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Leadership Ability Numbers?Follow

#1 Jan 03 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
I'm interested in learning the numbers behind Leadership Abilities.

Such as, "Health Regeneration". At ranks 1/2/3, is it +{1/2/3} HP/tick? Or +{2/4/6} HP/tick? Or does it vary, with how many in group? Or does it vary, with average level of group, or level of the leader?

Same question for Health Enchantment and Mana Enchantment.. what're the numbers? Are they +{2/5/10}% {HP/mana} like some of the AA abilities? Does it vary based on average group level or leader level? Or is is a set amount of {HP/mana} bonus, such as +{10/40/100} max {HP/mana}?

Finally, with Offensive Enchantment, does this effect spells or just melee? Does it increase Atk? If so, by how much per rank, or what's that bonus based upon? If it effects spells, how and to what degree? And what does Atk actually do: increase damage, increase chance to hit, or both?

I've plundered the forums and the sites looking for this sort of information, and EQ itself is very vague about it, just like back when we had to use mana calculators to estimate what our mana pool's max was. I'm guessing the only readily avialable way to find these answers is experimentation by those with them already.

If anyone can answer any of these questions, I'd appreciate it greatly. They're hard questions, so I know its a long shot. I'll try updating when I'm able to get these abilities as to what I've found.
#2 Jan 03 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
HP Enhancement +30hp/+30hp/+40hp = +100hp total at level 3
Mana Enhancement +30mana/+30mana/+40mana = +100mana total at level 3
Offensive enhancment +10 ATK/level = +50 at level 5 no effect on spells
HP Regen +1/level = +3hp per tick regen at level 3

All of these require you have 3 or more people in your group before you can gain exp towards them AND they all require 3 people in the group before they will turn on. There is no change in the amount they give you based on level or number of people. At 3 you get full amount. (note these 3 dont even have to be in the same zone)

Attack - This used to be called Vengeance wich no longer exists, it's now just "+X attack". 10 attack = around 1% more dps. The +Attack stats on items add to the "Power" part of the whole Attack rating. Caps at 250. We should also note that spells that add to Attack to like Spirit of Bi'Lih and Ferine Avatar does not count towards this cap while it seems that Avatar procced from Primals/Prismatic weapons infact do count towards this 250 cap. See explanation below on difference between the "to hit" and "damage" parts of Attack. Paladins love +Attack items more than apple pie.

Taken from I sugest you read that page over as it will answer more questions you will have in the future.
#3 Jan 03 2006 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I'm curious as to how leadersship xp is gained. I heard it takes a certain % away from your eared xp, but why does it take so long to lvl up in the high lvls?
#4 Jan 03 2006 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
I heard it was 20% off the top.

Nohk got Lxp while I leveled him up, and it seemed super easy.

I hear it's a nightmare post 60, and am thankful for doing it early on.
#5 Jan 03 2006 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
The answers you gave were terrific and answer my questions very well. Thank you very much.

EXP Leadership is earned when you're the leader of a group of three or more and your Leadership EXP is "On". Hit the L button (default, may be different, but unlikely) to see the Leadership window. When its On, it'll drain 20% from your normal EXP income.
I'm not sure how level of the player affects Leadership EXP gain. Since I've been working on a Chanter, earning points starting in my early teen's, and I've also done it on my 65 Druid, and noticed no difference in the rate of Leadership AA growth, I doubt level affects it, at least to many major degree. The one place level does effect leadership abilities is the point pool. Early on, the most points you can have at a time is 4 (or less for even lower levels?). Later on, I believe its.. 8-ish? Still, if you spend them, you can keep earning.. just that's the most free you can have. This really only matters because you can't rack up enough points for more expenseive abilities until the pool grows large enough.. for example, group form of Health of Target's Target takes 7 Leader points. If you can't have that many at a time, you can't get it.. you'd have to wait til you're a higher level to purchase it.
Finally, I hear you gain more Leadership EXP for the more people in your group. I haven't watched for this effect closely enough to confirm it, but I believe its true. No EXP below 3 in group, and, if this is true, max EXP at 6 in group. Of course, you want the max of 6 in group if this is true, because its going to drain 20% of your incoming EXP to have Leadership on.. may as well get as much bang for your buck as possible.
#6 Jan 03 2006 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
I'm curious as to how leadersship xp is gained. I heard it takes a certain % away from your eared xp, but why does it take so long to lvl up in the high lvls?

