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#1 Dec 25 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
Recently being away from EQ, i returned to find out was a new SOE service...hmmm...never looked at it until today. WTF was my first thought, anyone can type in a char's name, and find out EXACTLY what each and every char has in their BANK inv...! That pissed me off to no end, (SOE will get a lengthy email about this from me), anyhow --- i, like everyone else, pay SOE a hefty fee monthly, throughout the year to play this online game, so why should they NOW post my char info, gear to anyone they see fit? THAT is like everything else in this society that has gone corrupt; social security #'s, phone #'s, email, account info(monthly bills), personal info,.....the list goes on!
Ask yourself this: how many times have YOU (points at you!), had to fix a problem with informational leaks in ur personal life, (as mentioned above)??? Why not just give SOE the right to hand out your Station Name and Password, so people can "freely" browse your character, in depth, why not,huh? they're practically doing that now! I play EQ to do what i want, when i want, how i want --- it's my money every month, and it's my account to play how i see fit. I'm not too sociable in-game like most, ppl **** me off in PoK, i have a shortened temper, who doesn't have issues? My point [b]IS: SOE should make persona; char info, a registar to know policy ONLY!!![/b]
If i wanted my char info to be publicized, i would authorize it, which to this point I HAVE NOT, nor will i, willingly. Am i being an ***, or does anyone else feel like your just gradually becoming a nameless person in exsistence, that will undoubtedly become an Informational Tech stat on the internet, with no identity, w/ except of looking yourself up occasionally, to contemplate what you used to be?If i wanted my char info to be publicized, i would authorize it, which to this point I HAVE NOT, nor will i, willingly. Am i being an ***, or does anyone else feel like your just gradually becoming a nameless person in exsistence, that will undoubtedly become an Informational Tech stat on the internet, with no identity, w/ except of looking yourself up occasionally, to contemplate what you used to be?
I will be spamming SOE / EQ with a similar email to have my char info REMOVED form EQplayers...until i feel I'M rdy to release it ( by registaring my char's)...please feel free to do the same, if your frame of mind, is the same as mine...!?

>>> Is there nothing that one can still hold sacred, anymore --- DAMN! <<<

If there IS anyone else out there that agrees with me on this topic, please post a reply, +pos / or -neg....i don't care really, i just wanna let ppl know about this, if they didn't already...

**note** i know -- everyone has their own opinion, but i will stand by this one, no matter what!


Edited, Sun Dec 25 19:56:26 2005 by Mordwar
#2 Dec 25 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
So SOE has created a website that shows nothing about you as an actual person, gives no information regarding your real life, and you feel it's an invasion of privacy?

You might be able to use one of these.
#3 Dec 25 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
WHY not? your char in-game has your account # (credit card, email, station name, and password,: all personal info CAN be accessed if someone happened to find out what the station name and password were....i actually HAD identity theft FROM EQ years ago when i played b4, that was REAL, my CC had been charged $3000.00+, tell me THAT isn't invasion of privacy????
Suppose someone looks up an item they like, MUST HAVE ingame, tell me there wouldn't be a way for someone to access your "personal info" to gain access to ur EQ account, take the item, (and more), and then charge mass internet items (which is a near impossible way to track the guilty party), on YOUR credit card? but u'd be ok with that?....since EQplayers doesn't have any RL personal info on it? Hackers HAVE the determination, and means to access whatever they want, so why give'm a starting place?

Edited, Sun Dec 25 20:04:37 2005 by Mordwar
#4 Dec 25 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Good
Wait, so by your line of thinking, a hacker is more likely to steal you identity and run up your credit cards if he/she sees an item on your character that they like? If you're that concerned you could always use a fake name, an e-mail address that is only for EQ, and buy game cards to pay SOE instead of using your credit card. The rest of us will just continue not being crazy.

Edited, Sun Dec 25 20:04:35 2005 by allenjj
#5 Dec 25 2005 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
I didn't see anything that linked characters to accounts; not sure your thought process on that.

You do know that SOE owns your characters, their items, money, etc.?
#6 Dec 25 2005 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
It states pretty clearly in the EULA that all we do and all we see in and all we create in their game is their property. You can hide all your stuff if you care that much.

Worked up much? got illegal contraband hiding in your toon's bags? Smiley: eek
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#7 Dec 25 2005 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
Oh,ok, i'm sorry i see your way of thinking now... =))
i'll just fake the rest of MY life, to satisfy the need to keep MY identity. Might as well chnge my RL name, and use an alias too, cancel all my cards, and redo all my utilites, while i'm at it.....just have to keep a mental paper-trail, so i can keep up with all myselves -- so i can remain ANON in RL, and ingame. Like i said, everyone has their own opinion, that is fine, i welcome them; but i made this post, i seriously doubt that any resistance to my opinion, will change my mind.
There are some nice, good features to the site, i just have a prob with my char being at the disposal to anyone in the world, that might know me in game, or on the server...just randomly looking at the gear and stats that i have. I keep to myself in RL, and ingame, so why can't i keep to myself, what's so bad about wanting to private? But now, thanks to SOE, i can't! think ya lost my point, totally...but i see urs, just not gonna see it your way, is all, BTW --- TY for taking the time to respond, THAT was my whole point. :)
#8 Dec 25 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
If you don't want people looking at your info you can simply click the checkmarks to block your information. It took me less than a minute to learn how to block anyone from viewing my trader. Other than that they can look at my toons all they want.

