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The Weekend UpdateFollow

#1 Jan 09 2006 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
Morning everyone!

Quite an interesting EQ weekend, although most things happened on Thursday:

Finally (with some help from my Beastlord), my Pally got the Piece of Marr's Emerald from Arthikus. Returned to his home town (now the tent city in Rathe Mountains), only to find out that the turn-in NPC doesn't exist anymore (killed during the Troll's take-over of Gukta/Grobb). I have waited forever to finish this quest. Smiley: mad

The Pally dinged 23.

The Beastlord dinged 40 (in the hollow trunk in Innothule). Smiley: grin

Got the BL's Expert's Cultural Task and killed my first hill giant in Rathe Mountains. Great feeling, although the hg's are still heavily camped.

Bought a new chest-piece, saving up some money now for a bone-studded loop...

Edited, Mon Jan 9 03:21:25 2006 by bbot
#2 Jan 09 2006 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
#3 Jan 09 2006 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Attempted my first few Orc MM's in Nektulous. Dinged level 37 with my zerker.

I need to read up on them a bit because I screwed up a few times and caused my group to have to restart it. I felt terrible but noone seemed to mind too much.

Only downfalls I see are skills not getting raised and noone is learning there new toon's abilities. Not that a zerker is that difficult at that level but...

Got about 1-1/2 yellows per 10 minute experience and then went to Great Divide to beat up on some wolves and giants.
#4 Jan 09 2006 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Had a fun weekend in EQ. The guild took down Inny and the Guardian of the Seal. These are BIG raids for our lil guild. Also hooked up with another guild and joined a PoFear Raid, took out Cazic Thule, The Enraged Golem and well every other mob in the zone.

Played some with the hubby on our Mr. and Mrs. Ogres. My husband latest skill he's learning in EQ is how to die graciously. Smiley: grin
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#5 Jan 09 2006 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
Took down Terris Thule with Ring of Steel Saturday afternoon.

Took down Cazic Thule with Lucky Insane Saturday evening.

Finished up my BoT Tower key last night, which is sweet :) Also we took a group to Sol C and had a great time.

Dinged a couple AA's, bought MGB. If you are on Povar, look for Frakkor brand MGB Virtue coming to Main Bank near you!

#6 Jan 09 2006 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
301 posts
Dinged Kriegs to 67, finally.

Acted as a tent stake for the Inny and GotS raids.

Kept doing the Stonebrunt MM trying to get Dot's mask.
#7 Jan 09 2006 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
Dot got his mask yesterday.

#8 Jan 09 2006 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent

THU - Netos did fairy and DoN missions all day. Maxed out Lightning Reflexes and Innate Defense.

FRI - Got the mage to level 42 and the necro to level 40. I'm still not sure which I like better. With almost exactly the same gear the mage seems much easier to solo. Though the necro rocks in fear kiting.

SAT - Did another Time raid and managed to drag the wife along. She got her Time key and a cool dagger. I got a new earring.

SUN - Netos finally managed to finish DoN Tier 1 - was stuck on needing a Gimblax. I've been trying to put groups together and begging in /ooc for almost 4 months now with no luck. And I finally got a group when I wasn't even looking. I put LFG over my head while I ran around PoK making Mistletoe Cuttling Sickles and got invited almost instantly. Got smithing up to 282 as well.
#9 Jan 09 2006 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
I didn't get much in this weekend. My cousin came in from out of town, which was cool. We had a good time watching football and he brought his xbox 360 with him. Call of Duty looked awesome.

Logged on Sunday finally. Did a bit in BoT and then switched to the shammy for Sol C. That's a cool zone.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#10 Jan 09 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
301 posts
Dot got his mask yesterday.

Sweet! Grats Dot!

I know Kriegs and Svi would benefit from them too, so I know I haven't seen my last MM there =)
#11 Jan 09 2006 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Got my guild moving forward.....

Took our regular group and started the DoD Progression...completed 68.1, we plan on doing one a night.

