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Enchanter AA'sFollow

#1 Dec 31 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Given that i finally seem to have discovered the ability to level very late on in my EQ career, i was sat by the worlds most xp friendly mushroom loooking at my AA choises...

There is an endless choice these days and i am unsure as to what is attualy REQUIRED rather nice to have, from tier 2 onwards (got the first 6 out of the way.)

I am looking at reinforcement but it doesn't seem to fit the "required" section, neither does Fury since i hardly ever nuke unless the group is very good.

That leaves Mastery, Focus and subtlety before i get the ones i really want (DC and Gather Mana).

Some help from the Chanter community would be nice.
#2 Dec 31 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
QB2 (will cut down cast time of runes)
GM (hastened a +)
Mystical Attuning5 (for extra buff slots, really NEED this imo)
Blur AA's

These are the ones we require not sure if it will help much since these are probably raid based for the most part(I have never played a chanter so i know squat) but maybe it will.
#3 Dec 31 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Someone want to translate that into a form of english please..
#4 Dec 31 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
QB2 (will cut down cast time of runes)
GM (hastened a +)
Mystical Attuning5 (for extra buff slots, really NEED this imo)
Blur AA's
That's only if you want to raid.

I would recomend Subtley 2 lvls (I would say 3 but you'll get the most out of the first 2).

After that I would base it on what happens most. If you die more or get low on mana more. If you die I would get the avoidance line combat agility 3 and, Lightning reflexes 5. If you don't die but get low on mana start getting Mental Clarity 3 then Gather Mana and start looking at the mana preservation aas. Oh and the Eldritch Rune 3 is very nice it's a insta clicky self rune. Honestly you won't get a lot out of Dire Charm and it's a lot of aas to spend on something like that. I use it less and less. There are some pop zones it comes in handy but it's not very often. Also with DC mob you can't invis or it drops and watch for despelling mobs Smiley: mad
#5 Dec 31 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
19,369 posts
QMGB3: Quick Mass Group Buff (not unless you raid and it's required)
ER3: Eldritch Rune (Highly recomended self rune that helps in those 'oh noes' times)
SCM: Spell Casting Mastery (recomended mana preservation aa)
SCRM: Spell Casting Reinforcment (extends buffs only if you raid really)
QB2 (will cut down cast time of runes): Quick Buff (I would wait on this as you can only get 50% max anyways you'll get more out of other aas)
GM (hastened a +): Gather Mana : (basically a instant full mana very usefull the hastened gather aas make the recast time down to an hour and a half I think)
MC3: Mental Clarity (required for Gather Mana and it adds 3 mana regen which doesn't count against the worn cap)
Mystical Attuning5 (for extra buff slots, really NEED this imo): DO NOT GET THIS UNLESS YOU RAID. Even then you'll get more out of other aas first.
TD3 : Total Domination (I only recomend this if you charm a lot it will help so they don't break early).
Blur AA's: This is very very low on the aa list You'll get much more out of other aas long before I recomend getting this one. I wouldn't get these until you have at least 500 aas

#6 Dec 31 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Cheers Mentalfrog that was attualy useful.
#8 Jan 01 2006 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
Ya i just copied and pasted from our equirement list for chanters =p like i said i don't know much about them AA wise =p
#9 Jan 01 2006 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
SCRM: Spell Casting Reinforcment (extends buffs only if you raid really)

This saves me more mana than any other AA, in a group. I have my buffs max extended. Granted a shammy buffs more. Besides, the tips will be better when you cast extended kei in PoK Smiley: grin.
#10 Jan 02 2006 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
421 posts
Here is a older thread about How folks would respend their 1st 150 aaxp.

Here is one on definition of our aaxp.

This one is broken up via which pathyou want to take. (Raid, Solo via Charm, Survival, Balance, etc.)

OOW aaxp

DoD aaxp

My persoanl choice which I stole from somewhere (but have forgotten who to give credit too) and modified slightly but this is the basic path I took (am taking) However note this list is pre-DoD. I placed the Avoidance and instant rune at the of my list when that came out before working in deep sleep and Gift of Mana into the rest of my list.

Must haves
Mnemonic Retention (3 AA)
Eldrich Rune 1 2 3 (9 AA)
Run 3
Another 3 General AA (metabolism, regen or something else)
Spell Casting Mastery L 3.

