If you want caster DPS and survivability, go Necro.
If you simply want to hit something harder than anybody else (on a a per shot basis), go WAR or BERZ.
If you want to consistently put out damage to a mob and at the end of the day be the DPS king, go Monk.
You didn't mention if soling or grouping.
If you must have spellcasting, go Necro.
If you don't care about spells and don't mind running when you could be porting, go Monk.
Monks can heal them selves. (Necros can...but not if they are being interupted!!
Monks can Feign Death and live to tell the tale. (LOL see above)
Can you tell I love my Monk?
Why I like Monks, especially if you looking for DPS:
NO spell interuption
NO spells to buy/craft/quest
Feign Death for surviving and to drop aggro so your WAR can bleed instead...like he's supposed to.
AA's and leveling add bonuses and tricks to your Kung-Fu moves as you level.
Monk "mez" for splitting mobs. (Side note here: I have NEVER had a mob failed to be "MONK MEZZED", EVER)
Much higher AC and HP than casters.
Things I DON'T like about monks:
Most decent BAZ gear that is monk usable is also DRU/BST/SHM usable. This means market prices suck because
1. 1HB and 2HB are universally (almost) usable by anyone. Large demand for 2/3 of your total weapon choices.
2. All that gear is also loaded with MANA which you don't care about but drives up the darned price (alot).
If you are a monk your special abilities (AKA Ninja Skilz..LOL) are largely time linked to one another. So if you use, say 100 fist discipline (12 seconds super-haste) you can not only not use that skill for 30 mins or so because its on a timer, but any other skill on that timer is also unusable. The fact that SoE has not fixed this is criminal. So, with 6-10 special skills available at say, lvl 60, in 30 mins you can only use about 4-5 skills
if timed correctly.
If you are
all about grinding your opponent into meat loaf, and no other consideration is important, at the end of the day pick a monk.
But you will require patience, Grasshopper. Lots and lots of patience.
GOOD LUCK and have fun whatever you coose!