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#27 Jan 05 2006 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
So, yeah... "Just don't do them". About as practical a suggestion as those who say "Hey, just don't use PoK!" and ignore the fact that no group in the game is going to wait for you to run from Freeport to Greig's just because you don't like PoK.
No it's not. If I don't like DoD I can get a DoN group. If I don't like DoN I can get a group in OOW or PoP or wherever. I have alternatives, saying otherwise is bs.
#28 Jan 05 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
*Shrug* If you think so. I'm logged in so I could run my lvl 58 Shadowknight through the Tier 1 PoP zones and Dranik's right now and let you know how many groups are there (much less groups looking for my class/level specifically) but it probably wouldn't prove much to you. I'm not arguing a lack of content, I'm saying there's a lack of people more interested in that content than they are interested in the easy, risk free XP of Monster Missions. Maybe it's different at lvl 70 but I'm working on raising up a new class. The annoyance of levelling in the 50's only makes the situation worse since everyone wants to do MM's to get past it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#29 Jan 05 2006 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I was talking about my 54 monk and 65 rog. I have a guild who almost at anytime I can group with outside of MMs. So saying you can't means you need to make some more friends your lvl and would rather have fun somewhere else besides mms. I know it's harder in the 50's but there are players out there.

On my monk I would put up LFG while soloing. When I got a tell for a group I would put those people on my friends list if they was good. Each time that happens I have more and more people listed. Now when I log on I check to see who's on and if they want to group for something. As my list grew my LFG time went down considerably.

#30 Jan 05 2006 at 2:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Well, I wish my experiences were closer to yours but they haven't been recently. Not much more that I can tell you beyond that.
But, hey, have your monk shoot me a tell sometime Smiley: wink2
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#31 Jan 05 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I haven't played my monk for about a month, but if I'm ever on I'm always in Aude's sekret channel. Send me a tell or msg whenever. I wouldn't mind getting out of the 50s cuz they are the hell levels. Smiley: wink
#32 Jan 05 2006 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
MentalFrog wrote:
I haven't played my monk for about a month
HA!! So you ADMIT you can't really say!!! Smiley: laugh

Hehehe... really, this seems to be a recent development. I log into EQ and find half the guild in Highpass and the other half in Nek Forest. And everyone about three levels higher than I left them the night before. Again, I can't blame them and I could get a slot in at the drop of a hat -- it's just not that fun for me. Less so to know that my characters are alienating themselves by falling behind in levels and AA's because I'm not interested in playing an orc.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#33 Jan 05 2006 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Jophiel wrote:
MentalFrog wrote:
I haven't played my monk for about a month
HA!! So you ADMIT you can't really say!!! Smiley: laugh

Maybe but what has changed in the last month? People are still doing mainly MMs. The only difference is those I grouped with and on my friends list might be gone or much higher than me now. It just means I'll have to start a new list when I do start playing him again.

Which is kinda the spot you're in on your toon. You stop playing for a while or not as much your friends are going to pass you up. You just need to find other friends (Besides that Frak was always bad news Smiley: sly).
#34 Jan 05 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
MentalFrog wrote:
People are still doing mainly MMs.
Dude, that's what I said! Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#35 Jan 05 2006 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Jophiel wrote:
MentalFrog wrote:
People are still doing mainly MMs.
Dude, that's what I said! Smiley: laugh

I know and I told you that's not what YOU have to do. I've done like 2 MMs on my monk. I got bored of them and went back to regular groups in various zones. Which is what I was suggesting to you.

I'm starting to feel like a puppy chasing it's tail
#36 Jan 05 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
We have been spending a lot more time in MM's than I'd like to. Part of it is due to shorter play time during the holidays, part due to laziness.

For the record though, I did my leveling from 65 - 67 in real zones, no MM's. I had 5 days off work and spent a LOT of time in BoT and WoS over the course of three days. I was on for 14 hours one day Smiley: laugh

I think now we are working towards doing more DoN content. That is where I would like to see us go as a guild.