Top-teir AA: (very good price:performance ratio)
Quick Buff L 1 (3 AA)
Doppleganger L 1 (3 AA)
Combat Agility
Lightning Reflexes
Planar Power (Cha cap -- buy it as your cha hits the cap, 10 AA)
Mental Clarity L 1 (2 AA)
Spell Casting Subtility L 1 2 3 (12 AA)
Mind Over Matter L 1 (3 AA)
Stasis L 1 (3 AA)
Natural Durablity 1 2 3 (12 AA)
Channeling Focus L 1 (2 AA)
Perm Illusion (4 AA)
Enhanced Forgetfulness L 1 (3 AA)
Soothing Words L 1 (3 AA)

Second-run AA: (decent price:performance)
Mental Clarity 2 3 and Gather Mana (15 AA)
Spell Casting Fury L 1
SCR L 1 (2 AA)
Animation Empathy (9 AA)
Quick Buff L 2 (6 AA)
Swift Journey 1 2 (10 AA, aka Runspeed 4 and 5)
Reflex Mastery 1 2 3 4 5 (25 AA)
Mez Mastery (8 AA)
Innate Enlightenment
Color Shock (12 AA)
Channeling Focus L 2 3 (10 AA)
Project Illusion (5 AA)
Combat Stability (get when your total AC from armor hits 400+)
Innate Defence (get when your total AC from armor hits 400+)
Enhanced Forgetfulness L 2 3 (6 AA)

Third-run AA: (ok price:performance)
MGB (you can usually buff a raid without it -- our group buffs are cheap)
Dire Charm (9 AA)
Quick Buff L 3 (9 AA)
Spell Casting Fury L 2 3 then OOW/GoD crits
SCR 2 3 M (18 AA)
Delay Death 1 2 3 4 5 (15 AA)
Hastened Gathering (6 AA)
Defensive Instincts L 1 2 3 4 5 (25 AA)
Enhanced Forgetfulness L 4 5 (6 AA)
Soothing Words L 2

As you need them AA:
Mystical Attuning
Expansive Mind
Chaotic Potential
Discordant Defiance

Forth-run AA (buy before you pick up resists AAs!)
Quick MGB 1 2 3 (2 AA Each)
Secondary Forte (9 AA)
Stasis L 2 3
Various Animation AAs
MoM L 2 3
Soothing Words L 3
Mr D L 2 3 (15 AA)
Origin (7 AA)

Ignoreing my order is OK, depending on your playstyle.

#11 Jan 02 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Excellent links and Info SbS, high quiality infomation, thanks v much.
#12 Jan 02 2006 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
jonnypanic wrote:

Spell Casting Subtlety: Another good idea, especially for the Enchanter. Bad news is, in the higher levels, unless you play below yourself (a la a level 70 chanter in Wall of Slaughter south side), the average non-raiding chanter is still prone to getting squashed flat when they get aggro. Not all the time, mind you, but enough even with your rune to make not getting aggro a VERY good idea if you can avoid it.

The point of Subtlety is so you don't get agro. With the right tank I can tash and slow at the same time the MT engages the mob. You still have to time your debuffs and slows according to each group and tank, but slowing a mob at 95% is better than slowing at 75%.

jonnypanic wrote:
Dodge AAs (Combat Agility, Lightning Reflexes, Reflexive Mastery, Precognition): Get these. Get at least CA and LR maxed... those are the cheapest. I'm working on RM now, and plan to max Precog... my reasoning is to spend AAs on just NOT getting hit when I do get aggro, before I worry about damage mitigation, channeling, and stun resists. On a related note, maximize your Agility to work with these, as Agility affects your chance to avoid melee attacks. When that 1k hitting mob aggros you and you see a STRING of "miss" and "you dodge" messages, you'll love it!

Damage Mitigation (Combat Stability, Innate Defense, etc.) and Natural Durability: As enchanters have lousy damage mitigation anyways, you might want to hold off on this till late in the game. One tip I've read is to wait till you have at least 500 AC before you even think about CS, and I won't even look at ND (more hps) until I get my Stamina to it's new cap. Me, personally, I'll work dodge AAs, channeling mastery, and stun resist before this... my reasoning being that the difference between being squashed by a 50-ton block and a 40-ton block doesn't really matter to the squashed... the average chanter is still gonna take a lot of damage if they get aggro from that 1k-hitting mob even with this, until you can get both your AC and your DM AAs built up. Better to work on no aggro and not getting hit if you get aggro, IMO.

