I bot a 85 war(900 aa's) / 85 mage (800 aa's)
my wife bots 85 cleric (650+ aa's) / 85 enc (650+ aa's)
+ t2 tank merc & t2 cleric merc
We have been doing classic MM's, gearing up with the MM gear, avg. of 600 hp/man per pc. (okay for grp gear in a non-raid guild) IMO...
--- Our guild is actually just my wife and I, no other outside toons...so our grp is always as stated above...(which excludes us from any raid content, and alot of groupable content, just for the fact of lack of #'s of ppl and options for char's variations. We always seem to be behind the times....just when we get gear that we think is semi-uber, we're actually 3-4 expansions behind the current content. But what can we expect without being in a raid guild, or grping with other ppl in game (mostly because we get tired of the attitudes they have, loot-hogs or just always doing things for them and not getting any help for ours char's....(been thru that a bunch, and that's why we only grp with ourselves).
- Question is
what content can our 4 mains + 2 mercs DO, to get better gear( around 700+ hp/mana), and for crying out loud, MORE ARMOR CLASS for my war?
Unbuffed: my war has 24kHP / @ 3700 AC.....i thought i was doing "ok" for only having grp gear, and NO raid gear....but it seems as tho all the posts i read or see ppl in game, an 85 war states they have (i.e.,:
85 WAR, 35kHP/4700 AC unbuffed, OMG....but not counting their 3k+aa's....why does that make me feel so gimpy? Our grp can handle alot of SoD content, (maybe only one mob at a time, 2 max....), but then i occasionally get into a pickup grp, and the MT can tank 3+ mobs at once, live thru it and keep chain pulling forever and never die? Is that because they are the 35khp/ 4700ac unbuffed decked out raid gear w/ 4k aa's?.....
Am I expecting to be competitive with those guys? with my stats and low aa's / gear? or do other people out there have the same feelings that i do?
It's kind of disheartening to "want" to get better gear in a casual(small) guild, but why do we always feel left behind?
I'm not asking for 1k+hp gear w/ 100 ac on it... all i want to do is be better than mediocre at playing my char's...and feel like i can take on a lvl 88 mob without dying in the 2nd round of hits. Seems as tho the gear vs. mob ratio is always 1-2 expansions ahead of the "groupable" content nowadays.
To sum it up, we have up to SoD exp's...no UF so far.
No raid flagging, or gear at all...so what grp content does that leave us with that can possibly get us gear that has 700+ hp /mana and gear that has better AC? I know AC augs are the easy solution to bump a war's ac up, but there are only so many AC augs we can get(because of grpable content) and once i'm decked out with the best ac augs i can get....then what? It remains to be an issue with "lack of stat gear" or too low # of aa's. The aa's will come with time, so that leaves gear. Are we stuck with the MM gear we have, and is this as good as we can get, until the next 3 expansions come out....only to be 3 exp's behind again? (I hope not)
Thanks for reading this (lengthy) post.
All I wanna do is be a better tank, fighting with others (pick up grps), and to try to handle harder mobs to get our own better gear, but it seems like a catch-22 when we do try harder content.
Any suggestions or comments would be helpful. Maybe I'm missing some easy, obvious solutions for our situation...?
I'd be tickled ****less to have my 85 war get to 27+hp / 4200ac+ unbuffed...but i can't find any content that is one grpable to get there.