Please explaine to me how this is the same as posting your email, phone number, ssn# or personal information? How is someone being able to view your online game character going to turn you into a nameless statistic?

Your character does not belong to YOU. It belongs to SOE and they allow you to play it. If it belonged to you then you would have the legal right to sell it, which you don't.

What is so important about your character that it could ruin your life if someone could see what is in your bank?

Edit: Since it is christmas I decided to edit out a few comments but you made another post before I could finish this one and I now feel that the comment is necessary

You sir are a fu[/sm]cking idiot.

[sm]Edited, Sun Dec 25 20:29:13 2005 by jchapin
#9 Dec 25 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
Ok, which one of you let your kids find your account information...hurry take it away from this ding dong.Smiley: sleeper
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#10 Dec 25 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,907 posts
I went in the first day and turned off certain things, like my banks. I agree the default should have been the opposite but SOE's game, SOE's rules. I am annoyed that the information is so grossly inaccurate at EQ players (except for those who DO indeed wear vegetable earrings). Also I am more concerned that every time I log on, I get the notice that I am sending information over insecure channels. I would like a different log in than I use for EQ itself, just to minimize the sending of information that would let someone hijack my EQ account.

I also dislike that my logon ID appears when you post in a SOE forum. To me that is like giving out half your secure data, they should not know your logon ID, that means they have half the data to hijack your account with no effort.

Basically this is the same discussion people have over inspections. Some people act like you walked in to their real life house and started searching, or stripped them naked, rather than looking at a game toon.
#11 Dec 25 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
You can change the handle that displays when you post or login to a chat channel. I don't remember how to do it, but I know you can, lol.

You know, the OP's opinion may not be popular, but that doesn't mean he is wrong. Throw all the lawyer crap you want at it, but he developed his character, and if he doesn't want the info public then Sony should not reveal it. The default should have been to hide everything except from your guild, but they did the exact opposite. Why? Because EQPlayers makes no sense unless they have lots of character info to display. They are counting on people being too lazy, too stupid, or too indifferent to go in and change the settings.
#12 Dec 25 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Someone gaining your credit card information or home phone number by seeing your profile is about as likely as someone getting your credit card number by inspecting you in game. After all, your character in game is tied to your account with your home phone just as your EQPlayers profile is.

I can understand the general creepiness of knowing someone can rifle through your imaginary bank and all that. While not rational, it is understandable. I had a momentary "WTF?" moment when a guildie told me he was looking at my bank as well though, in my case, it was quickly replaced by mirth at the though of him looking at piles of unused tradeskill drops, obsolete gear and other assorted crap. Hell, I usually wonder why on earth I own half that crap and I'm the one who put it there. But turn off the permissions for the general public to view it and relax.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13 Dec 26 2005 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
642 posts
Jophiel wrote:
in my case, it was quickly replaced by mirth at the though of him looking at piles of unused tradeskill drops, obsolete gear and other assorted crap. Hell, I usually wonder why on earth I own half that crap and I'm the one who put it there.

er, same here as well. =)

to the OP, thanks for bolstering my logic to buy lots of stock in ALCOA, parent co of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil.
#14 Dec 26 2005 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
This thread was funny.

Smiley: spam

#15 Dec 26 2005 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
You know, the OP's opinion may not be popular, but that doesn't mean he is wrong. Throw all the lawyer crap you want at it, but he developed his character, and if he doesn't want the info public then Sony should not reveal it. The default should have been to hide everything except from your guild, but they did the exact opposite. Why? Because EQPlayers makes no sense unless they have lots of character info to display. They are counting on people being too lazy, too stupid, or too indifferent to go in and change the settings.

Nobody is argueing that fact. What the rest of us find funny is how the OP has compared the posting of his characters inventory to the posting of his personal information and how it is making him a nameless statistic on the web.

Or how he thinks that because someone sees that his toon is DA UBAHZZ that they are going to hack his account, collect his information and charge millions of dollars to his CC

Suppose someone looks up an item they like, MUST HAVE ingame, tell me there wouldn't be a way for someone to access your "personal info" to gain access to ur EQ account, take the item, (and more), and then charge mass internet items (which is a near impossible way to track the guilty party), on YOUR credit card?

IMO I think it is more of a matter that the OP had/has something that he shouldn't and is afraid that he might get caught. Thats just a guess though.
#16 Dec 26 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
/t Mordwar can I have the x item I seen you have in your EQ bank off EQplayers

/t Mordwar WTF you mean with no?!?!?!?!

/t Mordwar Dude why you gotta be an ***, I asked nice, here how's this, May I please have the X from your bank

/t Mordwar I am sorry I called you an *** can I have it now?

/t Mordwar I know you have it so why wont you give it to me?

/t Mordwar I am a hacker and with access to your information thru EQplayers I know you are not really Mordwar but Scott Smith with Visa account 4730 5314 4218 5619 you live in Boise, Idaho and your social security number is 123-45-6789 if you dont give X to me I will have to ruin your credit!!!!!