Also had a Great time in MPG..We had the Blind Hunter camp.
Group make-up was:

70 Druid (me)
70 Druid (wife)
70 Mage
70 Shaman

We used the Mage pet as the MT! Smiley: jawdrop

Was pretty funny watching alot (and I mean alot) of people stop and watch us pulling at a pretty good rate with no real tank! Smiley: lol

Was a fun weekend~
#12 Jan 09 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
Actually haven't played in a week. Lost my internet connectiona dn then had company come into to town. Probably won't get to play until sometime next week.
#13 Jan 09 2006 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Fri: Raided but had pc/internet/power problems all weekend

Sat: Finally finished one of the DoD missions after changing the group 3 times. That and it was a tough zone to play in.

Sun: Didn't do much. Logged on late and did a couple DoN missions.
#14 Jan 09 2006 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Got my Mage up to 42 and moved into Echo for the climb to 50, but with it being heavily camped with mostly 2box/PL's, I had a rough time getting a group. I'll prob end up online in the mornings before I head into work to try and get through the next few lvls quickly. Orthodox Christmas, so I was home visiting the folks and eating WAY TOO MUCH! :}
#15 Jan 09 2006 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
231 posts
Week of grinding defensive AA. Did all of lighting reflex combat stabilty and inate defense lines.

I am glad I wont be going back to them for another couple hundred AA because I just cant seem to work up any excitment about grinding them out.
#16 Jan 09 2006 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
My update echos that of most of Aude Sapere Smiley: grin

Decided to try Nadox's Innoruuk with the guild (our raid force is a mighty two groups) and took him down with a single loss. Did Broodmother just for kicks and netted a ring from her so yay us.

Rogue decided to run part of her epic and finally work at finishing the damn thing. Spent a day waiting on Eldrath to spawn for hand-in, then we decided to try Guardian of the Seal. Knocked him out as well and we're looking to try more mobs about that rank or slightly tougher.

Did the afore mentioned BoT run then a jaunt to SolC. Bard finally dinged 66 after spending years loitering at 65 while I collected AAs, levelled alts, tried different games, etc. Worthless new "lull" ftw!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#17 Jan 09 2006 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
703 posts
Fri - (I think it was Fri, maybe it was Thurs) Determined to learn to charm fight with my baby chanter, I went to Forgotten Halls and paid the rats a visit. I had a blast! I would charm a rat and sic it on another. As charm broke, I'd mez and recharm or find a healthy one to charm and kept on a-truckin. I never even noticed when I dinged 31. I'm definately going to give this char more play time. She's a hoot to play.

Later, logged in druid to join the mid-50s group headed to Nadox. We then switched to the big kids to stomp Inny and the Broodmother. Won the roll on Broodmother's ring for my mage.

Sat - Wasn't feeling well so no EQ all day.

Sun - as mentioned, GotS and BoT. Need one more drop for tower key for my mage and then will work on getting cleric keyed. Did some MMs and pinged a few AAs. Mage finally got the shoulders from HHK MM. They seem to be pretty rare lately. Missed the SolC fun as was getting late.
#18 Jan 09 2006 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Blew out my back, and barely played.
#19 Jan 09 2006 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Highlight of my weekend was cutting an aug with my chanter then handing it over to my rogue to make this for my guild leader:

Radiant Waterflow of Aggression

Not sure why it shows on Alla as +8 dex, should be +12. Maybe send a correction later when I'm not feeling so lazy.

My first injected one. Bout had a heart attack pressing the combine button the second time to add the inlay.
#20 Jan 09 2006 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
My guild helped bring down a couple named mobs in AR to get 2 more guildies orbs for the VT key. Then those of us fully keyed (only 14) went to VT, had a mini wipe in the first room of the palace when the main cleric died. Exodus saved the rest of us, went back and managed to get further in. Repop and adds wiped us nearly completely.

Round 3, we wanted to keep the camp but with repops it was hard to get rez and med so our cleric took up the odd task of kiting the entire room of mobs to keep them away while the rest of us medded. This cleric probably set a record for longest kiting by a non kiting class of around 30 minutes while we peeled the train one mob at a time. For a guild whose toons are mostly bazaar geared with a few ep, Time, OoW, and Don gears this would be an impressive feat.