Personally I have no interest in playing alts, so if you want to do content in the 50's, I can shroud down to a rogue, just like the LDoN the other night :)
#37 Jan 05 2006 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
MentalFrog wrote:
I'm starting to feel like a puppy chasing it's tail
That's 'cause I'm just screwin' with you at this point Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#38 Jan 05 2006 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I'm logged in so I could run my lvl 58 Shadowknight through the Tier 1 PoP zones and Dranik's right now and let you know how many groups are there
On Ab all the tier 1 2 and 3 zones are packed.

A guildie was caomplaining last night that there was 3 groups in PoI and he'd been waiting for a spot for 30mins.

So far this week i have played

4 different MM
2 DoN
1 LDoN
grouped in BoT, HoH, WoS, PoN (Hobgobbos for Raw diamonds and xp for Guildies) Marus Saru (Alt but full group) PC (Alt full group most camps where full)

I have plans for the weekend for Justice trials for Jark, Hedge trials for Adeara and Jark, i also have a standing invite to group in MpG and the Hive with a friends regular group since thier chanter is on holiday.

Things are looking up for me, i am rarely without a group or something to do. I have seen 10x as much content of DoN and DoD than i did of GoD and thats dispite spending over 3 months away at sea since September.
#39 Jan 05 2006 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Jophiel wrote:
MentalFrog wrote:
I'm starting to feel like a puppy chasing it's tail
That's 'cause I'm just screwin' with you at this point Smiley: grin

Smiley: motz
#40 Jan 05 2006 at 3:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
On Ab all the tier 1 2 and 3 zones are packed.

A guildie was complaining last night that there was 3 groups in PoI and he'd been waiting for a spot for 30mins.
Could be. I did /who all 55 - /who all 60 on Povar after I typed my post a few posts back and saw five people not in PoK/GH/Bazaar or a MM zone -- Two in Noble's Causeway, one in Sebilis, one in Chardok and a 55 wizard who was hanging out in Dreadlands of all places.

I know /who all doesn't show anon/role players but, out of the ~60 players it did show, that's not a large percentage in non-MM xp zones and I certainly wouldn't extrapolate the tier 1 planes being packed from it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#41 Jan 05 2006 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Jophiel wrote:
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
On Ab all the tier 1 2 and 3 zones are packed.

A guildie was complaining last night that there was 3 groups in PoI and he'd been waiting for a spot for 30mins.
Could be. I did /who all 55 - /who all 60 on Povar after I typed my post a few posts back and saw five people not in PoK/GH/Bazaar or a MM zone -- Two in Noble's Causeway, one in Sebilis, one in Chardok and a 55 wizard who was hanging out in Dreadlands of all places.

I know /who all doesn't show anon/role players but, out of the ~60 players it did show, that's not a large percentage in non-MM xp zones and I certainly wouldn't extrapolate the tier 1 planes being packed from it.

Yeah but look at the time you checking. It's lunch time. Everyone's out eating barbeque erudite. Smiley: grin
#42 Jan 05 2006 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
With the revamping of Feeport will zones like NRO and EC also get revamps
#43 Jan 06 2006 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
If they revamp old cities maybe they will make them one continuous zone.... even better would be to make them all a part of the surrounding zone (one of Kelethin's best attributes).
#44 Jan 06 2006 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I think they could easily make Freeport 1 big city now. I am sure at the time they made freeport the way it was due to PC limitations etc. I know there was big zones in old world such as the Karanas', but the Karana's didn't have a bunch of buildings to lag peopels voodoo 3 video card and MMX processors with that big 64 megs of ram at the time :p. I just hope the layout is similar so we don't have to try and learn a new city.

