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#1 Jul 09 2009 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
Although the mercenaries are good life support, our numbers continue to drop. It seems as if all but three servers (Luclin, A-B and Maelin) are suffering from lack of players.

SoE ignores our pleas for server mergers. If EQ's engine is so old, they could make three new servers with new engine design and let all of us move to one of those three.

Maybe a poll will tell them more. Please vote!

Server mergers now!
If you are not on one of the three servers mentioned above, would you be in favor of server mergers?
Yes :77 (61.6%)
No :36 (28.8%)
It would bring me back to EQ.:6 (4.8%)
It would not bring me back to EQ.:6 (4.8%)

Lee of Quellious
Fight smarter not harder.
#2 Jul 09 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
761 posts
In my opinion the New Server hurt the population of the other servers. Did not bring in the “New, Never Played EQ, Player to the game.
In the voting thread (above) you did not include a PvP server? There is one “Zek”, I know the poor step child of EQ, but there are a lot of die hard players there. Your pole is reflecting those numbers and other servers with specific rules or style of play.
I agree they need to combine some servers but they have to include all aspects of playing styles.
This is not a new subject either. The population problem has been happening for years and has been addressed here.;mid=1228771497304713574;page=1
With a lot of good solutions. But SoE has to market EverQuest to the Never Played Before Player. If you combine the servers all you do is prolong the inevitable. You need to generate enthusiasm with the playing population, so they will encourage more play.
I have noticed there was an increase of population on Zek, until the new Server came aboard, and now the population has been cut in half. Good move SoE. Lot of these comeback and new players were migrating from WoW. This is a good thing.
If SOE would spend a little time in marketing outside instead of within game it would do wonders. But I have no respect for there marketing department. IT IS A JOKE.

Edited, Jul 9th 2009 7:34pm by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#3 Jul 09 2009 at 8:27 PM Rating: Excellent
My hardest core gamer son said to me about 3 yrs ago, "I'd like to come back to EQ but there's nobody there!"
Fight smarter not harder.
#4 Jul 10 2009 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
761 posts
Good Morning 07/10/09 ..must of been a patch last night? Only 86 traders up and 106 in General Chat on Zek!!! SoE should never of open up that other server. They should of directed any effort to promoting & advertising EverQuest in general. Especialy with the real life economy down people are looking for inexpensive entertainment. I wonder how they make dicisions? Flip a coin?
Keep you head in the sand SoE.

Edited, Jul 10th 2009 10:51am by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#5 Jul 10 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
122 posts
I would be in favor of server merges. I have played EQ off and on now since 2000, starting before Velious was released. I have taken a couple of 2-3 year breaks since then, so each time I come back the game has changed quite a bit. I just started over again a few weeks ago on the first server I ever played on, Fennin Ro, and while leveling from 1-50 I dont believe I ever saw more than 5 people in any of the zones I leveled in, including the hotzones, and most of the time it was just myself. I feel that no matter WHO SOE is trying to cater to, whether it be totally new players to the game, returning off and on players like myself, or players with more level 85 characters than they can count on their hands, server mergers would be a good idea and beneficial to all. I dont see how it would hurt anything to have more people on less servers. This is all from a relatively casual player, though.
#6 Jul 11 2009 at 4:41 AM Rating: Excellent
221 posts
UnholyCzars wrote:
My hardest core gamer son said to me about 3 yrs ago, "I'd like to come back to EQ but there's nobody there!"

Well Said!

It has taken me some time to come up with a possible solution or alternative, just in case merging servers is not possible due to conflicts with titles, names, server locations (EU) or any other dilema SOE can think of. It is time to think outside of the box.... and come into the house for dinner. Yes that is correct, this is not a new concept I'm about to throw out but here it is. Get rid of the concept of players PAYING for the program. Make it FREE. They can't play it on their PC without a subscription anyway. You already have zone restrictions on trial accounts so that will eliminate the bazaar bums from utilizing trial accounts. Now you are wondering where you make your money? From the monthly fees of course.

EQ is competing with games with better AI engines, graphics, player populations, UI layouts and less restrictive when it comes to accommodating players needs in terms of bank space, bag space, quest flagging instead of carrying around quest items, content, zoning, logging in, customer service.... blah blah blah....... Ok so now what? Try to level the playing field and do what they do, make the game FREE to download. Get rid of that 15 year old concept that people pay for programs and accept the idea that people will pay to use that program instead. You can no longer have your cake and eat it too... The cake is gone now... time to make a new cake.

