Here is the most recent parse from the orc in solteris for my guild.
Damage by Total % of Tot Time DPS / Scaled Hits Max hit Avg hit Dmg to PC NPC DPS Special
Rogue 559414 6.24% 87 6430 / 6357 453 15567 1234 0 0
Zerker 485689 5.42% 87 5583 / 5519 270 11508 1798 0 0
Zerker 421484 4.7% 88 4790 / 4790 224 10788 1881 0 0
Rogue 408350 4.55% 84 4861 / 4640 437 13368 934 0 0
Monk 391068 4.36% 87 4495 / 4444 627 17488 623 5324 5324
Wizard 340080 3.79% 80 4251 / 3865 32 32401 10627 0 0 7
Zerker 336913 3.76% 86 3918 / 3829 174 11830 1936 0 0
Zerker 320361 3.57% 86 3725 / 3640 245 7102 1307 0 0
Wizard + pets 315981 3.52% 82 3853 / 3591 70 30217 4514 0 0
Ranger 287685 3.21% 84 3425 / 3269 357 11147 805 0 0
Wizard + pets 287072 3.2% 79 3634 / 3262 55 31527 5219 7240 7240
Ranger 286866 3.2% 88 3260 / 3260 438 6538 654 0 0
Necro + pets 284672 3.17% 86 3310 / 3235 325 22568 875 8325 8325
Wizard 245515 2.74% 76 3230 / 2790 21 36246 11691 0 0
Beastlord + pets 234497 2.62% 87 2695 / 2665 587 7820 399 0 0
Wizard + pets 231601 2.58% 81 2859 / 2632 39 32752 5938 0 0
Necro + pets 226549 2.53% 87 2604 / 2574 333 18987 680 4842 4842
Ranger 218027 2.43% 88 2478 / 2478 478 2361 456 5350 5350
Ranger 207740 2.32% 87 2388 / 2361 434 4009 478 3780 3780
Wizard + pets 194105 2.16% 81 2396 / 2206 585 10949 331 34899 5816
Ranger 183329 2.04% 87 2107 / 2083 384 4132 477 0 0
We are a "dps heavy" guild. And as you can see by the top 21 people here (out of a full 54 man raid), that the top dps melee classes by far are rogues and zerkers, followed by monks, rangers, and beastlords.
The top dps caster classes are wizards and necros. There are NO other casters on the list above. Sorry, no chanters in the top 20.
Raolan wrote:
Play style and effectiveness doesn't account for class design.
Experience may make a player knowledgeable but it's how that knowledge is used that makes a player skillful.
You said it yourself, the reason he is top DPS is because of how he's "equipped" (gear and AAs) and the fact that he doesn't have any equally equipped competition. An equally equipped Zerker, Rogue or Monk would out DPS him in a second as long as they had enough skill to play their class competently.
Quoted for truth and emphasis
By the way, I am #18 on that parse, and I still have a couple lines of dps aa's to fill, including Lightning Strikes, which I am working on now.