LOVE IT!!!! "Putting on my helm to hide my eyes" is priceless! My very first EQ toon was a High Elf Paladin until I switched to Druid. I still bring her out every now and then for fun. I well remember sitting forever waiting for some giant to spawn for the Jboot quest.
Two other oldie but goodies:
"If Denny's Was Like EQ"
And the ever-popular, still makes me laugh out loud "Has Anybody Here Seen My Corpse" (still shudders looking high and low through the woods of Faydwer and finally giving up and hiring a Necro.
(I still want to find the "Banjo spawning grounds" lol)
OH!!! One more...someone in my guild years ago posted this link and said, "Make sure you watch it all the way to the end - there's a surprise." I think I lasted about 20 minutes until I posted back, "How long IS this video anyway?" much to his amusement at my gullibility.
There was a video that was bitter-sweet I had bookmarked on my old PC. The music was Enya's "Only Time" and was a history of friends who met on EQ, their experiences, creating a guild, then gradually people leaving the game. For its time it was very well done. I have not been able to find it again; it may not even be posted now, but if anyone knows which vid I'm speaking of, I would LOVE to see it again!
Thank you for posting this, Rickrambo. Anyone have more Classic EQ videos/stories?
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express
Intellectually honest, not politically correct