I have not been gone from EQ for too long. Maybe a couple months. I have played on and off since the release of Luclin. I used to play heavily, but recently I am very casual. That said, my playstyle as of late has been completely solo. Because of that I made the decision to move my ******* of characters to FV a few months back. It worked out great as long as I only wanted to solo. I am now completely burned out on soloing, and FV population is very low.
I am now willing to start completely over on any server so long as I have a group of folks to play with once I am leveled back up. I don't need a raiding guild, but I also don't reject raiding. I will raid if time permits. I just want a small to medium sized guild of regular players to hang with. My playtimes will be from 3pm to 10pm EST on weekdays, and at various times of day on weekends, but I am not usually able to play for more than 2 hours at a time. I have a wife and 4 kids so they take priority.
Like most of you EQ was the first game of this type that I played and I love the game. I just can't keep pretending that this game is made for solo play, even as much as the devs try to cater to it. I want to get back into the good old grinding groups that I used to have so much fun with.
So, if you have such a guild and are in need or want of a player like myself then please let me know. I don't have a chosen class yet, but I have played every class in the game to higher levels. My role preference is dps, or tank.
Edited, Sep 2nd 2011 5:20pm by jmeajh