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The Roguely Bag of TricksFollow

#1 Jul 02 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
Shendrid the Hoodwinker here, let's face it, the only class who probably has more useful crap lining their inventory is bards, but who likes those stinkin fairies, huh? Always running around like they own the place. Forget about em! This thread is to discuss the myriad of awesome things roguely and useful that we as rogues carry around and to create a comprehensive list for all the aspiring rogue-types. To kick things off, let's talk about illusions.

1. Illusions

Firstly, let me say that I hate using potions; anything with a charge bugs me. I want unlimited, free, and, if I can acquire it, instant casting. I'm a rogue, I deserve better. So those piddly illusion potions that shamans can make: forget about em! That's not what I'm talking about here. Anyways, the kind of illusions I'm referring to mostly come in mask form. EQ Diva has an entire list of all the illusion items except the evil eye illusion that was gifted for beta testing Prophecy of Ro. That list can be found here. (Note, at the time of posting the EQ Diva site was broken, it will eventually be back up I fathom). It's no use going through here with every illusion that can be used by rogues, but to name a few there are barbarian, dark elf, erudite, gnome, halfling, high elf, and iksar. Golly gee, what else do we have you ask? Shut up and lemme tell ya!

2. Proccing weapons

"Proccing weapons?" you say with a look on your face that suggests being punched on the soft spot of your head shortly after being born, "But what do you mean?" What did I say about shutting up and listening? The kind of proccing weapons that have effects rogues aren't supposed to have normally, that's what! Some of my favorites right now are:

Locustlure - Procs Walking Sleep (slow) and is the most essential weapon in my bag at the moment.

Serrated Bone Dirk and Fabled - The regular version procs Engulfing Darkness while the fabled procs the much more powerful and much longer lasting Dooming Darkness. These are ideal for fear kiting or snaring in a group that lacks one.

Worker Sledgemallet - Oh look, it's that handy OT hammer again! Everybody's got one, do you? Procs a gate to the Overthere in combat, watch out goodies!

Embalmer's Skinning Knife - Why carry around those "cumbersome" stacks of bandages when you can simply flay the flesh right off your opponent and use that to graft your wounds! The true rogue is a renaissance man (or gal) in all aspects.

Nightmarewood Compound Bow - "What?" you might be thinking to yourself because you actually started shutting up and listening, "Why would I want that?" Guess what, idiot, free AC! Smack a mob a couple times after you've engaged and used your Sneak Attack (because good rogues know that the tank'll probably have some trouble with aggro by this point) and grab some extra AC that'll last you a few more battles. Good for soloing too. What's next?

3. Clickable items

Now of course, this is by no means a comprehensive list of clickable items, but I'll name the ones I have and the ones I'm seeking and questing out now. Make sure to talk about your own.

Mrylokar's Bracer - Why carry around stacks of anything when you can take a minute and summon up a pile! Requires no regeant, only a lengthy 15 second cast.
Mrylokar's Boots - A little known fact about Fade is that it allows you to get off of insanely high heights without taking damage, try it sometime, impress your friends.
Mrylokar's Gauntlets - Do I even need to explain the importance of having a cancel magic clickable around? No I don't, you're a smart rogue by this point.
Mrylokar's Vambraces - Having a strength item around is helpful for those lonely nights when you don't have your strength maxed and there's not a shaman in sight.
Mrylokar's Greaves - Not everybody wants you to be able to see what they're up to, but now you can! Useful for when you don't quite have that see invis item you've been wanting.
Mrylokar's Breastplate - Prepare to be furiously clicking this thing for 3 straight minutes after an intense battle, but it sure beats the 10 minutes you'd be spending using those stupid bandages.

Lodizal Shell Boots - Oh look, it's more free AC! Cha-ching!

Journeyman's Boots - Requires a lengthy quest but doesn't it feel good to run so much... er... sorta faster!

Pegasus Feather Cloak - "But I don't want to camp Quillmane for a week" you sob, pitifully. Well, maybe if you took your head out you'd know that many of the guides here on this site will allow you (with the aid of a tracker) to nab Quillmane consistenly.

Eyepatch of Plunder - 20% haste is better than no haste and saves a gnome-load of money on potions, even if they are better. You'll be glad you had this at one point.

4. Roguely Business

I'm talking about those items that help you perform better. These items will make the finessing easier, that normally closed entry open under the light, swift touch of your fingers. What? Don't give me that look! I'm talking about Lockpicking! Perverts, the lot of ya!

