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Out of the 10 Expansions..Follow

#27 Dec 24 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
LDoN without doubt.

Why? because it was the last expansion that had something for everyone no matter what level you where and removed LFG from the game for a good 9 months.

Worst... GoD useless to anyone outside the top 10% of players on release, the only part i saw of it was "Loading please wait..."
#28 Dec 24 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
I believe LDoN by far was a good expansion for the following reasons:
1. You don't have to be uber geared to do them (unlike DoN)
2. Instance zones (no training and competition from other players or fighting over mobs)
3. Everyone benifits at once (points)
4. The variety (4 different types of tasks and 5 different camps = hours of enjoyment)
5. The option of doing Raids as well was a good feature.

Edited, Sat Dec 24 13:09:46 2005 by robbies
#29 Dec 24 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent

I quote this simply because Velious fanboys are inevitable.

This was the last expansion where faction really mattered. This was also the last expansion that felt to be a part of the world and not just a plug in set of new zones. You had to TRAVEL to get here! For good or bad, it was also when many (even current players) first experienced raiding. Lastly, it was the last expansion of the 'core' game before AAs and loot-flation took over. Sure, a Velious raider was better geared than a non-raider, but the gaps between them weren't that insane.

A newly discovered continent seemed to make a ton more sense to me than all of a sudden having new zones appear off of existing zones (lavastorm's entire geography was changed, as was nek forest simply to accomodate new expansions).

The bigger question, since you admit that you hadn't experienced it when it was new and populated, is why do you dislike it so much?

I think people rate this expansion so highly for the nostalgia factor and what it meant to the game when it was released.
#30 Dec 24 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
I voted for lucin I loved it.
PoP OoW and GoD come in after that.

#31 Dec 24 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
You don't have to be a fanboy to know that Velious is the best expansion that ever will be, especially with Sony in charge now. Kunark makes second place, but like the man said, it's ugly, lol. In Velious, faction mattered. As someone who factioned up to max ally with the giants, and then changed direction, and factioned back to max ally with Coldain and CoV, let me repeat that - Faction Mattered.

It WASN'T mid-level when it came out. In fact, I didn't even buy it at first because I wasn't high enough to venture there. But my guild had an event to get people Cougarskin Masks, which was so uber compared to what I was wearing, it was worth the price of the expansion. Remember the Cougarskin Mask? It's still in my bank. Taking the boat - if you don't remember boats, you don't know what we are talking about - into Velious the first time was a hoot. A steamship, woo hoo!

Velious had something for everyone. Tradeskillers went nuts, and had actual rewards like the shawl, which included wars to fight. Great zones, great mobs, DRAGONS TO KILL! I remember taking down my first Wurm with a pick up group of people just running around the zone. There's no feeling like that. And some of them Dragons dropped spells, woot! Great lore, too.

Luclin turned the game into a hard core raiders game. PoP put the nail in that coffin. Casual players need not apply, unless you are content to hang around the edges of the game. Like was mentioned, PoP also made it so easy to level that you got unskilled players all over the place. But that was nothing compared to what DoD has done. Level 70 players with no AA, and level 20 gear? That was an abberation before, now it's all too common. PoP also killed the home cities like WalMart kills the Mom & Pops. Why go someplace they know you, and you have good faction, when you can all just congregate in PoT, and all the merchants don't care who you are? The tutorial even dumps you out into PoT now. There are players who don't even know what their home city is. You lose a lot, and for convenience.

LDoN was an attempt to give something for casual players, but that point system, come on. It's so conveluted only a lawyer could love it. If I have points, let me spend them. DoN is much better. Better adventures, better rewards, and tradable crystals. GoD sucked when it came out, it's better now with level 70. OOW is really great. Groupable mobs with nice rewards. Great raid mobs, too.

I don't see that Velious will ever be topped, though.