As far as DON being for casual players I have to slightly disagree. The zones themselves are geared more towards the higher end players for starters. Of course you see plenty of casual players doing them but you also see alot of casual players failing them. A casual tank generally can not do a DON because they can not tank them due to not having armor from raid zones. I have watched plenty of bazaar equiped tanks die over and over again with a shaman and cleric both healing them. And as far as Creator being the only one they do might have to do with the progression crap they threw in with DON? Isn't creator the first mission you can do? And you can't blame people for only doing 2 MM, why spend any amount of time in a hard MM and end up with 0 exp and 0 loot to show for it? At least with DON and other instanced missions if you fail you still have exp and loot to show for it, but with a MM if you fail you basically wasted your time.

I won't start a arguement about how SOE nerfed the MM's, most players agree they needed to be nerfed. But as usual SOE can't just do a minor nerf to make them still playable but not insanely hard, they have to super nerf it to the point they are very hard. So why do a mission that you have a small chance to pass when you know the exp won't be much better then doing a creator mission which rewards you 30 to 40 crystals, exp, and chances at loot? I would rather kill greens in lowerguk for PP and loot then do a 45 to 1 hour monstermission that I may or may not get anything for.

And as far as the actual zones of DOD they are not very casual gamer friendly. I have even heard raid geared groups needing 2 healers sometimes just to keep up with heals because of the damage mobs do. I know the day me and some guildies went into the ruins of whatever our lvl 70 300ishaa tank with epic 1.5 and uber gear dropped like a fly to a gargoyle. And of course its all dungeon like zones with KOS mobs all over the place making it hard for a casual group that has members coming and going to do anything. The number 1 thing I always liked about eq1 was pickup groups and most of your pick up groups have members coming and going. That is hard to do when your 2 or 3 zones into a area with KOS mobs everywhere.

Maybe I am wrong, but I figure these will all be high end dungeon zones with the KOS mobs everywhere. Be nice to actualyl walk through a zone with a mob or 2 that DOESN'T scowl at you. I guess I gotta go back to antonica for that though.

#45 Jan 06 2006 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
As far as DON being for casual players I have to slightly disagree. The zones themselves are geared more towards the higher end players for starters. Of course you see plenty of casual players doing them but you also see alot of casual players failing them. A casual tank generally can not do a DON because they can not tank them due to not having armor from raid zones. I have watched plenty of bazaar equiped tanks die over and over again with a shaman and cleric both healing them. And as far as Creator being the only one they do might have to do with the progression crap they threw in with DON? Isn't creator the first mission you can do? And you can't blame people for only doing 2 MM, why spend any amount of time in a hard MM and end up with 0 exp and 0 loot to show for it? At least with DON and other instanced missions if you fail you still have exp and loot to show for it, but with a MM if you fail you basically wasted your time.
Creator is not even available until you have the faction to obtain it.

The problem isn't that it's geared to higher lvl people. The problem is that the people are doing the missions out of their gear. The DoN missions available have very little to do with progression. You can obtain a number of missions without doing any progression. Creator just happened to be the quickest and easiest way to obtain the most crystals. The problem is lower groups wanted to do a creator for 40 crystals. They would spend hours to do it wipe multiple times and then give up. They could have spent that same time doing a mission closer to their abilities and get 30 crystals instead. But nope it has to be creator. When DoN came out I was doing tons of missions. I was a casual player. All my gear was group and bazaar obtainable. My groups were the same geared as me. We struggled on some and never won some of the harder ones but we obtained crystals and faction. Saying DoN isn't in reach of the casual gamer is a lie.

DoD I do agree however is geared highly towards the high end players. Missions are tough and takes a lot of time to get them figured out. Some are doable for casual guilds they might be tough but some are possible.
#46 Jan 06 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
I think they could easily make Freeport 1 big city now. I am sure at the time they made freeport the way it was due to PC limitations etc. I know there was big zones in old world such as the Karanas'

I would have to say nope.

For instance, All Paladins that have completed their SoulFire portion of the Epic 1.0 (and anyone who helped them) are Permanantly KOS to all of Freeport except for North.

So combining 3 zones into one is a bit more complicated than just combining real estate....There are Factions and other considerations that exsist.
#47 Jan 06 2006 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Paladins+lucen... nuhuh there would be so much fighting it would never stop people would train from one to another while fun to see would be disaster
#48 Jan 07 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
I think they could easily make Freeport 1 big city now. I am sure at the time they made freeport the way it was due to PC limitations etc. I know there was big zones in old world such as the Karanas'

I would have to say nope.

For instance, All Paladins that have completed their SoulFire portion of the Epic 1.0 (and anyone who helped them) are Permanantly KOS to all of Freeport except for North.

So combining 3 zones into one is a bit more complicated than just combining real estate....There are Factions and other considerations that exsist.

Well, one solution would be to finally resolve the Freeport faction issue and boot the Knights of Truth out. And yes, lots of quest updates and things would be necessary.

Are they moving towards the lore of EQ2 or ignoring that "future lore" as a bad dream EQ1 won't be flowing into?
#49 Jan 11 2006 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
You have Questions, I have answers, well Q & A to be exact.

The PoR website has added Q& A. I have copied it below. It answers mosts of the questions asked here to fore in this thread.

Questions, questions, lots of questions. I fould answers to some of them: (developer's name that answered the question is in parenthesis before the answer)

Q: Are all the Freeport zones consolidated into one zone now?

A: (Nodyin) No. Where there used to be 3 city zones with sewers in each there is now a seperate sewer zone and an East Freeport and West Freeport, both of which are very large. The city is very true to the original but with updated and polished graphics. I'm told we'll have a teaser before and after video on the eqplayers site in the next day or so.


Q: Mind letting us know if there's still going to be familiar faces in this new freeport(ping fuzzlecutter, boomba the big, guard munden and friends, lindie rains, did I say BOOMBA?!!!)?

A: (Nodyin) All of the NPCs (unless I missed one!) should be present in the new zones. A few familiar faces might be hanging out in new places, but for the most part you'll find your old friends right where you'd expect to see them.


Q: I hope there haven't been any significantly unfortunate changes in that regard for those of us who have put a lot of work into getting into the good graces of all of the various Freeport factions. I'd hate to arrive and discover that I've been reset to KoS!

A: (Nodyin) You won't see any change. The existing factions are still there and your standing with them remains the same. We're just adding in new ways to get in good with the Freeport factions with the expansion.

A: (Rashere) There's new content in the zones that can be used to put yourself into the good graces of some of the various Freeport factions if you want to follow that path.


Q: Will freeport be the only city revamp in this expansion?

A: (Nodyin) Yes Freeport is the only city revamp shipping with this expansion.


Q: Any information on the Desert of Ro revamp? Are all 3 parts being done or just the part near Freeport or what?

A: (Nodyin) Yes Ro is revamped and it looks AWESOME.


Q: Is the new warhorse (in game reward for retail purchase) an existing model or a new one?

A: (Rashere) It's a brand new horse.


Q: Is the level cap going up?

A: (Rashere) We're not increasing the level cap this expansion.


Q: Will there be new AAs?

A: (Rashere) There won't be a whole new host of AAs this time. We try to space out AAs a bit and just did a large batch with DoD. The vast majority of people aren't anywhere near maxed and that ever-moving top end gets really intimidating. Doing it ever other expansion lets people catch up a bit and keeps that gap from growing too wide. You may see a few new AAs to support and expand on the new features, though.


Other tidbits from Rashere:

The zone count in the press release doesn't include the revamped Freeport and Ro zones. Those aren't part of the expansion and will be available to everyone.

...and as Nodyin said, the new Ro looks fantastic. You'll see shots of it soon, I'm sure. Best part about it, in my opinion, is that it's instantly recognizeable as Ro.


Q: Wondering if those pictures from the PoR webiste are real screenshots or cuts from video. They are very nice pictures, but I'm also wondering....if they are a sign of new graphics....are people going to have to upgrade their computers? Like EQ2, if you have less than 1 gig of RAM you may as well not play.

A: (Rashere) Those are in-game shots and as for their graphical intensity, they're on-par with other zones done since the engine revamp pre-Omens. If you can run Dragons or Darkhollow zones, you should be fine with these as well.
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