I recently purchased the $2.50 deal for an already established account (just for the bonus item). You don't need a new account, unless you want the free 30 days.
FYI everytime you add a free 30 days to your account, as with this deal or any expansion pack special, you are also setting your vet rewards out another 30 days for thier updating to the next reward.
For instance, after seven years of constant play with no interuptions to my account, my vet reward updates in March now instead of my starting month of October.
Several tears ago I recieved this answer to my inquiry of:
"Wtf! Why am I waiting almost six extra months for my newest vet reward?"
"Why Sir,
The free months you accuired on almost every expansion you have purchased is not time paid for when applied to your new vet rewards."
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.
Barack Obama
Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard