Friday: Holiday for us Canadians. Managed my longest EQ session in ages. Iksar Warrior got a few levels (6 & 7) in Lake of Ill Omen with the aid of drive by buffs (so much faster!) then headed back to Field of Bone after visiting vendors in Cabilis.
FoB worked out well as I ended up in a group that was mowing down the centre area. Moved into Kurn's Tower entrance and a short while later the annoying Badger-basement. Finished the session at level 16, making the warrior my 2nd highest character on TLP by a wide margin.
Saturday: Read "The Queen of Attolia" and "The King of Attolia", and saw Stompin' Tom Connors in concert... that was funny.
Sunday: Family stuff, saw Tranformers: Dark Side of the Moon. Didn't hear any Pink Floyd in the movie but may have missed it. Better than the 2nd movie... for what that is worth.
Monday: heading to work the summer job. Happy Holiday to all you American Alla folk.