I also did an MPG trial as slower (Beastlord, almost 10k raid buffed), we had just unlocked the boss when he decided my 56% hp was more attractive than a warrior with taunts and hate augs. 2086, 2086, 698, 1526, loading please wait. I never even saw it coming. The fight was won though and I got a greater rune so I crossed yet another missing spell off of my list.

I figure I died a total of 11 times over the weekend with my level 70 main.

#21 Jan 09 2006 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Well now for my weekend I finished my epic 1.0 for my cleric(level 56) but my weekend really started last wednesday when my partner and I gathered a group of guildies to start my epic by camping Lord Bergurgle.Went to Lake Rathe did a /who and saw another cleric was there camping Lord Bergurgle so group disbanded and I messaged the cleric to send a tell when he was through camping LB. I had to log and returned several hours later to fine another cleric was in zone sent her a tell and she said she was there to camp for Natashsa so my partner had went to look for LB. Yay he was up killed him and went to find zordak to do turn in. Turned in killed fire elemental warrior did turn in to Natasha,got first shell and camped for night.Returned the following day and did turn in to Omat. Some friends(level 70 mage and level 70 beastlord0 contacted me and asked me where is was on epic.They said lets go so on to temple of sol ro to kill plasmatic priest.Next to solusek's eye for Lord Grimblox(friend's friend was camping LG and allowed us to take next spawn,in less than 15 mins he spawned) got ring.Returned to Omat did turn in to him and then to Natasha.Then headed to Skyfire for the fragments only got 2 that day returned next day got one more. Finally on Sunday,getting group together with friends to do a NRO LDoN when i received message from level 70 friend to get to Skyfire my final fragment was rotting and waiting on me.Ran to skyfire got final fragment and headed back to LDoN.(Lo and behold,starting having system issues...seems everyone was having them).Mission was a bust but friends said lets finish you epic.Headed to Chardok to kill Overking. after several attempts at getting to OK finally had someone suggest using shadowstep to get past the locked door(attempt successful,mage Call of the Hero'd us to OK) got singed scroll. Then off to Burnig Woods for Ixibit Fir(sp) spawned him got his rod.Off to Omat. Then on to Nagafen's lair to get box for fragments.Combined fragments;did turn in to spawn human Zordak,killed;dragon spawned,killed, looted heart;did final combine.Returned to Omat gave heart and received final orb,took to beach and got orb of the triumvirate. Avatar of Water spawned(after waiting for about 5 minutes, i though i had done something wrong.Received epic.Water Sprinkler of Ankh.

All in all not bad in less that 4 days i went from not having started my epic to having completed my epic. Now to convince my friends to help my shaman with his final 2 battles (fear and COM)...

(sorry for the long winded story but im just so happy...)
/big cheesy grin
#22 Jan 09 2006 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Amazing story. Grats. Some of those can be long camps waiting for the spawn, lol. I know.
#23 Jan 10 2006 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
friday - epic raids with hand of chaos, didn't really do much helped out a few clerics.

saturday - mission day, did three MM's then 4 DoN's and a 70.3 spell mission.

sunday - dreadspire day got 2 peices of my DSK key

monday - got the third peice.
#24 Jan 10 2006 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
Sat in POK trying to get a group, solo'd awhile then went back to POK to try and group. no luck :( i cant figure out why no one wants a 64 shammy in their groups, and until i make 65 I cant get in a guild this is fustrating :(
#25 Jan 10 2006 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
Start up your own group, or sit in the zone you want to group in and shout LFG there. When a group loses a member, they usually don't go all the way back to PoK to recruit.

#26 Jan 10 2006 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
Friday- Attempted to get my Boxed Shammy to 60 (59 is still a he77 level is you ask me).
Saturday- Pushed shammy through two tiers of planar progression so I could box with him in BoT when I go in to snipe named.
Sunday- Quested and helped my old guild (not naming it to protect the innocent) through a quest to improve their drops, managed to get my cleric on Shammy's account a 38ac belt. Listened to people gripe about me being at raid, even though I was running heals and managing 2 cleric heal rotation (both my clerics) on MA.

Guild leader of old guild does not want me attending raids, so I remnind people on raids that I help that It would have been good seeing/helping them if I had actually been there. Has become a running joke. Especially when I move them through their epic 1.5s with out actual guild affiliation.
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