I recall reading something about them, but can't find any. If they are available, they're probably Marketplace items. You can use this search URL to find all Trader's Satchels: http://eqitems.13th-floor.org/itemsearch.php?searchtype=advanced&field_0=bagslots&compare_0=%3E&text_0=1&next_0=1&field_1=bagtype&compare_1=%3D&text_1=51&next_1=0&field_2=&compare_2=&text_2=&next_2=0&field_3=&compare_3=&text_3=&next_3=0&field_4=&compare_4=&text_4=&next_4=0
EDIT: Or if I keep
this post (List of Bags) up-to-date, you can Find "
* 51 *" on that page without the quotes.
Yther Ore.
Edited, Aug 6th 2011 12:43pm by Yther