDoN incentive from SOE.
#18 Dec 15 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
I did a Ldon last week me then 51 Pally a 49 Rogue and a 42 Shammy we did mob count and finished with 6 min left on ticker the xp wasn't to bad got likr about 12% of a lv in an hour 15. was a lot of fun
#19 Dec 15 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
339 posts
Ldon's are still decent xp till the low 50's once you hit 55 though PoV becomes much better XP and a little easier to find a group
#20 Dec 15 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
To beat a dead horse in order to salvage ldon, a number of things must be done:

1) For the higher levels, increase experience at least on par with MM (I think we heard that above).
2) Even with an experience increase, it would be difficult to attract people, so point values of an adventure should be increased across all levels. There are many spells that are very beneficial to casters as well as a number of augs (which you then need ldon gear) for all classes, which a player cannot obtain without doing a ridiculous number of adventures.
3) Points should not be restricted to a specific adventure site (i.e. Tak or Mistmoore) since that creates discontinuity in people looking for adventures and that ultimately undermines the building of ldon groups. I understand that it cuts into the lore aspects of the Wayfarers, but it must be done to save ldon.
4) Create a MM type reward specific to the 5 ldon adventure camps. That way people will want to do a LGuk or Tak and not simply stick with Mistmoore for example.
5) Perhaps the required number of missions for increasing the power of the Adventurer Stone should be decreased. Trying to complete 1000 or so missions when it's very difficult to even put together a group seems hopelessly out of reach at this point in the life of EQ.

Although my playing style leans more toward solo, I do not believe they should lower the 3 player requirement for adventures because that will undermine the entire purpose of salvaging ldons for all players. I say that with the caveat that ldons and the subsequent rewards must be revamped. If a revamp does not happen, then, by all means, allow players to get their points solo since most people don't want to waste their time with ldon as it is.
"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
#21 Dec 15 2005 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
So can we get this made a voting thread so we can maybe get someone at Sony's attention? Don't know why they wouldn't at least consider these ideas to bring back a big part of the game.
#22 Dec 15 2005 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
489 posts
Another thing with LDoN's is that some pick up groups are just trouble. I've had a few good experiences, but for the most part it usually got me killed.

I would love to do them if I could find a good group to do them in. I also didn't see anything about some of the armor. It's really not that bad for the levels it's at. But I guess with the new DoN cultural armor it's not that great.

#23 Dec 16 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Some of the fun is being in a group where people are not good, especially as a cleric. When you get Ldon groups, most of the time you do not know the people, how they play,etc... means you have to learn to adjust your gameplay just to survive.

One of the best experiences was when we had a warrior that kept pulling, even when we said we ( the druid and I ) were out of mana. He also was told to stay away from a chest in one of the rooms, but he insisted on playing with it, and we were all cursed. We asked him why he was being such a putz, and he said to f#%$ off, he could do what he wanted. So , being on ZEK, it was on... druid, cleric Vs. Warrior. Not even close. Nice thing was, bieng an Ldon, no worries about pops behind us. The Druid and I ( and the ranger who didn't want to pk, Smiley: disappointed ) finished the mission without the warrior. Smiley: grin

Not sure where I was going with this. Smiley: banghead
#24 Dec 16 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
So can we get this made a voting thread so we can maybe get someone at Sony's attention? Don't know why they wouldn't at least consider these ideas to bring back a big part of the game.

It probably wouldn't do much good, since Sony has nothing to do with this site. Posting it on Sony's forums would probably garner more attention.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#25 Dec 16 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Just a thought. Do people use the feedback tool in EQ for stuff like this? My theory is that if enough people say the same things they do in these forums to the feedback, maybe it might get something done. Yes I know the first response would be "no one reads the feedback", however I do not think they would waste the space and script to have it there if no one read it.

Remember just a theory....=)
#26 Dec 16 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
no one reads the feedback.
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