jonnypanic wrote:
Monks solo passably well with a merc levelling up, but really don't come into their own soloing until they get some AAs under their belt, from what I understand. .
AA's: My main is a monk and I must stress this part as it is so true. The difference between a 61 monk 0 AA and a 61 monk 100AA is just
sick. With my play style I chose to dump (after run speed and a few other important basics) everything into damage AA's. The difference in my DPS output was dramatic, to say the least.
Weight: While being overweight does affect you statisticaly, I am comfortable in saying that unless you are
grossly overweight you'll never notice.
While being overweight does affect your AC as a monk, I find that making sure your feign death is maxed and reliable makes up for a lack of AC due to being over your weight/AC break point. WR bags are expensive, as noted, but by the time you really feel you need one, you'll either be able to comfortably afford it or (better) your guild can hook you up much more cheaply (or free).
Oh, and my main
never used a Merc until 2 months ago. I only need one when facing red cons in a duo/trio group situation.
Oh yeah; my Monk is Juthak on Stromm. Feel free to PST to Juthak or Haemfast, my 57 Pally. I will totaly help you out.
EDIT: spelering
Edited, May 23rd 2010 1:23am by Bijou