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Out of the 10 Expansions..Follow

#1 Dec 23 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
To date, my favourite expansion is..
Kunark:162 (9.7%)
Velious:299 (17.8%)
Luclin:121 (7.2%)
Planes of Power:313 (18.7%)
Legacy of Ykesha:23 (1.4%)
Lost Dungeons of Norrath:117 (7.0%)
Gates of Discord:62 (3.7%)
Omens of War:180 (10.7%)
Dragons of Norrath:117 (7.0%)
Depths of Darkhollow:149 (8.9%)
Eh, here's to the old world:135 (8.0%)

(Note: You must be a registered user to vote in a poll.)
#2 Dec 23 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
For some unknown sadistic reason, after SoE sorted the bugs out.. Gates of Discord is my favorite expansion with Planes coming in a close second..

Even today, when I think of great raiding victories in EQ I put my first Uqua win heads above Corniav,Avatar, or Quarm.. Maybe it was the absolute lack of forgiveness that instilled in the event from start to finish..

(LDoN is by far my least favorite expansion)
#3 Dec 23 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
We've already had this question, although it seems to have been wiped.


I? Yes, I! wrote:
I don't really understand what's so great about Velious.

So far, I'm seeing a *highly* devoted fan base towards it, but, having read each post in this poll, I still haven't really garnered whats so great about it.

Ok, what did it offer? Mid-level zones. Whats so great about that? I mean, sure, I'm mid level, but they did the same thing (and more of it) in Kunark. Kunark, I understand. Velious, uh uh.

There ARE some cool zones here, I'll admit. I enjoy ToFS the other night when I went there, and the faction thing sounds like a cool concept. Otherwise? Not much diversity. The lore associated with it is also pretty cool. I'm also sure that once I ditch this level I'll be able to see some other cool things that I haven't yet.

But honestly. I mean, all it seemed to be was a generic 'zone' expansion. Nothing new was really introduced, aside from the zones, that I'm aware of. Kunark had the zones, cool new race, and new raid opportunities. And the feel? Please. A similar feel goes along with the Everfrost zone in the original game. Wakening Lands, another cool zone, is the only exception I've seen.

Personally, with my current experience (which means no OoW, PoP, or GoD) I'd have to say Velious is the second-worst expansion next to Ykesha. Ykesha should have just been a 5 dollar download if you ask me.

Please keep in mind that this is a post-PoP player without the vast knowledge of a high end gamer. Feel free to alert me of anything else Velious has that makes is SO worthwile.

I quote this simply because Velious fanboys are inevitable.

Edited, Fri Dec 23 19:21:05 2005 by TheMightyMagnu
#4 Dec 23 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
PoP, because to me it is the greatest integration of progression and actual goals with rewards.
#5 Dec 23 2005 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
I voted for DoN for a variety of reasons. I felt the expansion provided something for just about any player. Some of the simpler features such as the guild hall, bank & lobby we're instituted to make previous aspects of the game (i.e. corpse retrieval, porting) a little easier to adjust to whether you were a veteran or newcomer.

We also got a new line of spells/discs (i.e. shaman panther line, cleric ward line, monk DD disc) that gave our characters a new aspect that we never saw before. New lines of tradeskill armor and a rewarding progression that involved groupable missions with a mix of raids helped add to the playability. Most of all though, I think the radiant/ebon crystals provided a much needed system to allow casual & hardcore players all to work towards getting decent upgrades to their gear and focus/stat augments that tailored to their class instead of hoping to win a random or have enough DKP to get an item on a raid.
#6 Dec 23 2005 at 9:16 PM Rating: Default
PoP all the way I loved that expansion
#7 Dec 23 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I voted on GoD, for the reason of being in a higher end guild and we have recently beat Tunat. The content to to make it through to Tacvi was one of the of the most fun game experiences I have had since PoP. OoW is fun yet did not have the challenge GoD provided. PoP is second for me though.

Beamish Stoutfist
70 monk of Eternal Sovereign
Bertox server
#8 Dec 23 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
Velious was the last expansion to have a real story line behind it. The main 3 factions and the differences between them. The extra zones that didn't have to do with any of the three were also quite fun (ToFS, Sleepers, CC and DN).

This was also the last of the "Vision" expansions before the debacle of Luclin and the subsequent pieces of drek that have followed. Yes, there are some good parts to the newer expansions - but they have allowed the game to fall farther and farther away from what made the game so playable in the first place.
#9 Dec 23 2005 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
You want to know what Velious Has? great Tier reward quests , shawl and ring,(how many quests have a war like that at the end??)

