I just noticed I have 100 points (?) in my Station Cash. They must have been given to me by Sony since I just stumbled over it last night while poking around on the options menu. I was looking at what I could buy on the Marketplace for 100 points/Station Cash and the Nimbuses (or would that be Nimbae) looked interesting. One or two of them I got a bit of an idea what they do from reading the description plus looking them up on the ZAM database, but some of them I have no clue.
I am a 65 (soon to be 66) level Druid. Would one of them be more advantageous than another. Are some of them just novelties, like wearing a circlet of roses?
Also, what does an item mean when it is "attunable?" I tried to equip a shield last night and I got a pop up that said, "Do you want to attune this to your character?" I stopped there and researched a bit online, but I'm still a bit fuzzy. If I "attune" an item to my toon, can I still remove it at will to switch out another item, give it away at a later date, etc.
Thank you for any answers as always.