I might be off base here but hey I'm not the one in the rubber raft floating out to sea watching the sinking ship vanish am I? Not really, I can always find another MMO before lunch.
#7 Jul 11 2009 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
Um... you can buy EQ, all but the last expansion, for $4.99 with free shipping from Newegg. And that gets you a month of free play.

I mean, I wouldn't argue that giving the game away would be an even better deal but if someone doesn't want to spring for five bucks to try EQ I'm not sure completely free will make a huge difference. Of course, no mercs for the five bucks and that's a big deal.

I think what would help MORE would be to have all new players start on a noobie server, i.e. a server which only allows levelling to 51 or so. Then you have to decide to move to a different server. That would at least ensure plenty of people to group at low levels, eliminate a lot of PLing and twinking, and give newcomers a "real" experience of the early levels, thereby enhancing their enjoyment of the whole game. This could be made an option upon character creation, so that players making a new alt could still do so on their existing server. But just like they practically force noobs into the Tutorial (by making you have to UNcheck that option for a starting city) I think they should strongly encourage new players to start on the Noobie server. Maybe give them something decent as an incentive.

Mayong should NOT have had hot zones, OR all zones should have been hot. The lamest thing is to see all these players on one server and almost everyone is crammed into a handful of hot zones. Really lame. This would have been a prime opportunity to show off the size and breadth of Norrath, by making all zones hot (or giving all new players two stacks of XP potions) but instead you have players all heading to PoI or Ssra. I was XPing in UP this morning and almost everyone who wanted to join my LFG had to ask what "UP" stood for... /moan. Then when I told them the zone name they asked for directions cuz most had no idea even what expansion it was in. The only way I could get people to join was to invite them into my fellowship so they could port to the camp.

Contrast that with the old days when level 10 players would routinely make long dangerous journeys to Unrest and other great xp zones and not expect their hand held along the way...

Edited, Jul 11th 2009 10:38am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#8 Jul 11 2009 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default

I for some... is a bit greedy myself... i don't want server merge. I would like an enhance gameplay for group size tasks. Maybe that would entice folks to come back to EQ. Or better yet... DOABLE solo tasks at end level. This what I like in this game. Its the never ending quests. But as PoP came in (i think) Raiding has become the primary way for you to advance. Now that merc came in most tasks is about doable and more fun to play.

just my opinion and abit greedy side not to play with anyone hehehe
#9 Jul 11 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
221 posts
Sippin wrote:
I think what would help MORE would be to have all new players start on a noobie server, i.e. a server which only allows levelling to 51 or so.

You don't honestly think PLing services wouldn't find there way to this new server do you? and figure a way how to delevel or lose their exp before they ding to 51? I see a slew of problems with your idea and honestly don't see SOE ever considering such a thing. SOE wouldn't listen to the players and open up a new progression server - what makes you think they would go to the effort of ignoring code already written for a previous server rule-set and rewrite one to bounce toons when they ding 51? Just how is that suppose to work?

  • Guy and his wife are play and the guy dings 51 - poof he's off someplace on another server now waiting for his wife who now has to solo in the middle of a quest. 3 weeks later (she joined her hubby late and was 5 levels behind) and accidentally picks the wrong server to get zapped to... or was it the right server she picked and hubby picked the wrong server to join the rest of their guild mates?
  • Who writes this coding in the game that will automatically interupt a players game and pop them onto an unknown server with no friends?
    Oh wait now we have a pile of same names and a lot of names with x's behind them because of this.
  • Who makes sure that the quest flagging is all copied over? Are you sure that is part of the character items and files or is that part of the server data?

  • I spoke of GIVING away the NEWEST expansion and complete set of EQ... you tried to deflate this concept by making it sound like it was the same as an obsolete expansion for 5 bucks. FREE is FREE.... 5 bucks for less than what I suggested is NOT the same. 10,000 people approached by some marketing kid in a shopping mall offering to sell them something for 5 bucks and he will likely not sell many.... GIVE AWAY that same item and he'll need almost 10,000 of them. You don't understand marketing nor economics or programming issues that will crop up with a 10 year old program where the orignal coders are long gone and no longer interested in helping out their former employer fix issues. Don't look back, but look forward and find a way to easily help eliminate the problem there is with regards to the population.