For an enchanter:

Avoidance > Channeling > Mitigation > HP

jonnypanic wrote:
Quick Buff 2/3: Best used to recast your self-rune (Arcane/Ethereal Rune) repeatedly to fend off damage or tank via rune. Less useful if A) you rarely get aggro, or B) mobs rarely get through your Eldritch/Shadow Rune. Better to buy Eldritch/Shadow Rune first, and then see if you think you need it.

Realize you'll only get 50% max on your self rune. In most cases if you don't have time to cast the self rune you're usually dead anyways. Like is mentioned get the Eldrich and Shadow Rune first. Eldrich+Shadow is instant 3k rune. A ten minute recast is actually very short and you can even hit this while running.

jonnypanic wrote:
Spell Casting Fury: You may want to grab at least level one if you find yourself nuking a lot in groups... the rest is rather expensive for a chanter, as we have rather poor nuke damage, so you may want to either skip it entirely or buy 2 and 3 and the related abilities once you have your key AAs bought. Really, you'll likely get more reliable results from an Improved Damage focus... there's an augment sold in the Dragons of Norrath camps that improves our nukes and dots damage by up to 25% (Muram's Anger focus).

This is only usefull if you nuke a lot. Nuking comes pretty late for a chanter because of the agro generated by tash and slows is very high. This is pretty low on the chanter priority list. Even with these maxed you'll barely scratch the mob with your nukes.

jonnypanic wrote:
Enhanced Forgetfulness: Improves the chance that a memblur will work. Doesn't affect the memblur part of mezzes. This is rather useful if you still find yourself getting aggro after buying Subtlety, especially if you're prone to groups that multi-pull. Mez or root at max range, then memblur so the mob doesn't remember you. At max level, this is or is close to 100% with your single-target memblurs. Still, if aggro isn't a SERIOUS problem for you right now (you don't get aggro much or manage to live through it often), then wait till later.

This AA is very low on the list as well. You can see what most chanters think about it on You really shouldn't blur the mob to get agro off yourself. This is a bad practice. The tank is trying to build up agro and if you blur the mob you wipe everyone off the list. If the cleric hits a heal that cleric is now on the top of the agro list. You should have a (lvl 62-63? I believe) spell called Boggle. This is a negative agro spell with a .5 sec cast. It only lowers your agro and nobody elses. I use this all the time it allows me to lower my agro and the tank to continue to build his up. If I get agro in most cases one or two casts will get the mob back on the tank. Two casts in about 1-2 seconds is very fast and very effective. Wait on the blur AA.

jonnypanic wrote:
Permanent Illusion/Project Illusion: Permanent Illusion is a utility AA that you don't really NEED, but you'll wonder how you ever lived without it once you have it. ANY illusion cast on you lasts for HOURS (mine last for 25 hours), and you don't lose the illusion if you zone or log off! It's actually saved my life on one occasion, when I zoned into Stoneroot Falls the wrong way and came in at the top of what would normally be a 20k damage fall... but I was in Imp form with it's innate levitate, so no foul! Project Illusion, however, I don't see as much use for, except basic utility and fun (shrink via Illu: Gnome and such).

This can be usefull for different things, gnome for shrink, fire for added ds, water for eb, etc. Also project illusion has no range limit, as long as a person is in the same zone you can cast it on them.

jonnypanic wrote:
Planar Power/Innate Enlightenment: Start buying PP when you start hitting your stat caps. Buy PP before IE. Why? Because, even if all your stats are not at cap yet, you'll want to be able to get them as high as you can, before you worry about just your INT cap. The stats you should be focusing on are Int, Cha, Agi, and Sta. Buy the Discordant upgrades later on, when you start hitting the new caps set by PP, but you may want to wait on those till later.

The stat/resist cap aa's I only recomend if you're hitting the cap already. If you aren't maxed stats you're wasting your aas. If I'm hitting the cap and I buy the aa I get nothing out of it until I do hit the cap. These could be better spent in other areas that I could use now. So only if you're hitting caps would I get these ones.

jonnypanic wrote:
Dire Charm: This is waayyy overpriced for it's performance now, especially with the way charm is botched since OoW... in OoW or later zones, anything you DC is gonna hit for crap, and pre-OoW zones generally aren't worth the effort of DC anymore. True, you could go to Acrylia Caverns, DC something, and farm acrylia, or DC something in PoJ and farm gems... but do you really want to spend NINE AA on what has essentially become a farming tool? It may sound groovy at level 59... but, by level 65 or so, you'll wonder what the heck you were thinking. Personally, I'd much prefer to use the level 66 pet we get.