OK everything I have ever read or heard says it takes a straight 20% of your exp and applies it to your leadership. Everyone also used to give me a hard time for starting to work leadership so hard on my chanter at the low levels, saying it was much easier to get leadership at the higher levels.

I have not found either of these two statements to be true based on my observations. While 20% of your exp might be going to leadership, it appears to scale with your level somehow, so it actually takes more exp to get a leadership pt at a higher level than it does at a lower level.

As an example, when I started my chanter about a year ago or so, I started in the tutorial and immediately put together a full group. I did not get any exp unless I had a full grp and getting leadership exp. I had close to 2 leadership pts when I left the tutorial. A couple of nights ago, at level 65 this same chanter spent two hours in Noble's Causeway leading a full group chain pulling near the packmaster area and then did two LDoNs. Got around half a leadership point, maybe less, I wasn't watching super closely, but still nowhere near what I got in around the same amount of time doing the tutorial awhile back.

So, I think the amount of exp needed to gain a leadership point scales somehow with your actual level. Assuming you need (arbitrary #s here) 100 exp killing rats at 5 exp a pop to get a leadership pt at level 1, you would need to earn many times more exp at level 70(killing stuff at 25,000 exp a pop) to get a point. If it didn't scale somehow, you would either make little to no headway on leadership pts at the lower levels or would be able to max them all instantly in one kill at the high end.

Whether this is all true, I don't know, but that is how it appears to work to me (or a similar fashion).
#7 Jan 03 2006 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Finally, I hear you gain more Leadership EXP for the more people in your group. I haven't watched for this effect closely enough to confirm it, but I believe its true. No EXP below 3 in group, and, if this is true, max EXP at 6 in group. Of course, you want the max of 6 in group if this is true, because its going to drain 20% of your incoming EXP to have Leadership on.. may as well get as much bang for your buck as possible.

If this is true, it's hard to say. I notice little to no difference unless the group is full and even then it's not that much more. I think you also get flat-out regular exp bonus for just having a full group so it may just be taking the 20% off that inflated full grp exp, which gives more exp when the group is full (which, in effect, is the same thing - more exp, but, again, I can't tell if I get more in a group greater than 3 people but less than full).
#8 Jan 04 2006 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
sbs wrote:
All of these require you have 3 or more people in your group before you can gain exp towards them AND they all require 3 people in the group before they will turn on.
Ok, I got the part about 3 people to gain exp for the ability. But the second part confuses me. Do Leadership Abilities you already gained only word if you are in a group with more than or equal to 3 people? And/or do you have to be the leader of that group so your abilities work? Example: Does Health Regen only work if you are the leader?

Edited, Wed Jan 4 05:09:29 2006 by bbot
#9 Jan 04 2006 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Ah, yep, and yep. You have to be in a group of at least 3, and you have to be the leader.

Got HoTT?

#10 Jan 04 2006 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with the scalability thing too - I permanently have Leadership Exp on. At levels 20-40 I made LDoN groups and was always the leader and really saw the exp bar moving. Now, at level 65, I can lead groups all day and barely notice the leadership exp bar moving (actually, it moves so little that I try to forget about it and every so often discover I get a point here and there - about every 2 weeks at the moment).

I can also confirm the "point pool" idea brought up in earlier posts. I had to gain levels before I could get the higher level Leadership Skills.