Theres some fancy sword quest for the dragons its quite long

The war between the dragons and giants ,vs dwarfs its got tons of lore(best way is the ring and shawl quest)

Velketors, what a Unique zone ! Tofs also preety unique.
Dragon Necropolis was cool what wth all the HUGE bones and Giant spiders.

Halls of Testing was a great raid experience at the time, ill never foget my first Big dragon raid there, well iforgot the name but i remember everything else !

Lucin, well it had good lore that didnt go anywhere, also some great quests. I loved Schazraa, the Grey was different,

The Doomshade thing was a fun raid. And its the first expansion were aas where introduced. also some great new spells.
#10 Dec 23 2005 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
I liked most expansions, at least part of them, Ssra, VT, ST, PoAir, etc. But my all time favorite would have to be GoD, even though alot the mobs weren't too varying, the sheer difficulty of the higher end zones kept me entertained on raids for so long. Besides that, the sheer annoyance of the BiC quest and almost being done with it seals my vote.
#11 Dec 23 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
DoD has got to be the worst thought out expansion yet. Although the patchest for Luclin (or was it PoP?) were the worst.
#12 Dec 24 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Kunark for me. And yes, it was SoL with the most downtime...
#13 Dec 24 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
I pick SoL as my favorite because it looked so different than anything else in EQ, even today. Sanctus Seru for example looks like what an actual city might look like. Temple of Ssra, The Grey, Umbral Plains, Vex Thal, all awesome zones.

Second pick, PoP. I think it has one of the best stories in the whole game. All that work to save 1 guy.

DoDH - Result of a catfight between Lanys and thanks.

GoD - Wow, yet another civilation of people, OH! and they're crazy? thanks.

OoW - Overlord?, ya dont say....*GANK* thanks.

DoN - Dragons? You mean like in Velious? No? thanks.

etc etc etc

I hate Kunark because I think its ugly (with the exception of Veksar, that is a pretty zone. And Velious I have no real problem with, just indifference I suppose.
#14 Dec 24 2005 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
POP simply because it made traveling easier, the progression challenging, and one stop shopping for almost all your needs.
#15 Dec 24 2005 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, I voted Velious, and no Im not a "fanboi" lol. Velious had some of the best quests with the armor quests, Coldain Ring/Shawl, the Tunare Quests in PoG, the miriad of cool stuff from Skyshrine and Kael. It had an incredible storyline as well, and gives the person who follows lore and factions an actual reason to do all that xp grinding. Velious textures were an superb graphic development when they came. Was a very deep expansion on many levels. No shortage of raiding options, questing options, or just grouping options. The zones were massive and designed to hold lots of people. It was designed with both high end players at the time as well as mid level players, and has been the most balanced expansion of that nature ever.

As far as cool zone factor mentioned in Magnu's post, there was Crystal Caverns (who expected a city to be at the bottom of an orc mine their first time there?), Velk's Labyrinth (very cool zone layout, no levi with ice slides, invis mobs, a raid mob or 3), Dragon Necropolis (insanely cool zone with very cool lore involved), Siren's Grotto, the list goes on. Almost every zone in Velious has something new and different about it. As far as extraneous rewards, ala LoY's cartography system and dyes or the task system from GoD/Omens, nah, there wasnt anything that made the game easier really, was just a bunch of challenging content with a story line and quests for everyone =).

I think Luclin gets a close second, aside from the horrible taste that all those patching downtimes left in my mouth Luclin was a well designed and very complex expansion as well. Though I wish it was the moon and aliens, but oh well....
#16 Dec 24 2005 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
I don't see what's so bad about LoY. While it's not my favourite, it's got some fun zones, and I like hunting pirates. Drogs were a nice addition, too. Let's see everyone who says LoY is the worst trade in their Drog for a horse.
#17 Dec 24 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Voted for LDoN. Best expansion for the casual player.

PoP is a close second in terms of unlocking a lot of EQ zones to the players who don't have the time to raid with high-ranking guilds.

#18 Dec 24 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
Always liked Kunark. To me it was well thought out lore wise and made sense for an rpg. Coming back to EQ to play an Iksar only deepened my appreciation of it as I spent most of my first 40 levels questing in it. For this reason it got my vote.