[Sat Sep 13 20:10:59 2003] Hanke tells the raid, '20&PCT;'
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Jigglee kicks Derakor the Vindicator for 54 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Kymeera slashes Derakor the Vindicator for 37 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Kymeera slashes Derakor the Vindicator for 21 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] You slash Derakor the Vindicator for 51 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Terael backstabs Derakor the Vindicator for 324 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Izumo slashes Derakor the Vindicator for 10 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Ventris slashes Derakor the Vindicator for 30 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Terael pierces Derakor the Vindicator for 14 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Terael pierces Derakor the Vindicator for 62 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Izumo slashes Derakor the Vindicator for 4 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] Udail slashes Derakor the Vindicator for 24 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] You slash Derakor the Vindicator for 49 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:00 2003] You slash Derakor the Vindicator for 58 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:18 2003] Fallonn hit Derakor the Vindicator for 450 points of non-melee damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:18 2003] Derakor the Vindicator blisters and burns.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:38 2003] Gonanab slices Derakor the Vindicator for 47 points of damage.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:38 2003] Derakor the Vindicator has been slain by Gonanab!
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:38 2003] Your faction standing with Kromzek could not possibly get any worse.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:38 2003] Your faction standing with Kromrif could not possibly get any worse.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:38 2003] Your faction standing with King Tormax could not possibly get any worse.
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:38 2003] Your faction standing with Claws of Veeshan could not possibly get any better.

[Sat Sep 13 20:11:38 2003] You gained raid experience!
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:39 2003] Benzin is completely healed.

Edited, Sat Dec 24 16:44:36 2005 by Fallonn
#32 Dec 24 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
[Sat Sep 13 20:11:38 2003] Derakor the Vindicator has been slain by Gonanab!

Hehe! Pwnd by a pet! Wimps Smiley: wink2
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#33 Dec 24 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Hehe, any win is a win, against Vindi.

#34 Dec 24 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
I voted for Kunark mainly for the same reasons Jophiel did, though also for nostalgia. Some of my best memories are truely being afraid as I took that ship from Faydwer (what was it's name? The Maiden's Voyage I think?) and ran like mad through Firiona Vie to get to the Lake of Ill Omen.

In my mind, GoD and OoW sort of combine into one massive expansion, because their lore is so intertwined. It really is a great part of Everquest, once you're geared / experienced enough to delve into it. The storyline is extremely rich and if you have ever done BiC, you would know this. I recall on release day of GoD, myself and a group of friends had our druid port us to Natimbi - it was total chaos (discord!) when we zoned in. People dying all over the place to tureptas and undead, hynids training the zone, bloody chaos - I loved it.

Velious is also a great expansion, for all the reasons others have listed, as well as the general feeling you had when you first took that gnome driven steamboat from North Ro through the icebergs. You really did feel COLD drudging through the Eastern Wastes and eventually making it to Thurgadin for a hot meal in a tavern (and back then, Thurgadin was actually populated with players). I was never a high enough level to take part in raiding when Velious was endgame, but I definately quested my Thurg armor a short time after.

Luclin ... is massive. Such a huge expansion, not only zone-wise, but in graphics/gameplay. There is a definate feel of evil to the Akheva, and not the same sort of monolithic evil you sense from Innoruuk or any of the traditional antagonists in EQ, but of some unknown darkness that is very well displayed through the Akheva Ruins and Vex Thall. The lore connection between Luclin and Kunark is also very welcome. In my mind, Luclin is close behind Discord and Velious.

The rest of the expansions are good too, they all do their job - expand Everquest and make it more fun. However, the ones I described are, in my mind, the largest and most imporant ones thus far.

(note, I didn't go into detail about the Old World because I felt this was a discussion about expansions =)
#35 Dec 24 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Only problems i have with lucin is its incompleteness and NO Fricken Tinkered rocket to lucin /weep moan,throw hissy fit. I dont care if it crashed occasionaly, lol

My idea
Starts in a new zone near steamfont, called Rocketry testing grounds or something,

when rocket gets going it would zoneinto the Plane of sky, then a new zone called the plane of the Void or something.