I am glad to know the numbers now, but really nobody in game cares about anything except HOTT. When people join my group, they never say "wow, 100 more hp", or "cool, 50 ATK more" - it is almost always "Ahhhh... HOTT", or (from the newbs) "how do you get that ring around the mob"?

As much as I like to think my character is more rounded because of the Leaderskills, the truth is not many really care, or even notice. They are nice to have, but how much is 3hp/tick going to help a group at level 65?
#11 Jan 04 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
I am glad to know the numbers now, but really nobody in game cares about anything except HOTT. When people join my group, they never say "wow, 100 more hp", or "cool, 50 ATK more" - it is almost always "Ahhhh... HOTT", or (from the newbs) "how do you get that ring around the mob"?

As much as I like to think my character is more rounded because of the Leaderskills, the truth is not many really care, or even notice. They are nice to have, but how much is 3hp/tick going to help a group at level 65?

The regen, HP etc. are nice when you lead a group in a monster mission. Especially when your shroud is a low level (like the fairy one). It doesn't make or break a group, but is nice all the same.

Have someone make you leader in the fairy one (if you have max HP leadership) after the group zones in and see what they say when everyone's health drops by like 20%. Hard to miss that.
#12 Jan 04 2006 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
also, you only gain LS exp., if the mob cons at least DB to ALL yer groupmembers if I remember correctly.

while most people say, that HoTT is the most valuable, I tend to disagree a tiny bit. it all depends on what kind of a gamer you are. I as a casual player i.e. also like my spell awareness. helps tremendously in normal group situations with caster/healer type mobs. especially when combined with voice triggers (not to forget: ).

and Necros/Shammies actually do care about the HP regen...

have fun :)
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#13 Jan 04 2006 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
I have recently completed 100% of Leadership AA and Spell Awareness is pretty ducky. I am torn which is better: NPC <Gate> and <Complete Heal> warnings.. or.. seeing how little your groupmates are doing ("why are they waiting for long to cast.. and why are they casting THAT..").

Don't laugh, but I use mark target 1,2,3 most nights. If nothing else it highlights hard to see, small mobs. By marking the current kite target(s) each time, I can find the bodies (yes, with one I can /assist my pet, but with two or three it can be hard to find them all in the sea of corpses we generally leave). Or even as intended "you have 2, 1 is mine".

The free HP, Mana, ATK is nice.. it's like a free aug for everyone in your group. Nothing spectacular on it's own, but neither is a single 90 HP aug. But it all adds up.

The regen, yes. 3 regen is not much, but: it is above the worn cap. With max worn regen (45) and ALL regen AAs, I gain 2 hp/tick while using my 70 Lich (Dark Posession). So, this is 150% improvement.. =p

And, I am really glad to be done..
#14 Jan 04 2006 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I have recently completed 100% of Leadership AA and Spell Awareness is pretty ducky. I am torn which is better: NPC <Gate> and <Complete Heal> warnings.. or.. seeing how little your groupmates are doing ("why are they waiting for long to cast.. and why are they casting THAT..").

I agree that spell awareness is pretty limited. However lately I've noticed mobs are using different healing spells so a <Complete Heal> msg isn't always going to show up.

I think the most worthless leader ability is buff awareness.

Grats on max Felicite!

I just currently started working on leader abilities. I'm 1 more point away from HOTT. If I can get that one I can be leader more often as a lot of players consider it a necessity.
#15 Jan 04 2006 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
I honestly think that being the leader in a group on a raid gives tons more leadership points than normal grouping does. Has anyone else noticed this?

HoTT is a must. I have it and use it always. As the tank I know exactly who has aggro and my wife, a cleric, won't group unless I'm the group leader or the leader has it.
#16 Jan 05 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
The amount of EXP you lose is 20%.

The amount you gain towards Leadership is set regaurdless if you age killing hard or easy mobs.

1 clearing of Plane of Time earned me JUST over 1 full leadership point. Most of that came from the trash in P1/P2/P3/P5 (AE part)

Next to none came from killing the gods themselves.
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