Only mobs lvl 45 and under can be DC-ed. You can't invis or you can lose your pet. A DC mob can also be dispelled.

jonnypanic wrote:
Total Domination: I'd say skip this until Sony finally rebalances charm, then decide if you want it. Again, OoW and later zones are bad to charm in, and pre-OoW zones aren't risky enough to REQUIRE this AA anymore, as a general rule. If you're big on charming in, say, PoV or whatever and want the best of the best, then maybe... but if you're not ALL ABOUT charming, pass.

This AA is highly recomended if and only if you charm a lot. Even if you charm in POP zones I would still get it. If you charm buy it if not pass it up.

jonnypanic wrote:
Mesmerization Mastery: This is best used when charming, with your single-tick PBAoE mezzes. It's also nice for your other mezzes, but not a must for a reasonable chanter, and a bit expensive for it's effect if you don't charm much. get it if you charm, or if you plan to get Deep Sleep.

I disagree, this is more usefull than just charming. This adds 1 more tick to all mezzes. For normal mezzes it's worthless, but the 1 tick PBAE mezzes it's worth it. I can hit a PBAE mezz and then single mezz 2-3 mobs before it wears off. This allows me to lock down a lot of mobs very quickly.

jonnypanic wrote:
A note on "Oh, CRAP!" activated AAs (Eldritch/Shadow Rune, Mind Over Matter, Stasis, Color Shock, Doppleganger, Silent Casting, etc.): Enchanters have WAAYYY too many panic AA abilities, each with their own weaknesses... usually being or along with a long recast time. Out of all of these, I would suggest Eldritch/Shadow Rune first, as it has a short recast and is useful for casual soloing (cast it on yourself and let the mob beat on you for a bit while your animation beats it down, to save your animation from a bit of damage). Generally, the best bet is to buy level one of several of them, so that, when you panic, SOMETHING will probably be up... buy level one Doppelganger, Mind Over Matter, Stasis, as they're all either cast on yourself or, with Stasis, technically irresistible. Skip Color Shock if you group in zones where the mobs are immune to it's stun (i.e. they're too high a level), and don't buy Silent Casting until you're ready to buy several levels. Then fill them out as you see fit... you'll get the chance to play liberally with each of them, so you'll figure out which ones work best for you.


You're wasting aas if you're going to experiment to see which works best for you. Read up on them at I would get max Eldrich Rune and max Shadow Rune before any others. This is a 3k instant rune with a 10 min recast timer. That's the most you'll get in the shortest recast out of all of them.

1 lvl of Mind Over Matter is enough because you'll most likely be LOM/OOM after that anyways. Doppleganger can be dangerous because it randomly ports you and can agro adds.

Stasis is a no resist mezz that lasts 1 min per lvl. 1 lvl of this is usually all you need.

Color Shock is too limited because mobs that are immune to stun or over 70 won't be affected anyways. In the higher end zones this becomes pretty useless.

Soothing Words can be very dangerous and is all about timing. This aa reduces the mobs agro from it's current target. If the cleric is getting beat on, and you cast this, and it lands right when the tank gets agro back, guess who the mob's going to be hitting on? That's right, back on the cleric.

Silent Casting isn't a panic button aa. This just allows you to cast whatever you want for a limited time. This is probably more usefull for raid targets and hard named mobs in groups. Hitting this and then tash slow and nuke to your heart's content.

Also the devs are planning on changing the DoD aa 'Gift of Mana' to fire off any spell that costs more than 1 mana. When they do this I would highly recomend this aa for enchanters because it will include mezzes etc.

When you say chanters have WAAAY too many panic buttons it's because they need them. High agro and low defensive abilities put chanters in hot water very often. Chanters have to be quick to react with adds, slows, etc. This is why I love playing a chanter, a situation can get ugly very quickly and seem impossible, and the chanter has to quickly assess the situation and react accordingly. They can turn these impossible, bad situations into a possible 'I can't believe we didn't wipe' situation.

