That probably depends on specifics of the X-factor for you. Still many people who return, and stay even after long breaks, but similarly others still leaving. I debate alot of the time, as 10 years seems like forever, but there were several breaks in there. Last 5 years have been pretty solid though for me.
Depends on level, and how well / motivated you are to form groups. At lower levels (<65), it will be mostly on you to form a group, and will probably be difficult to find many players wanting to group at those levels, mostly because they'll probably be alts, that can easily solo. With descent gear that's easy to get, it's not hard to get to 65 in a relatively short time.
They're not horrible, unless you're in old world zones that haven't been updated. Many times though I prefer the old models. I've became adjusted to the new orc models, but still rather prefer the old blocky ones. You can take a look at newer zone screenshots in the [link=/db/zone.html]Zones[/link] area of the site to see how the newer zones look, although I think most of those screenshots don't have fauna or other advanced features turned on, which help the look.
There's a ton to learn about. Read the expansion patch notes, listed in of the last posts on the stickied thread to get a good overview of changes. If you want the old UI, go to and search for
old ui to find several that replicate the old one, without losing any of the new features.
Community isn't what it used to be, mostly due to much lower number of people, and cliques of groupers, generally associated with their guild. However, the community has seemed to have lost the large majority of immature, offensive people, which is definitely a plus.
Use of the general (/join general) channel on your particular server will probably help.
Impressions 2 weeks back thread might be useful, and although 9 months ago, not much has changed since then for returning players.
stickied thread is always good.
Some recent threads with returning / new player questions, that may not be covered in the stickied:
Self-defeating Expansions and a Question One toe Have not played this game for a long time, need help Good luck, and welcome back!
Yther Ore.