    Personally, Sippin, I believe your idea, although creative, has dangerous flaws that would only worsen the population issues and increase the Plat sellers stand in the game.
    #10 Jul 11 2009 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
    1,074 posts
    Millions of people are not going to start playing and paying monthly for a soon to be 11 year old game. Marketing departments understand this. They are not a "joke".

    All they can do is keep their current player base and maybe entice some former players to return.

    Lower the task and mission requirement from 3 to 2 and they will have my 15 bucks per month again.
    After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
    #11 Jul 11 2009 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
    Lanze! You don't group with anyone else! You don't need more people. :-P
    Fight smarter not harder.
    #12 Jul 11 2009 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
    Also, higher populations make it harder for hackers! It also reduces the need for cheats when people can get groups at all hours of day and night.

    Lee of Quellious
    Fight smarter not harder.
    #13 Jul 11 2009 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
    24 posts
    Maybe its time they looked at reducing the monthly fee.
    #14 Jul 11 2009 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
    I don't know anyone who doesn't play because of the cost per month.
    Rather, they DO quit because of expansions.
    Fight smarter not harder.
    #15 Jul 11 2009 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
    761 posts
    Sorry have to disagree with you Reyla. There is a market for the never on line playing public. A huge market and growing every year. And now with the economy in a down turn. People without jobs. There is a market for inexpensive entertainment. Just has to be marketed right. People in general are conservitive and a game that has endured competion and time as long as Everquest has must have something going for it. But back to server. It was a BONE HEAD move for SoE to expand the already dwindling population by adding a new server. The only place it was going to gain customers from was it's own base. Doesn't make sence to split the pie even more.
    And SoE's marketing team dropped the ball a long long time ago...they are a JOKE.
    Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
    #16 Jul 12 2009 at 2:42 AM Rating: Good
    3,033 posts
    Tripodvi, I didn't say once you ding 51 you'd instantly vanish from the server! I envision something more like a level cap so when you hit 51 you can't level any higher. A window pops up to inform you that you are now advised to take advantage of your free server-transfer. If you want to stick around to help your wife or friend level, you can do that, but no more levels for joo! Or maybe you can earn some AA's but that would be capped at something reassonable like 100.

    You wouldn't have lots of pharmers on such a server because, frankly, with levels capped at 51, pharming plat wouldn't be all that easy.

    Hey, I don't envision it happening. But I disagree that such a server wouldn't help the game. The most common lament I hear from newcomers and returnees to EQ is that there's nobody to play with at low levels. If you take most of the new toons on all the servers and place them all on one new server, then low level players would find groupmates with relative ease. Plus they'd be playing in a world not dominated by high-levels so their very existence on the server would be more consequential.

    Right in my post I said that a FREE game, with ALL the expansions, would be a far better offer! So I agree with you, they should just GIVE EQ away! But IMO that's less likely to ever happen than a noobie server because each expansion costs money to develop and I have to believe that the developmental budgeting process is designed to recoup at least the development costs of a new expansion from the sales of that expansion over the year prior to the next one.

    The bottom line is Sony "dumps" prior expansions, allowing retailers like Newegg to sell them for $5, because they became no longer saleable at that point, like last year's Farmer's Almanac or last summer's "hot" potboiler paperback. It's not to bolster the gaming population. The lack of hype and promo over this $5 deal is a clear indication that they have no budget to promote the game. They're just going to continue to drain dollars from the current playing population, until it shrinks down so low that it isn't worth continuing "the adventure" anymore. Like he says above, after all, it IS all 11-year old game...
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    #17 Jul 12 2009 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
    1,074 posts
    Disagree all you like.

    Everquest will never increase it's population. It has nothing to do with marketing, cost to play or anything you think it does. There are too many newer things to spend time and money on and in case you haven't noticed, EVERY MMO has gameplay similar to Everquest and they are newer.

    Bethesda just released Daggerfall for FREE. 20 million people did not download it.

    Making Everquest FREE to play still wouldn't increase the population.

    8 tracks are cool but NOBODY CARES anymore. People who like 8 tracks have one. People who like Everquest play it but it ain't coming back in style.

