hey all,
been back at eq now for almost 3 months ive gotten my berserker to a decent point in his life where dps flows freely but i do have a problem with solo/molo'ing things, not much but enough to make it annoying.
well its time for a box account and im trying to decide on a tank class to fill the ranks, here is my problem, i keep reading about tanks and everyone seems to have their choise of tank and will argue till they die on how much better it is cause all other tank classes are crap(/sigh), pally/sk/warrior and im looking for some more opinions with some actual facts about the classes
i know right now that sk's are the choice for mass pulling, but i cant really find much on pallys
i think warrior maybe out of the question due to the fact i would like something to be able to help heal through some dmg at higher end
or would i just be better off boxing a shammy and using it for slows/heals/dots?
any opinions/thoughts/concerns would be much appreciated, thanks!