You can get out but you cant get back in and must tp out. if you fall of the rocks that float around you fall and zone and die
or just as traveling zone as a arealess and groundless area.
Landing on lucin...hmm the Grey i guess :)
#36 Dec 24 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
I voted for Velious. I entered the game 1 month before Luclin went live in Dec 2001. I have never been on the cutting edge of advancement through whatever happends to be the latest expansion. My guild is just now tackling PoP tier 4 (we're simultaneously working our way through the OoW epics, the DoN progression and the DoD spell quests).

All of the convenience added in SoL and later expansions has been the death of many of the social aspects of the game.

Combine spires....Knowledge stones....The Bazaar....bah, humbug. Too bad I didn't learn about the Winter's Roar server until the day after SOE shut it down.

Remember the taxicab groups that used to form up in WC? I made a lot of acquaintances in those days. Some of them went on to become good friends. I daresay that all of them in their own ways enhanced my game experience.

Without the spires and PoK, we'd still be relying on Druids, Wizards, Bard trains, JBoots, SoW and gate potions, a few items with gate procs, and the good ol' boats for long hauls around the world (/gems, anyone?). Our strategies would be more cautious and deaths would again be meaningful. Back in the day, simple things like getting to LOIO for a patio group, or getting from WFP to KFC without a port, were a quest within themselves. Once you got to your destination you weren't going back to Antonica unless you had no choice.

Remember...? If you didn't know every step in the river Drachnid dance, you'd get eaten just shy of the LOIO ZI. If you were still bound in Antonica you'd be staring down the business end of a big fat 90-minute CR. Damn straight you'd not make the same mistake twice.

And what of the Bazaar? Has anything contributed so directly to EQ's mudflation as a 24x7 open market? Bah. Give me the EC tunnel, the constant barrage of /ooc chatter, and all of the haggling that went on. I still /ooc "Selling all on me at 1st torch" every time I run through the tunnel. The 2 or 3 players who are using the birdbath are all like, "WTF?!" and we have a good laugh about the old days.

And don't even get me started on how my guild has been ganking the pre-elemental progression bosses with 4-6 group raids. Small wonder, when our tanks are decked out in DoN cultural armor to the tune of 10.5K+ unbuffed HP, and have several hundred AA reaching well into the DoD abilities. The players who forged the PoP strategies in the late winter of 2003 must've been incredibly skilled. I can't imagine what it was like to tackle the Rathe Council with a full raid averaging level 62, with the tanks dressed in Earth gear and only a couple of dozen PoP hat is definitely off to you guys!

Ah well, back to reality. At least I know how to use the "new stuff" to my advantage. Tonight when I log my barter buyer out I have to poke the Knowledge PoD for a lift to DS, then it's a 3-zone run (invised atop my Holy Pony) to find a pickup group in MPG and grind AA XP for a few hours as I try to max my avoidance before my guild 5-groups the next PoE ring event. By the time we get to Quarm we should be so powerful that a beanie-weenie poot from one of our lesser Rangers will deathtouch the beast.
#37 Dec 24 2005 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
111 posts
A few pointers:
Coldain Ring quest.
The Lore and War between the dorfs and giants.
The lore surrounding the Claws of Veeshan, the Sleeper, Lord Yelinak. Have you hailed and followed through on the npc's in Sleeper's Tomb?

Here's a few days worth of hilarious and entertaining playing: Go to Thurgadin and interact with all the npc's there. Talk to the natives, go through the dialogues, listen to the gossip. It's by far the most vibrant and entertaining environment created in the entire world of Norrath, if you ask me. Go sit next to a bar anywhere else in the whole of the gamingworld, and you tell me where else you could listen in on such a diversified phletora of gossip, slander, rumours, BS, bragging and pure chitchat. Just by sitting down a few minutes and listen. The lead their lives without players hailing or asking key-phrases. It is a world within the world. First time I came down to the mausoleum of the Coldain Heroes, I knelt and uttered a prayer of Homage to the fallen Heroes in /say, and I am an Erudite Necromancer, mind you. Paineel holds nothing even remotely worthy of my prayers compared to these height-challenged warriors.