Mechanized Lockpicks - These are what I carry right now

Cheirometric Lockpick Device - You can combine the potency of this item with the previously mentioned one by wearing these on your hands while holding the Mechanized Lockpicks and clicking the use key, pops a skill of 200 up to 210, comes with a side of fries.

5. Worn Effects

With the exclusion of the obviously useful combat mobs, the two effects which are most useful are EB and see invis, so without further adieu I use:

Lodizal Shell Shield - For the Enduring Breath

Fingerbone Hoop - For the See Invis

Well, that's all I've got for today, make sure to post your useful info or so help me, you won't hear it coming. Why post it in the main forums you might ask? Simple: traffic.

- Shendrid the Hoodwinker signing off.
#2 Jul 02 2006 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
106 posts
Shendrid, you skulking around outside the bar again tossing out our secrets to anyone who'll listen?

You know Stanos'd have yer head for that... well, if I didn't already have his in a bag here somewhere. But my that General V'Ghera likes his blood feuds!

Anyway, if yer gonna' be telling them about these things you shouldn't be so greedy as to hold tidbits back for yourself. When it comes to clickable items the ones you mentioned are fine and all, but you cannot forget those overly Ornate pieces from that dwarf in the Plane of Tranquility. No rogue worth his blade would pass up the clicky haste on Stanos' Wicked Gauntlets, and most enjoy having a bit of free poison at their beck and call from Stanos' Wicked Leggings. It may take a little while for most rogues to earn the right to wear these (level 55), but once you've got 'em their clickies stay useful for the rest of yer days.

Now come back into Old Crow's here and I'll buy you a drink (with your money).
#3 Jul 02 2006 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
Not all of us are at the, ahem, caliber as to meddle with the affairs of the elder planes. Feel free to tell me how heavyheaded I am while I steal your coinpurse, however.
#4 Jul 02 2006 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
nice list of dirty tricks *grins*
#5 Jul 03 2006 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
3,128 posts
A couple things to add:

I can't over stress the importance of having a see invisible item like the Fingerbone Hoop, as a rogue you need to sneak and hide to get into and out of tough spots. To perfect this you often need to see exactly where you are. You can't see where you are when hidden unless you have a see invisible effect item or spell on you. Why is this important? Because mobs that can see invible have a reduced aggro range for seeing someone who is sneaking. So even if a mob can see through your hide, if you are sneaking and stay as far away as possible, you can possibly avoid aggro. You will of course need to see exactly where you are to stay as far away as you can, and you will need to be hidden cause there are often regular seeing mobs close by, and you may need to sneak right next to a regular seeing mob to stay as far away as possible from a see invis mob. This has saved me from death more than once.

Lockpicking is the only skill for which % mod gear stacks instead of highest applies so get when the OP wrote "You can combine the potency of this item with the previously mentioned one by wearing these on your hands while holding the Mechanized Lockpicks and clicking the use key, pops a skill of 200 up to 210, comes with a side of fries." that is what he meant. The reason is because the coding casues only the highest worn mod to take effect, but the mod from a cursor held object is not considered worn so it stacks.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2006 at 9:40am EDT by fhrugby
#6 Aug 02 2006 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry to have stolen your post idea! I didn't see this one =) Great minds think alike and such, right?

It is a good post and I got my Serrated Bone Dirk last night. Will be looking for another one in the near future to ensure uber snare-procs.
#7 Aug 02 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
I just recently picked up the Guise of the Coercer to add to my collection of clicky masks. Next on the list: Guise of the Hunter! Woo!

Edit: <3 for shame free bump. Post your own people (tricks not bumps)!

Edit2: Holy crap, I'm going for that one later today. VVVVVVVV

Edited, Aug 3rd 2006 at 12:25pm EDT by Brudish
#8 Aug 03 2006 at 2:09 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
How about just get Bracer of the Hidden and use that for see invis? No stat downgrades and can cast on others $$
#9 Dec 14 2006 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
Serrated Bone Dirk - I used it until level 50 when Obtenebrate Short Sword could proc for me. Same effect as the Fabled version of Serrated Bone Dirk, but it's a slasher not a piercer. Thought I'd throw that in there since no one is likely to be able to get a Fabled to spawn soon.

Embalmer's Skinning Knife - Negative (not saying it's no good, just not good for me). I thought about getting it. I see its utility, but for me to equip this sloth of a weapon (ratio is horrible) and lose my standard dps, someone better REALLY need those bandages. Soloing I would try to knock out some no xp mobs to get bandages using this BEFORE actually fighting xp mobs, where the loss of dps could mean you don't make it out alive to USE the bandages. My choice for bandages would be: Anizok's Gauze Press, rechargeable with Class 1 Mana Battery and the bandages it makes are real, not summoned.