<clip of me on visa commercial using my voice but lookin like Mordwar> So I seen this lovely chartruse pet sweater for my dog and I just had to have it, so I left Qeynos and went into Blackburrow and said look you stupid dog brewer guy give up your phat lewtz already.
#17 Dec 26 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Default
glad to see there IS another intelligent being out there, besides me, LOL; guess Kelti and i are more private than the rest of you....

Edited, Mon Dec 26 09:24:59 2005 by Mordwar
#18 Dec 26 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Anyone ever see the movie "Conspiracy Theory" ???

I never knew people like this existed .... Sounds somewhere along the lines of "When someone takes your picture, they are stealing a part of your soul."

Seriously though, security and encryption have come along way. Your example of someone ripping you off for $3k is weak at best. Nowadays it's probably safer to use your credit card online then it is to walk through a department store where someone can pick pocket your wallet and get all your identification anyways!
#19 Dec 26 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
Jchapin: when i read your first reply post, to mine, only one word comes to mind-----Two-faced, you grill me about being a dumbass for wanting to keep SOE's account private, when they own the rights to it; then WTF did YOU turn ur settings off for your trader???? guess that's different, cause it's ur trader, that you don't want anyone to see,huh?
*remember, it's not ur stuff, it's SOE's trader and items, so why do u care if anyone can look at ur trader?* maybe because there are some privacy issues; ppl know what to go farm, and where? be easy to look trader items up and figure out where the loot comes from, and decrease the profit of a certain item, because everyone and their brother will oversaturate the bazaar, driving the price down? sounds like you might be "paranoid" LMAO
take a step back and /scratch your head, because you just partially agreed with me :P * was gonna also be nice* but who's the ******* idiot now? you partially agreed with what i said, and don't even comprehend it, maybe i should browse your gear, so i can give ya pointers how to bump ur INT up a lil, till then ....don't knock anything you have no clue about, that's called ignorance...maybe in your case, could be a 'lil stupidity mixed in there....
#20 Dec 26 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
alright Audio, just gimme a *hint* , where do you shop, then? LOL!
#21 Dec 26 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
23 posts

and this means?

Oh and why does someone who disagrees with your view yet sets his toons too not display their gear make them two-faced? You are talking about as a whole. This whole argument could be pointless if you were to login to it and do the same. Just restrict all acces to everyone.

Crap just realised, I have an IP address too.... and I just logged into alla! Guess I better logoff and clear my cache/cookies/ and format my HD, cause some may find away to hack into alla, find my IP and have access to all my information on it.
#22 Dec 26 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
421 posts
/t Mordwar can I have the x item I seen you have in your EQ bank off EQplayers

/t Mordwar WTF you mean with no?!?!?!?!

/t Mordwar Dude why you gotta be an ***, I asked nice, here how's this, May I please have the X from your bank

/t Mordwar I am sorry I called you an *** can I have it now?

/t Mordwar I know you have it so why wont you give it to me?

I have seen may people use this as an example of thier reason for hating

Not once has this happened to anyone I know using Magelo, Nor has it happened in EQ2.

It is just rampant parinoia
#23 Dec 26 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Most beggars are smart enough not to ask for items on your toon, you aren't going to give your weapon or your helm away. But that stuff sitting in the bank they might figure they can beg from you. Or they might start bugging you to gather the items and produce something with your tradeskills. I have heard of this happening often enough without EQ Players. On the SOE forums people have claimed beggars have targeted them.

Beggars are greedy and annoying enough now, without giving them a "quest" list of the spare/sellable items from people's banks.

And no I am not so paranoid that I feel people are searching my real life closets, and no I don't have any real uber stuff, so I would get less begging than the folks with more valuble loot. And most of my tradeskills are not high enough to earn the begging there.

You can change the handle that displays when you post or login to a chat channel. I don't remember how to do it, but I know you can, lol.

Thanks, Fallonn, will try to find it, and if anyone already knows, please share and save me time.
#24 Dec 26 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
There's a simple solution to beggers if that's all you're worried about.

/ignore begger

Problem solved.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#25 Dec 26 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Mordwar wrote:
Suppose someone looks up an item they like, MUST HAVE ingame, tell me there wouldn't be a way for someone to access your "personal info" to gain access to ur EQ account, take the item, (and more), and then charge mass internet items (which is a near impossible way to track the guilty party), on YOUR credit card?
You can't prove a negative. The burden is on you to prove someone CAN use the EQPlayers interface to steal my credit card number, Combine scimitar and then buy a gajillion plat from Ya[i][/i]ntis.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#26 Dec 26 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Mordwar, you need to go post on the FFXI forums people are stupid enough to beieve you there.

I assume this is a wind up since surely on-one is stupid enough to believe that you can have your credit cards taken of EQplayers.

for a start the Account side of things is not on EQplqyers it's on another part of station, under a double 16bit encryption if i remember correctly.

As for charicter info that is owned by SoE not you and they are free to do with it as they please.

Edited, Mon Dec 26 12:46:19 2005 by tarv
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