My recomendation:

Defensive: LOW AGRO > Runes/Avoidence > Channeling > Mitigation > HP

Mana: Preservation > Mana Regen > Extended Buffs > Mana

Raid: MGB > Extended Buffs > Nuke/Crits

Edited, Mon Jan 2 13:03:44 2006 by MentalFrog

Edited, Mon Jan 2 13:01:52 2006 by MentalFrog
#13 Jan 02 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
I only disagree with Mentalfrog on 2 points really.

I would say
Defensive: LOW AGRO > Runes/Avoidence > HP > Channeling > Mitigation

Simply because our AC is so bad anyway. Channeling apparntly does not help vs push, but if you can wedge into a corner or if you still have rune up you gt no push and in those cases channeling rocks. But then again I would get it all eventually.

Doppleganger has not screwed me over yet. Has saved me WAY more than not helpped at all or worsened the situation. Heck on raids where you will have NO adds it is fun to use as DPS I get amazed at the number of people that wonder what the heck it is. =D
#15 Jan 03 2006 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I only disagree with Mentalfrog on 2 points really.

I would say
Defensive: LOW AGRO > Runes/Avoidence > HP > Channeling > Mitigation

Simply because our AC is so bad anyway. Channeling apparntly does not help vs push, but if you can wedge into a corner or if you still have rune up you gt no push and in those cases channeling rocks. But then again I would get it all eventually.

Doppleganger has not screwed me over yet. Has saved me WAY more than not helpped at all or worsened the situation. Heck on raids where you will have NO adds it is fun to use as DPS I get amazed at the number of people that wonder what the heck it is. =D

This is purely based on on aas and since we really don't have a lot of aas in HP we don't get a lot out of it. I put channeling in there because when that last add is pounding on you and you're trying to mezz it channeling can sometimes help that mezz land in spite of a stun. I've been shadowstepped in midcast of a nuke and it still went through. Sometimes that cast going through can be a life saver. As far as gear goes I take HP > Mana any day.

As far jonnypanic my post wasn't really disagreeing with you it more of me just posting my thoughts and ramblings about some of your points. However you stated 2 things I highly disagree about;

I would prefer to see AA that do things other than try to refix our odds of survival, like being able to transfer mana to others, adding special effects to our (supposedly mindbending) nukes and (supposedly air-depleting) DoTs, giving Shiny Bob more love, and, if they fix charm, adding extras to charm.

If this happens I won't be getting it purely because the last thing I want to do is pump clerics. Enchanters are mainly a utility class but we need more dmg. I think we should get an aa that makes Mana Flare a group buff. Also make another aa that increases it's duration. Some increased dmg on DC for another aa and even increase the duration of DoD's DC or at least decrease the recast, 6 min duration every 2 hrs is ridiculous.

Besides, MC3 isn't gonna help ya make plat selling KEI in the PoK ;)

I really hope you're joking here. Enchanters are a class that like any other should be played out in the battlefield so to speak. I cringe every time I find chanters who are better 'vending machines' than mezzers. Enchanters should be able to handle more adds than a bard but most can barely handle 2 mobs. I get groups who are amazed when I can lock down 2-3 adds and **** their pants when I lock down 6. It's a shame that such a powerful class is used more as bots and vending machines.

#17 Jan 03 2006 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
jonnypanic wrote:
I really hope you're joking here.

I kinda am, but I'm kinda not. I'm covering the casual chanter, not the hardcore player... there are a lot of csual players out there, chanter and otherwise. For those with no other options (altho, by the end levels, casual players really should look for a viable source of income, as from farming gems, farming tradeskill materials to sell, or even doing tradeskills), selling KEI is a good source of plat, and plat will get them better gear. Gear, especially now, with Gloves of Penitence, Silken Turban of Serfdom, and the like being so cheap now, will improve their survivability. And all that can be done while they're waiting for groups... they can even go to a popular zone (such as Wall of Slaughter) and sell buffs on site (which may not require extension effects, since sometimes people will take whatever they can get while in an active group)... but, if you sit in PoK buffing while LFG, it would help you compete in the market, as well as saving you mana in groups by buffing less.

I also have to mention that I DO use my pet in groups, and it's NICE to only have to NDT it every 20ish minutes. Not to mention that, when several groupmates also want NDT, it makes it easier to have several 'crows out there at once with less casting.