Nightmarewood Compound Bow - Once I got high enough level to use Blindeye, which I picked up as my worn See Invis item, I gave NCB to an alt. AC is great if you can get it, but with all the other tricks in my bag I opted not to keep the Nightmarewood since all my bandolier slots were already occupied with Main / Slow / Snare / Gate weapon sets. I'm just a little too lazy to want to manually switch this in for a couple plunks before swapping back to Blindeye.

One item I recently picked up and think should be on the list would be:

Necrotic Divining Device

Not really a must-have item but if you want to be all the rogue you can be, you'll want one =)
#10 Dec 15 2006 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
after tss release the lock pick skill has been upped.unaided it is now 250.
#11 Dec 15 2006 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Safefall for Rogues is upped too. Used to be capped at 94, now it is over 200.
#12 Dec 15 2006 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
A Dusty Soriz Worker Pouch summons Shissar Fangs Located in the Temple of Ssraeshza...

... if you aren't able to get into Plane of Time B for a Ton Po's Mystical Pouch which summons Shuriken of Eternity.

I had a great time kiting mobs with 1000's of summoned throwing clickies and a Fabled Obtenebrate Short Sword. I was soloing dark blues at 62, but it took roughly an hour for each kill. Not a worthwhile endeavor, but definately a testimony of a rogue's skill!

How often have you heard a rogue say, "Don't worry about the add.. I'll kite it until the group can take it."

Viva la Tenga! Tenga Muru 62 Rogue of Maelin Starpyre
#13 Apr 19 2007 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Along the lines of clicky summon range ammo there is also:

Stoneroot Starfish although it has a required level of 63 it summons great throwing items: Starfish Stones.

Bloody Ancille's Pouch which uses a component and summons a stack of pretty weak arrows, Hunter's Barbs.

Also, I thought I'd mention that the Planar Ornate armor has had the minimum level reduced to 50. Now you can clicky 30% haste and clicky summon poison buff a few levels earlier. <edit> oops, not quite. I misread the item info. The quest to get the armor still requires level 55 or higher, Bor Wharhammer won't talk to you until then. The gear itself has no level requirements so once you have it you should be able to de-level and still use it at any level. The clicky effects are required level 50 which is where I had a brain fart and thought the quest level had been reduced. <end edit>

Edited, Aug 2nd 2007 2:47am by mfbrownbear
#14 Jul 31 2007 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
The newest addition to my bag o' tricks is the shrink wand from The Deep. I saw that no one has mentioned shrink yet among their hoodwinking needs and I like bumping this thread. Shrink is a good thing to have available for lots of reasons. Raids often shrink the melees and anyone on a mount to help with targetting and stuff. Large races sometimes feel crowded for space on the back of a mob and shrinking really lets you get in there and poke at all the tender bits. Even moving around in some tight quarters can get frustrating for large races.

Wand of Imperceptibility from The Deep has one major drawback, it's the only shrink item I know of that is not targettable. Self only, but you can shrink yourself as small as you can with any other shrink items.

There are other clicky shrink items available but not as easy to camp.
Earring of Diminutiveness from a DoDh instanced zone for example.
Shimmering Bauble of Trickery from Bristelbane in PoMischief
Bracelet of the Shadow Hive from Vex Thal

Then if you can't get an unlimited charge item there are the player made options.
Anizok's Minimizing Device tinkered and rechargeable.
Philter of the Ant potions are available but I'd rather have the Anizok's if it came to that.

Edited, Aug 1st 2007 1:43am by mfbrownbear
#15 Aug 01 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
199 posts
Very good write up with alot of good info thanks Smiley: yippee
Dyfast Rezneeded - 90 Ranger / 95 Woodworker
Slayan Darkworshiper - 91 Shadowknight / 95 Weaponsmith
#16 Aug 01 2007 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Is the info on ornate correct mf brownbear?
I tried getting ornate boots for my 53 druid back in february. Man took my money and didnt give me a symbol for the armor.
#17 Aug 01 2007 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
The Ornate armor as long as I can remember, has only benn 50 req on the item, but you can't get the quests until 55.

Yther Ore.
#18 Aug 01 2007 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, my bad. I mistook the required level for using the clicky effects for the required level to do the quest. I edited previous post.
#19 Aug 22 2007 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
It's been a few weeks since I've bumped this thread, so I'm copying in the info I posted in another thread regarding Rogue Illusions.

Mask of Deception - Lower Guk - a ghoul assassin. NO TRADE, clickable from inventory.