I am mixed on Luclin. Don't like the look of Vah Shir (Kerrans/Kejaks better IMO). Don't like the moon lore. But have had lots of fun in Shar Val (lol I know), Shadeweavers, Hollowshade, Katta Castellum, Scarlett Desert... Put Luclin under Mount Claw in Stonebrunt and connect it to Ak Anon and most of my distate for it (aside from the Paludal Caverns culture) would be gone.

Velious I have enjoyed all of it I have dabbled in. Need to do more.

PoP takes the game in a direction I don't have much interest in but I am glad that it is there. I really like the LoY zones but it should not have been an expansion (was a money grab). GoD and OOM did very little for me. I stopped playing 2 weeks after buying OOW.

Dragons of Norrath is exactly what the game needed, an expansion that reconnected to good lore and added useful things. Hearing about it pushed my itch to come back to the game.

DoD I don't know yet. Opinion varies from garbage to great.
#19 Dec 24 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
574 posts
Kunark through and through.

I love the introduction of a new race, and the sense of dread you get from entering zones like EJ when you were lower level. And the lore is excellent.

I have always wondered how new continents are being found on Norrath after everyone has been on the moon and had a chance to look down on the world. Would have thought GoD and OoW would have been discovered sooner =P
The Real Iksar

#20 Dec 24 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Velious favourite purely because it was the last of the expansions that involved faction, lore and general fun before pure gear driven stuff took over.

As an earlier poster said, I DO enjoy GoD now its been "fixed" PoP was good as a progression but for pure favourite its gotta be velious
#21 Dec 24 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
62 posts
PoP was pathetic. Yes, the storyline was decent, but not a match for Velious. Yes, the graphics were ok, but that was a result of the Luclin upgrades. The flag system was dreadfully broken for a long time, the raids were a joke, and anyone that was actually PLAYING back when PoP went live can tell you it 1) made leveling and game play too easy for newer players, effectively creating a much weaker crop of high level players than the game had ever seen (weak in game/class knowledge, skill and self reliance, and 2) Was an insult to every player that spent time attempting to get to the end game (since it wasnt finished until MONTHS after it went live). Luclin I rate low for much the same reason, as well as DoN. The only expansion that did more to trivialize leveling and ruin player skill for newer players would be DoDH with the monster mission fiascos.

Velious is still the best expansion the game has ever seen, period. No expansion provided as rich a content, as rich a storyline and as diverse a spread of decent zones for all levels, and as rich a quest content. Kunark is a close second, followed by Omens.

Oh, and to the newer player that stated velious was mid level content....back when it was live it wasnt mid level. The raid zones and exp zones for end game players were some of the best and most difficult the game had seen
#22 Dec 24 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Default
62 posts
I quote this simply because Velious fanboys are inevitable.

Oh, and not to be insulting (although that hasnt seemed to stop you), but if you werent playing when Velious was live, its difficult to make an intelligent comparison between it and the newer expansions.

Edited, Sat Dec 24 11:30:53 2005 by ZothSoulfury
#23 Dec 24 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
As far as I'm concerned, there hasn't been an expansion that wasn't good. I keep coming back to Velious, however....Velk's in particular. I also enjoy my time in Great Divide, East Wastes, etc. PoP was a great addition, if for no other reason than PoK becames the crossroads of Norrath. I just enjoy playing in Velious a bit more.
#24 Dec 24 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
I am to new to think of anything as an expansion other than Don and DoD out of those two I think DoN for all it brought to the game.
#25 Dec 24 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kunark for me. Some of the best designed dungeons, lore and a real feel of a tropical "lost world". Velious had great lore but I'm not as crazy about a lot of the zones and the whole "endless faction grind" wasn't a whole lot of fun. Hell, I still don't want to ever attack dragons with my main because it took forever to get max ally to CoV and, though I'll never do another Skyshrine quest again, I can't bring myself to blow it.

Planes of Power, in my opinion, blew Everquest's proverbial load when it came to lore and major antagonists. You've gone to the Planes and killed the gods who populated Norrath and are the supposed source of divine magic in the land (though that aspect is ignored in game). Later bits of lore surrounding extra-dimensional alien armies just sounded retarded after that and, while I know the game lore up to PoP front and back, after that I quickly lost interest. So I can rate and enjoy the Gates+ for extra features and how much I like or hate individual zones but none of them can have the charm of the Old World, Kunark, Velious or even Luclin.

Edited, Sat Dec 24 12:57:20 2005 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#26 Dec 24 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
301 posts
I voted for DoN... I absolutely love the Eastern influence of the architechture and I loves me the crystals from the missions =)


cryssstalsss my preccccioussssssssssss
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