Smiley: disappointed

This is what most chanters are better at selling buffs rather than being good in groups. Back when I was a casual player I sold kei here and there from 60-65. It was boring but I did it when I needed the money here and there. Now I won't sell any buffs if I go through PoK these days I usually mgb kei. I know it's a good source of income I easily made 3k in 5 minutes one night. However this shouldn't be what chanters are best at. Where in any class description does it say 'vending machine'?
#18 Jan 03 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Plat holds nothing over me, i've played long enough and get paid in real life well enough to have got to the point where if i need plat i'll go to the dark side and buy it.

I know its not popular but my play time is curtailed enough by my job without me spending time farming for items to sell.

I never ask for money for Kei and often turn donations from sub lvl 70's down as a matter of course.

Thats why reinforcement is not in my "required" list.

plz do not turn this into a plat buying thread i'm not interested in discussing my feelings on THAT subject
#19 Jan 03 2006 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
I simply ignore any buff request anymore from a non guildie. If you want a chanter buff invite a chanter to your group. Kills me to be LFG and a full group wants my buffs to do a mission or trial but doesnt want to take me along. They always want KEI instead of C6 since it has the longer duration. I would love to see KEIs duration reduced to be equal to C4,C5,C6.
#20 Jan 03 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
I sold KEI twice. Not worth the time vs reward.

That said, it was a priority to get both the kids to 50% extended and the best focus I could find/afford. For me. I have too many balls to keep in the air, and not having to rebuff as often is nice. But it would be irresponsible to say that reenforcement is more important that the core AAs.

Spell Casting Subtlety 3 seems like a great thing.. but I have noticed little difference. With an SK I could slow and tash on incoming already (once I see a Hate spell.. like Terror of Discord).. with a Warrior I still have to wait for a weapon Hate proc.

Quick Buff 2 getting the cast time of Arcane Rune down to 2.6 seconds (2.5 with Cleric Spell Haste) is really important for survival. As TheRunes thread says, it is amazing how long you can survive a slowed mob this way. And we use Cachet as Rampage Tank a lot.

Avoidance through Lightning Reflexes 5. After PoP the effective rate drops in half per Rank.. more avoidance is better, but expensive enough that I would consider other needs first.

Animation Empathy is great.. for the cost of Dire Charm, you get the same controls over your Animation, and it's a much higher level mob that will hit for more (and you can invis with it.. and recast it when you lose it).

Self Rune is the best "oops" skill I know.. and has the best refresh time.

Gather Mana.. I am happy I have.. I use most nights, cause Cachet is the thinnest skinned of my mes.. and therefor dies the most. (note that if you do not have clicky Tranquility pants.. Clarity II is dirt cheap to cast and will get you going a touch faster than nothing).

Swift Journey 2 is a good thing for everyone.. especially at 5/5 instead of 5/10.
#21 Jan 03 2006 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Regarding Dire Charm - Lots of people skip it saying it is totally useless and only useful for farming. Partially true. I used DC to get around 100 AAs. I used DC to solo some fairly tough parts of my epic. I used DC twice last weekend to add some DPS to the New Years Emerald quest thingy. I use DC nearly all the time when I help people on their 1.0 epics as well. And, of course, I have used it for farming tradeskill items.

You can put some really nice gear on your DC pet and get it back when you're done too.

Also, as of a few patches , maybe a month or two, Dire Charm cannot be dispelled. You have to hide or invis to break it. It's very nice because now you not only don't have to worry about someone dispelling your charmed pet, you can also debuff it before you decide to break charm.

There is also a DoD AA that has DC as a prereq. Think it's the 2 min unbreakable lvl 70 charm, not sure, not there yet.

You really have to look at how you play, where you're going to be playing, and how long you think you'll be working that part of the game. Very important thing that I consider when choosing my AA path : how will the AAs I choose affect 1) the people I group with the most often (I have like two core groups I hang out with), 2) my guild members on raids and 3) my soloability (just in case I'm feeling antisocial).

At level 65, I still don't have any run speed AAs on my chanter. I don't have eldritch runes. I do have my avoidance/mitigate AAs maxed for my level and my fury of magic AAs maxxed for my level. It's totally not the way most people play chanters and someone looking at some of my gear (I have a direct dmg proc in an orb of forgotten magic in primary alot of the time) and the other AAs I have trained would think I was crazy, but I'm able to make it work for myself and my groups.
#22 Jan 04 2006 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I'm a melee chanter try me Smiley: wink

I've also been told I'm a crazy mother-fu[/i]cker. (I also have a dd proc in my primary. A Chaotic Strike for stuns.)
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