/salute Velious
#38 Dec 24 2005 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
Gates of Discord. Why? Well, let me put it this way:

I started with EverQuest the DAY it came out, and immediately made a Half-Elf Ranger. I ain't gonna say the name I used, ***** that. I played up until the massive Ranger nerf around, say... a week before something, LDoN? (I believe it was, but I'm not sure, it's been a year and a half or two) or whatever came out, when we max level Rangers with what used to be uber gear could no longer take on Lady Vox above level 52 or whatever it is. Know what? That totally blows. I was slaughtering that frosty *$&#% for my GUILD, not for profit! Everyone in the guild had at least one thing off her, and what next?! We get left with nothing from a Dragon's stash, which was the best at that time. So, what did we do? Disbanded. Deleted our characters, one by one, on a couple networked computers. Everyone watched. No one gave anyone the coins we had. No one gave away any of their equipment. ***** those in the EverQuest world trying to make a profit off us just because the Cloak of Flames didn't have 2 more AC. The guild is gone, and no one will every try to revive it.

We all knew each other out in this world. The world inside EverQuest was gone for us, for a while. Then Gates of Discord came out. We heard from still-playing people of other guilds, giving us a telephone call every now and then, telling us about the fantastic Bosses, and the intricate systems of combat, all the new spells. Know what I wanted? A Shadowknight. Harm Touch turned into Death Touch, or something like that. Sure, I let my sister start a Half-Elf Druid, taught her all I knew about Giant farming for straight, pure cash, and how to turn Tarnished and Fine steel weapons into pieces, small, large, and huge blocks of ore. She made her first trader last night for a couple hours on my level 5 Troll Shadowknight. All the items she had, each one priced 1-10 platinum less than anyone else, were gone. Everything from a Short Sword of the Ykesha, to an Ancient Sensate Eye or something like that. Those used to be uber, you couldn't get any better.

I watched her on that Half-Elf Druid, a few weeks ago, solo a single Ice Giant, red to her, at level 32. I was biting my knuckles, and now, I have a couple scars from just watching. That was UNHEARD OF at the time of Velious! I remember when it took 3a full group consisting of 2 Warriors, 2 Rogues, 1 Monk, and 1 Shadowknight or Paladin with 3 Clerics, 2 Shaman, and 2 Druids in another group to take down a single Ice Giant. My little Shadowknight? 700 Hitpoints at level 5. GoD armor is insane in my eyes. And it all cost her less than a thousand platinum, cash.

Who remembers the East Commons tunnel, all the bartering, roleplaying out frustrations and anger, and the general laughs? The Boats, teeming with Iksars glaring at Frogloks, Paladins and Shadowknights shouting curses, swearing oaths to slaughter each other's allies unto oblivion, the Half-Elves making sundry, dirty jokes about the Humans and Elves that may have been their fathers and mothers.. out there the entire EverQuest world, all of my old guild mates, except for those few that have passed on, the gods bless them, we came back, in force. No, none of us are in the same guild. None of us mention each other. We all talk in tells, and group rarely, and only in the most deserted, forsaken zones, just to remember what we had. And now, we have even better.

