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#1 Oct 05 2006 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
Hello, can someone help me with how to use or how the LOC ( pos, neg ) work?
I only find a loc by running around like a chicken with it head cut off , pushing the LOC key...
I'm so bad at this my main is a druid so I can TP or succor if needed to start again. I'm sorry to say I've played a long time too (1999).
I know this cann't be as hard as I make it. any post or place where how to do this? Like, LOC for Dummies..... Thanks
#2 Oct 05 2006 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts

/loc (or /l) -- You may want to put this command in your hot keys so that you can use it when you are about to die. Then you only have to scroll back up to see where your corpse is located. You can also use /loc to keep track of important locations within a zone or to coordinate positions with a friend. It gives you an X-Y set of coordinates of where you are or where the object you are targeting is. It works as follows: X - This is your North/South direction. The higher the number, the further North you are, and the lower the number the further South you are. Y - This is your East/West direction. The higher the number, the further West you are, and the lower the number, the further East you are. If you're trying to track down something and you have the coordinates but don't want to deal with the North/East/South/West thing, all you have to do is start walking around while rapidly using the /loc command and see the difference in x,y while you walk in different direcitions. If your current x is higher than the x you're trying to find, change directions until x starts to get smaller. If you keep using /loc you should narrow in on an x,y location very quickly. Remember to be in the same zone though. (Thanks to Zauron for the input on /loc)
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#3 Oct 05 2006 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
So the frist Number is North/ south (if you want a higher number than your at go north?)------(Lower go south)

the second number is West/east (if you want a higher number than your at go west?)---------(lower go east)

Sorry I just want to get this right this has been a pain to me..

Thanks Again
#4 Oct 05 2006 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
Yes, correct.

/loc dispalys X first, Y second (Z last but that is just elevation, up and down and not important in finding out where you or something is usually)
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#5 Oct 05 2006 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
Thank You Relya,
I made a post it note
Doing the Wanderlust Quset and haveing a hard time.
Hope this will help me.
It can be that hard (I think)
#6 Oct 05 2006 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
When I'm trying to find something with the in-game coordinate system, I'll usually try and first get on my N-S coordinate, and only then go due E or W to get the second coordinate. I find this much easier than trying to cut across n/s, e/w coordinates at the same time.

As example; I'm at (430, -255) and need to go to (1200, 100). I would go due north till I reached 1200, and then turn 90 degrees to go due east to reach the second coordinate, 100.

Of course the third number the z coordinate can be helpful when in multilevel dungeons etc otherwise it's not terribly necessary.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#7 Oct 05 2006 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
I HATE eq loc system. My brain just refuses to grasp the concept. That said, I need to go to certain locs a LOT so I use... It's fantastic.
#8 Oct 05 2006 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
The only problem I've ever really had with the EQ loc system is it's the opposite of the military grid system. Read right and up in the military, up and right in EQ. So I always end up traveling on the wrong axis at first.
#9 Oct 05 2006 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
Myzeri Thanks
I down loaded the Compass
I need all the help I can get....
#10 Sep 14 2016 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Reyla wrote:

/loc (or /l) -- You may want to put this command in your hot keys so that you can use it when you are about to die. Then you only have to scroll back up to see where your corpse is located. You can also use /loc to keep track of important locations within a zone or to coordinate positions with a friend. It gives you an X-Y set of coordinates of where you are or where the object you are targeting is. It works as follows: X - This is your North/South direction. The higher the number, the further North you are, and the lower the number the further South you are. Y - This is your East/West direction. The higher the number, the further West you are, and the lower the number, the further East you are. If you're trying to track down something and you have the coordinates but don't want to deal with the North/East/South/West thing, all you have to do is start walking around while rapidly using the /loc command and see the difference in x,y while you walk in different direcitions. If your current x is higher than the x you're trying to find, change directions until x starts to get smaller. If you keep using /loc you should narrow in on an x,y location very quickly. Remember to be in the same zone though. (Thanks to Zauron for the input on /loc)

No wonder I have such problems finding anything using loc co-ordinates. From this explanation a zone coordinates grid would be something like this, where:

NE is N + & E —
SE is S — & E —
SW is S — & W +
NW is N + & W +
0 being the centre of the map.

I was operating under the assumption that WEST was NEGATIVE due to it being to the left of zero, like a standard math graph.
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