Guise of the Deceiver - Shadow Haven - King's Court Casino. NO TRADE, clickable from inventory by any class.

Burnoose of the Halfbreed - Jaggedpine Forest - Zed Sticklebush. NO TRADE, must equip to use.

Amulet of Necropotence - Plane of Fear - multiple boss mobs. Tradeable, clickable from inventory by any class. Several other items also have illusion skeleton or illusion frost bone skeleton (Frost Bone was from a Halloween quest that may or may not be available in future).

Crown of Deceit - Upper Guk - Quested: Crown of Deceit. NO TRADE, clickable from inventory by any class.

Guise of the Coercer - Kithicor Forest - Quested: Stanos' Head. NO TRADE, clickable from inventory.

Iksar Hide Mask - Trakanon's Teeth - Harbinger Dronik. Tradeable, clickable from inventory.

Mask of Obtenebration - Charasis (Howling Stones) - Skeletal Procurator. Tradeable, clickable from inventory.

Desiccated Halfling Mask - Chardok - Overseer Dal'guur. NO TRADE, clickable from inventory.

Mask of Tinkering - No longer drops. Tradeable, clickable from inventory.

Besmirched Mask of Conception - Kerafyrm's Lair (Sleeper's Tomb) - Multiple Ancient dragon guardians. NO TRADE, must equip to use.

Flayed Barbarian Hide Mask - Kael Drakkel - The Avatar of War. Tradeable, must equip to use.

Guise of the Hunter - Ssraeshza Temple - Shissar Assassin. NO TRADE, clickable from inventory.

Circlet of Disguise - Vex Thal - Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra. NO TRADE, clickable from inventory by any class.

Ball of Golem Clay - Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands (PoEarth) - A Korascian Warlord. NO TRADE, clickable from inventory by any class.

Visage of the Brute - Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles - Quested: Cragbeast Queen: Visage of the Brute. NO TRADE, clickable from inventory.

Guise of Horror - Crafted - Quested: Guise of Horror. NO TRADE, must equip to use.

Guktan Pastwatch Eye - Dropped only during The War event.

Woven Shadow Stone - Dreadspire Keep: Demi-Plane of Blood - Graniteclaw raid chest loot.

Editing to add:
Veil of Flames - Vex Thal - Diablo Xi Xin. NO TRADE, must equip to use, MNK/BRD/ROG/BST/BER usable.

There may be more but that's the majority of the ones I've seen. Of course now there are going to be all the clicky illusion items available from the LoN trading card game they released that gives in-game rewards, but I won't try to account for those.

Edited, Dec 15th 2007 9:32pm by mfbrownbear
#20 Dec 15 2007 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
Bump time for my favorite thread. I know necroposting is generally bad but this is still only a one page thread and has lots of useful info.

This thread was geared mostly toward items and equipment you would find useful while out in the field, performing your dastardly best for the benefit of your group and your pocketbook. Some things in your bag of tricks, however, are going to be more useful in your downtimes in between adventuring.

While most of the items originally listed were usable by any level or low level rogues, some of the more advanced tricks only become available as you progress to the mid-high levels. Toward that end I have been trying to complete some of the defining rogue quests that result in items that help you be a better rogue.

So, add to my Bag of Tricks:

Grandmaster Assassin's Seal - Quested - summons Coffin Bottles which can be used to combine many planar poisons into 10-dose versions, including the clicky one you get from the Stanos' Wicked Leggings. The ones you summon are no rent, but when combined in a coffin bottle the 10-dose version is permanent. The Seal is also needed in order to complete another roguely quest to receive ..

Master Sketch - Quested - useful in making some nifty high end poisons. The best one of which is a proc buff that lowers your agro by 250 points each time it goes off, called Dreams of Drusella.

I'd also like to mention that the same week I finished the Master Sketch quest, I finally got my lev cloak from Quillmane. Yay me, no more Philter of Gulon's Impunity!

I've also gotten myself the Peerless Pestle, which I had long before doing most of my other questing actually, and is also useful for being the best rogue you can be during time between adventuring.

Some of these quests are not for the faint of heart to attempt, or for those without patience and determination. The GM trophy takes quite a while and a lot of tradeskilling to max out. Between all these quests I had to turn in 2 Grandmaster Assassin's Vials, a Burning Rapier, a Shrieking Ahlspiess and an Eyerazzia. I had to camp Blackburrow for hours and spend more hours trying to pickpocket a rogue GM in Kelethin.

That brings this edition of 'What's in Your Bag?' to a close. See you next time folks .. before you see me probably.
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