If it wasn't for the music of Natimbi, the Broken Shores of Taelosia, I would have no reason to continue that Troll Shadowknight. And that is what makes the Gates of Discord clear to me.
#39 Dec 25 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
PoP because it put those filthy druid port bastards out of business.
I voted for the other guy.
#40 Dec 25 2005 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
I have read quite a few people saying POP progression was easy. I'd bet $1,000 that most of those people got 85/15'd into time to loot their key and didn't actually do **** to earn it. If you did POP the honest way there was nothing easy about it.
#41 Dec 25 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone that can't play in pop is going to say ldon, anyone that didn't like ldon is gonna say velious , as far as pop goes , hello can u say bottlenecking , talk about crap if u didnt belong to a top 10 guild ur still doing pop progression as we speak. GoD, another bottleneck from hell , and one personal comment , what the hell is wrong with sony , gotta hail 12 people and walk 3,000 miles to get ur flags straight. DoD, I like Dod because really, u do what u gotta do in order to progress no hailing no flags and damn good upgrades if pop wasnt to ur liking, Don, again good for the masses.back up a sec, DoD - one thing that was bad about DoD they didnt regulate the mm's off the bat now we're flooded with freaks who think because they've seen the classes get played a thousand times they know how to play em , and noobs that think they can practice how to play the classes they never have, do so in high end play while those that know what they are doing can suffer thru what the above mentioned call learning experiences. In all reality from kunark to DoD- they all had thier pluses and they all had thier drawbacks none of them were perfect , but if i was to mention my own personal favorite it would have to be Don, as mentioned - kept lfg off the back for a real long time, didn't have to kill urself for a group, didnt have to kill urself to keep a named to ur group, or fight over one. exp was ez, the crystals became a cash crop in the game, the worse thing about any of the expansions were the patches to fix the patched patches that they patch to fix the patch before the last patch they patched.

P.S. those filthy port bastards were prolly ur best friends before pop came out , show a lil love n respect u ungrateful mutt.
( btw - I'm a filthy port ******* )

Edited, Sun Dec 25 01:46:41 2005 by Truwa

Edited, Sun Dec 25 01:47:17 2005 by Truwa
#42 Dec 25 2005 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
I like Luclin because it's the moon. Followed closely by PoP and LDoN. And since i don't have Velious or any of them past LDoN I guess parcel to those. As far as the comments about PoP taking away from Wizards and Druids port, There are still a need for ports. Unless they have added some ports in the last year and half (dang Iraq) you still need a port to Stonebrunt.
#43 Dec 25 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
so many good 1s. voted PoP becuase of pok and all the good zones along with the spells, lets not forget kunark, with 1.0s and iksar and monks. along with zones like old seb and chardok, OoW good 2
#44 Dec 25 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I voted for OOW!

I also had strong feeling for GoD. I still do PoP encounters to help out friends on organised pick up raids as well. I do them cause they are fun! But I found that GoD and OOW are the two expansions where group and raid encounters were best incorporated, and not only that, but these encounters requiring some thought process. In the past expansions, most all encounters (save a few), you can pretty much simply run in and turn on attack, and win. With the release of GoD and OOW, you actually needed to think a little before engaging, and made for a real team effort where everyone must do their jobs, and know thei class.

Although OOW and DoN brought what I found to be the best balance for the casual player and raider alike. OOW had Nobles Causeway and WoS with an abundance of named's for casual players to gear up with, and at one time profit from using the bazaar. DoN has it's missions that reward you similarily too LDoN, except your rewards were tradeable via the crystals. This sort of allowed the casual players to catch up gear wise, but not overpower them to the point where the hardcore players would feel their time and effort was useless.

I can't comment on DoDH yet, our guild has not began much in this expansion yet, we've decided to start in the beginning of february. We are working on getting everyone their keys now.

Anyways thats it.... may add more as it comes to mind.
#45 Dec 25 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
Unless they have added some ports in the last year and half (dang Iraq) you still need a port to Stonebrunt.

Nope, take the PoK stone to Gunthak, land on boat, click on door, hello Stonebrunt. Can even get to Hate from PoT without a wizard. And the transporter (Beam me up, Scotty) in the Guild Hall will get you to Cobalt Scar and various other location. I may be wrong but I think you still need a wizard to port in to Sky?