    Edited, Jul 12th 2009 2:55pm by Reyla
    After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
    #18 Jul 12 2009 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
    91 posts
    Ok I don't think a server merge would fix problems people are looking to fix. Just look at the simple math of the situations like this: There is never anyone in the old zones. Ok that's a fair statement but even if a server merge doubled or tripled populations you still have 0 people in those zones.

    In my opinion a server merge would just further overcrowd already overcrowded zones. I've said it before but I'll say it again, 9 times out of 10 the people who have trouble finding groups for progression and such need to find a good guild with ACTIVE members and not try to cling the past and blame everyone else for being left behind.
    #19 Jul 13 2009 at 7:35 AM Rating: Default

    #20 Jul 13 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
    91 posts


    Well they already revamped the Ro deserts and ate oasis so I'll use that as an example. Even with the map consolidated and updated and the removal of another zone when was the last time you saw someone just exp-ing off the spectres in the tower? Years. As for merging zones of starting cities I don't know what the point of that would be. Zone merges and revamps have hurt the game I remember, which is what so many people are trying to preserve.

    If the main point of getting population in old zones is to remember what they were like then making them "New" would still not achieve your goals even if you did somehow manage to have people play there. The bottom line from Sony's perspective is they would rather work on a new expansion they can sell for money than to revamp old world zones for free. But the point from my other post still stands. If you take 3 zones with 0 people in them and condense them into 1 to triple the amount of people in the zone you still have 0 people in that zone.
    #21 Jul 13 2009 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
    1,346 posts
    Seems like they need to do something to drive people back to the older zones, rather than keep adding new ones?
    #22 Jul 13 2009 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
    reason they dont mess with the old zones is because they dont have anybody there with one creative thought process capable of creating a story for you to return to these old but great zones. And they should of done a ad campaign for the new server if they were actually trying to get new people or just funnel existing players to a new server for a few months.
    #23 Jul 13 2009 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
    3,033 posts
    They can raise the level of Old World zones. They've done it with Cazic Thule and with Unrest (via an instance.) It's not like they NEED 100 noobie zones. Why not populate zones like Crushbone, Najena, Karana, Dagnor's and others with higher-level mobs and some decent loot? Then maybe they wouldn't be entirely empty 6.9 days out of 7.
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    #24 Jul 13 2009 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
    761 posts
    “Out of sight, out of mind.” Marketing is everything. There are game players out there who have never heard of EverQuest. A computer/internet game that has lasted over 11 years is phenomenal. With the fast past the computer world moves it is remarkable how long the game has lasted.
    By marketing, I am not saying match Obama’s campaign budget but just make the game available. There is no way that the “Never Played Before” game player would know anything about EverQuest besides word of mouth. There is a whole generation out there that was 5 years old when games started and is now 16. Chances are that their parents were not playing and now all they know is WoW. With the only slight references through chat on that game, tell me how they would know about EQ, besides lucky Google search? You can not find any reference to game at ANY gaming outlet. Only way to purchase game is through SoE site. There is nothing on a store shelf or a poster in a window.
    A 99cent disk with Kunark and a free month’s subscription available on a counter display space as a trial would do wonders. Let their inquiring minds find out there is another world of zones out there through General Chat and what ever server they join’s chat channel. Maybe even make it the 50/51 server or pick one server is okay. Just get them into game. Don’t give it for FREE but let the store owner make a buck off the game. You would be surprised how a free $1 to a store owner helps to promote the game. You think WoW gets Free floor displays? If you do I have a bridge to sell you in Iceclad.
    SoE needs to put game In Sight and In their minds.
    Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
    #25 Jul 13 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
    What overcrowded zones might those be? For the last 6 days on Quellious, at peak times, there would be 6 people in Tosk, 6 in Warrens, 12 in Field of Scale, 6 in Dragonscale Hills. We are the largest guild on Quellious with over 1100 toons on the rolls. Last week, we averaged 8 people during prime time.

    I am considering moving my ranger to A-B so I have someone to play with during the day. If I wanted to box/solo, I'd be playing Oblivion.

    Leerah/Tunary of Quellious
    Fight smarter not harder.
    #26 Jul 16 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
    Server merges are MUCH needed across the board.

    Even on Maelin it feels empty lately.

    I'm sure the new server has something to do with that and it may correct itself, but I'm far from opposed to have just a few very large servers instead of broken down the way we are now.

    Slice the servers in half at least.
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