Forgot to add my choice ... Velious. Not a "fanboi." I started just around the time of Ykesha release. Play a Vah Shir main and love Luclin, the quests, sitting in Hollowshade hoping to get the wolves, grimlings, owlbears drops I need and always having the one I need get knocked off just as I get to them, etc. However, Velious is just plain fun. Going to GD every time someone mentioned they were headed that way to get my faction up to do the shawl quest. Endless hours of tradeskilling to make the shawl (not done yet). Sitting on the mountain watching the ring war. Being in Thurgadin working on some tradeskilling and turning around and every shorty in the city is lying there dead because someone lost the war to the giants. Velk's Lab, omg how long it took me to finally be able to get up the dang ramp without falling to the bottom on the ice. Fighting the wurms, giants, wolves, over and over and over for the drops. First time in Crystal Caverns was in awe. The Geonids bought me quite a bit of armor. Trying to get the damn dwarf to spawn instead of the death squad and the death squad trains. And the place I have had the most fun (and heard it was even more fun before the revamp), was Plane of Mischief. What a great place. ... Velious hands down.

Spelling > Me

Edited, Sun Dec 25 11:52:04 2005 by jewelofmh

Edited, Sun Dec 25 11:49:46 2005 by jewelofmh
#46 Dec 25 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
have to say as long time player , i like oow best .
oow took away the power of pop , from the elite snobs who ks'ed an camp jump their way to time .
heh time a noobie zone now an im glad .
oow made the game fun again , in soloing an grouping .
#47 Dec 25 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
My fondest memories are from Velious. Eq was so great in the Velious days...
I still enjoy the game but it's not the same.
#48 Dec 25 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
I voted for GoD ... and I am not part of the top 10 raiding guilds on server.

GoD was first expansion (played since pre velius expansion) that I was able to group with friends, we were in LDoN gear, and best bazaar gear at time .. able to get awesome gear that was unheard of, work hard, with some massive deaths and get through the single group progression to KT.

I beat all 4 sewers pre nerfs, farmed vxed for abit, then worked on tipt till we won.

Was in KT before guild became elemental or VT keyed. Beat Ikkinz1 during that time .. didn't beat 2 pr 3 till awhile later.

I still remember first weekend of GoD and getting an awesome shoulder item off Furbi trash .. all wearing pre VT / elemental gear. Mind you it was insainly hard, but the loot did drop (not like loot that you need raid flags to get, no way a casual player can get oportunity to get drop).

My main is a warrior too .
#49 Dec 25 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
I think PoP was the best, this expansion realy kicked me off for the love of raiding. Luclin and those shards were so stupid and velious and those long runs just killed me. PoP everything was right there simple and easy to get to not to mention the fights were pretty fun and there is an entire variety of areas you can visit such as powater and poearth, nightmare is realy cool and justice has a neat story line. All of the pop zones have interesting storys and following them is just exciting so to speak. Pop is definatly the best expansion!
#50 Dec 26 2005 at 2:05 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
Velious. Hands down.

The scenery was great, the story line was awesome. I still say the Ring War and the Shawl quest are two of the best group events put in the game. The whole story with the different factions battling each other was great. There was superb raid content introduced, and the zones with that content weren't impossible to get into. It wasn't till Luclin came out afterwards that the seperation between the casual players and the hard core players really started to grow.

Also, it was the expansion that really had a lot of dragons to kill. Yeah, there were some before, Naggy, Vox, and then the Kunark dragons. But in Velious you could enter zones that were just flat out dominated by all levels of dragons.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#51 Dec 26 2005 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
173 posts
I feel I am like many players.. I LOVE the game.. I stick to mostly 1 character.. RL comes 1st.. This means I can not be in a mandatory raiding guild.. I am in a family raiding guild. I started playing just after LDON came out. The biggest leaps in my abilites ( once I got to level 65) was with OOW and now with DoDH. They have given me a way to gear up that I simply did not have.

It has been great to see how much better the devs have become in the "Instance dungeons/missions". The ones in DoDH are the best!! They are hard and challening without being impossible. They give good loot, great XP. I am soo looking forward to the next few expansions.. ( but its going to take me awhile to get thru all the DoDH missions I want to do)...
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